• Published 10th Sep 2019
  • 2,136 Views, 53 Comments

Equestria AquaGirls - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninja Turtles and Rainbooms joins forces with Aquaman to search the lost trident of Atlan and dethrone King Orm.

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Escaping The Trench

Later in the evening, Mera, Leo and his team were on the boat as Arthur drove the vehicle through the thunderstorm and raging waves when Leo’s T-Phone started ringing.

Leo took a look to see who was calling. He told everyone, “Guys, it's Sunset Shimmer.”

Everyone turned to Leo, who then answered the phone and put it on speaker.

Leo shouted, “Sunset!”

Sunset called, “Leo, please tell me you have good news on your end.”

Leo answered, “Yes, we now have a lead on Atlan's trident.”

Donnie called, “Well that's good to hear.”

Twilight chimed in, “I take it bad things are happening down there.”

“Unfortunately, yes. Orm has murdered the Fisherman King,” April sadly answered.

Mera reacted, “What!? The great Fisherman King?!”

Sunset nodded, “Yes, Orm tried to recruit him and his army for his war, but when he refused, he killed him. Now, according to Vulko, they're heading to the Kingdom of the Brine. But we lost contact with him.”

Arthur sighed, “Orm must've found out that Vulko was helping us.”

“Unfortunate. Now it's most likely they're gonna try to recruit the Brine Kingdom,” Mera suggested.

Leo informed Sunset, “You have to get to the Brine before Orm does.”

Sunset nodded, “Understood. We're on our way there with the help of Aqualad.”

Mikey asked, “Who?”

Arthur shouted, “Garth's with you?”

Donnie replied, “Yes, he's helping us get to the Brine Kingdom. Along with Kalder, Tula and Lagaan.”

“Don't forget Nanaue,” Fluttershy inquired.

“King Shark's with you guys?” Arthur asked. “Watch your backs around him when he gets the case of the munchies.”

“I'm not worried, he's actually a real sweetheart,” Fluttershy said, defending the big shark.

“Either way, trust Garth, Vulko, and the others, they'll help you,” Mera informed Sunset’s team.

Leo said, “Just get to the Brine Kingdom before Orm does.”

“We will,” Donnie answered while driving the Turtle Sub.

Mera promised Sunset’s team, “And if anything happens, please protect my son.”

Sunset vowed, “We'll guard him, Mera.”

“Thank you.”

Arthur continued steering the boat through the storm while Mera and the Ninjas held on tight, but Applejack was feeling seasick.

“Aw shucks, I'm feeling seasick already,” Applejack said while her face turned green.

“She's not much a seafarer, is she?” Arthur asked.

Casey answered, “Nope.”

Mera and the Ninjas looked throughout the ocean until they sensed a chilling presence. They turned around to see a horrifying sea creature with razor-sharp teeth and claws, spooking the Rainbooms, Casey, and Mikey.

Rarity screamed as Pinkie commented, defying gravity, “Freaky deaky!”

The creature hopped onboard and approached Arthur, Mera, and the Ninjas. Arthur grabbed a wooden board and smashed the creature’s face, but it only angered the creature and it lunged right at Arthur as he struggled to protect himself from the creature. Then, Mikey saw another Trench creature jumping from the ocean, targeting the boat.

“Look!” Pinkie pointed up at the incoming Trench creature. “Up there!”

Mera looked up and used her hydrokinesis to send the creature back to the ocean. After that, another monster entered the boat and went after Mera. She grabbed its arms and the creature held her back against the window. Arthur got off of the other monsters and grabbed a steel pipe to protect himself from the creature biting him. Mera ducked under the creature’s claw attack and she kicked the creature right into the razor-sharp spears, impaling the creature. The Trench creature bit off the pipe that Arthur held, but Arthur jammed the sharp ends at the creature’s head until he sent it back into the ocean. However, four more Trench creatures hopped on the mast of the boat and a couple more onboard, battling Arthur’s team. As Arthur stood up, another Trench creature was about to attack him until Twilight grabbed a spear attached to a rope and threw it right at the Trench creature, impaling it until it impaled another one behind.

“Nice shot!” Arthur complimented and grabbed the rope, swinging the two Trench creatures and smashed four more on the mast of the boat, sending them back into the deep.

“What were these things?” Mikey asked.

Mera answered, “The Trench. We're here.”

“How many of these Trench creatures are there, Mera?!” Casey questioned while swinging his steel bat at the Trench creature.

“There are hundreds of them,” Mera answered.

Casey deadpanned, “I had to ask.”

Twilight slashed another Trench creature with her spear. However, another Trench creature landed behind her and clawed her right ankle.

“GAH!” Twilight screamed in pain.

The teens cried, “TWILIGHT!”

Arthur kicked the Trench creature and carried Twilight. “I got her.”

The teens and Atlanteans were heading to the front, but they were cut off by three more Trench creatures.

“Inside!” Arthur ordered and everyone went inside the control room of the boat and locked the door from the Trench creatures.

Leo grabbed an emergency kit and handed it to Rarity, “Here, take this.”

Rarity took the emergency kit as Arthur set Twilight down.

Leo grabbed another box and opened it to see a bunch of flares inside. He grabbed one and popped it, illuminating a red light. The Trench creatures moved away from the light and Leo informed his friends, “They're from the depths. They're scared of the light. Everyone, grab a flare!”

The Ninjas and Arthur grabbed a flare and Casey yelled, “BACK! BACK, I SAY!”

Mera used the flare to scare the Trench creatures away until one smashed a window and jammed the flare into the creature’s mouth, making it fall back into the deep.

“No need for me to use a flare. Besides, I think I know how to scare them away,” Rarity thought.

“How?” Mera asked.

Rarity shined her diamond shield as the Trench acted like vampires towards a piece of garlic and dived back into the ocean.

“Huh. Interesting,” Mera commented.

Everyone got out of the control room with flares on their hands and Arthur figured the only way out was to go underwater.

“Come on!” Casey shouted.

“Get ready to jump!” Arthur instructed everyone.

“Follow us,” Mera informed the teens.

“Do we have to?” Rarity pleaded.

Applejack answered, “We don't have much of a choice, Rare!”

Leo told his brother, “Mikey, grab her legs.”

“On it,” Mikey nodded and grabbed Rarity by the legs.

“What the?! Mikey! I'm not a damsel in distress, you idiot!” Rarity yelled.

“No, but this is the fastest way,” Leo concluded.

Rarity cried, “Not again!”

Mikey and Leo counted down together, “1... 2... 3!”

Everyone jumped out of the boat and dived into the ocean while the Trench creatures followed them.

The magic kicked in again and Leo's group started breathing comfortably, except for Casey.

Casey put on his helmet and breathed, “What the?”

“Woah! Are we breathing underwater, Leo?” Pinkie asked.

“We sure are,” Leo answered.

“What if your magic is tapping into the pearl’s energy remotely?” Casey questioned.

“Pearl? You say?” Rarity asked while she projected a diamond barrier surrounding the Ninjas.

“No time for questions, kids. We gotta find the Trident!” Arthur informed the teens.

Mera added, “Fast!”

Leo and his friends arrived at the Kingdom of the Trench as the light from the flare started to fade. Arthur quickly grabbed another flare from his back pocket and turned it on to scare the Trench creature before it grabbed him. Then, the light from the flare revealed a passageway across from Leo’s team.

“Over there!” Mera pointed.

Everyone quickly swam straight towards the passageway while the Trench creatures chased after them.

“Light another flare, Leo!” Applejack suggested.

Leo nodded and lighted another flare.

Rarity said, “Hurry! They're getting closer.”

“Yeah, but there's more of them! Straight ahead!” Pinkie pointed her finger at the incoming Trench creatures in front of them.

Then, Casey's helmet started to crack from the pressure.

“Uh-oh. Guys!” Casey alerted his friends.

“What is it, Casey?” Applejack asked.

Everyone saw Casey's helmet crack grow larger and larger.

“What should I do?” Casey asked in a panic.

“Just hang on a little longer!” Mera shouted.

Arthur and his team reached towards the light, but the Trench creatures stopped and shrieked until they retreated to their cave.

“Well that takes care of those guys,” Pinkie looked back.

Mikey informed her, “I wouldn't worry about that, girl. Look!”

Everyone looked ahead until they stopped and flinched to see a swirling vortex.

“That thing will tear us apart,” Mera said.

“Maybe we should turn back,” Rarity suggested.

“We don't have a choice!” Arthur shouted and offered his hand to her.

Mera offered her hand and Arthur held hers.

“He's right. There's nothing else we can do now but to go through that vortex.” Leo informed his friends.

Twilight groaned, still hurting from her injury, “Ugh…”

Leo told her, “Hang in there, Twi.”

Casey panicked, “Guys… my helmet.”

The helmet broke until Mera reluctantly formed an air bubble for Casey. He gasped for air and said, “Thanks, Mera.”

Mera nodded and everyone entered the vortex.

Everyone's visions blurred as the vortex’s speed increased.

“WHEEEEEEEE!!!” Pinkie cheered, loudly.

Suddenly, everyone got blacked out as the vortex sent them to another dimension.