• Published 28th May 2019
  • 1,105 Views, 42 Comments

One Last Time - Jhoira

Though they've enjoyed a long life together not even the elements of harmony can fight time itself.

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One Last Sunrise

Twilight sighed as she lifted her head, smiling as she gazed out her window. Looking out at the sun, now rising over the horizon, now, was their final day in Equestria. She could feel the tenuous grasp her magic still held to the other elements, when that snapped, they would all die. She didn't fear death, no, she had made her peace with that multiple times over the years. Seriously in her early adulthood, she felt like not a year went by when she and her friend's lives weren't in extreme peril at least once, if not multiple times. But that had calmed down, and she, along with the other elements had had a good run, ruling Equestria after Celestia and Luna retired. Though they still managed the sun and the moon. She and the other elements had stepped down as the years wore on, with Cadence and Flurryheart taking over after them.

Cadence had a more traditional power structure, she was still going strong. Twilight, however, felt strung out, her power drained. Ever since the destruction of the Tree Of Harmony she could feel that tiny trickle of power draining away every day. It was so slight that they had had decades of time since then, they all had families, they had loved, and lost, and now came the day to spend one last day together, before they traveled on. Thankfully with Starlight and Sunburst's help, Twilight was able to calculate the timeline of the power drain, and she and her friends had had had a whopping forty years from when they figured out the calculations, give or take. Later, though then with only Sunburst's help, she had calculated it to this day. She smiled sadly as she looked out the window again, remembering Starlight, it was only five years after the first calculations when they had all lost Starlight.

She had invited all of her friends to her crystal castle for their last day together. One last breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She had gotten ahold of Princess Luna and Princess Celestia and asked them for a favor, to delay the sunset one hour and ten minutes, that they could all watch it together, one last sunset, and then one last journey for all of them. Twilight smiled as she got up, groaning a little as she did so, her body had held up extremely well over the years, but now she was feeling her age. She wasn't envious of normal ponies who had to deal with this for long periods over their lives. That was one nice thing, she would soon not have to groan every time she got up.

Twilight smiled as she looked over to the mantle over her room's fireplace. While she had memories and mementos of her loves scattered around, as when you accrue possessions over your life, they attach to the memories of the ones you got them with, there were those three that would always stick out to her as representatives of her loves. An old but dust free and immaculately up kept star emblazoned hat and cape, and next to it a royal guard helmet. She smiled as she walked over to gently run her hoof over each of the items in turn.

Her first love, first serious love at least, had been Flash Sentry. She smiled as she remembered their mutual loves similar upbringings in Canterlot, their affection for each other, their shared love of having things be orderly, all the stereotypical lovey-dovey, they were made for each other cliches, but they fit together so well. Then Flash Sentry died, though it hadn't been totally unexpected the loss had still been hard, especially with Starlight going only two weeks afterward. Twilight smiled, that's how she and Trixie had gotten together. They both lost their mates so close together they helped each other get through it. And again with all of the cliches about opposites attracting, Trixie's constant challenges to Twilight, they had loved each other... Though that was an awkward conversation waiting for her to have with Flash Sentry and Starlight on the other side. Knowing Trixie she might have conveniently forgotten to mention that she remarried, and remarried Twilight of all mares. Though she had a feeling that Starlight and Flash Sentry both knew, if the afterlife was anything like how she imagined it at least.

Twilight walked over to the window, pushing it open and taking a large whiff of the morning air, smiling as she watched the sunrise. Her old teacher was still doing her job, and maybe putting in a little extra effort for her prized pupil and the other elements of harmony this morning. The sunrise was truly a magnificent one.

Fluttershy yawned and sat up, opening her mouth to say hello to all her furry friends before remembering that they weren't there anymore. She had given most of them away in anticipation of her coming departure, while her mate was loving, he couldn't handle all her animals at his age. Though they had enough extended family that none of her critters were far, and none would ever want for love.

She sighed and looked to the large stallion next to her, smiling at the silent Big Mac. It had been an unsure and rocky road, but in the end, she'd gotten her stallion. He was still surprisingly strong for his old age, and he was still very healthy. She smiled slightly, knowing that he would still be there to look after their great grandfoals for a while yet. Not that their daughters weren't excellent mothers, but the little ones could still use some spoiling now and then.

Fluttershy got up and walked around to Big Mac's side of the bed, nuzzling him gently to wake him up, his eyes popped up and he smiled sadly at Fluttershy as he sat up. Taking in a deep shuddering breath and pulling the smaller mare to him in a large hug, asking quietly, "today?"

Fluttershy squeaked quietly as that still impressive strength she had just been thinking about came into play. "Yes." She normally tried to avoid these almost bone-crushing hugs from her mate, but today, this morning, she let him hug her until he finally decided to release her. "You're sure you're ok with me going to see Twilight and the girls? I mean... I can stay... Or you can come with..."

Big Mac smiled his large, sad smile but shook his head. "Eeenope. You see your friends. We've said our goodbyes."

Fluttershy smiled and gave Big Mac a large hug, though not nearly as hard as his, he still appreciated it. Fluttershy grabbed his hoof in hers and smiled. "We can watch the sunrise together though." The sunrise on Sweet Apple Acres had always been so beautiful. Fluttershy was so very happy she'd spent the majority of her life here with her mate. Though she hadn't ever expected this to be her end in the early years, she was very happy with the outcome.

Big Mac nodded and let Fluttershy lead him out of their room in their new house, the main farmhouse had remained Applejack's for convenience and they had built another house for Fluttershy and Big Mac, and their family. There was Fluttershy's favorite spot to watch the sunrise, on a small hill nearby, and both her and Big Mac sat there in silent companionship. Fluttershy smiled happily as she snuggled close to her mate. "Isn't it beautiful?"

Big Mac looked down at the smaller yellow pony, a single silent tear running down his cheek. "Eeeyup."

Rainbow Dash bolted out of her bed, then let out a small groan as she felt her back protest at the swift action. Rainbow Dash normally liked to sleep in but not today, today was her last day in Equestria and she was going to see her friends! She smiled as she looked back at her bed, blinking back a few tears. Besides, at the end of the day, she'd get to see Tank and Soarin again. It wasn't something she had sought out, she wasn't suicidal, but she had long been longing to see her old pet, and her mate again. She had, of course, had pets since Tank's death, but never one she had been so close to as that determine tortoise that was her very first pet.

Rainbow Dash smiled as she thought of Soarin, she'd never believed in soul mates like Rarity had gone on about, but if she had had a soul mate it was Soarin. She had taken his death hard, way harder than she'd been ready to admit to. She should have learned from that drama over Tank just having to hibernate that she was not good at goodbyes. Thankfully she'd had her friends there to support her throughout the ordeal. And Rainbow Dash always felt guilty leaning on Twilight, she had lost Flash Sentry long before Rainbow Dash had lost Soarin. Rainbow Dash smiled, Twilight had been her biggest support during that time, probably because she knew best what had been going through Rainbow Dash's mind.

She smiled a bit as she blew a kiss to the picture of Soarin on her nightstand then flew up to the roof of the Cloudominium to watch the sunrise before going to the castle. Soarin had always loved the sunrise, the crazy morningpony. She and Soarin had always jokingly referred to it at the biggest contention between the two, to get up to see the sunrise or to sleep in. Recently Rainbow Dash had found herself putting in the extra effort to watch the sunrise. When she was up here, in the morning quiet, so high above Equestria, she'd take a long gaze at the beautiful sunrise, then close her eyes, and for just a moment, think she could feel Soarin wrap his wing around her again, like he used to. Of course, it was just a memory, but soon, she'd get to see him again, and Tank too. It was going to be a good day.

Pinkie hopped out of bed and smiled down at her sleeping mate, she knew that Cheese Sandwich would soon follow her into death. He had been sick for the last few months, and he would not survive much longer now. It had been a question on who was going to go first. She smiled widely as she took a moment to just watch him, though a bit pale and sickly, he was still as handsome as ever in her eyes. She wanted to remember him at peace right at this moment before she said goodbye. So she sat there, two whole minutes of silence and concentration, a record ever since that paint drying thing.

Pinkie gently placed a hoof upon her mate's side to shake him gently. Cheese Sandwich opened his eyes halfway, but his smile was as bright as ever. He couldn't sit up anymore, there would be a nurse in to help him get to the bathroom in a few minutes, but right now it was just him and Pinkie. He couldn't do anything but greet her with the pet name he had had for her for so long, "hello there Sunshine."

Pinkie smiled and leaned in, giving him a gentle kiss. "Looks like I'm going to be the one who ends up going first."

"Apparently, but I'll be following on your fetlocks." Cheese Sandwich let out a harsh cough, followed by a small laugh. "Or maybe you'll follow me, days are getting pretty long." Pinkie nuzzled him gently, starting to frown but Cheese Sandwich caught it in it's beginning. "None of that now Sunshine. Let me remember you smiling, and you'll remember me smiling."

Pinkie nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat that just wouldn't go away, but putting on her best smile for him. "I love you Cheesy."

Cheese Sandwich chuckled, he appreciated the nickname but it always made anything said romantically sound a little off. "I love you too Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie smiled and leaned in, giving him one last gentle kiss on the lips and repeating, "I love you too Cheese Sandwich."

Cheese Sandwich smiled, saying quietly, barely above a whisper, "Pinkie..."

Pinkie blinked but leaned in, whispering back, "yes?"

Cheese Sandwich surprised Pinkie by saying in a loud voice, "get the nurse! I really need to use the bathroom!" Pinkie jumped backward before snickering loudly and stuck her tongue out at her mate. He just couldn't let it end on a romantic note, but a fun note. Well, that was ok with her!

Pinkie trotted to the door. "Well, we'll see if I can remember as I leave!" Pinkie waved and without a second glance trotted out of the room. Only after she was out of sight did she look back at the door, letting out a small sniffle as she headed to get the nurse, then head out.

Cheese Sandwich smiled as he watched his mate leave him for the last time, before settling in for the minute or two it would take the nurse to be woken up and get up to him, he did have to use the bathroom, but it wasn't nearly as bad as all that. He spoke, knowing that Pinkie was well out of earshot, but he didn't care, it didn't need to be heard, it just needed to be said. "I'll be with you again soon my pink party pony." And he turned his head to the side, smiling as he saw the first rays of the sun painting the sky beautiful colors, and knowing his beloved was seeing the same sunrise.

Applejack yawned widely and sat up, looking to the empty side of her bed, raising an eyebrow, that was an unusual event, usually, her mate didn't wake up before her. But then again this wasn't a usual day, so it wasn't surprising that there'd be extra precautions taken to not be late. She looked over to the open door into the bathroom and nodded. "Hey there early bird, you give yourself enough time to get ready this morning?"

Rarity smiled as she did her lashes, put on her makeup, made sure she was extra presentable, she was going to spend her last day on Equestria looking her best. She blessed the magic that had let her keep most her looks over the years. She wasn't completely vain, but she was self-aware enough to admit that it was one of her major flaws, but thanks to the magic she'd never needed to get over it! She smiled as she came out, Applejack's pointed silence giving her all the confirmation that she had done it right. She smiled at her longtime friend, turned mate. "Yes, I made sure that I'd have plenty of time darling. Couldn't be late for our last day."

Applejack smiled, Rarity did look stunning, the effect she was obviously going for but she wasn't about to stroke the white mare's ego any more than she had to, but she would expect at least a small compliment. "You look beautiful sugar cube." Applejack got out of bed, walking over and placing a kiss on her mate's cheek, causing Rarity to coo quietly, Rarity had always been a sucker for physical affection. "I'm sorry about the drama last night."

Rarity nodded, turning her head and planting a gentle kiss on Applejack's lips. "No apology necessary darling. I was just... Not expecting you to be... Less than ready. I thought we'd dealt with it the other days."

"I ain't scared Rarity."

"I know darling, I know. You just want to see our great grandfoals grow up, like you did with Granny Smith..." Rarity raised a hoof and wiped a slow tear away from Applejack's eye, one she would have adamantly denied existing. "But that's not the hand we were dealt, dear. We had a good life, and we get to know when it ends. Both blessings many do not get."

"I know Rarity!" Applejack took a few steps away, trying to pretend that she was ok but Rarity knew her mate better than that. Rarity followed her, wrapping her in a warm hug.

"They'll miss us, but we'll see them again. Just like we're going to see Granny Smith, and your parents... And mine." Rarity had never expected to be the emotional rock in their relationship, but as with many rough exteriors, it held a sensitive and soft treasure inside.

Applejack turned into the hug, burying her face into the white mare's shoulder, not sobbing, not quite, but her tears were flowing freely. "I... I just don't want to leave them... Big Mac, and Apple Bloom's kids, our..." Rarity could only hold her mate and rub her back gently as she poured forth her emotions. They had done this about once a day for the past week. But Rarity knew that it would be better this evening. She had faith that Applejack would see, that when they traveled together to the next world, that all their kin knew the great love they all shared for one another.

After Applejack had finished, sniffling gently Rarity smiled at Applejack, levitating a tissue over to her and wiping her face off, cooing gently to her. "They know you would stay if you could, but you can't. What you can, and have done, is show them all how much you love them. They'll remember, and we will see them again after all." Applejack nodded jerkily, receiving a kiss on the cheek from Rarity. "Now, how about we use that first marriage aniversary gift you gave to me? It's still one of the best gifts I've ever received."

Applejack smiled and nodded, following Rarity out onto the small balcony that Applejack had built off their bedroom, it had a glorious view over Sweet Apple Acres, and was the perfect place to watch the sunrise on their final day. After that, they'd go down, say goodbye to everyone one last time, and then head over to Twilight's castle, for their final day with their oldest and closest friends. The family had done all their main goodbyes a few days ago, and yesterday again, today was all about their oldest and closest friends.

Rarity snuggled up to Applejack who wrapped a foreleg around her. Rarity could still hear the faintest hint on a sniffle when Applejack said, "I love you Rarity."

"I love you too Applejack. I couldn't have asked for a better life darling. Not even if you were royalty."

Applejack let out a choked cough of a laugh as she squeezed Rarity just a little closer. Applejack smiled, looking down to see Fluttershy and Big Mac enjoying their last sunrise together. She liked to imagine that at this moment, all her friends were enjoying the sunrise together, one last time.