• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 8,410 Views, 317 Comments

They Grow Up... - overlord-flinx

...But that doesn't mean we can't meddle. If for their best interest, we should step it. Always.

  • ...

Part 3: Hi, my name is...

Incognito. Nopony knows you; nopony recognizes you. The queen of the Changeling horde—or empire as she preferred them to be known as—was far out of her element. Smiling pony faces at every glance, jovial hellos here and there; it made her skin crawl. But if her life as a shapeshifter taught her anything, it was how to play a part. She accepted these smiles, those hellos, and even bowed in response from time to time as she moved down the village road. Even so, she was careful to take note of what traits she was adapting her new character to.

Aloof. That would be an easy enough trait to hold up and continue while she was in town. She already had a festering hatred for pony-kind, so the use of a distant persona would most likely be beneficial. To match it, she started gliding with her steps with grace; a sense of pride usually alluded to a pony of a more quiet nature. Though she wanted to smirk at her brilliance, Chrysalis held off on it; there were appearances to keep up. More importantly, there was something she had to find. And in a predominantly pony town, a goat would be easy to spot.

Queen Chrysalis had only just arrived to Ponyville, remembering to dismiss her wings and adopt her black unicorn disguise. Her more eccentric partner, though very flighty, wouldn't have blown his cover yet. But every moment she wasn't with him was a moment spent off of her plan. Troublesome as he was, Discord was needed for the plan to continue if, for nothing else, to be a means to fall back on in a pinch.

"How does anyone traverse this backwater town anyway?" Her tone was low enough to a buzz so nopony would hear but loud enough so she would feel the satisfaction of back-talking in the enemy's land.

At this point, she had started to wonder just where she was, and though it stung her to think about it, she knew she would have to do the unthinkable. Her eyes darted from left to right, looking for just the right—Ah-hah! "Excuse me, ma'am?" so sweet and gentle was her tone, she wanted to gag hearing it herself.

An older looking mare looked over her shoulder to see who was calling for her. Much to her surprise, it was a young mare she hadn't seen in Ponyville before. Even so, she moved to meet this unicorn with a welcoming smile. "Yes? How may I help you as Mayor of Ponyville?"

Mayor? Why do they have a mayor when they have a ruler? Ponies are such a crude sort... "Oh, it is an honour to meet one of your... calibre. I was wondering where I might find—" Where would Discord have gone? Directly to Pip would be the best guess... "—the educational facility in this town?" Nailed it...

"My, what an advanced vocabulary you have for one so young." Teens don't speak like this anymore? "But if you're looking for the school, you just follow that road there." Chrysalis followed the mare's hoof gesture and nodded.

"I am thankful..." Chrysalis nodded once more and began down the path, only to be stopped seconds in by the Mayor.

"However... I don't see why you would go to the foal's school when you're clearly too old..." Foal's School? "Normally mares and stallions go into apprenticeships or work studies after their general learning. It's a bit reckless, but it saves on educational funds, and Ponyville already has a vast number of different working classes," the Mayor explained to Chrysalis.

Apprenticeships? Yes... Pip did mention that. Then it's just a matter of going to the apprenticeship he's a part of. But how to ask?

"Oh... Of course. Where is my mind?" Chrysalis laughed softly as she gave her forehead a light knock with her hoof, "I was looking for -uh... Where one would go if they... wanted to produce maps... for an apprenticeship?"

Nailed it once more.

"Making maps... Oh! In that case you'll want to take that road and about five buildings down you'll find Quills and Sofas. The gentlecolt, Davenport, has been known to run a small mapmaking shop next door."

This time, Chrysalis made a quick nod and set her sights onto the distant sign that the Mayor pointed out to her. True, doing this may have raise a few suspicions, but time was running out in her opinion. Her strides grew longer and more focused as she drew closer to her target. One, two, three, four... That must've been it. Surely a store that named themselves on two products would use those very two products as the picture hanging above their store. But if she needed more convincing, it was given to her by the sight of an out-of-place goat sitting at the stoop of the store.

She inched closer to the goat, trying to hide her fuelling rage since there were still ponies walking about the streets. However, every strand of her restraint nearly snapped when that goat looked up to her and gave a goofy smile and said, "What took you so long?"

Every urge told her to strangle him with a quick shot of magic, but she knew better. He was only goading her. "Some of us would rather the traditional way of travel... Where is he?" Taking time for Discord's games was out of the question at this point.

Knowing his fun was over until the mission picked up, Discord sighed with a 'bah-ing' noise and got to his goat hooves. "I asked Davenport. Didn't say when he'd be back... Could be minutes... hours... maybe days..." At that second, a young stallion rolled around the corner behind the store, making Discord smile, "Or was it that he was checking the back of the building for garbage?"

Chrysalis raised a brow at the sudden change in the story, but she suddenly heard the reason why to the tune of a colt she knew all too well. "Afternoon, ya' two. Here ta' buy a quill or two?" Both Discord and Chrysalis set their eyes on the stallion, Chrysalis having to completely turn around and take a few steps back to get a good look at him.

Step two was now complete; they've made contact with the subject. Now was the task of leeching into him and forming a bond. This would require great cunning and creativity. Chrysalis made the first move by smiling sweetly and giving a gentle bow. "Good afternoon to you as well. No, we aren't here to purchase any quills... Or a sofa for that matter."

"We aren't?" Discord spoke up in a shocked tone. "But I need a new one... The one at home gives me a ba-a-a-ack ache..." Chrysalis shot him a harsh look while Pip snickered and covered his mouth with a hoof.

"Funny. Well, if ya' ain't here for the only two things we sell, then I ain't got a clue ta' what ya' are here for."

Time to establish an alibi. "We're new in town, and we were just taking in the sights. We only stopped here for a quick rest," Chrysalis established, Discord nodding along so he wouldn't have to help with the explanation.

"New huh? I know how that is. So what's yer' names?"

"I am... Crystal..." Curse you Discord, if only I had been given time to think...

"Crystal... Lovely name!" Thank the Makers for his naïve kindness. "Name's Pipsqueak, Pip fo' shor'. What about you?"

Discord formed a crooked smile and simply said, "Disarm Honey. Good to meet you." Chrysalis could've strangled that goat-headed monster for that.

"Disarm Honey...? Unique. Then 'gain, hard pressed ta' find a pony or anybody with a usual name, eh?" Pip laughed once more, and Chrysalis felt all her nerves unwind.

"Yes, of course. Heh..." 'Crystal' agreed as she nudged 'Disarm'.

"Well... Seein' as you two are new, guess I'll be your very own tour guide."

"That sounds lovely! Doesn't it, Crystal?" Chrysalis was already regretting her name as Discord spoke those words; even if it wasn't his voice, the sting was still there.

"Very much so... Show us around if you'd please, Pip..." 'Crystal' followed Pip's lead as she and 'Disarm Honey' ventured down the Ponyville streets.

Stage four... In motion...

"See you 'round, Cap'n...!"

"Hey, Pippy. Been meaning to ask you something."

"Wha' is it?"

"Why do you walk home? Guests usually have family pick them up..."

"...I mean Queeny has her army to meet her at the door. So where are your parents?"

"...See you 'round, Cap'n..."



"Garden has a lot of fruit in it... Could stop by for a little snack?"

"That sounds fun, Cap'n!"