• Published 9th Aug 2019
  • 6,404 Views, 60 Comments

Look In The Mirror To Find the Truth - redandready45

How did Sunset go from Queen Bee to a sadsack almost overnight? Applejack decides to find out.

  • ...

Facing The Music Means Facing Yourself

Friday Afternoon

As Applejack drove, she looked at the clock on the GPS, and saw she had been driving for about a half hour.

"Man Sunset really wanted us go out of the way," Applejack thought with some frustration. She had followed her GPS, and it had taken her past Canterlot city limits toward open grassland. Applejack, thinking Sunset led her on a goose chase, was almost was about to turn around until she saw the place where Sunset wanted her to meet: Cherry Jubilee's Country Diner.

It seemed like the quintessential roadside diner, with a metallic 1950s aesthetic on the outside. She saw that the parking lot was deserted. This made sense, since hardly anyone ate at this hour. After getting out of her truck, Applejack stood around waiting for Sunset to arrive, albeit without much enthusiasm. She looked at her watch, which read 4:00 PM. Sunset was almost going to be late, and Applejack really wasn't in the mood to feel generous.

After a few minutes, Applejack was ready to throw her hands up in the air and leave when she heard the sound of a motorcycle. An orange and yellow motorcycle raced across the parking lot and parked right next to her. The person driving the motorcycle wore some orange helmet and a very familiar leather coat. Applejack felt some relief seeing the amber-skinned girl pull off her helmet.

"Hey Applejack," Sunset asked with a somewhat small smile. "Thanks for coming."

"You're late," Applejack said firmly, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes. Sunset immediately looked down, her mood crashing to her sad state. While Applejack felt pity for Sunset, the cowgirl still needed to remind Sunset that she was still on thin ice.

"L-let's just go eat," Sunset said uneasily, gesturing to the diner with her hand. Applejack let out a sigh and walked toward the diner, with Sunset trailing after her.

The diner was almost entirely empty, save for a single waitress. The woman had red hair, pale yellow skin, and wore a green dress.

"Welcome to Cheery Jubilee's Country Diner," the waitress said in a cheerful country accent. "Mah name is Cherry Jubilee," the woman saw Sunset, and let out a happy thrill. "Hey Sunny," the waitress said to Sunset in a happy voice, "how are things?" Applejack looked confused at someone speaking to Sunset so kindly.

"Sunset must give her really good tips", Applejack thought.

"Hey Cherry," Sunset said, forcing her depressed face to wear a smile. "Things have been...so-so." She waved a hand to Applejack. "This is Applejack."

"Well, howdy Applejack," Cherry said with enthusiasm. "Are you a friend of Sunset?'

"Associate," Applejack uttered while darting her eyes back and forth. Sunset frowned a bit at that. Applejack was far from even pretending she and Sunset were friends.

"Well," Cherry said, looking a bit confused, "can I get you to your table?"

"Sure," Sunset said, throwing a grateful smile at the waitress/owner. The two followed Cherry over to some booth in the corner.

"She really likes you," Applejack observed. "Do you pay her to put up with you?" Sunset flinched at the question and sighed.

"No," Sunset said while looking at the ground. "I made it a rule never to involve outsiders in my work."

"All your behavior was work," Applejack asked in a harsh whisper. But before Sunset could answer they reached their booth. It had silverware and menus ready.

"Alright," Cherry said. "Let me know if you two need anything." The two took their seats and looked at their menus.

"This place is really out of the way," Applejack observed.

"That's why we're here," Sunset said. "Right now, I'm trying to lay low. The truth is, I think Luna and Celestia suspended me because they were trying to protect me. Since everyone probably wants to kill me." Applejack silently nodded, confirming Sunset's suspicions.

"Let's just eat and talk," Applejack said with a grunt.

After a half hour of silence and dining, the two talked over their empty plates. The total emptiness of the diner meant they didn't have anyone listening in.

"So, where do you want me to start," Sunset asked.

"Well," Applejack drawled. "First I want to know why you ended up here. Then I want to know why you look so down in the dumps. Twilight told me some things, but I want to hear it from you to see if you can be honest."

Sunset let out a sigh, preparing herself for a long talk.

"As you know, Twilight and I come from some magical world. Magic is pretty much the engine of everything there," I said. "The more magically powerful you are, the more success you'll likely have? I was one of the most magically powerful ponies in Equestria."

"Really," Applejack said.

"Yes," Sunset said. "And...I ended up becoming the student of the princess of my kingdom. A pony so powerful, she could move both the sun and the moon." Applejack's eyes narrowed.

"How do I know that isn't just some myth, and this princess isn't a charlatan," Applejack said with a bit of skepticism.

"Again, world where magic is a fact of life," Sunset said quietly. "Anyways, I was her student, and enjoyed all the perks that came with it: servants catering to my whim, vacations, living in a castle-,"

"Oh ah see," Applejack said with a hint of contempt. "You were just some spoiled little brat." Sunset looked down in shame, and then looked back at up.

"Yeah, yeah sure, that's it," Sunset said uneasily. "In my world, if you meet certain...criteria, you can also become a Princess. Now being a princess in this world means getting to wear a fancy crown and being some celebrity," Sunset said with contempt. "But in my world, being a Princess means gaining the powers of a deity."

"Really," Applejack said with wonder.

"Yeah," Sunset said uneasily. "Now as I said, I was a very good student. I aced every test, I was a master of every spell, and I was able to fight off some dangerous beasts." Sunset said. "Then one day, the Princess showed me some magic mirror. It showed me in Princess form. After seeing this, I believed that I was destined to become one."

"So you become a megalomaniac because...you saw a vision," Applejack said in an unamused tone.

"Sure...let's go with that," Sunset said, looking at her hand for a second. "After that, I believed that all my hard work meant I was entitled to rule."

"But this Princess didn't want you to," Applejack inferred.

"Yeah," Sunset said. "She said my knowledge and skill was fine, but my attitude wasn't fit for a ruler. At the time, I thought she was just being a jerk for no reason. I worked my hoof to the bones, I did every task she gave me. So..."

"You felt you deserved power," Applejack inferred, "and did something to...defy her."

"Yeah," Sunset said . "I decided if she wasn't going to give me the power I deserved, I was going to take it. So I went through some section of the castle with forbidden magic when I thought she wasn't looking." Sunset rolled her eyes in embarrassment. "Of course she has eyes and ears throughout her castle, so I was found out pretty quickly."

"And then, she sent you to the dungeon," Applejack inferred.

"No, she tried to get me to understand that I wasn't ready," Sunset said with a sigh. "Of course, I didn't listen. So she booted me out of the castle, even using her guards to get me to leave. Before that, however, I learned the magic mirror actually could take a pony to another world. I figured the answer to the power laid in the portal, so I-," Sunset paused, visible shame appeared on her face.

"What did you do," Applejack, picking up on Sunset's mood. "Sunset, tell me or I'll never speak to you again," Applejack warned.

"I...used magic to knock out the guards," Sunset said with a wince.

"YOU KNOCK OUT A BUNCH OF GUARDS," Applejack shouted in horror. Sunset's face fell into her hands. "You really are a piece of work!" The two stopped their talk after hearing the sound of heels running on the ground.

"Is everything OK," Cherry said with concern. "I heard shouting." She saw Sunset look downcast, and offered her sympathy. "Sweetie, are you all right?"

"Uh," Applejack said, "she ate the ice too quickly and has brain freeze. And...I banged my leg against the table."

"Sorry about that," Cherry said with sympathy. "Do you need a bandage," Cherry asked Applejack. The cowgirl shook her head. She looked toward Sunset. "I'll get you some hot water, Sweetie." She ran off to get it. Applejack's anger abated, but it didn't subside completely.

"Again, do you pay her to put up with you," Applejack asked Sunset.

"As I said, I didn't involve people who were part of my plans," Sunset said. Cherry returned with a glass of warm water, which Sunset thanked her for.

"So you attacked a bunch of guards," Applejack said with frustration,"and blew off a pony goddess?"

"Again, I was looking for literal power," Sunset said with tired expression. "Hey in this world, there is a history of people doing worse things for power." Applejack took in Sunset's excuse, and sighed.

"So in your quest for power, you abandoned an entire world you knew," Applejack said some disdain. "Your family, your life, your routine."

"Yeah," Sunset said uneasily. "Anyways, I arrived at your school about six months before freshman year started."

"So what were you doing before then," Applejack asked with interest.

"After learning that I arrived in the middle of the school year," Sunset began, "I decided I would learn about this place before the next school year started."

"Wait," Applejack narrowed her eyes. "How did you support yourself while being on your own?" Sunset put her hand behind her hand. "Did you do anything illegal?"

"No, I wasn't involved in any big crimes," Sunset said uneasily. "When I came over, I had a saddlebag full of bits and gems."

"Bits," Applejack asked.

"The currency. Gold coins," Applejack's eyes widened. "I had enough gems and coins in my world to buy a week's worth of groceries. Here I racked up a good amount," Sunset said. "About a quarter of a million dollars."

Applejack let out a whistle at that.

"You should've seen the guy who worked at one of those gold exchange places," Sunset said with an amused smirk.

Sunset Shimmer walked up to the counter of Gold Place. A mustached man working there gave her a warm smile.

"Hello young lady. What can I do for you," he asked politely.

"Well, sir," Sunset asked with some anxiety. "How much can I get for these?" She took out a burlap sack, and dozens of gold coins rolled onto the counter.

The man stared at the gold on the table, and then fainted. Sunset let out a confused blink.

"Is that a lot," Sunset asked quietly.

"After that," Sunset said, "I learned about money market mutual funds and the stock market. So, as long as I don't buy 20000 bottles of champagne or 2000 dresses," Sunset said facetiously, "I have enough to live comfortably on."

"How did you get into school if there is no record of your existence," Applejack asked.

"Well...I bought fake documents on the black market," Sunset said with a wince.

"A fake ID," Applejack asked with some anger. Sunset flinched again.

"I wasn't going to casinos or bars. I needed those to get through life," Sunset said quickly. A brief pause hung over.

"So what did you think of our world," Applejack asked.

"I thought you humans accomplished a lot without magic.," Sunset said, before looking down. "But...I missed having magic. To a unicorn, magic is a key part of one's identity. And even though I had money and looks, I still fumed over being denied what I felt I deserved." She rubbed the back of her head. "So for the next two and a half years, I bided my time, waiting til' I could go back. But I realized if I did go back, I wouldn't be able to face off a prepared Princess and her army." Sunset looked down again.

"So how would you defeat this mighty princess," Applejack asked.

"There are magic weapons that can be used to manipulate people. And it is especially easy if they are angry and hostile," Sunset said. "The reason why I bullied people and broke up their friendships is because I wanted to create a group of people weak and divided enough that I could mind control them into being my army." Applejack looked stunned.

"Mind control," Applejack said. "Was that how you turned all those kids into zombies?"

"Well no," Sunset said. "My plan didn't...go as I expected. When I returned, I found myself in another castle. I didn't know the layout, and thus I didn't know where to find the charms." Her eyes rolled. "And then I discovered that instead of two-and-a-half years passing, ten years passed in my world."

"Ten years," Applejack said with shock.

"I think its because our worlds are imperfectly linked," Sunset said. "Which is why timed moved differently."

"Man you must have been shocked," Applejack said.

"Yeah," Sunset said with a grin. "I was shocked. Not having a plan, I snuck out of the palace. I got another shock when I learned I was in a country that didn't even exist when I was there. Another shock came as I met a new kind of pony that could glow like gems." She let out a sigh. "Then came the biggest shock of all."

Sunset, wearing a cloak, wandered around the market place in a daze, blinded by all the light. She finally came to a newsstand, and hoped the unusually sparkling yellow pony could help her.

"Can I help you, young mare," the newsstand pony said.

"Can I buy some sunglasses," Sunset said, squinting.

"Sure," the stallion said. "I guess you didn't listen to the warning about the shine in the guidebook," he said with some jest. He took the sunglasses and gave them to her.

"Thanks," Sunset said. She noticed a stack of newspapers. The title read "PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE TO MEET FOR A SUMMIT THIS EVENING". The word "Princess" drew her attention.

"Can I have the newspaper," Sunset said in a tone of controlled calm.

"Sure," the yellow stallion said. Sunset didn't take it from him. She snatched it from him roughly with her magic, which made him frown.

"You're welcome," the yellow pony said in an annoyed tone. Sunset didn't notice. She was engrossed in the paper, reading it with levitation. As Sunset read through it, her temper growing more and more. Without warning, the paper was burned in her magic, and turned to ash. Sunset's face twisted into unmistakable fury.

"So you were furious that Twilight pretty much upstaged you," Applejack said.

"Yeah," Sunset said, rubbing her head. "In my angry delusion, felt Twilight was just some poser, and that she stole what was mine." She took a deep breath. "But then learned that her crown was actually what contained her Element of Magic, the strongest power in Equestria. It is what turned her into a Princess."

"So you thought by putting it on, you could get that power," Applejack asked. Sunset nodded. "Well, why did you come back here, then?"

"Well, it is bit complicated," Sunset said, running her finger around her drinking glass. "But let me put it this way. As I said, in my world, princesses are deities. This means that they are more or less a part of the magic that runs our world. And the magic is part of them in a symbiosis. A symbio-,"

"I know what symbiosis is," Applejack said with a roll of her eyes. "Just because I work in a barn doesn't make me dumb." Sunset frowned at the tone she used, remembering all the times she called Applejack an idiot for being a farmer.

"The Element of Friendship recognizes Princess Twilight as its proper ruler," Sunset said. Applejack leaned in, looking intrigued. "So even if I put in on there, it wouldn't give me power, because the magic doesn't recognize me as an Equestrian ruler."

"Well, why would it work here," Applejack asked.

"Again, your world has no magic," Sunset said. "There is thus no magic environment that will protect a princess. So I figured if I put it on here, it would give me the power I wanted." Sunset looked down, running her finger along her empty plate. "Of course I did get power, but not what I wanted."

"At last," Sunset said with vicious glee. She looked at Twilight and her friends' defeated looks and felt triumphant. "More power than I could ever imagine," Sunset said as she proudly put the crown on her head. Sunset was surrounded by blue haloes, and felt she was agonizing pain. Before she could pull the crown off, she felt herself consumed by the blue energy, and was levitated into the air.

The pain grew more and more. She felt like she was being cooked alive, or that she was being dunked into a volcano. Even her tears felt like they were turning to vapor.

"What's happening," she said to herself, barely able to get the words out in agony.


"Who said that," Sunset asked.


"It hurts!"






"I don't want to kill anybody," Sunset said through the pain. "I just want to rule!"


Sunset focused her mind. She imagined Celestia as an evil, weak dictator. Suddenly the pain lessened.


She thought of how Twilight and her idiot friends kept her from getting what she wanted. The pain went away even more.


She thought of how all these pathetic humans would be privileged to serve at her side, and how once she conquered Equestria, she would return to conquer this world as well. The pain vanished. She felt her skin turning red, her clothes changing, her hair standing up. Black flames surrounded her, but they felt exhilarating.


"No," Sunset said, as the flames surrounded her completely. A vicious grin formed on her face. "We...WILL!"

And with one last flash of light, Sunset had become a demon. She looked with glee at what she had become, and how she would use her powers to destroy those who denied her what she earned.

"So wait," Applejack said, narrowing her eyes. "Are you saying you didn't want to kill us? This...demon tortured you into doing those things?" Sunset looked down at her glass, and ran her finger along the rim.

"Let me put it this way," Sunset said in a melancholic tone. "Whatever....was torturing me, it could've only push me over the edge if I was already there to be pushed. I" Sunset sat looking at her plate with sad eyes.

"So," Applejack said once she took in the meaning. "What happened after we blasted you?" Sunset looked down, almost on the verge of tears.

"Sunset," Applejack said, in a kind soothing tone. "If you want me to forgive you, please tell me what you saw." Sunset suppressed her tears.

"OK," Sunset said in a shaky voice.

Sunset was in terrible pain. Those rainbows that surrounded her felt like they were ripping her body apart. Her vision was consumed by a rainbow that grew brighter and brighter until it became a white light that blinded her.

With one final scream of agony, Sunset was consumed by a bright light, and then everything went dark.

Sunset regained consciousness, pulling herself up, and seeing she ended up in some...place.

It was a void. All around her were was a white glow that faded into some starry night sky. She saw she regained her normal human form.

"Hello", Sunset said, her voice echoing. "Hello," she said again, getting no answer. "Is this some kind of...magical prison." She began stamping her feet in a rage, the noise echoing around her.

"WHERE AM I," she bellowed. Suddenly, some kind of screen appeared.

It showed how she accidentally destroyed the school after her magical exam. She didn't notice, as Celestia made her a student and she got her cutie mark.

"Yay," filly Sunset said with cheer, "I get to meet a Princess and get my cutie mark." Celestia looked at her with an amused smile.

Present Sunset looked at that memory with warmth and joy.

Sunset saw another screen appear. It showed how her first teleportation lesson with Celestia went. She managed to go from one end of the castle and back.

"Congratulations Sunset," Celestia said with pride. "Well done."

Filly Sunset glowed at the praise, and gave her mentor a hug.

"Yeah kid, she's great," Present Sunset said with some joy. Her expression became one of disdain. "Until she turns on you."

Another screen appeared as she walked by. It showed her receiving breakfast in bed from a servant. Her face scrunched with anger when she saw what was on the plate.

"I ordered hay fries," Sunset bellowed to the servant, who looked sad. "Not cucumber chips!" She took the plate, and threw it against the wall near the servant's head, who ran out in grief.

Present Sunset felt a bit uncomfortable seeing her old self throw a tantrum and how the servant pony suffered from it.

Another screen appeared. It showed how some pony, Sunbeam, a sun yellow unicorn mare with glasses, wanted to hang out with her, but Sunset turned her down.

"I have more important things to do then deal with your annoying voice," Sunset said with disdain. Stardust looked downcast.

"OK," Stardust said with a whimper, like she was almost crying. "Sorry for bothering you."

Present Sunset flinched at her past self's nasty tone, and her heart hurt from seeing Stardust so upset.

Another screen appeared as she walked by. It showed Sunset pleading with Celestia to learn more about the mirror.

"Please Princess," Sunset said. "Can't we learn about the mirror?"

"No Sunset," Princess Celestia said. "You are not ready!"


"Enough," Celestia almost yelled, at her wits end. "Know please remove yourself from my presence at once." Sunset snarled at the Equestrian ruler.

"You never do anything I want," Sunset said with immature fury before storming off.

Present Sunset was clenching her fist in a rage. The way her younger self spoke...enraged her.

"She didn't everything for you, you ungrateful bitch," Present Sunset practically yelled.

Another screen appeared, showing her in Canterlot High. It was the First Spring Fling. Rarity and Sunset were both in competition with one another. Both of them were standing on the stage, awaiting the judgement of the school.

"Well Sunset," Rarity said kindly. "May the best girl win." Sunset smirked.

"Oh we'll find out soon enough who is the best," Sunset said, crossing her arms with a vicious smile. Rarity didn't pick up on the dark look in Sunset's eyes.

Principal Celestia stood on stage with a microphone in her hand.

"Our two contestants are...Rarity Belle and Sunset Shimmer," the principal said. She pulled out an envelope. "The winner is-," she paused as she saw Snip and Snails running around near the stage carrying buckets of paint, apparently trying to douse each other with it. As if by accident, they threw their paint, blue and yellow, together, splashing Rarity and ruining her dress.

Suddenly everybody started laughing at the fashionista, who began tearing up before running off stage in an embarrassed fluster. Sunset watched her rival's humiliation with utter joy that no one noticed.

"Uh," Princess Celestia said with some sadness at what happened, "Sunset Shimmer." Celestia ran off the stage to chase after the crying girl. Some student walked up to Sunset to give her the crown, while others applauded.

"Give me that," Sunset barked, ripping the crown from the young student's arms. The girl was confused and upset by Sunset's roughness.

"This crown," Sunset said, putting it on her head, "is mine," she finished with a vicious grin. She basked in the applause.

Present Sunset looked mortified at her past self's joy at humiliating her rival, and Rarity's tears.

Another screen appeared. It showed her angrily ranting at Fluttershy over giving the crown to the Principal.

"Oh, I'm really sorry," the shy girl said. "I-I just found it, and-and I thought I should give it to her. I didn't know you had dropped it." Sunset gave her a very unsympathetic look.

"Well, I did," Sunset bellowed. "And I was about to get it before you swooped in and ruined everything! You shouldn't pick up things that don't belong to you!"

"It... doesn't really belong to you, either," Fluttershy said meekly.

"Excuse me," Sunset said, slamming her arms into the lockers, trapping Fluttershy between her and the lockers.

"Nothing," the girl said, sliding down the locker onto the floor.

"That's what I thought," Sunset gloated to the yellow wallflower. "It's as good as mine, and you know it." Her grin became wider as she twisted the knife further. "You really are pathetic. It's no wonder your best friends are all stray animals," Sunset said with glee, reveling in the shy girl's eyes glistening with tears.

Present Sunset look utterly horrified. She saw her past self bullying a lonely girl who couldn't have known what Sunset was planning. Her eyes began to water at seeing the poor girl sitting on the ground in tears.

"I'm...I'm sorry," Present Sunset said, as if trying to apologize to Fluttershy.

Another screen appeared. It showed past Sunset acting like a brat over how her "coronation" wasn't up to her specification. She disliked the drink selections.

"Fizzy Apple Cider," Sunset said with disgust, holding up one of the bottles. "This is my coronation, not a hoedown."

"Well, now, it ain't necessarily gonna be your coronation this time around," Applejack objected.

"Is that so," Sunset said angrily, getting into Applejack's face. She then began turning Applejack's cowboy hat around. "You country folk really aren't that bright." She then pulled the hat over Applejack's head. "Must be why the other students say such awful things about you," Sunset said as she walk away.

Present Sunset looked disgusted with how her past self behaved like such a brat, and how she verbally abused and manipulated the farmer girl.

More and more screens appeared to Present Sunset, showing more and more of Sunset's past misdeeds. Each one brought horror, pain, regret, and shame to Present Sunset. One final screen appeared. It showed Sunset's actions when she gained the crown: turning into a demon, turning Snips and Snails into demon followers, destroying a chunk of the school, brainwashing everyone, and finally deciding to kill Twilight and her friends. All with a gleeful smile on her face.

"No," Present Sunset said, collapsing onto the ground in tears. "NO! This isn't want I wanted. All I wanted to be strong. Not to kill people!" When the last screen faded. A giant light shined onto Sunset from above. She heard a crackling sound from below.

She looked down and saw her feet being turned into stone. She couldn't move her feet, and the more she tried, the faster the stone traveled up her legs.

This was to be Sunset's punishment: being turned into stone and kept for centuries in isolation. The worst punishment in Equestria's ancient past. Given to the most wicked and the most willing to destroy Harmony. It filled Sunset with regret, despair, and desperation.

"Please," Sunset said in desperation and tears, toward the light. "Please give me one more chance! I promise to be good! I promise I won't hurt anyone again. Why show me everything I did if you're gonna turn me to stone?" The stone continued to crawl up her torso.

"Please," she said, openly weeping. Her panic increased as the stone hit her neck. "NO! NO! N-." she couldn't say anymore, her mouth was now stone. As the stone reached her eyes, everything went black.

"And the next thing I knew," Sunset said while whimpering. "I woke up in that crater, and saw you guys staring down at me." Applejack looked in shock at what Sunset told her. Applejack stared at the upset girl for a few minutes, trying to comprehend what she went through.

"So, your saying that...you saw how horrible you were," Applejack said after some hesitation. "You're upset because you saw how you treated everyone." Sunset nodded, then began tearing up again.

"Yeah," Sunset said quietly. "And I'm. I'm. I'm-"

"You're trying to say 'sorry'," Applejack said empathetically.

"I don't want to say that," Sunset said with furious sorrow. "It is a stupid word that doesn't mean anything." She bit her lip and continued. "I tortured you Applejack. I hurt you and so many others. I saw how horribly I treated you. All of it for power I was nowhere near ready for." She paused, again, trying to hold back tears. "And despite all the horrible things I did, you still wanted to talk to me when anyone else would've punched me in the face." She sniffled and wiped her eyes. "I want to say, that, you are a better person than I'll ever be, even if you decide not to forgive me." Applejack took in Sunset's words and the pained sorrow in her eyes.

"And, there's one more thing I want to give you," Sunset said, pulling a slip of paper out of her purse. She handed it to Applejack. It was a check written to Sweet Apple Acres...

Applejack's eyes widened. It was a good amount. It was like 6 months of income.

"I owe you for the money I cost you when CHS stopped buying from your family's farm," she looked down. "This isn't to buy your forgiveness. I owe you the money whether you hate me or not. You can keep it no matter what you." Applejack stared at the check and the back at the other girl trying not to cry.

"Sunset," Applejack said quietly. "You were a pest, a vermin, a leech. You cause me and others so much pain," Sunset looked more downcast. "But, now that you know what you did wrong...I can forgive you." Sunset looked up with some hope.

"But," Applejack said, her face turning grim. "look. I am glad you've decided to pay me back. But...any scoundrel can sign a check. Twilight told me to be your friend, but I don't want it to be because you threw money around." Sunset frowned. "There is something that, if you do, will get me to be your friend, and will let me see that you've truly learned your lesson."

"What is it," Sunset said, still trying to hold back the waterworks.

"You're free this weekend," Applejack asked.

"My punishment gives me weekends off for the next month," Sunset said, twirling her hair around.

"Come over to Sweet Apple Acres," Applejack. "And put in an honest day's work. See how hard I have to work to put food on Apple Bloom's table."

"I will," Sunset said. "And Applejack," Sunset said, looking at the farmer girl.

"Yeah?" Sunset got up from the chair and gave Applejack a big hug.

"Thank you," Sunset repeated over and over, until she began weeping into the farmer girl's chest, finally letting her tears out.

Applejack was unamused, until she saw Sunset and was reminded of how Apple Bloom was when their parents died. After some hesitation, she returned the hug,, holding the weeping girl.

"It's OK," Applejack said in a soothing tone, rubbing Sunset's back and she let out her guilt and grief. "It's OK. Everything will be all right. From now on, we move forward."