• Member Since 7th Jan, 2019
  • offline last seen Nov 1st, 2023


Hello, Leon Davies here, also known as TheLeondude or just Leondude. Animator, voice actor, writer, autistic British egomaniac, Dark Lord of the Sith etc.


Life's not fair, is it? For some, they try their best and still come across misfortune after misfortune within their daily lives. For others, they don't even deserve whatever cruel suffering the universe forces them to endure. Regardless of whether you're a good pony or not, you are nothing less but a prisoner of fate.
Such is the case with Ardent Cadenza. A pupil of Star-Swirl the Bearded that healed the sick and was the nicest unicorn one could ever hope to meet. But alas, fate does not care for those things, especially when it's in need of a force of darkness to balance out the light.

Partially based on an entry for Codex Equus that I wrote and is written for this story red reaper intends on making:

And yes, Ardent's backstory is loosely based off of Ardyn Izunia's backstory from Final Fantasy XV.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 10 )

Interesting beginning. Actually reminds me a lot of this story by Quillian Inkheart.

TAmorphous: The Tale of Arcadês the Immortal
When Twilight stumbles on an ancient tome telling them the last known location of the legendary pony alchemist Arcadês, Twilight and her friends simply must go and learn her secrets. What they gain though, is far more than any of them ever dreamed.
Quillian Inkheart · 15k words  ·  25  2 · 664 views

Problem is Quill hasn't updated that story in about 3 months, so I guess this will have to do for now. :rainbowlaugh:


"Oh, and my sincerest apologies for interrupting thine lecture on the plague."

It should be thy. Thine is only used before words beginning with either a vowel or (optionally) an 'H'.

Heh, I've been meaning to look at Quillian's work (mostly Legacy).

Also, thanks for helping me fix up my Shakespearean English. Just when I thought American English would be a pain in the arse to learn.

Yeah, that's a fitting tune to listen to while reading this story. :twilightsmile:

I'm honestly surprised I didn't consider listening to it while writing this story, considering how I like that theme.

Please tell me Ardent Cadenza is going to meet Twilight.

In this story, no. In the future, maybe.

Oh boy, time to act as the Shakespearian grammar police again!

"What art thee doing hither?"

What art thou doing hither?

"Thou may."

Thou mayest.

"Thee art a talented healer, correct? Doth thee worry that, coequal with thy curative abilities, thee can't save everypony?"

Thou art a talented healer, correct? Dost thou worry that, coequal with thy curative abilities, thou canst not save everypony?

"Thou would eventually join the departed that they loved and missed so much."

Thou wouldst eventually...

"Doth thou have a loved one claimed by the cold hoof of death?"

Dost thou have...

"When thee words it like that, I suppose immortality is its own curse. But at least thou hast thy own sister for company."

When thou speakest of it like that... (sorry, but that whole first part of that sentence was awkward)

...thou hast thine own sister...

"No worries, Ardent" Future Wonder replied "I predicted thou would be late tonight. Did thee succeed in the task Star-Swirl set thou?"

I predicted thou wouldst be late tonight. Did thou succeedest in the task Star-Swirl gave to thee?

"Thou must be careful, beloved. The more thou heals, the more the plague will consume thee."

The more thou healest...

"Showeth thy self!"

Showest thyself!

"I may not know what fate is bestowed on you, Ardent, but know that no matter what happens and if other ponies forget your name and deeds, just know that I will always remember you."

Not a grammar error per se, but it is odd to hear Future Wonder refer to Ardent with thee and thou pronouns and then suddenly switch to you near the end. It's a bit inconsistent.

Wow, I didn't expect there to be so many. Sorry about that! :rainbowlaugh:

Heh, that's the second time you corrected me on my Shakespearen English. Perhaps I should have you edit the story for me (you know, if it's not any trouble).

Eh, I'm sure I can fit it into my schedule somewhere.

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