• Published 29th Oct 2019
  • 3,150 Views, 98 Comments

Who We Choose To Be - milesprower06

As she prepares to take over for her longtime mentor, Princess Twilight reflects on the tribulations that got her here, and what the Elements of Harmony intend for her to do next.

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The Monarch, Part 2

The change that the hive had undergone in her absence wasn't exactly as jarring to Chrysalis as she had initially thought it would have been; she had spent the vast majority of her exile in wooded and swampy areas along central Equestria and Amarezonia, from the Everfree Forest, to the Hayseed Swamps, Froggy Bottom Bog, and the Neigh Horseleans Swamps. So when she stopped trying to remember what it had been like before what Thorax had called 'The Metamorphosis', she felt just a little more at home.

But seeing her former underlings all colorful and unique now... It definitely made her feel like a guest at best, and entirely out of place at worst. She tried to have these walks around the hive almost every day, to acclimate herself to the changes that had taken place. Things were certainly more lush and vibrant, now that the swarm wasn't devouring every bit of plant life around the hive. What had surprised her the most was that since she had set hoof in here, she had not felt hungry, not for a single moment. Thorax had explained that by sharing love with each other, everyling was able to be sustained and the flora in and around the hive could now prosper. It felt strange, not engorging herself on a maulwurf or an ursa to keep the swarm satisfied for a couple weeks, only to slowly go hungry again, and send them out for more.

The 'changedlings' had also, at Thorax's urging, been as welcoming to her as possible. She still saw a look or two of uncertainty, or worry, or fear, but she had noticed that after each one of these walks for the past two weeks, she would come back to her burrow a little more intricately decorated with flowers and vines, and even hoof-made trinkets that were made during craft time, making it more vibrant than the cold gray stone she had been accustomed to before. One of the most drastic changes in the hive was the very top; the enclosure that contained her throne and the site of her ousting had been blown open by the Metamorphosis, and now offered an admittedly stunning view of the surrounding cliffs, forests, and ocean. A natural throne of wood, vines, and leaves had taken the place her old enchanted stone one.

After a few days, she had started wondering that if they weren't constantly trying to find where to feed next, what the hive did on a daily basis, now that sustenance wasn't a near-frequent concern. She had initially and internally scoffed at things like the 'creative outlet' that most of the hive got from 'craft time', and the 'Feelings Forum', which was now only every other day instead of every single day since nearly all of the hive had adapted to their new lifestyle.

Thorax had been accommodating as he could, but he still had a kingdom to care for. The changeling that Chrysalis found herself identifying with the most was his older broodmate, Pharynx. She remembered him as Head of Patrol, and he sympathized with her as she was struggling with the changes that had happened around her, telling her how he had struggled in a very similar way, much to the discomfort of the rest of the hive, and that he found his place when the hive realized that they would still need to defend themselves and their home, regardless of how it had changed. Since that conversation, Chrysalis began pondering that if she were to stay, how she would fit in, and even more importantly, if she would be accepted.

So after nearly two weeks of seeing nearly the entire hive, she figured it was finally time to involve herself in some way, so at the end of this afternoon walk, she didn't return to her burrow, but instead continued through the main level, to a small cove at the north end, where a dozen changelings had gathered in a circle, along with Thorax and Pharynx. Free Love, the counselor and moderator of the Forum, immediately noticed her enter the room.

"Chrysalis," Free Love greeted, sounding a bit surprised at her appearance. "Welcome to our Feelings Forum. Is there something on your mind today?"

Chrysalis stepped forward almost timidly, and took a seat next to Thorax after he had immediately waved her over to sit next to him as he scooted over with Pharynx to make room in the circle.

"Yes, I do," the queen began.

"Well, you've certainly come to the right place to share if something is bothering you. We're here to listen." Free Love told her.

"I don't quite know how to explain how these past couple weeks have felt, being back here, with all of you. I think I'm beginning to see the beauty in what has happened to this place. I don't think I quite understand craft time or theater yet, but... if it makes all of you happy maybe I don't need to understand."

Thorax smiled softly at her upon hearing those words, realizing that his efforts had made a little progress.

"My burrow looks more beautiful each passing day, and I can't remember the last time I have gone this long without feeling the slightest bit hungry. I don't really know what to make of that. I used to believe friendship was a corruption... a poison... But now I..."

The former queen paused in her words as she shuddered for a moment.


Chrysalis felt a sharp throbbing in her chest along with a mighty weight in her stomach, and she winced in pain. Thorax saw tears form in Chrysalis' eyes, and noticed her shoulders heave a second before she stood, turned, and galloped out of the Feelings Forum room, taking gasping breaths as she went.

"Chrysalis!" Thorax called, hearing her hoofsteps echo down the cave.

"Pharynx, let's go see if she's alright." He told his older brother, who immediately nodded and got up and exited the room together, heading down towards Chrysalis' burrow.