• Published 22nd Nov 2020
  • 1,735 Views, 10 Comments

Once Upon A Dream - Coronet the lesser

Twilight has a romantic encounter with a mystery partner beneath the light of the grand ballroom.

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A Pleasant, Distant Memory

A crescent moon hung high in the night sky, accompanied by an ocean of stars. The world below dozed sleepily beneath this dazzling display of the night's beautiful serenity.

Yet, some ponies of the world were not idle, for the city of Canterlot was awash with celebration., Their city counterparts rejoiced amongst a cavalcade of celebration and street entertainment.

No place was busier than Canterlot Castle, where lines of carriages were parked before the gates. Accounted for were all of Equestria’s finest, from the great houses to the lowest nobles, alongside countless Equestrian notables and foreign dignitaries.

For tonight was no mere gathering of nobility, amongst countless others, it was to hail monumental change, the passing of the Celestial age, and the coming of a bright new era for Equestria, with Princess Twilight Sparkle’s inaugural ball.

The crowds reached their zenith within the ballroom, where shortly, the clocks would strike eleven, and the newly enthroned princess would make her appearance.

The grand ballroom proved to be an appropriate venue for such an occasion. It was a vast rectangular room with a semi domed ceiling, decorated with two rows of magnificent glass-work chandeliers, which illuminated the entire room in warm golden light. The dome itself bore mosaics of various historical events, frilled with gold. Spectacular high windows loomed on each side of the ballroom, and upon their stained-glass, the story of Twilight and her friends was told.

At the end of the chamber, was a high dais above a staircase draped in red velvet. Behind this pedestal was a curtained entranceway—two great portraits decorated either side of it, displaying Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, respectively.

There before the curtain stood the mare of the hour, Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Her appearance was greeted by a collective gasp from the awe-struck crowd. She wore a light-yellow sash, draped over the front of her garb, bearing a cavalcade of honours. Her dress flowed with an inexplicable wind and shimmered like the twinkling of stars themselves. Upon its trail was a spiral of ever-changing swirling patterns, much to the amazement of all that beheld it.

At that moment, she embodied the very essence of regality, that many had never associated with the Princess before.

As Princess Twilight Sparkle descended toward the ballroom floor, she stopped before her family, who awaited her at the end of the staircase.

Her parents smiled proudly at her; Shining Armor used a handkerchief to wipe tears from his eyes, and Cadance carried a happily gurgling Flurry Heart. They bowed and she, in turn, bowed before them. The band had taken up their places, awaiting the princess to begin the night’s entertainment.

Shining outstretched his hoof as the music commenced. As it travelled further into the room, couples began to pair up. Soon the floor was alive with the synchronised movement of a thousand ponies. Twilight gladly took his hoof.

Shining led, as he always tended to, and laughed as they completed their first spin. Twilight found his jovialness infectious and soon giggled herself. Twilight took control at one point, catching Shining off guard. Twilight’s smile grew. Back and forth, the two went until the music indicated that it was time to move on. As they parted, they bowed at each other for a final time.

Immediately, her first suitor presented himself before her. She covered her mouth and laughed daintily before gently intertwining her hoof with his.

The dance had begun anew.

He was a light and flighty Pegasus stallion; Twilight struggled to match his energetic style in her dress. His cyan coat and vivid mane reminded her of somepony familiar. But before she could speculate more about his familiarity, the music shifted once again.

Her second suitor was more direct, a proper nobelepony if she had ever seen one. He held his muzzle high in pride, displaying the barest hint of a smile. He was a stunning specimen of fashion and elegance. However, his tightly controlled movements allowed no deviation from whatever routine he had memorised. Twilight smiled, but his formality made her feel uncomfortable.

Twilight was quick to find her third partner. An unassuming changeling wearing an ill-fitted suit. His earnest demeanour was evident, and for his efforts, she briefly let him control their dance. She could not lie that she was having tremendous fun at the end of their allocated time. She bowed a bit deeper this time upon parting, to illustrate her satisfaction with her partner. Twilight swung around as she turned to her next potential companion before a voice halted her in place.

“May I have this dance?”

Twilight’s shock was so great she nearly stumbled into another couple. A hoof gently wrapped around her fetlock and pulled her back into the rhythm of the dance. The touch one that Twilight instantly recognised. She was soon, face to face, or mask to face to be precise, with her new partner.

The Mare of the Night.

Or at least that is what Twilight liked to call her. An ornate silver mask adorned her partner's appearance, concealing her face except for her piercing teal eyes. Twilight thought they resembled that of a cat. She, at times, considered pulling the mask from her partners face, though the thrill of the unknown was dissuasion enough. Twilight’s eyes rolled over her partner, taking her in.

The mare had a dark coat, and her mane was a lilac colour and tied up into an intricate bun, like those of the Crystal Empire. She was a pegasus; two large wings rested against her tightly cut deep violet dress upon her slim frame. It was simplistic but also left little to the imagination.

Though Twilight did try on occasions.

“Hello, Princess,” said the Mare, her tone sultry. She drew Twilight close until their muzzles almost touched. The temptation to close the gap was almost overwhelming.

You,” whispered Twilight. The steady beat of Twilight’s heart thumped to the rhythm of the music.

“Hmmm, yes, we must stop meeting like this.”

“You could have given me a little warning you were attending,” Twilight said.

“I find the element of surprise more scintillating,” hummed the Mare knowingly. “Besides, had I announced my presence, I would miss the most wonderful shade of red upon your cheeks.” The Mare’s hoof came to rest upon Twilight’s face. “I would like it if I could see it more.” The Mare’s voice practically became a purr. “Perhaps in private. Lounging upon a comfortable bed, over a glass of wine and chocolates.” Twilight’s mouth gaped in embarrassment before some semblance of dignity returned to her.

“Stop, or I'll kick you,” she hissed.

“Oh, how violent,” giggled the Mare. “I’m sure your reaction has nothing to with how squeamish I am making you, Princess?”

“Yes-ahem…ha-uh.” Twilight squeaked, in an excellent imitation of a mouse. Unfortunately, for Twilight, she felt she was securely caught under a cat’s paw.

“The night is young,” declared the Mare jovially. “You should save you cute little squeaks for a more intimate location.”

“I’m warning you,” said Twilight. “I-I w-will not be teased at my ball.”

“Tease? Is that all I am?” The Mare queried in faux hurt. “I prefer the term intoxicating.” Twilight was not entirely in disagreement with that statement. Her head was a swirl of embarrassment and unhinged excitement that made her feel slightly drunk. The music had picked up in pace, and Twilight was suddenly aware that their contemporaries were moving with increasing intricacy.

Twilight silently cursed.

Some old doubts had begun to resurface. The sudden appearance of her mysterious partner had thrown off her whole façade. Gone was the image of majesty and elegance; instead, she felt more like the neurotic librarian she had always believed she had been.

Soon the entire ballroom was a flurry of elegant movement. To stay in tune with the music would require a masterful amalgamation of skill, timing and trust in one’s partner. One would need to become an instrument to the melody of the music. Twilight trembled at the thought.

What if she fell? What would ponies say? Would they think it was an omen? A sign that she was unfit to lead?

They turned sharply, and Twilight felt her hooves buckle from nervousness.

It was all going wrong.

The world was spinning. Twilight swore she could hear a thousand voices laughing in derision as the true face of their princess revealed herself to the world. Twilight Sparkle the Fraud, they crowed. She felt herself slipping and then-

A strong hoof caught her.

The Mare slowed their pace, as she cradled Twilight back and forth as she hummed some nameless comforting tune.

“I have you my little star. Do not fret, let me guide you,” the Mare whispered. They turned slower than their counterparts, as she guided Twilight. Where others spun and twirled, the two carried on at their own tempo. Twilight blushed and wriggled.

This was not how the dance was meant to go.

“I’m sorry I just-”

“Shhh,” the Mare hushed her, her eyes never left Twilight’s. “It is I who should apologise. I fear I teased too much.”

“No,” Twilight instantly replied, seeking to assure her partner. “You did nothing wrong. I just…overthought things, you know. With you. You know.” Twilight eyes widened in horror upon realising what she said. “Not that you are the problem because you are great! Even better than that. I am rambling, aren’t I? Oh, dear, It’s all a bit-”

“Overwhelming?” offered the Mare with a knowing smile.

“Yeah,” chuckled Twilight darkly. “You could say that.”

“Are you willing to continue?” prompted the Mare.

“Yes,” said Twilight almost too quickly. The Mare considered her for a moment as if to confirm her genuineness. She then smiled serenely, and Twilight felt her heart skip a beat.

“As you wish.” The Mare shifted her weight slightly, egging Twilight to follow her lead. “The next part is tricky. It requires you to stand up on your hind legs. If you are not comfortable, we can stop.” The last part was sensual and inviting, as if daring Twilight to refuse. Twilight’s blushed remained stubbornly plastered across her face.

“No! I mean, no. Just, j-just don’t let go,” Twilight exhaled breathlessly.

“I will not,” said the Mare firmly. “I promise.” Twilight’s heart skipped a beat. Less experienced dancers had already exited. Twilight thought it would have been wise to their example. Yet, the enthralling touch of one so close, one so utterly irresistible, Twilight could do nought but stay and brave the oncoming storm.

“Gently does it,” the Mare whispered. She stood, and Twilight tried to mirror her without stumbling awkwardly. Twilight intertwined her hooves with the Mare’s as their chests bumped off each other. Her alicorn strength meant she was better prepared than most to carry out the strenuous activity, but she felt unbalanced and vulnerable. The Mare passed Twilight’s ear, tickling her with her voice. She shivered. “You are doing fabulously. It is just like before. One-two-three four,” the Mare explained, tightening her grip, giving Twilight the last bit of strength to maintain her balance. “One-two-three-four.”

Twilight shifted her hooves, barely at first. But as the Mare kept her hold steady, she felt more confident with her movements. Soon she gradually mimicked the actions of the Mare and the surrounding couples.

“There you go, small steps,” the Mare encouraged.

It took some time, and it was not entirely without its clumsiness, but she gradually moved in time with the actions of her partner and of the music. Twilight slowly matched the Mare in pace until she was, at last, executing the dance as intended.

The Mare spun her suddenly, Twilight whined, but when she caught herself against the Mare’s shoulder, she found herself giggling madly, the smell of her partner’s perfume filled her nostrils. It smelled of the gentleness of morning dew. She let out a breath she had not realised she had not been holding.

“I did it,” said Twilight in amazement. She pulled back to look upon her masked partner. A grin danced on gorgeous blue lips. Twilight swore she even could see a stray fang, though when she blinked it was gone.

“Not so bad, eh?” queried the Mare. The two settled back into their original waltz. The song no longer moved with the same frantic pace, its melody settled into a quiet hum, moving in and out like waves caressing the shore. “You are a natural.”

“Ugh, why do you always know what to say and do?” Though the mask covered her face, Twilight could practically see the cocked eyebrow. “I-I’m meant to be the Princess here,” huffed Twilight. “But you have me acting like a lovestruck filly.” She looked away. The Mare said nothing. Instead, she patiently waited as Twilight found the words. Twilight looked away, unable to bear her partner’s gaze any longer.

She let the silence linger as she stared off beyond her partner, to all around her. Where the ponies of the ballroom, danced and laughed as sweet music filled the air. She could not spot a single frown or scowl amongst the hundreds present. Everypony was genuinely happy amongst themselves and for her, of all ponies. It was all so perfect.

Too perfect.

“I can’t dance,” said Twilight abruptly.


“I can’t dance,” repeated Twilight, as if she had spoken the words a thousand times before. “Not like this.” Twilight frowned as the briefest memory of her actual dancing ability entered her head. She grimaced briefly and quickly dismissed it. It was time for the truth.

“This is a dream.”

Twilight frowned deeply and let the revelation hang in the air. To acknowledge that all these thrills and excitement was imaginary, stung her deeply. She felt almost embarrassed at admitting this, especially to what essentially was a fictitious character from her subconscious.

Twilight awaited the inevitable.

With the spell broken, she acknowledged that all that she had conjured this night would end and fade into something more abstract. She would eventually awake, and the dream would soon be nothing more than a fond, distant memory.

It had all been so lovely.

“Hmmm,” murmured the Mare, still taking the lead. “You believe that your ability to dance is the singular reason why you believe this is all a dream?” Twilight shook her head, a small, sad smile adorned her face. She used her free hoof and gently trailed the edge of her partner's silver mask.

“Well, no. A more valid reason is that I never had an inaugural ball.” Her eyes wandered around their opulent surroundings. “I was too embarrassed after the coronation,” said Twilight, her tone tinging upon exasperation. The coronation was the last she wanted to think about right now. “But it's more than just that. I’m not graceful or beautiful. Not something that somepony like you would truly find interest in.” The Mare seemed to flinch in momentary discomfort. Twilight inclined her head to the supposedly imaginary crowd. “Or them.”

“You don’t see yourself as beautiful?” asked the Mare, surprise evident in her tone. Twilight suddenly felt very tired. She returned to a more comfortable position on four legs.

“I know beautiful mares, it's not just the looks,” said Twilight. “It’s a certain way they carry themselves. I’ve been around Rarity long enough to understand.” Twilight’s lip trembled. “I-I don’t have that. I never have. Perhaps, I never will.”

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” countered the Mare, her eyes never swaying from Twilight. She squirmed beneath that heated gaze. Of course, the fictional character Twilight had created would try and cheer her up. She’d laugh if she didn’t feel so embarrassed.

“That is easy coming from somepony like you.” Twilight stared intently at her other. “You are imagined to be everything I am not. Dancing, being elegant, being somepony unique and special, being- a princess,” said Twilight. “It was never something I’ve ever been comfortable with.” Twilight moved her front hoof dismissively. “Not only to look pretty but to know what you were doing while looking it-Cadence was always better at it than me. She captures everyone's attention. Maybe it should have been her taking up the dual thrones instead.” Twilight looked to the crowd, stuck in a trance-like dance. Happy faces, laughing and smiling as they enjoyed the company of their partners. “I’m the Princess who flattened the griffon ambassador. I mean, how was I supposed to know he couldn’t catch me?” Twilight gestured to her surroundings. “But here I can be that. The Princess everyone wants. I know to be yourself and all that good stuff, but sometimes I like to feel like they, the ponies of Equestria, deserve…more.” The Night Mare was silent for a time before speaking quietly.

“Are you not loved?” asked the Mare sincerely.

“Yes,” admitted Twilight sullenly. “By many, I suppose, but not in a way that a princess should be.” Twilight waved a dismissive hoof in the air. “It is more of, oh, there goes the hero or the quirky mare who enjoys books a bit much. She's adorable; she's cute, she’s neurotic.” Twilight, tensed for a moment before she suppressed her anger, and their dance proceeded stiffly. “But nobody looks at me and goes-wow.” Twilight felt a reassuring tug on her back.

“I do,” whispered the Mare, tenderly. For a moment, the earnest nature of the response shook Twilight from her self-pity. It had been spoken with such conviction that it almost made Twilight forget that the pony before her was not truly there. “I f-find you breath-taking.” Twilight regarded her opposite.


A flicker of uncertainty entered had her tone. The Mare blinked, and Twilight was sure that if she did not have a mask on, no doubt a most vivid blush would be present.

The dream proved to be especially vivid this time.

Never had this character been so…real here. Sure, often her dreams could be convincing for a time, but Twilight could almost sense something tangible in front of her.

However, just as quickly as she entertained the thought, she coldly dismissed her musings. It was just her dream reacting to her emotional insecurity and reflecting that back at her.

Yes, that had to be it—that and nothing more.

“You’re my libido given form. Of course, you would say that,” guffawed Twilight, failing to notice her partner’s disappointed frown. The other mare was quick to shake off any semblance of offence as she suddenly leaned forward with a mischievous smile. She brought her muzzle tantalisingly close to Twilight’s once more, tickling her with warm breath. Twilight’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Oh, is that all I am?” The Mare’s free hoof gently trailed against Twilight’s back, slowly trailing toward her flank. Twilight yelped unintentionally. Her dress suddenly felt quite hot.

“I must remind you we are in public, and I am a Princess!” squealed a startled Twilight. The Mare grinned as she regained the advantage.

“If this is a dream, what does it matter?”

“W-well, you see, I-” stammered Twilight.

“And If this is indeed a dream, I shall kill the pony who wakes me from it!” cried the Mare triumphantly.

“That sounds utterly barbaric,” chided Twilight. The Mare snorted.

“Confound it mare, I’m trying to be romantic,” she snapped though her smile betrayed her enjoyment at their playful banter. Twilight stuck out her tongue.

“No excuse!”

“Perhaps you would seek to arrest me?” she said in feigned outrage that soon turned into that haughty hungry look. “No doubt you would enjoy the prospect of me being restrained.” The Mare squeezed Twilight’s back. She wiggled in response.

“I’ll kick you, I warned you,” said Twilight childishly, feeling suddenly much better. The return to their lively exchanges brought levity to the fact that everything present was not real. It certainly allowed her to pretend for a few more cherished moments.

“Save that till later,” chuckled the Mare. “I may just enjoy it.” Twilight bit her lip so hard she thought she would draw blood.


“Intoxicating?” she offered; her triumphant smile having returned. Twilight cursed that damnable dream vixen!

“I was going to say impossible,” huffed Twilight. “And improbable.”

“Oh, I assure you I am possible and for your information, very, very flexible.” The Mare pushed past Twilight’s snout, parting Twilight’s hair before she felt the sensation of a slight tug upon her ear. It took all of what remained of her strength not to moan.

“V-very inappropriate!” protested Twilight.

“Must I remind you once again, that it is your continued belief that all this is false?” Twilight had no reply, only indiscernible mumbling. She was joyous yet troubled. She did not appreciate being drawn back to the undeniable and very much unwelcome truth.

The soft embrace of the Mare helped, though. To engage in conversation with someone who listened, and more than everything else, understood, was a wonderful feeling. One Twilight grasped jealously. For one small little moment, the fantasy felt as real as could be, perhaps even more so.

Twilight was so caught up in her self-reflection, that she had barely been paying attention to the waltz. Twilight watched as several pairs dipped their partners, while others were lifted into the air. The Mare looked eagerly once more at Twilight; her voice was calm; it tingled with an underlying layer of excitement, like the ringing of silver bells.

“I will dip you now, my little star.”

Twilight’s eyes widened in surprise as she was swept from her shaky hooves. No longer secure, Twilight felt a weightlessness pass over her. She closed her eyes in fear, her breath caught in her throat as she felt her head roll back further and further until familiar hooves grasped her again.

Her body hung limp in their secure grasp. It was not rough, no, never unnecessarily so, just enough to steady her to allow her to feel that precious moment of weightlessness. Twilight threw herself into the Mare’s embrace, who stiffened but soon readily reciprocated. She lifted Twilight’s chin to meet her face.

Twilight slowly opened her eyes as she adjusted herself upright once more, to come closer and closer to the sliver masked mare. Twilight breathed heavily, a trickle of sweat still hung from her brow. It was not supposed to be like this. She was meant to be the beautiful and graceful Princess, not some simpering filly melting like putty in this Mare’s grasp.

“You are so beautiful. I only wish you could see it as I do,” the Mare said huskily. Twilight shuddered in delight. “In everything you do, in everything you are or will be.” The gap between them closed ever so slightly. Twilight felt a fire burn within her core, a fire that only could be quenched by a singular thing.

“Kiss me,” said Twilight breathlessly.

“What?” the Mare exclaimed. For the first time, Twilight noticed her partner shiver in anticipation and shock. Another break in the insurmountable mask, Twilight delighted at her partner's brief meekness, only for that moment to pass. The Mare’s eyes quickly filled with new resolve and more than anything else, desire.

With the song coming to a close, Twilight quickly darted her head forward. The Mare was surprised, but her lips were quick to reciprocate. As the crescendo entered its finality, the Night Mare’s lips interlocked with Twilight’s enjoying a kiss beneath the ballroom light. It was messy and inelegant, but it was so tender and full of mutual passion.

It was perfect.

Then all was blinding light.

Twilight awoke to the blare of her alarm.

A loud groan escaped from her. It was still dark out, but soon she would need to raise the sun. She felt it ceaselessly tug at her even as she lay in bed, urging her to start the day. The moon, in contrast, protested loudly within her mind, at even a singular second of its time in the sky being shortened.

It was far too early for this.

Even in the dim light, Twilight’s eyes blinked furiously. She lazily swung a hoof out in the direction of the offending device. She slammed her hoof upon it until the noise ceased. She slowly rose from the bed, her mane a frazzled mess. She frowned as she stared at the waking world. She groaned in exasperation. The Celestia bodies continued their silent argument now that she was awake.

“Not again,” she moaned as she threw her head back against the bed.

She buried her head within the pile of pillows, awaiting the inevitable knock on the door from some courtier, awakening her to the daily grind of her newly granted responsibilities.

Twilight just wanted five more minutes beneath the ballroom lights in the arms of somepony who loved her.

A sea of lights danced amongst an endless void, bobbing up and down happily. Each light an individual dream, slowly fading into the ether, as the new day dawned.

Upon this blanket of lights stood the Mare. The glowing orbs faded more rapidly as the world began to stir, and the dream world would once more recede for another night. The Mare touched her lips, the sweet taste still lingered. She remained in place, generally unaware of her surroundings until the gentle tug of the world awakening gripped her. The Mare shook her head as she pulled off her silver mask, letting it drift to the non-existent floor.

Princess Luna stood within the disintegrating dream realm and smiled. A giddy joy bubbled deep within her.

Was this what modern ponies referred to butterflies in the stomach? The tender kiss overwhelmed all rational thought bar the fleeting ghost of warmth that lingered behind with it. Luna lit her horn, ready to end her duties for the night. But before she departed, she spoke a tender promise to the of dreams.

“One day, my little star, I will teach you to dance for real.”

Author's Note:

Something I had originally planned to release on valentine's day. Unfortunately life put an end to that. This is a bit of a throwback to my earlier work, which involved a lot of romance. In the middle of the worst pandemic in a century, I hope this story warms a few hearts as we enter into the winter months.

All feedback is welcome. I didn't have an editor for this one, so there may be a few errors. Trying to improve my own editing skills. Enjoy!

Comments ( 10 )

I was wondering if this might be post Season 3's coronation, or Season 9's. It honestly could work for either. With changes of course for 3's. But still.

We need more Twiluna in the world. Never enough of it.

There will never be enough TwiLuna! Never! :pinkiecrazy:

Hey I really like it! I know I should write more, but Im not that good at commenting. I really liked the dialogue, good job man!

Glad you enjoyed it man!!! :pinkiehappy:

This story is a delight to read!:heart::twilightsmile:

Reading this again, becuase I need Twiluna fluff :D, I do have a few questions. Does Twilight know that it's Luna on the other end? Wording is weird when she doesn't even use a proper name. Just a title.

Which begs the other question. Are Twilight and Luna an actual couple? Or is this them just wishing they could be, but being to afraid to actually go for it?

Wording again doesn't help.

From my viewpoint Twilight is not aware it’s Luna. Luna’s final line is her hope one day she can engage in a relationship with Twilight at some point.

Either Twilight is more oblivious than should be legal in any universe. Or she's just playing along with it. Because Luna dropped enough hints to make it pretty clear to Twilight who she was with. And this wasn't the first time for them to do this either.

If Twilight still hasn't figured it out yet, then when Luna finally does try to do it in real life and confess that it was her the whole time, Twilight might not believe it and only think Luna is screwing with her, and that her dance partner is truly somepony else.

Yeah, I'm overthinking it. But I can't help it :b

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