• Published 15th Sep 2019
  • 1,131 Views, 45 Comments

In and Out of Phase - Vic Fontaine

A life remembered is a life well lived. But what happens when the memories begin to disappear? *A Sunset Shipping Contest Entry*

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Chapter 15

“Fluttershy! Hey, over here!”

“Ah, it’s so good to see you! Here, let me get your bag for you. Alright, there we go! Let’s chat while we walk. The airport here just gets busier by the minute on Fridays.”

“Good flight I hope?”

“Great to hear. It’s been a while since your last visit, right?”

“Yes! You and the rest of the gang came up for our twenty-fifth anniversary party. Heh, that was a blast. We framed that group photo and put it on the mantle too.”

“But of course we framed the goofy shot. It’s more ‘us’ than anything!”

“And how’s Dash doing? And the kids?”

“Wait, Flare is a junior already? Last time I saw him he was still chasing a soccer ball around your old apartment in Canterlot! I swear time’s flown as fast as a Wonderbolt.”

“Oh, she finally hung up the goggles? Huh, I thought I’d never see the day. But full-time instructor and Operations Chief? That’s awesome! Tell Rainbow I said congrats.”

“Anyway, thanks for coming to spend some time with us, Fluttershy. Really, you and the girls have been a huge help.”

“Twi’s doing… alright. Good days and bad, of course. Right now, it’s been more bad than good.”

“Yeah, her last day was just last week. After that labeling mix up nearly burned down three labs worth of equipment, it became a foregone conclusion. Thankfully the Provost was kind enough to let her retire early but keep her on the books until the end of the calendar year. Getting over that thirty year service mark makes a huge difference in her pension.

And looking at potential medical costs going forward, we’ll need every penny we can get.”

“Still, I know the animal sanctuary misses you. I hope I’m not keeping you away too long?”

“Oh, thanks, Shy. Without you and the girls I don’t know what we’d do sometimes. Alright, here’s the car. Let’s get on the road.”

“Um, Fluttershy? What are you doing sitting on the front step? Is everything alright?”

“Huh? You’re locked out? You could have just call-”

“Oh, your phone’s inside. Right. And I bet the neighbors weren’t home either. It’s a workday after all.”

“Actually, wait a sec, Shy. What about the spare key in the garden shed out back? The fence isn’t locked–”

“Twilight did what?!”

“H-How in the hell? Just… oh my god. Fluttershy, I’m so so sorry you had to go through that. I… okay just stay there. I’ll go in and see what the matter is.”

“No, this isn’t your fault, Shy. We talked about this, remember? I just… didn’t think it would be this soon. Stay here.”

“Twi? Where are you? Twilight! It’s just me! I’m coming upstairs, okay?”

“Ah, there you are. Are you okay, Twilight? Why are you crying?”

“Scared? Of what?”

“The woman outside– wait, you mean Fluttershy? Twi, that’s our friend! Fluttershy! We’ve known her for years! Don’t you remember that she’s been staying with us for almost a week now?”

“You don’t. I… see.”

“No, honey, she’s not a robber, I promise. Is that why you locked her out of the house? But she’s been here for three days already. If she was a robber, why did I let her in in the first place, hmm?”

“Okay, okay. Sorry, I’m not getting mad. I’m just upset that you locked our friend outside like that. And threw away the spare key from the shed too? Look, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Fluttershy’s a friend. A good friend. And she’s here to spend time with you. With both of us. She came all the way from Canterlot, you know.”

“Twilight, look at me. Look. At. Me.

Fluttershy is our friend. Right?”

“Exactly. And she’s here to see us. Right?”

“Right. And she’s staying here for three more days. She’s not a robber and she won’t hurt you. All she wants to do is spend time with you and make you tea. Does that sound good?”

“Good. Now, how about we go downstairs and let her back in, alright?”

“There, that’s great. We’ll make her some tea for sure. I’m sure she’d be thrilled.”