• Published 29th Sep 2019
  • 2,017 Views, 52 Comments

A Filly Lost For One Thousand Years - dicerollball

Cozy Glow had decided to run away to the far off arctic lands that housed the Crystal Empire. Doing this was a dire mistake that'd last for thousands of years.

  • ...

Chapter 2: He Conquered The World

When Cozy Glow stirred from her somber sleep she found herself surrounded in complete darkness with not a sound to be heard. The little pegasus struggled to remember where she was when it all seemed to hit her at once. What she could recall was the evil laughter that had struck through the empire, screams of panic ringing out in her ears, and an unknown stranger with piercing red eyes burning through her soul. What happened out there? Where was Uncle Rubin? He promised he'd be back with her cousin, but it seems they haven't yet returned.

The filly grunted as she pulled herself out from the shelf she'd hidden under. Her body was so stiff and sore from the awkward position that she wouldn't be surprised if she needed oil to loosen up her legs. The moment she had enough room to move she limbered up and stretched herself out from her hooves to her wings. With a shake of her head Cozy began to make her way to the pantry door. She cracked it open and took a peek outside. Nothing... but there was sunlight now streaming into the crystal home. The home, she noted, looked a lot more duller than last night. In fact the floor and walls were no longer a beautiful cerulean or ocean blue but instead a dark grey.

Cozy gulped and made her way into the kitchen with careful strides to avoid the broken glass and plates that had shattered along the tile floors. After she made her way through the the dining area her attention went to the living room nearby... or-well, what was left of the living room. A crystal pillar of some sort had practically demolished the living space. It plunged into the skies and relentlessly sliced through the home. The ceilings and walls were now destroyed with large open cracks that made sunlight spill throughout her uncle's house. The piano Cozy had taken an interest in before was now smashed to bits under the rock and rubble that once made the building. The filly gulped and found it best not to enter the possibly unstable space.

Instead she turned her gaze to the window. Already the sight of dark buildings and bland skies had caught her attention. She was fearful of what she would see but young Cozy braved through it and made her way up to the glass panes. The filly peeked outside to see crystal ponies with their once brilliantly beautiful pelts now dull and dark as the chains that wrapped around their necks and hooves. Several corrupt soldiers wearing strange black helmets had surrounded them with spears and weapons pointed at the ready. All Cozy could do was gawk as she watched the once loyal crystal guards lead a line of ponies away to who knows where. What was happening??? What was going on??? She had to do something... but what could a little pegasus like her do? She wasn't even sure who was attacking the empire!

The small filly cautiously backed away from the window. She kept her head low in hopes that would keep her well out of sight of any wandering eyes. Then she turned and hurriedly rushed up the stairwell, "Uncle Rubin? Are you up here?" She called out with a hushed voice as she began to make her way through the upper levels of the home. As she searched the filly soon came upon her uncle's study. It was open by just a crack. Rubinstein was probably in such a rush last night he didn't bother to even lock it. She immediately took interest. Maybe his study has more information about what was going on? Eager to learn she made her way into the room and saw everything there was to offer for a trying time like this.

On one wall there was a large map of the crystal empire and the territory surrounding it. There were circles and crosses neighboring labels and names for certain places like "Shimmering Peak" or "Crystal Wolf Caverns." On the other side of the room was a wall full of shelves and books that had many resources of war and history all stashed away to the side. There was a guard helmet and a badge of some sort stored away in a display case, a bust of Princess Amore, and the flag of the Crystal Empire itself hanging from the last available wall. In the very center of the room was the desk where Rubinstein worked daily on schedules and paperwork that were needed for the crystal military. Papers that were once stacked orderly together had been thrown to the side where they scattered along the floor along with the quills and ink bottles that sat just nearby. What work was left behind last night was a parchment with something being written down. It was never finished and instead Rubinstein had left it with an ink trail staining the document. Cozy curiously decided to read it to see what it was about... Oh. It was a letter to her mother. Well, not as exciting as she had hoped but there was still more things for her to look through. With the need for knowledge she began her search through the study. She plucked up documents and read through them with intense intrigue.
Most of them were boring in her opinion. There were documents requesting replenished armor for a certain squadron or appeals to adjust a certain pony's schedule. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing- Oh! Something! Cozy had suddenly spotted her father's name within the papers.

Then it hit her. That's right! Her father! Her father was scouting the Empire, duh. Does he even know what’s going on from the outside? Maybe he's doing something to fix all this? Maybe she could find him and save the Crystal Empire alongside her father? Yes! That would be perfect! It's all she has to go with right now... but first she just had to get out of here. She scanned through the papers and hungrily devoured the information, "Team Bravo will be stationed out in the east side of the empire... Crevice in the mountain... Sparkling Grotto! That's on the map!" Cozy jumped up and fluttered over to the large map nearby. There it was! The Sparkling Grotto to the east of the empire! The pegasus excitedly clapped her hooves together in success, "That must be where he is! I need to get there."

Of course she wouldn't leave without a plan first. Cozy had to nab her saddlebags from her cousin's room. She had to make sure she was packed and ready for whatever might come at her next. So, she double checked to make sure she had everything. On her person she decided to bring her slingshot and a more healthier selection of food. She tossed the books but made a mental note to come back for them later. Then, she took a parchment and quill and began to copy the large map of the Crystal Empire into a smaller sketch she could carry. The illustration she made wasn't as perfect but it would get the job done. As she began to stuff her makeshift map and the documents into her bag she heard a harsh knock at the door downstairs.

"Open up! By order of King Sombra!" The muffled voice of a crystal guard shouted from downstairs.

King Sombra? Gee golly who in Equestra was King Sombra?? Well whoever he was it was clear as day that he was not somepony she wanted to run into. She quietly left the study and slowly made her way to the stairs. As she peeked through the crystal railing she hoped that by some miracle the guards would just knock and leave.

They didn't. They continued hammering at the door with a bit more force, "Open up! If anyone is in there make yourself known now! If you do not comply you will be punished under King Sombra's rule!"

They were not letting up. They continued to knock and knock to the point they might just break the door down. Cozy had to find a way out of there, now! She couldn't just try the windows, what if they see her??? She had to find some other way out where nopony was looking. Hastily, the pegasus rushed down the hallway and decided to explore the rest of the home she hadn't yet seen. The filly passed by a guest room, a closet, and a washroom. As she turned a corner to find Rubinstein's room she ran face first into a large bulky pillar. Cozy stumbled back and bit her hoof to muffle a cry that threatened to escape her. Her head ached and tears threatened to spill. Gosh why was she running so fast???

"We're coming in!" The guard shouted from below.

Oh. Right. That's why. The filly shook her head and looked up at the crystal tower now looming in front of her. It was the same pillar that pierced through the living room just downstairs. It sliced right through the hallway and snaked its way into Rubinstein's bedroom. The black crystal grew along the walls like roots and relentlessly tore through the building. Again, sunlight streamed through the large cracks...
That's it! That's her way out!

Bam! A large thud was heard from downstairs as the crystal guards began to buck against the door.

Cozy Glow jumped and quickly raced for the dark crystal tower. She flew upwards through Rubinstein's room and tried to find the biggest exit she could to risk less injury.

BAM! Another harsher kick slammed against the door forcing its creaking hinges past its limit.

There! Cozy threw herself into a large fissure in the wall and began to clamber her way through. Her saddlebags got caught against the sharp crystal edges and forced her to tug and pull as fast as her hooves could.

SMASH! The entire front door was now thrown into the kitchen and onto the floor as a shattered and broken mess. Three crystal guards made their way into the home and began to thoroughly search it. They checked the pantry, the living room, and then made their way upstairs... the guards stalked through the upper floors and prowled through the hallways. They checked each room until Rubinstein’s was the very last one. One guard entered and turned his attention to an opening in the wall. In the end they all found nothing. There was nopony anywhere in sight.

Cozy Glow had managed to escape. She had avoided the encounter and now found herself sitting on a neighboring building just as dark as Rubinstein's home. With her tiny body she was able to hide herself in between the crystals on its jagged roof. Most crystal ponies had no wings or horns so she didn't have to worry too much about others finding her that easily... but she still kept her eyes on the sky just in case. The filly checked over her bag and was thankful to find no visible rip or tears in the fabric. She couldn't afford to lose anything now. With a sigh of relief the young pegasus allowed herself a moment's rest. A few seconds went by before she urged herself to continue. She began to move from one building to the next. From up here on the rooftops Cozy could see it all.
The Crystal Empire was no longer the paradise Cozy remembered. The distant green fields of grass had turned into a disgustingly ill yellow, the colorful homes were now transformed into a more sinister bulk of sharp stone, odd-looking flames of dark magic would dance atop jagged pillars, and the sky was no longer an innocent blue but instead a depressing grey. Forests of black crystal scattered among the empire with promise that whatever had happened to the once sparkling crystals ponies would later ensnare the young pegasus as well. Sorrow and fear now filled the once shimmering city and Cozy's anxiety threatened to take over. She had no doubts that she could escape on her own if she desired but what of the Crystal Empire itself??? What of the ponies and her family? She can't just leave them all behind, can she? What of... What of-

Frosty Quartz. Frosty Quartz! She found him! He was there along with another group of young colts and fillies all being lined up and shackled. They were being lead elsewhere few at a time. Luckily for Cozy, Frosty was near the back. Maybe... Maybe she could get him out? Though she'd have to figure out exactly how.

"No wait! Please!" A little green crystal filly cried as she was plucked out of a nearby home and dragged out into the open, "Let go! What're you going to do to me??"

"Silence!" One of the corrupted guards commanded, "By order of King Sombra, all children are to work in the crystal mines until further notice! If you don't comply, punishments will be issued."

That shut the poor kid up fast before she was harshly shoved into line. A certain guard, a bit taller than most, walked up to the green filly with a ring of keys in hoof. As two guards began to shackle the young crystal pony this taller guard would lock the chains in place.

Cozy's wings flapped in realization. That key! If she were going to save anyone she'd first need that very key the guard was holding. How to get it though..? Her first thought was to create a distraction of some sort but she felt doing this herself wouldn't give her enough time or space to grab it. No, she'd need another pony for something like that.
So with limited options the pegasus began blindly looking for answers. Her gaze soon landed on the saddlebags she carried. As she fished through them and pulled out a certain parchment a thought suddenly came to mind...
It was insanely ludicrous but it might just work.

The corrupted guards continued their search through the unfortunate homes as the lead officer supervised the crystal prisoners with two other smaller soldiers to accompany him. They would push the ponies onward while the leader quietly surveyed... until a pink pegasus flew up to him with a smile.

"Hi!" Cozy chirped in greeting.

"Who goes-"

"I'm Cozy Glow!" The fluttering filly interrupted, "I'm King Sombra's new errand pony! He sent me to deliver this message to the leader of the southern squadron!"
The pink pegasus held up a rolled up parchment in her hoof before circling the head commander with swift interest. Her wings brushed up against the soldier's side in order to effectively swipe up and silence the jangling keys in her feathers. As she glided to the floor her wing quickly hid the keys within her saddlebags.
"That's you, right?"

Even with the helmet on the lead pony looked astonished. His attention turned to one of his soldiers who just responded with a small shrug.
"Uh... Yes. I am the lead pony of this squadron. If King Sombra had something important wouldn't he have told us himself?"

"Oh it's not THAT important, silly!" Cozy chuckled as she handed the tall pony the parchment, "It's just a little note about what to do after you're done sorting out this section. If you have any questions don't be afraid to come to me! Now I have to go deliver these other messages!" The filly gestured to a few other rolled up parchments sticking up from her bag before dashing away as quick as her little wings could take her, "So long!"

It seems despite all that dark magic controlling their minds the crystal guards weren't exactly given orders for a situation like this. The leader, now very confused, looked down at the parchment. He unraveled it only to reveal this was NOT a note from the king himself. It was some letter for some other mare he knew nothing about... and it wasn't even finished! "This isn't from King Sombra!" He harshly tossed the parchment to the ground, "After that filly!"

After doing a feat that would hopefully make her father proud, Cozy hurried her way through the in-betweens of the crystal homes. She kicked at the ground and urged her wings to take her as high and as fast as she could possibly go. Just behind her the clattering of armor and the heavy hoofsteps of soldiers made chase. She went left, then right, then left, up, down, up again, down again, and then...
she disappeared.

The crystal guards came to a screeching halt as the road they ended up at now stood empty. They searched the area but were unable to find the filly, "She took the keys." The leader bluntly announced, "Split up! She couldn't have gotten far."
As the three guards went their separate ways a pair of wide red-ish auburn eyes silently watched them from above.

The small filly had escaped to a balcony in one of the taller homes. She had easily hid out of sight of her pursuers. Once the guards ran by she carefully made her way back down. Hah! It worked! She actually got the keys! Now she just had to get to the others and-

"DAD!" A familiar voice screamed out to Cozy Glow's horror. Alarmed, the filly raised her wings and hurried up onto the rooftop of the nearest building. Once she clambered up the pointed roof she was able to spot in the distance the round center of the empire from where she perched. That was the very place where Frosty and herself had visited the crystal heart not too long ago. Her attention however was to a line of ponies starting to make their way up to it.
Being taken to the castle were several prisoners, two of them Cozy easily recognized despite how dim and bland their coats now looked.

One of them was a young filly she knew named Glass Slipper. They were no longer the shiny, shimmering crystal filly Cozy once remembered but instead they were a more duller comparison of what her cousin usually looked like. It made sense though. From what Frosty had told Cozy, A crystal pony's appearance is based off of their emotions. Poor Glass Slipper was clearly in distress. Not only was she being confined to the chains around her neck but her father was now currently fighting back against their captors. Rubinstein.

The lavender stallion was the center of attention. He had a shackle wrapped around his neck but the spectating pegasus was surprised to see that he had somehow managed to snap the chain connecting him to the other line of prisoners clean off. He was in a constant struggle of keeping the soldiers at bay as they tried to make a grab for his manacle. One was soon shoved away and another kicked to the ground. The crystal pony demanded that they let him and his family go. He swiped at a corrupted soldier before effectively knocking them to the side. Only the best from a former captain of the guard.

Cozy was thrilled as she quietly cheered Uncle Rubin on. This was it! Rubinstein was going to escape and he was going to help the other crystal ponies! If she just delivered the key to him then she can fly off and find her father. She could warn him and the entirety of Equestria! Meanwhile Uncle Rubin could lead the charge here!
Though as the overwhelming fight continued her excitement was soon short-lived. Just as Cozy Glow was about to hop out from her hiding place, a monstrous mass of dark shadows would enter the fray. This looming terror churned and convulsed in the air with a malicious cackle to accompany it as clouds of dark magic began to surround Rubinstein and the downed soldiers. The air became a stiff chill and everyone including Cozy froze at the sight. The only one who hadn’t was Rubinstein himself who now stared defiantly up at the tyrant.

“Having fun?”The shadows approached with a deep voice that boomed throughout the empire.

“So you must be King Sombra.” Rubinstein huffed as he kicked his hoof against the ground, “You’ll pay for what you’ve done to my home."

"On the contrary. I have more power than you could ever dream of. Compared to me you are nothing but another puny slave at my disposal. Though your skills compliment you well. Despite you being a nuisance I could use some of that strength in my army. Maybe then you will prove useful." The shadows then abruptly lunged for Rubinstein. The poor stallion had tried to run but King Sombra's tendrils easily snatched him right off the ground.

Cozy had to hold back a gasp as Rubinstein was held up for everypony to see. Her uncle kicked and struggled to escape his captor and their cursed sorcery, "Do your worst! I'll keep fighting until you fall!"

"Of course you will." The shadows collected on the ground to swirl and collide with one another in order to form the despicable unicorn behind it all. From what Cozy could see he wore silver armor, a black and red crown, and a flowing red cape that sat draped over his body. She was unable to see his eyes but she could only assume it was the same ones she encountered last night.
"You're the type that's trained to endure any obstacle; any pain you might be subjected to. You'll keep going even if every bone in your body is broken into two," He turned to Rubinstein as he pulled the former captain close, "To punish a soldier like you wouldn't be easy... that is... if I didn't know who to look for~"
Just then, King Sombra whirled around and aimed his curled red horn for Glass Slipper. A barrage of black magic shot out towards the poor unsuspecting filly. All she could do was yelp before she disappeared under a cloud of smoke.

"NO!" Rubinstein yelled out in dismay. All he could do was stare as he was forced to wait for his daughter to reappear.

These were the longest moments of his life.

Finally, after several excruciating seconds of what seemed like forever the young grey filly began to emerge.

Glass Slipper would slowly stumble out of the shadows. She no longer had chains wrapped around her body but a possibly worst fate had been bestowed upon her. Her eyes were now a blank green with overflowing dark magic pouring out from the corners. Everywhere she looked her fears came to life before her.
She took a couple steps forward and began to tear up, "Dad..? Dad! No! You can't leave me!"

Her father shook his head in surprise, "No no no- Slip! It's okay, I'm-" A tendril wrapped around his mouth to gag him from saying another word. Rubinstein let out a choked noise before his attention drew back to his daughter.

"Dad! Please! I-I need you! I love you! You can't be... You can't be gone..." She fell down with her head bowed in front of Rubinstein. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she mourned for an image of her father that wasn't actually there.

King Sombra let out a chuckle as he watched Rubinstein's despair grow with each passing second, "Take her to the dungeons." He ordered the couple of guards that began to pull themselves up, "With this spell she will be unable to sleep or eat for days. The poor filly will have nothing but her nightmares to accompany her for as long as I see fit. It's funny, really. While she grows weaker her fears make me stronger... and all I had to do was place a little... enchantment."

Cozy's wings buzzed behind her. She had the urge to race down and grab her cousin from this monster's grasp. She wanted nothing more but to save both Glass Slipper and Rubinstein from this tyrant's clutches. If she could do anything she would do it all right now... but she couldn't. What could she do against a unicorn like that? For all she knows, throwing herself out there would just get her in the same fate as Slipper. Not only would that suck but she didn't want Uncle Rubin watching his niece suffer the same fate as well. Still, there must be something she could do.
The pegasus quietly considered the keys in her bag.
Maybe she could figure something out with these...

"It had to happen." King Sombra continued as the guards began to guide Slipper away, "Without a punishment you wouldn't have learned your lesson. Comply... or else."
The moment the tyrant allowed Rubinstein to talk he was pleased to hear the tremor in the other's voice.

"Please, let her go. I'll do anything!" The stallion begged.

"Of course you'll do anything I want." The king chuckled as he summoned a black helmet that had a similar style the other corrupt guards wear, "You won't have a choice."

Rubinstein stared in shock before the helmet was placed firmly over his head. His body thrashed against the shadows until a green glow shimmered from the skits of where his eyes would be. Something activated within the helmet causing him to stop completely. His attention was now fully on King Sombra.

The pink pegasus now suddenly understood why every crystal guard wore that helmet. She was appalled by this... However for some odd reason a bit intrigued as well. How does that even work? What was inside the helmet to make something like that possible?

The unicorn released the crystal soldier and watched as the other caught himself as his hooves hit the floor, "Welcome to the empire's expanding military." Sombra chuckled, "Take these servants into the castle and grab your armor. Await further instruction after."

The once rebellious stallion raised his hoof in salute before marching off. He left King Sombra to join the rest of the guards in escorting his new slaves into the kingdom.

The king, once satisfied, let out another laugh that pierced through the air. He jumped up and vanished in a stream of shadows that later trailed up back to the balcony high above.

Clozy Glow meanwhile had silently slipped away. After all, a new plan began to form in her head. For this strategy to work she first was going to need a certain friend of hers to help join in on the fight.
The young pegasus made her way back to the southern section of the empire where the young fillies and colts were being separated from their parents or guardians. Frosty was currently closer to the back with another young green filly. The two were being lead away in chains by one soldier. With their heads bowed and their spirits lost they trailed after the guard in utter defeat when suddenly-
A big chunk of crystal had landed right smack on top of the guard's head.

The corrupt guard collapsed to the floor with his helmet coming loose and clattering across the crystal surface.

Frosty and the filly looked up in surprise as Cozy Glow hopped down from the balcony above and produced a key from her saddlebag, "Gee golly I didn't think that would go as well as it did." She hummed as she began to unlock their chains.

Frosty happily shook his head free and looked up at Cozy with a beaming smile. Some of his glow even returned, "Cozy! Thank Amore! How did you manage to grab a key?"

"Persistence and dumb luck." After the pink pegasus managed to get the chains off the other young pony she unhooked the key from the ring and handed it over to the filly, "Here. Take this."

The guard nearby let out a grunt and slowly raised his head, "Ugh... What happened to me? What happened to the empire?"

The three young ponies looked down at the helmet he had worn. While Cozy Glow had seen what happened first hoof to a pony after wearing such a cursed thing this was the first time she witnessed there being a chance to get them off. Just had to knock the guards silly, she supposed!

"Someone named King Sombra took over!" The green filly filled him in, "He controlled you with that helmet over there."

The guard glimpsed down at the dark helm and went to pick it up, "Huh. That's not good..."

"Neither is the fact that all the fillies and colts have been rounded up and chained together!" Frosty's pelt dimmed once again, "We have to get them out!"

"Frosty, I actually need you elsewhere..." Cozy then gestured to the green filly and the guard, "You two free the others. There's some prisoners in the dungeons that I think I could save. With one of these other keys I could probably unlock all of their cells!" She held up the key ring with her hoof as they jangled against one another.

"You two are going in the castle??" The filly gaped in surprised.

"You think so, huh? Is this safe?" The guard questioned with a concerned huff.

"Probably not..." Cozy muttered back in response.

Frosty, with newfound determination, suddenly hopped in and wrapped a hoof around Cozy, "But I think we could do it! There's a reason why you need me, right?"

"Right. I'll tell you on the way there.” The pink filly turned to the older guard, “We'll stay safe sir, promise! Now let’s go!" She hurried off in between two buildings with Frosty racing behind her.

Despite their hesitance at first the guard and the filly turned towards the rest of the chained ponies. Together with the guard's strength and the filly's quick hooves they began their plan to free the rest of the chained civilians one by one.

Cozy Glow and Frosty Quartz began to race through the town with their hooves taking them both to the castle. As the pink pegasus filled her friend in on the details of her plan the two had to constantly look out for any mind-controlled soldiers lurking through the streets. With Frosty stuck to the ground Cozy felt a bit more limited than she was before. She no longer had the easy-going safety she was ensured of earlier. Even then they both kept going, pausing every once in a while to have Cozy fly up to make sure that their route was still safe to take. She was their eye in the sky and by cautiously making their way through the city the two finally made it to the open stretch of land that would take them to the empire. While it wasn't as big as a field there was still no cover in case anypony were to glance their way. It especially didn't help that all entryways of the castle had a guard at standby. The two froze and considered what to do.

It wasn’t long before Frosty had spotted a lone guard nearby.

The guard was doing his rounds and surveying the area near the crystal castle. He was about to make his way further down the road towards the more outer edges of the empire when he suddenly heard a small voice.

"Um, excuse me?" Cozy Glow squeaked just behind the soldier, "I think I'm a bit lost."

The soldier whirled around and spotted the little pegasus sitting at the doorway of an abandoned home. He stomped his hoof and began to make his way towards the tiny filly, "By order of King Sombra-"

BAM! A piece of the house fell right on top of the soldier's head.

The guard stumbled back and fell over in shock.

"It didn't fall off! Quick, get it!"

Cozy dived for the helmet but was caught by the soldier's hooves and tossed to the side. She easily righted herself with her wings and skidded across the crystal flooring of the road.

The guard pulled himself up and looked from Cozy Glow to Frosty who currently sat on the broken balcony above with wide doe-like eyes.
A small doink sounded out from the back of the guard's head. He abruptly spun around to face Cozy who now held a slingshot in her hooves. She had shot a small stone piece at him in hopes that it would’ve affected the soldier in some way.

"Ahah... Oops?" The little pegasus sheepishly shrugged before dashing out of the way just as the guard lunged for her.

The corrupted guard slammed his hooves down where Cozy once was and then abruptly swiped a kick in her direction.
A harsh hit landed on Cozy's side and threw her back a couple of feet. Pain twinkled in her eyes as she lay on the ground coughing and sputtering in bewilderment.
As the guard began to make his way up to her, another small rock tinked against his armor. He turned his attention over to see an enraged white colt staring back.

"You stay away from Cozy!" Frosty plucked up another rock in his hoof and reeled back as if to throw it once again.

The soldier huffed, scraped his hoof against the ground, and charged for the younger crystal pony.

All the rage before instantly melted away, "Uh oh-" With a yelp, Frosty jumped up and sprinted away before the guard could have a chance to nab him

Cozy blinked the confusion out of her eyes and peered up at the two nearby. Frosty was running for his life with the corrupted lavender soldier just behind him. She had to think... and fast! How else was she going to get rid of the pony's helmet? She sat up and turned her attention to a few small crystal rocks nearby. A thought came to her as she reached over... and abruptly stomped her hoof down on top of them. With enough force they shattered into sharp crystal shards.

The crystal guard meanwhile had stomped his own hoof down on top of poor Frosty's curled tail to make the colt fall flat on his face.

"Ah! Let go!" He cried out as the guard pinned the young colt beneath him.

Cozy Glow's voice then rang out, "HEY UGLY!"

The guard looked up and was suddenly hit by several projected fragments of broken crystal. A loud smash was heard as the pointed rock managed to dig its way through the slits in the helmet. Those stones effectively busted through and destroyed whatever was hidden behind the now dull emerald glow. The soldier backed away in shock and stared at the floor as remnants of crystal and stone rained off his face. The green dark magic soon faded away after each fallen piece.

Frosty swiftly pulled himself away and joined Cozy's side. The two of them both stared as the guard began to angrily shake his head back and forth before he chucked the now defective helmet to the side. Rubinstein was just underneath. With panting breath he wildly glanced around in shock.

The pink pegasus gasped, "Uncle Rubin!" She moved to get up but flinched as the pain in her side spiked through her.

"Cozy..?" The armored stallion perked and slowly made his way to the other two foals. He examined them with a hint of disbelief. He almost couldn't believe they were there...
"Oh- Cozy! Quartz! I'm so sorry!" He wrapped his hooves around the two but was careful not to pull them too close thanks to King Sombra's armor and its harmful design, "Are you both alright?"

"We're fine, sir! You were really scary but we saved you! Well, Cozy mostly did! She broke that helmet!" He gestured to the helmet nearby with its eyes now shattered, "I didn't even know we could do that!"

"Me neither... I just went with my gut." Cozy smiled before hugging Rubinstein back, "I'm so glad you're okay! I'msosorryIcalledyouugly! We could use your help!"

Rubinstein let out a sigh and patted the filly's head, "I'm glad you're okay too- and luckily for you I don't remember being called that... but I'm on a leash. I'm afraid that I've lost someone very important. Slipper has been taken by King Sombra and I fear if he finds out I disobeyed him in anyway he's going to take it out on her."

"We know! That's where we're heading now!" The pink filly interrupted with her wings hurriedly flapping behind her, "We're going to save Glass Slipper! We have the keys!"

Uncle Rubin seemed to get visibly brighter at this, "You do?"

"Yes!" Frosty hopped up, "But we need your help!"

"Now that the helmet can't control you anymore we could really use a guard to escort us both to the castle. You can take us straight to the dungeons!" She slipped out of Rubinstein's grasp and eagerly bounced over to the helmet. After clearing some crystal debris out of the way the pink filly would swiftly pluck it up and hold it out for her uncle.
"Here! We can get to Slipper! We can go save her and several other prisoners along with her! If we do this... we could even escape and warn the princesses! We can find my father and be safe! Please Uncle Rubin! I know you might not like it but please put the helmet back on!"

Rubinstein quietly stared at the helm and gently took it from his niece. As he considered it his pelt would dim once again. Even with his sorrowful gaze glued to the helmet he would give a firm nod and kneel down before the filly. With a serious but thoughtful tone he spoke, "You are one mad filly, Cozy Glow... but you saved me-"

"And me!" The white colt added.

"-And you saved Frosty. Now there are a lot of things I don't usually trust but... right now? I trust you. If you think we can do this then... lets go get Slipper back." He held the helmet above his head and hesitated. The stallion had to look at it once more. He had to make sure it was perfectly safe. Then, after a trying pause, he carefully put it back on. A few seconds had passed... Nothing. Rubinstein was now able to wear the helmet with no repercussions except for his perception. He had some broken-in slits to peer through if he narrowed his eyes enough but it wasn't entirely ideal. His sight was obscured by most of the helmet and all he could really see was one small horizontal line of vision. Hopefully he didn't have to fight with this thing on in the future.
"Okay. To get you into the castle we're going to need some chains. You two wait here."

Frosty and Cozy both perked up at this. They glanced at one another with worried concern as Rubinstein walked off to find what he needed.

The stallion would later return with two manacles for the each of them, "Are you both okay we this?"

Both foals visibly hesitated before Frosty soon gave a stern nod, "If it means saving the other crystal ponies then I'll do it!"

Cozy took off her saddlebags and placed them in front of the older pony, "It's alright Uncle Rubin. This is for Slipper." She assured as she closed her eyes and held her head high. She did not like the idea of being shackled but it was the only way to sneak into the empire.
When she felt the cold metal snatch around her neck she let out a gasp and hung her head low. Gee! These were heavy! After Rubinstein checked to make sure both young ponies were alright he soon locked them into place with the keys. Once he stashed them away and plucked up Cozy's things the older pony positioned himself behind the foals.

"Alright. I'll lead the way. The both of you have to look as defeated as possible. Frightened if you want. Don't say a thing and come with me." Rubinstein patted their heads, "Don't worry. I'll make sure nothing happens to you both, okay?"

"Okay." Cozy Glow breathed in, "We're ready."

The three walked out into the open. Across the open trail the dark castle before them towered high above. The once gleaming tower of love now loomed over the foals and threatened to take them so it could drain the life and hope from their little bodies. Cozy was definitely terrified of the new, eerie castle, but determined as well. She kept her head low and stared dejectedly at the ground floor as they continued to make their way closer to the very center of the empire.

Guards walked by them and hardly gave the prisoners a glance. Rubinstein continued to march onward as he lead the young ponies through the square of the empire. Frosty couldn't help but turn his attention to the center where the once luminous crystal heart used to sit. It no longer was there. This made the young colt ponder about where King Sombra could've possibly hidden it. It had to still be around, right?

Soon the three found themselves heading for a large doorway at one of the four legs of the castle. It was guarded by one soldier who did nothing more but give Rubinstein and the prisoners a once-over before going to unlock the doors. The guard saw them as mere prisoners of war and thus didn't have to raise an alarm to their approach.

Rubinstein only gave the guard a stare before guiding the two through the door. Once they were in and out of sight the stallion happily took off his helmet and dropped the saddlebags. Woo... The three would all find themselves in a lobby of some sort. It was like a waiting room that had a stairway going up, a door, and another set of stairs spiraling downwards. "Alright. Down those stairs are the dungeons," He gestured a hoof to the ominous corner, "Up the other stairway is the general castle itself... Where King Sombra could be. So let's avoid that, okay?"

The two foals nodded before Rubinstein came up and unlocked their shackles, "Now here's my question. We got in... how are we going to get out with all the prisoners?"

Cozy stepped forward and threw her bags back on, "Leave that to me. I have a plan for later. First, let's go get the others."

Uncle Rubin stared down at his niece with a stern gaze before letting out a sigh. He just silently nodded in response and took both Cozy and Frosty to the grim staircase that lead straight to the dungeons down below. The three went quiet as they began to make their way down the daunting spiral. Soft black candlelight would flicker from the indents in the walls to make shadows dance and ponies question if they even have enough to see the next step. Their hooves continuously echoed throughout the dark and Rubinstein's armor would occasionally clatter against his body. They continued further and further down... Golly... How much farther is it? Cozy Glow was itching to find the other crystal prisoners. She was half tempted to just jump to the bottom and risk breaking her nose.

Luckily for her she didn't have to consider the thought any longer. The trio finally made their way to the bottom of the staircase and were greeted with ghostly hallways and soft muffled crying. They all cautiously began to look down each one. So far, no guards just yet. With the three giving each-other an understanding glance they all hurried on to the source of the sobs.

Those sobs came from a young blue filly. She lay on the cold concrete ground of her cell with her head in her hooves. Her tears fell at the nightmares she was cursed to see. Poor Slipper couldn't do anything to stop them.
A corrupted guard walked by her cell, gave her a brief glance, and then continued on his way. Nothing out of the ordinary yet it appears... but as Cozy Glow, Frosty Quartz, and Rubinstein turned a corner they all quietly stiffened at the sight of the guard. Luckily for the three of them he was walking down the hall with his back towards them.

Together they patiently waited until the soldier was well out of sight before making their way up to Glass Slipper's cell door. Rubinstein took out the keys and began to fiddle with each one. It took two tries before he was finally able to unlock his daughter's cell. The moment the door swung open he left the keys in the lock and rushed by the filly's side in an instant, "Slipper... Slip, shhh. Hey. It's okay. It's alright. I'm here now. Everything's going to be fine, alright?"

Frosty and Cozy considered the keys left behind... The pink pegasus plucked twisted the ring out of the lock and gestured to another cell down the hall. Together they soon raced off.

Slipper meanwhile was unable to respond. She let out a whimper as she curled up against Rubinstein, "Dad..." Her glowing green eyes stared up at nothing, "Don't leave me again. Please! Please don't!"

"I won't Slip. I won't! It's okay..." He patted his daughter's head before letting out a sigh. Then, he took in a breath and began to sing...

Hush, little filly, don't wake the ewe
Papa's going to buy you a crystal shoe

Slipper seemed to visibly relax under Rubinstein's song.

And if that crystal shoe gets cracked
Papa's going to buy you a crown you lack
And if that crown is not enough

Papa's going to buy you the crystal's love.

Rubinstein's eyes went wide as Slipper's voice sung back. She now tilted her head in his direction and smiled, "Please don't stop..."
With a nod he continued with his daughter later joining him once again.

And if that crystal love's too much

Papa's going to take you out for lunch.

And once that lunch fills you right up
Papa's going to buy you a tiny pup
And if that pup is too unfair
Papa's going to buy you a treat to share
And when that treat does expire
Papa's going to buy you the empire
But even if that empire falls
You'll be the sweetest filly of all...

The spell King Sombra casted on Slipper had soon faded away. Her naturally pale eyes looked up at Rubinstein with relief and sad joy... "Dad..."

"Slip!" He held his daughter close, (though not close enough to be impaled by his armor) "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. I'm okay now... Thank you. Thank you for coming back." She tearfully nuzzled against Rubinstein's hoof while carefully avoiding the spiky armor as best as possible.

Several hoofsteps could be heard from the hallways just outside of the cell as two foals returned, "Sorry for leaving," Cozy apologized, "You left the keys in the lock so we thought it would be best to go and try to find the other prisoners. There weren't a lot and we were able to avoid the guards!"

"With the slingshot and crystal remnants I was able to distract them and lead them far away." Frosty happily announced, "But we should get going... It won't be long before somepony notices the prisoners are all missing!"

As he said this several other muted crystal ponies curiously peeked into the cell.

Rubinstein let out a sigh and helped his daughter back on her hooves. If it weren't for this cursed armor King Sombra gave him he would've happily let her ride on his back. For now they all hurried off as one group of seven. Frosty and Cozy would go up ahead to make sure no guards were in their path. A couple of times the young ponies had to create distractions in order for everypony to slip on by.
It was when they finally got to the staircase again did they all relax...

Until they heard a shout echo from down the halls, "THE PRISONERS HAVE ESCAPED!"

At this the seven ponies hurried up the stairway as fast as their hooves could take them. Fear and adrenaline powered their strides as they continued their upward climb. Rubinstein mostly stayed in the back to make sure each crystal pony was accounted for while he stood as the barrier between the guards and the exhausted escapees.

"What's the plan for when we get up there??" Frosty hurriedly asked.

"You all need to run to the southern section of the empire! There should be a whole pack of crystal ponies just waiting in that area!" Cozy instructed, "I'll deal with the guards!"

"And how do you plan to do that?" Rubinstein called from below.

The entire group stumbled out of the staircase and into the lobby. Once Rubinstein got up he kicked at a loose looking crystal pillar and knocked it to the side. It crashed down onto the stairway and effectively blocked the guards from crawling back up, though they did try!

"What was that?" A muffled voice questioned from their exit.

Cozy's wings began to buzz behind her as she lifted herself off the ground, "Okay. We're going to have to make this quick... I'll go first. Once the guards from the square are mostly gone you all run!"

Rubinstein stiffened at that, "Cozy!"

"Trust me Uncle Rubin! I can outrun them! I have wings! You all can't! I can do this, I swear!" Loud shouting began to sound out from the stairway and the guard pony at the door began to fiddle with the lock, "Please listen! We don't have enough time. I'll meet you again, okay? I promise."

Her uncle looked uncomfortable with the idea.

She hovered over and took his hoof, "Hey! Listen. All of you! We can do this. I've been here for one day and already I've been through so much. I've seen a lot throughout the entire afternoon. I know that you're all strong. That together, we can bring the hope back to the Crystal Empire! We just have to get out of here... So please, let me do this. Let me help you out of this castle. Trust that I can do this."

Rubinstein stared at the filly with soft consideration. He let out a sigh, pulled his hoof back, and nodded, "Okay Cozy... I trust you."

"Good." Cozy smiled in relief as a flash of light appeared by her flank, "Just once you get to the southern section, escape! I'll be heading east to look for my father. Now get ready!"

Frosty looked up in surprise, "Cozy you-"

The guard at the front suddenly pushed his way in. The moment the door opened, Cozy had dashed right through the entrance and stomped her hooves on top of the guard's helmet, "Come get me you big oaf!"
The little filly flew by as the guard spun around and made chase. Several other corrupted soldiers outside were soon alerted of the small pink presence nearby.

"Hey! Look at me! I escaped!! Come get me you salty sardines!"
A spear flew just above her head and nearly made her spin out. She ducked and jumped as they started to reach for her.
"Gotta be faster than that!" She continuously circled the square a couple more times before pulling out her compass. The entire squadron seemed to give chase as she hurried down the crystal roads leading to the northern section of the empire. She chanced a peek behind her and saw Rubinstein, Glass Slipper, Frosty Quartz, and the three other prisoners make their way to the opposite side of the castle. Once they were out of sight, Cozy began trying to avoid the incoming soldiers. She flew in between the buildings and close to the rooftops. At one point she even dove right through a broken window and fluttered back on out through a large crack in the ceiling. Cozy Glow continued to frantically flap her wings until finally... she couldn't fly anymore.
Exhaustion came over her as every part of her body grew sore. She slowly lowered herself to the floor and scanned the area. Nothing... Absolutely nothing. Cozy had managed to get away.

With a small smile she allowed herself to collapse. Now hungry and thirsty the filly fished through her bags to pull out a crystal pear she had found in her uncle's pantry. It was bruised and battered but hey it was better than nothing. The little pegasus allowed this moment of silence to quietly chew away at the delectably sweet fruit. Only when she tossed the core did she decide to get a better look around.

There were no visible guards but her perked ears could hear the sound of hoofsteps somewhere within the area. She gulped and raised her wings. With a few flaps she was soon on a balcony high above once again. Golly... So much has happened in one day. Finally after so long, it seems, the sun was now starting to set. Cozy took this moment to appreciate the skies above her. Despite being cloudy and grey she could still see the hints of fiery colors in the distance. How nice... for the end of the world.
The filly shook her head and found herself glancing down at the crystal material the building was made of. She could see her own reflection and her adorable little freckled face. Cozy giggled at herself before quieting down... It was then she turned her attention to something else on her. Something that wasn't there before...

Gasp, "My cutiemark...."


Cozy Glow jumped in surprise and looked down to see a corrupted crystal guard staring back up at her.


The pink pegasus quickly took to the air but not before a spear went whizzing right by her. She let out a shout as it plunged through her saddlebags and threw her completely off balance. She fell to the side with her items spilling out behind her. The jangling keys dropped to the floor and slid on over to the nearest crystal guard.

"What's this?" She questioned as she plucked up the stolen keys, "Thief!" The guard shrieked and pointed an accusatory hoof at the pegasus.

"Get that thief!" Another guard bellowed before charging towards the filly.

The only thing Cozy Glow made a grab for was the map and compass before she was forced to take off once again. She did her usual pattern of repeatedly zigzagging throughout the crystal homes to escape. Despite the immediate danger however her eyes were mostly on the compass in her hooves. East! She just had to go east!
Another spear suddenly dug itself into the home just next to her. Her mind whirled at the thought of one of those hitting her wings, or worst. This propelled her to anxiously fly higher into the sky.
As the chase behind her began to lessen she threw herself upwards to get a better view of the city from above. While she could still spot the crystal guards and no doubt they could spot her too she found her concerns instead leading herself to the eastern side of the empire. This was when she saw it. Before her was a large group of crystal ponies gathering together within the streets. Some shined and some didn't. At the front of it all was a familiar lavender stallion in the despicable armor he was forced to wear. Rubinstein!
Relieved, Cozy allowed herself to glide over to the large gathering of escapees. A familiar green filly and a once corrupted guard waved up at her as she passed before they both vanished among the crowd. Heh! This is all going better than expected!
The crystal guards that had chased after her before were soon forgotten as she made her way to the front of this growing rebellious army.

Rubinstein had stopped everypony at the edge of the town. He was the the one thing that stood in between the city and the wild. Just before him was the fields of dying grass racing up to meet the line of endless winter with only an invisible barrier to separate them. Beyond that was Equestria. This was the final stretch to freedom.

Cozy Glow quietly landed besides him, "I told you we'd see each other again."

Her uncle whirled around, "Cozy!"

"Cozy!" Both Frosty and Slipper suddenly appeared. They tackled Cozy Glow to the ground and dragged her into a hug.

"Frosty! Slip!" She laughed, "Oh I'm so glad all my friends are alright! I need you all!"

"And we do too." Rubinstein smiled before gesturing to the open fields before them, "I didn't want to leave until you were here with us... but I must warn you. The moment we all are out on that field King Sombra might see us. All of us. It would be best if we headed out the moment Luna raises the moon tonight. We might have a better chance then."

Cozy gently pushed both Frosty and Slipper off of her as she seriously considered the open fields before them, "I think it'll work."

"It has to!" Slipper hopped up in front of Cozy, "We have to warn the princesses. They'll know how to fix this!"

"All princesses aside though..." Frosty beamed, "Cozy! You got your cutiemark!"

The pink pegasus smiled back, "I know right?? Isn't it amazing?" She showed it off to the others, "It's a rook! It looks similar to your cutiemark, Uncle Rubin! And... And my father's too!"

Rubinstein let out a proud chuckle, "That's interesting Cozy. It seems you did manage to find your true talents in the empire. Just like you wished."

"Gee, wish it was under different circumstances." The filly sighed as she looked back up at the dark empire, "When everything is back to normal I'd like to see you all again... but I don't think mother would ever let me come back if she knew what we all went through."

"I wouldn't blame her for it." The lavender colt sighed, "She could've lost her daughter today. I know that feeling well. If this weren't my home I wouldn't want Slipper anywhere near this place either until I was certain it was completely safe again."

"It will be though, right dad?" Slipper walked up to her father, "You're going to help fix everything aren't you?"

"Of course... but after this I'm definitely retiring." He chuckled before turning his attention to the sky, "It's starting to get dark. We should get ready to-"


A rumble suddenly shook the earth beneath them. Ponies of the rebellion would look up in shock as the entire empire shuddered with a wave of seething anger and rage. The source of this fury came from none other than the tyrant himself.

Cozy Glow's attention snapped over to the castle as a loud booming voice made its presence known throughout the land.


Panic ensued as every desperate crystal pony within the pack began to rush towards the dying fields. Rubinstein attempted to stop them but he was easily overwhelmed by the amount that charged through. They ran past the stallion and straight out into the open. The eyes of the dark king easily spotted them from his perch high above.


A large monstrosity began to form at the balcony of the castle. The shadows had all collected together to create this beast of what was once the unicorn tyrant. It licked its pointed teeth and let out an ear-piercing shrill for all to hear. With one glare it lunged for the streets down below.

"We need to leave!" Rubinstein urged as more ponies began to rush by.


"Now, Cozy!" He plucked up Slipper by the scruff and ran with Frosty closely trailing after him.

Cozy had hesitated but after giving one glance to the dark abomination now giving chase the pink pegasus soon followed behind. With a flap of her wings she was airborne and was able to easily follow after Rubinstein and the rest.

It was now everypony for themselves. Out of hesitation or fear some stood still and some were just not fast enough. Several were left behind as the darkness consumed them. It swallowed them up, silenced their screams, and proceeded its hunt for the rest. The king was set on his goal and for this he will not fail it. He'll grab every single mare or colt who ever defied him and make them pay! It seems however that as this chase continued it was nothing more but a nuisance.
How about he just end it already?

The monstrous creature crashed through the ground just at the edge of the city. From it formed King Sombra himself. His red horn ignited with dark magic as he smirked towards the escapees with fanged teeth, "End of the line." He growled before stomping his hoof down against the field's grass. Many crystal ponies were shocked to find a stream of shadows swiftly pass by them. From this trail formed several small pillars of black crystal that either became a tiny bother or an entire obstacle to avoid. The shadowy path would race under their hooves and make its way to the snow where several horse-shoe tracks had been made only to be left behind. The few crystal ponies that had run up ahead long ago attempted to pick up the pace as the shadows formed before them.

Then without warning, once it finally caught up to the crystal ponies far ahead, a giant wall sprouted from the ground and halted their attempts. One poor stallion slammed face first into it. Others began to frantically bash their hooves against the shiny surface in an attempt to shatter it. No such luck.
Loud booms resonated throughout the empire as the world once again shook around them. Crystal walls would soon form at either side of one another as a large barrier began to trickle its way along the landscape and circle the empire in its entirety. Everypony could only watch in horror as the large barricades surrounded their poor corrupted city; ensuring that nopony could get in or out.

Yes while the sky stayed open a majority of the crystal ponies were all earth. They couldn't fly or teleport. Instead they were all stuck. Stuck to slam their hooves against the indestructible barricade in a vain attempt to escape the now angered unicorn. He began to stalk his way forward as the shadows collected around him. They were all his prey... they had nowhere else to go!
All of them were stuck in his grasp... except for one filly.

"Cozy Glow! You need to fly!" Frosty urged as he pointed a hoof to the walls before them.

"What?? Frosty I can't just leave you or the others like this!"

"You're going to have to." Rubinstein stepped up to his niece, "I'm sorry but there isn't any other way. You need to fly. You need to escape. Warn the princesses. Warn Equestria! Only you can do that now."

"But..." Cozy looked back and forth between them, "But what about you..?"

"It'll be okay Cozy..." Glass Slipper assured as she placed a hoof on her cousin's shoulder, "Just run. The sooner you get to Canterlot the sooner we'll be saved. Now go!"

"Fly you foal!" Rubinstein hurriedly urged once again as King Sombra began to form tendrils of shadows to snatch up each unfortunate crystal pony he passed.

"We'll meet again. I promise!" Frosty assured.

Cozy Glow breathed in... and out... With a defiant glare she stared up at the crystal walls before her. The screams of panic was all she could hear as her friends and family watched with baited breath. She had to do it. She had to fly.
So, she raised her wings... and took off.

The little pegasus was but a dot against the black crystal walls but she was determined. The climb would be difficult and she was certain she'd struggle but if she just got up high enough she'd be home free. She could escape the empire and warn the princesses! She could free everypony! If only her wings were larger. If only she were faster...

It didn't take long before the evil tyrant spotted her small body taking off into the air, "And where are you going little one?"
He dived into the ground once again and disappeared within the dark path he had summoned previously. His dark shadows would hurriedly course down the trail as he raced for the very edge of the wall. Soon his large monstrous form peeked right out of the grass floor with his attention fully on the young Cozy Glow high above.

"No! Leave her alone!" Frosty yelled out but was left ignored.

The large mass of darkness began to rear up and trail after the fluttery pink filly. Cozy could hear the rumbling growl of King Sombra just behind her. The more she desperately flapped the higher she went. The higher she went the closer the shadows got.
Cozy pushed herself to keep going but even then she felt the gravity of the situation sink in. The walls were too big, her little wings could only take her so high, and the unicorn was gaining ground. As King Sombra was able to gather more distance through his shadows alone the filly finally felt her exhaustion settle in.
The filly wanted nothing more but to escape. She fiercely flapped her wings and forced each burning feather in her body to keep going. Even then that was not enough... The shadows would surround her, the darkness threatened to consume her, and the skies above disappeared with only the scorching red eyes of hatred replacing the clouds.
From there the little pegasus could do no more. She was face to face with King Sombra when she finally gave up... and fell. Her meager wings were nothing compared to the powers this unicorn held. Cozy couldn't even register what was happening as the dark surrounded her and pulled her deeper into the abyss below.

The moment she closed her eyes was the moment she was certain she'd never wake up again.


Author's Note:

Whoops she passed out again.

Looks like every chapter is just going to end with Cozy Glow getting knocked out, ain't it?

Anyways- This was really enjoyable for me! Definitely more than I originally planned but hey, I was having too much fun with this. I will admit, I had a whole bunch of comedic moments dribbled in but I couldn't help it. I wanted Cozy's character to shine if she was a good pony.

After all, most start out good at first. Not everyone is born evil! .... Right?

Well I hope you enjoyed. Don't worry, Cozy becomes a power hungry filly later on~! In fact... She's already starting to grow into the character she is today.