• Published 10th Oct 2019
  • 2,342 Views, 33 Comments

Cozy's Dilemma - dicerollball

A redemption story for Cozy Glow after the events that take place in "A Test For Cozy" where the CMC and the young six help her through her dilemma of conquest and evil

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Chapter 3: Can't Hide Everything

The small group hurried down the vast halls of the school. They anxiously raced through the carpeted building with the fall of Equestria on their minds. Smolder had taken the lead and guided the three other creatures through the maze-like hallways to get to the headmare's office. They didn't go far however before running straight into a purple and green baby dragon.
Rounding a corner, Smolder and Spike had both collided into one other and went stumbling backwards. Silverstream swiftly caught her draconic friend while Spike used his wings to hover back up off the ground.


"Smolder?? I was just looking for you!" The smaller dragon announced as he flew up to the four students, "What're you doing running through the halls like that?"

"We need to talk to Twilight about Cozy Glow!" Silverstream squawked as she accidentally dropped Smolder.

"Apparently Cozy works for Tirek." Sandbar explained.

"Cozy Glow works for Tirek?! That's... Really?!" Spike, though uncertain, was still shocked, "How? She's been with us in the school this entire time and Tirek is all the way out in Tartarus!"

"They've been talking through letters." Smolder quickly answered.

"Somehow..." Gallus added in, "Whoever decided to make it so there was some sort of mailing-system in Tartarus really screwed up."

The orange dragon sighed, "Listen, Spike. I can explain everything I just need to talk to the headmaster first. Is Cozy still with her?"

"No. After Cozy told us you were the ones who attacked her, which I hardly believe, Starlight went to take her back to her dorm room. I was actually just about to get you to see if you were ready to talk with Twilight."

Smolder blinked at that, "Wait wait wait- hold on... She's saying we fought her??"

"Ocellus and Smolder wouldn't just attack somepony!" Silverstream insisted, "Especially after everything we all went through!"

"She said you two did it because her fear was about other creatures." Spike elaborated, "And that after you two saw that you got upset with her."

Smolder huffed, "Her fear was about everyone knowing the truth!" She urged, "And that truth is she wants to work with Tirek to take over all of Equestria!"

Spike hesitated and tapped his claws together, "Well... no offense but- that sounds pretty unbelievable. She's Cozy Glow. She's really kind and helpful around the school! You gotta find some proof! And if you're serious, we have to as soon as possible."

"Then let's go find some proof." Sandbar prompted as he stepped up to Smolder's side.

Gallus hopped up with flapping wings, "Yeah! Let's stop standing around! We gotta do something if Smolder is telling the truth!"

"And we believe you are!" Silverstream added, "So tell us what to do. Where should we start?"

Smolder glanced between the three and gave them all a determined smile, "Silverstream you're coming with me to the headmaster's office. We gotta convince her we're telling the truth! Gallus, Sandbar, you two go to Cozy's room and tell Starlight about the letters! We have to find them before she tries to get rid of them or something!"

"On it!" Gallus saluted before abruptly dashing down the hallways with a beat of his feathered wings. Sandbar swiftly followed behind, able to somehow catch up with his flying friend.

"Spike, can you go get Ocellus? If Twilight doesn't believe me by myself then I'm going to need her. Maybe she'll have better luck convincing the headmare..." She hoped.

Spike nodded, "Alright. I'll meet up with you in Twilight's office soon! But, hey... Though both stories are very hard to believe, I want to believe you... but I also can't imagine Cozy Glow wanting to work with Lord Tirek. He sucks up magic! If I can't imagine it I don't think Twilight would."

"Can you imagine me and Ocellus trying to fight Cozy Glow unprovoked?" Smolder questioned.

"No. I can't imagine that either... But there is the burnt books. It's not looking good for you so far," Spike mentioned, "I hope your friends can find those letters, if they are real." He gave a concerned glance before he turned and left for the school's clinic.

"Do you think he believes you?" Silverstream worriedly asked.

"Honestly I probably wouldn't believe me. I don't blame him." Smolder shook her head before rushing down the halls, "Come on! Let's go talk to Twilight!"

Cozy Glow's eyes stayed glue to the ground as the two walked through the empty courtyard. Most students were all already in class seated at their desks and learning a new friendship lesson the professors provided. That made this walk back to the dorms more quiet than the filly honestly preferred. Hah... honestly.
By her side was the school's counselor pony, Starlight Glimmer. It was clear from her expression that the older mare was trying to figure out a way to start a conversation. Whenever she did previously, Cozy would generally try to change topics or dodge the question entirely. The young pegasus didn't seem to be in the mood to talk. Instead she seemed... focused. There was this look in her eyes that was decisive and serious. Her mind was set on something but the counselor couldn't tell what it was for the life of her. Sometimes she'd briskly walk a bit faster and Starlight would have to catch up and slow the filly down with a few words.

"It's not that far from the dorms, why're you in a rush?"

"Uh. Gee I don't know. I just want to get to my room faster I guess." The filly shrugged before joining Starlight's side once again. Her hooves were just itching to get back to her room. In fact she was happy to be locked in it for a while, hopefully by herself; this could give her just a little bit more time to do what she needed. However as her thoughts formed inside her head and tried to spin up some more plans for the aftermath of this unforeseen path she made for herself she was surprised to find herself a bit... lost. Something was distracting her from her usual mindset. That tree. It must've done something to her. That's what she was starting to suspect at least. Her thoughts kept going back to Smolder and Ocellus. Every time it did there was this gripping feeling in her chest. She hated it but she couldn't ignore it. Something about it didn't sit right with her. It all felt wrong. Not only that but it was really getting in the way of her process...

Starlight was just about to speak when she saw Cozy's face shift from a neutral expression to a look of frustration. This made the counselor once again hesitate. With a sigh she turned her gaze away. Something was clearly wrong... if only she could figure out a way for Cozy to tell her about it.
As the Starlight silently tried to figure out ways to get Cozy to open up about her feelings; the young pegasus heard a familiar voice from one of the open classrooms nearby. One of her professors...

"Well ya know some creatures learn differently. I got a good example-" Applejack smiled to her class as she gently strummed her guitar, "Ya'll know Cozy Glow right? Real nice little filly she is! She was one of the first ta talk to the counselor however about an issue regarding honesty! Now let me tell ya about that."

As Starlight silently struggled to find the right words Cozy had drifted away with her full attention on her professor. The southern pony sat on a block of hay and held an acoustic in her hooves. It was assumed that they must've been singing songs right before Cozy arrived. Or maybe they were getting ready to? Either way, somehow the little filly’s encounter with the CMC became part of an honest story time in an honest class.

"Cozy Glow met my sister and two of her friends, the Cutiemark Crusaders I'm sure most ya know. They wanted nothing more but to be part of this school before they became tutors. So, Cozy tried to help. She let them tutor her and then lied to her professors and told them how they taught her all the wrong things. That they didn't know much about friendship at all!"

"Why would she do that?" A young colt curiously asked.

"Apparently to make us see that those three didn't know all that and needed friendship classes just like her. Instead, it got them the opposite. They got in serious trouble and were banned from the school! Poor Cozy was so distraught that she went straight to Starlight and told the truth because all her lying ever did was make things worst... and do ya'll know what happened after she told the honest truth?"

"Did things get better?" A pegasus asked with a smile.

"Yeup! In telling the truth, the crusader's ban was lifted and Twilight offered to make them tutors. They all were able to go to our school together after that. You should've seen their smiles, those four were as excited as a bag of kernels over a fire!" She giggled into her hoof, "Honesty was a very valuable lesson to them that day."

Cozy was surprised. Out of all the ponies to be mentioned in an honesty lesson, she didn't expect them to be her... It felt strange. The feeling in her chest began to tighten again and her crestfallen gaze dropped back down to grassy floor as Starlight trotted back up to her. The counselor gave Applejack's class a small glance.

The counselor smiled, "Missing class?"

"Well- I might have a lot to catch up on after all this." Cozy answered with another shrug, "Professor Applejack was just talking about something. I just wanted to hear the lesson is all..."

A strum of music could be heard within the classroom as Applejack began to play the first verses of a song.

Starlight gestured for the small filly to walk with her, "You know, no matter what lesson you miss I still think you'll be able to catch up easily. You’re one of our best students here at the school. You learn pretty fast! It's really impressive. And no matter what happens next... I think you and your friends can fix whatever is going on between you three."

"I don't think it'll be that easy." Cozy Glow guaranteed. Not like she'd want to try and fix it anyways, right..? They know about her secret, what's the point in trying to be good around them?

"Of course not everything is going to be easy, but there's still a chance for all of us to figure out exactly what happened. I'm not entirely sure what went down but I know who you are and I know Ocellus and Smolder. Ocellus is cautious but caring and Smolder is very protective of others. You meanwhile want the best for every creature and friend. Like for Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. If what you're saying is true then we should talk to them about it together when we all get the chance. Figure out why they really wanted to fight you and be kind to them... Let them know there's another way. Let them know they shouldn't be taking their anger out on you," Starlight chuckled, "At least, that's what Twilight did for me when I attacked her a long time ago. I guess they’ll kinda be like me. They might seem rude and bad but trust me, there’s a lot of good in them too. And just like Twilight did for me, I want you to give them a chance."

"Huh..." Cozy Glow blinked at what Starlight said and found it... funny. Funny in a strange sense. It was almost like a piece of advice that wasn't really for her. It felt like it was for Ocellus or Smolder to have. It felt like what the counselor said should be the other way around and honestly it was weird. She was walking by Starlight's side being put in the victim's horseshoes. Er- claws. The reality of it all was that Cozy was actually like Starlight... and the other two were more like Twilight...


"... You attacked Princess Twilight?" The pink filly suddenly blurted out in hopes to change topic once again.

Starlight perked at that and responded with a nervous grin, "Ah- well... Ahaha... Yeah, I might've. You see it's a funny story-"

"Starlight!" A familiar voice called from the other side of the courtyard.

Both ponies looked up to see Sandbar and Gallus heading their way, "Starlight!!" The blue griffon yelled as he dived for the counselor.

"Ah-" Starlight quickly stopped Gallus with her magic before he could crash into her, "Gallus? Sandbar? What's going on?"

"Wow okay-" Gallus blinked as the counselor held him up with blue magic, "Smolder wanted us to get you."

"She told us that Cozy and Tirek are teaming up!" Sandbar explained as he came to a halt next to his friend.

"What??" Starlight gaped, "Cozy and Tirek? Lord Tirek? Magic-sucking prisoner of Tartarus Tirek?"

"Yeah, that's the one." Gallus nodded before he was suddenly let go. He easily caught himself with a flap of his wings.

"Wha- but- I'm sorry but are you sure?" The counselor urged, "How would they even talk to each other in the first place?"

"Through letters." Sandbar went on to say, "Smolder thinks Cozy could still have Tirek's letters inside her room somewhere! It's our only proof!"

"Cozy is this true-" Starlight began but was surprised to find no little pink filly besides her. She looked around in surprise and was able to catch a hint of Cozy's tail dashing away into the dormitories.
"Cozy Glow!"

She hurriedly flapped her little wings as she dashed through the hallways and came up to her room. Without hesitating she easily barged right in and locked the door behind her. This wasn't good. If those six had been together and were now telling each other about her team up with Tirek then things weren't looking that great on her part. She had to be quick! She had to get rid of everything before Starlight came demanding to be let in. Quick as a rabbit she rushed to her desk where a plethora of unusual items currently sat waiting for her return. There was an open journal full of spells and incantations, a jar of some blue powder, sticky notes full of drawn-on symbols and markings, and broken pieces of crystal that looked suspiciously similar to the tree roots below the school.
Cozy Glow swiped all the sticky notes, tossed them in-between the pages of her journal, and slammed the book shut. Then, after grabbing the glowing powder and glimmering shards she went up to a poster and pulled it back to reveal an indent in the wall all cracked and jagged. Seeing it now she remembered how difficult it was for her to pull back the plaster in order make a hole big enough to contain any of her valuables. She was definitely glad that her past self thought this far ahead in case an emergency like this ever came up. Carefully, the pegasus slid the items into the opening and firmly placed the poster back in place. Now all she had to do was grab the letters from her drawer and-

"Cozy Glow?" Starlight called as she knocked on the room's door, "Cozy? Can you please open up?"

"Uh... Uh- be right there!" The filly called as she pressed Tirek's letters against her chest. As much as she wanted to tear them to pieces right then and there; she also desperately wanted to keep them. They were her notes and plans! They were filled to the brim with knowledge on how to dispose of all magic from Equestria! She couldn't just part with them now. Especially when she was so close..! She had to think of something fast.

Another knock rang out throughout the room.

"Cozy Glow teamed up with Tirek??" Twilight shook her head in surprise, "That's-That's an even bigger claim."

"I know it sounds crazy," Smolder acknowledged, "But I'm telling the truth! Me and Ocellus didn't want to fight her, she attacked us! She didn't want us to tell you any of this."

"Not to mention the Tree of Harmony DID warn us about Cozy Glow like- several times." Silverstream piped in, "It was REALLY not happy with her!"

The headmare looked to Smolder with concern, "I'm sorry but that's really hard for me to believe."

"I know, I understand! But I think we can find some proof. She's talking to Tirek through letters. Gallus and Sandbar are going to Starlight right now about those letters in hopes to find them!" She hovered up to Twilight's desk, "Geez I sound like a broken record- Point is, we're trying to help Cozy. We're trying to get her to stop whatever it is she's trying to do!"

"Listen- Until I see those letters myself I really can't believe something like this. Smolder I trust you but this?? This sounds like- like you're lying to me. I can't imagine Cozy Glow teaming up with Lord Tirek. She's been nothing but a sweet, knowledgeable student during her time here. Well- except for that moment in the library..."

"Ah... Spike did say something like that." Smolder slowly lowered herself back onto the ground, "I know. If I was you I definitely wouldn't believe me either. Hey! This sweet little soft-looking child is now best friends with a demon from Tartarus who brutally attacked Equestria by sucking up all our beloved magic! I get it, I sound crazy. Her story is more believable then mine..! But please, all I'm asking for is a chance. When Sandbar and Gallus get back I'm sure they'll have the letters with them. We can prove it!"

"And uh... if they don't then maybe we could talk to the Tree of Harmony again?" Silverstream suggested, "I'm sure it will definitely vouch for Smolder if she's telling the truth! Fair warning though, it likes to look like you for some reason."

Twilight looked between the two and considered their words. Her attention curiously went elsewhere at the mention of the tree roots below the school, "Smolder I still can't see Cozy doing something like that but if your friends trust you then I'm willing to give you and Ocellus a chance... But while we're here, I am curious about something." She pulled out an empty notepad and held up a quill, "Can you tell me a bit more about the tree roots and the tests you all went through? Especially Cozy's if you don't mind..."

Smolder and Silverstream gave a confident nod, "It all started yesterday after your class..."

The door to Cozy Glow's room opened to allow Starlight, Sandbar, and Gallus to come in. From entering it looked like any other dorm room that'd belong to an unsuspecting young pegasus. It had posters, a colorful bed, some stuffed animals in the corner, and several recommended textbooks. There in the middle of it all sat Cozy who greeted them with a small and anxious smile.
"Sorry for running off like that Starlight... I really shouldn't have, but Gallus dived for us and I got scared. I won't do it again, promise."

Gallus narrowed his eyes at the filly while Starlight gave him a concerned glance, "Oh, uh... It's fine. Hey Cozy um- you don't have any letters on you, do you?"

"Oh. Just some from my parents!" She chirped as she flew up to her desk and dug out an old, opened envelope, "Here, they're just checking up on me and all!"

Starlight curiously glanced over the note as Gallus and Sandbar began to search the room much to Cozy Glow's distaste. Sandbar wasn't trying to make it obvious but Gallus didn't give a flying feather. He raised pillows, opened drawers, and checked underneath everything. Cozy was very upset with his uncaring attitude towards her privacy.
"Hey! What're you doing?"

"Looking for those letters Tirek sent you!" Gallus grumbled as he plucked up a disoriented-looking stuffed animal to inspect the floor underneath it. Nothing but bits of fuzz.

The pink filly stiffened a bit and glanced over at Starlight, "L-Letters to Tirek? Um... I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Yeah right! Something's going on. The Tree of Harmony itself said so!" Gallus hopped up in Cozy's face with a talon pointed at her.

The counselor went up to the two, "Gallus, it's alright." Starlight assured as she gently nudged him away from the young pegasus, "If she doesn't have the letters then she doesn't have them..."

"But what if she's just hiding them from us?" He argued.

"Listen, I can understand wanting to help get your friend out of trouble but stringing up a whole lie like that isn't the best way to go about it."

"Lie? Smolder doesn't lie! Especially to us!"

As the two went back and forth with Cozy sometimes getting dragged back into the conversation, Sandbar was busy casually scouring the room for proof. He already had checked the closet and now made his way over to the bed. At first he saw nothing of interest and was just about to turn away to calm down Gallus when he suddenly spotted something sticking out from the stuffed animals nearby. Cotton...
The young colt made his way over to a stuffed animal that looked a bit off, picked it up, and noticed a loose string haphazardly tied to it's back. He tugged at the string with his teeth and opened it to reveal more white fluff and a strange rolled up parchment. Hesitantly, Sandbar took it out and unrolled it. What he found made his sea-green eyes bulge in surprised shock.

"Uh... Starlight?" The colt called out towards the others.

"Yes, what is it-" Starlight paused as she spotted the opened parchment and the doll in his hooves.

"I think I found our proof."

Author's Note:

Honest to god I'm thinking of merging Chapter 1 and 2 together and making this one Chapter 2 instead. The other two chapters feel short and it's as if they both might need each other but eh, that's past me wanting to rush things.

So from now on I'm going to try and make chapters stretch out a bit longer but still have plenty of things going on in them while also focusing on Cozy Glow and her inner and outer struggles. There's also going to be lots of focus on the young six and possibly the cutiemark crusaders later, but they will have their own "arc" along with Cozy when the time comes.

For now I want to say sorry because I feel like for this sequel I did kinda drift off from the previous story. I never really planned to make a sequel in the first place but now that I'm putting more consideration into this story I'll give it what it needs. I especially would like any criticism you guys have about it!

Definitely going to be trying to focus on less chapters than I previously planned though, to be honest. I'm going to be merging chapters together so it may be a bit longer to publish them but these merges are necessary (chapters 1 and 2 being a good example of that)

Thanks for reading :heart:

Comments ( 15 )

And she's finally caught. I wonder if sending letters to Tirek is legal. This is certainly a very interesting situation.

"No. I can't imagine that either... But there is the burnt books. It's not looking good for you so far," Spike mentioned, "I hope your friends can find those letters, if they are real." He gave a concerned glance before he turned and left for the school's clinic.

Quite hard to remain neutral for Spike here, especially concerning his *honorary big sister dragon* here, glad that both Gallus & Sandbar finally found the evidence they needed to nail Cozy. Can't wait to see how she intends to get out of this one! :raritywink:

Welp the jig is up Cozy I recommend flying as fast as you can and getting the heck out of there!

I would generally imagine so but someone decided to allow it >.>

Well with all the trouble she caused it's definitely not going to go well for her! And I don't think it's going to be that easy to get out of this one this time around. :ajsmug:

Hopefully, things get better for Cozy Glow. And you know what they say. "Sometimes, things have to get worse..."

I can't wait for more!

How much longer is this going to be on hiatus?


This is such a good story, and I really do hope to see it continued in the future

I did kind of lose interest in this story but I might come back to it at a later date. I guess, in all honesty, I haven't continued this story because I haven't seen all of season 8.

Soooo, I'm not sure how to go about this. Maybe make my own season 8? Lol.

Still on hiatus for a bit, but I'll try to come back to it in the future

Cozy is evil again

This story is shaping up to be quite fun!
Seeing Cozy start to grow guilty of her actions gradually is pretty heartwarming, and the sense of urgency in the story is remarkable!
I hope one day you decide to continue with it, but for now, it's definitely going in my tracking list :3

...naturally, it ends right at the good part.

Noooo dude whyyyyy :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Justice for Cozy!!! ⚖️

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