• Published 3rd Dec 2019
  • 2,519 Views, 38 Comments

Cracked Open - Ghuntz

Flurry Heart, seeking to find a reason behind Cozy Glow's actions in the past, ends up releasing her from her stone prison. But Cozy has other plans, and reformation is not one of them.

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Chapter Six: Infiltration

Chapter Six: Infiltration

Canterlot looked massive from the air. Going into detail would sour the sprawling majesty of it. Gabby carried the three foals on her back, and while she wasn’t encumbered, she was definitely careening back and forth a little bit with their combined weights.

Cozy tugged harder at Gabby’s neck. This far up with a broken wing made her feel queasy.

“Ugh, Comfy, could you hold on a little… lighter?” Gabby struggled to say.

“Oops!” Cozy softened her grip. “...sorry.”

“No need to be worried, I read once that Griffons are usually sturdier than ponies while flying.” Cheesy proudly spouted.

“That doesn’t make much sense.” Cozy replied.

“Or was it the opposite…?”

Gabby dipped suddenly, making the foals gasp.

“Sorry! I’m not exactly a sprightly young chick anymore.”

“Aw, that’s alright, Gabby. Thanks for taking us up, anyway!” Muffin sincerely said.

“Of course, anything for my friends!”

Cozy gulped as they descended upon the outer walls of the city from above. “Don’t get too close, look!” she blurted out.

An endless line of guards littered the wall’s battlements, as far as the eye could see. None of them noticed the grey griffon and Co., though, as they kept scanning the plains ahead. Flying around the same height were a squad of pegasi, patrolling the nearby air in formation. Gabby flapped to a wobbly halt.

“What should we do now?” the bird asked.

Cozy took a moment to scour the breadth of the cityscape. Despite it being so long since her last ‘visit’, Canterlot’s old structure remained pretty much the same underneath many of the new buildings and such that had been built over the course of the previous twenty-five years. Wait, didn’t I already do this once already?

“*gasp*!” A nasty deja vu pulsed through Cozy’s mind as the feeling of flying through and landing in the city ages past resurged in her mind. “Okay, I know how to get inside… but I’m going to have to do it alone.”

“What?!” the two earth foals yelped.

“Comfy, what are you talking about? We’ve gone so far with you, there’s no way we’re gonna let you off the hook this late in the game!” Muffin said.

Cozy sighed. “I get that you want to help, but Canterlot right now is dangerous. Look at all the guards, it’s flooding with them! It’s better if you two just go back home.” She was steadfast with her comments.

A pause. “Is that really what you think?” a meep escaped Cheesy’s lips. Her eyes started watering. Muffin’s face was more serious, as he placed a leg around her.

Cozy grimaced and felt goosebumps on her hooves. “...Alright, look! You guys have really helped me… more than that, actually. You’ve saved my hide more than once, and I’m really thankful… but I still think you guys should go back home. I truly, honestly don’t want to see you two hurt because of me again. What happens from now on is up to me. If I screw up, I don’t want to be the one who caused you pain.”

A moment of silence seeped over the crew. Cheesy was the first to break it.

“That’s noble of you, Comfy… I just don’t know if I’ll ever see you again...” she said, sniffling. Then a light shone through her eyes. “Wait a second!” she rummaged through her mane and pulled out a train ticket. “I forgot I still had this! Didn’t I tell you the conductor pony was super nice and gave me an extra ticket to get back? You can still visit us again!” Cheesy wrapped her hooves around Cozy, and soon enough so did Muffin.

“You… you want me to come back and visit you?”

“Are you kidding, missy? You’re a Crusader now, just like us! Maybe not for cutie marks, but an adventure’s an adventure nonetheless. You’ll always be welcome in our treehouse.” said Muffin.

Cheesy plopped the ticket on Cozy’s hoof.

It was heavy. She was silent.

“I’ll put you two back down near the entrance so you can get home safe. Is that okay?” Gabby interrupted.

“Uh huh.” said Cheesy, amidt light sobs. She still clung to Cozy.

A decent ways away from the city, which was teeming with guardsponies, Gabby flapped to a halt as the trio of foals landed. Cozy let out a sigh for now, knowing she’d be on the air again soon enough. She looked down at the train ticket and then at her two sidekicks, who had literally given away everything to get her to Canterlot on a whim.

And under a lie, at that.

“Well… I just have to say, I’m really, really thankful for what you did, really. It’s been awful for you—”

“Comfy, please! You already thanked us, silly” Muffin chortled. Cheesy wiped a tear as she also laughed.

“We leave you at the capable claws of Gabby the Griffon.” Cheesy said as she signaled to the bird.

“Oh, what honor!”

“We’ll see you back someday, Comfy! Be sure of it.” Cheesy gleefully hoped.

Cozy just stared at them with a solemn smile. “Of course.”

One last time, the duo rushed her and tackled her with a big hug. Cozy didn’t exactly retaliate. These poor kids…

Cheesy could sense something was off.

As the duo waved goodbye in the distance, Cozy mounted Gabby again and tightly wrapped around her neck. “It should be much more stable this time, right?”

“With two less little fatties on my back? You betcha!”

Crazy to think how that little oversight on her part in Ponyville ended up ruining her entire plan.

Well… not ruining it, per say.

Gabby took to the skies in a much nimbler fashion.
“Hey, Gabby.” Cozy fired off.

“Mhmm?” the griffon rose further upwards. The guards turned to specks, and the cliffs adjacent to the city were a vertical brown sea swimming past them. Canterlot Castle was now in full view, the tallest and most voluptuous building around.

“What do you think of those two?”

“Who, those little rascals? They seem like normal little ponies to me.”

“Normal? They’re far from normal.”

“The one that’s far from normal is you, Comfy. No offense, but you always seem so distant. Do you have any friends?”


“Well, other than them, at least.”

Cozy tensed up. “They’re not really my friends. They just helped me get to Canterlot, that’s all.”

“Uh, yeah, why do think they did? They left behind their home and their families to help you! If that’s not friendship, I’ve been lied to all my life!”

Cozy stayed silent once more. Sincere friendship wasn’t something she really believed in until that fateful day. Getting blasted to stone by its physical manifestation certainly changed her perspective on it, but she’d gotten by all her life lying her way through. Why have mutual trust when everypony else is so inherently trusting on their own? It was grounds to get swindled by somepony with ulterior motives.

“Okay, we’re getting close to the Castle. Where do you want me to set you down?”

Cozy was snapped out of her thoughts. The castle lay bare in front of her, way down in the distance. Sentries patrolled the perimeter, but mostly around the air. Flying formations and circling tactics by the guardponies were clearly prioritizing something coming in from the sky.

Of course! I’m a pegasus, makes sense they’d predict me trying to fly inside…

They were half right. But now they would be dead wrong.

“Gabby, take me back a little. I want to touch ground far enough away to where they won’t see you.”

A patch of grass along one of the many paths leading to the castle seemed a good enough, empty landing space. Despite the amount of guardponies in service, there clearly weren’t enough of them to cover every security hole.

Gabby glided down and landed softly on the grass.

“You sure this is good enough? It’s still a ways up, maybe you’d like to be a little closer?

“No, this is perfect. Thanks, Gabby.”

“Oh, I guess we’re parting ways now.”

“Yeah… look, I really—”

“Don’t say a word, missy.” the bird lay a claw on Cozy’s lips. “You’re not the best at being heartfelt, hehe! I’ll see you when this is all resolved. I know we’re pressed for time, so good luck out there!”

And with that an a mane ruffle, Gabby sprang up and darted out, vanishing into the milky clouds.

And suddenly, Cozy was alone for the first time since she’d been set free. The gentle wind gave her goosebumps, and the distant hustle and bustle of Canterlot stung her hearing. The shadow of the castle crept imperceptibly toward her, as Celestia’s sun peeked through the spire of the head of the entire kingdom.

This is it… Inside those walls is what will get Tirek and Chrysalis out…

For a second, she stayed in place, shivering. Then she sprang to the nearest bush. The entrance to the castle was a whole garden away, the flora creating a path toward the two guards patrolling the huge double-door.

Wait a second… I have no clue where the archives are!

This fact hit Cozy like a Winterzilla’s swiping claw. She couldn’t just ask whatever pony crossed her. She needed to get there as quick as possi—

All thoughts halted as a pink alicorn landed in a flash in front of the access. The two guards were paralized in shock for a moment before assuming positions and saluting.

“Calm, dear guards. I’m just here to enter the archives, it’s royal business.”

“Of course, your highness.” The guards instantly parted ways and let Flurry Heart inside.


Alas, she still needed to find a way to get inside the darn building.

Darting her vision around, the wingless pegasus noticed the windows peeking into the decorated halls of the castle. The up above behind her, the guards on the battlements looked outward, the dots in the sky were like faraway birds, and the two near the door were steadfast in their dedication to stare directly forward.

At least they seem to follow orders well enough…

Green bushes lay scattered, forming an ornate pattern toward the front of the palace. Nimbly bouncing from one to the other, Cozy rolled to the window and nudged it open just enough to squeeze through in a flash.

Alright, where am I?

Studying her new surroundings, bidets, faucets, and stalls were spotted. It was a bathroom.

Just my luck...


Oh, drat!

Cozy jumped into the nearest toilet box and shut the door, sitting on the marble throne and lifting up her hooves to her chest.

Heavy hoofsteps tapped closer, and a soft tune whistled into existence. Four of them stopped right outside Cozy’s door, and as one lifted up, it rattled the thing loudly.

“Oh, someone’s in there? Sorry about that!” said the stallion.

The whistling gentlepony walked away, entered the cubicle adjacent, and casually locked the door.

Now’s my chance!

Cozy flushed for enhanced realism, softly stepped outside, and quietly sped out the door.

Or at least, that’s what she wanted to do, before sense snapped her out of her panic.

Who knows what could be out there?

A school trip, a platoon of guardponies, Celestia walking around? She was so close to her goal, but now was not the time for impatience. She carefully reached her eyes around the doorway and found…!

Nothing. A huge, empty hallway. Well, not exactly empty. Trotting away was Flurry Heart’s rump, tail swishing as she vanished into a corner, deeper into the castle’s expanse.

Perfect… the prey leads the predator to their nest...

I have to be quick… I might still be early enough to catch Cozy in the act!

Flurry Heart trotted through the halls of the castle, her destination pinpointed in her mind. The one place she was banned from entering, the one that started all of this.

Turning corners as the castle’s lights grew dimmer, a lone gate at the end of a corridor made its presence: ‘Archives’, a sign read above.

This is it…

As she clicked open the lock with her magic, the steel bars swung with a squeal, and the dimly lit cobblestone passageway winded downward into darkness. Flurry had been inside the Archives many a time before, but today, the wind pouring out from the chamber stung her coat. Quickly panning back, she was certainly alone.

It’s time.

The archives themselves were a mess of old scrolls, assorted artifacts, and lots of junk, really. Books forming erratic piles in every corner, furniture and pottery littering the floor so as to make it tedious to walk, and the rare, cracked jewel or rusty armor piece that was worn centuries ago by some important unicorn nopony remembers. Boxes, boxes, and more boxes. Ancient items mostly relevant to the royalty due to their previous significance, but now simply eating dust in a room with the hope that somepony might have a need for them in the future.

Flurry was against the clock, as Cozy was nowhere to be seen.

I have to find this thing now!
But this whole place is in disarray! It would take hours, if not days, to find one item in a sea of crumbling curios.

Let’s think about this…

Flurry was familiar with Equestrian history to the point where she recognized a few of the many objects scattered about. A ragged Pegasopolis flag, scrolls in Old Ponish about Luna’s banishment, and paintings that were clearly from the Pre-Twilight era.

These are just mundane mementos and antiquities, though. Barely anything remotely top secret. It’s the same as the first time I was here!

But as she flew around the expansive cavern, this fact didn’t change. More dusty books, more decrepit souvenirs. Mountains of these, but little else.

Where are all the important items?



Lost in thought, Flurry had smacked right into a pair of huge blue doors that were hidden from the cavern’s entrance. She rubbed her horn in pain.

“I can’t believe I didn’t see these in my previous visit… Well, can’t be more conspicuous than this.”

As magic pried the doors open, the source of that stinging wind now became apparent. This section of the secret wing was just the mouth to a massively deep cavern.


The true state of the archives revealed itself through these doors. Statues, massive, elaborate paintings, potions, jewels, weapons, everything! Further in, the Alicorn Amulet encased in a thick glass case. Artifacts of the Pillars of old Equestria displayed in luscious frames. The first Equestrian banner from the Hearthswarming!

“That bell has got to be around here somewhere.”

As Flurry said this, the temperature dipped, and goosebumps sprang up across her neck and back. As if by instinct, her gaze shot to a corner in the cave, a dark spot highlighted by a bright green pulse.

No way…

As she flew closer, whispers and hums crept at her hearing. Casting a light spell, she approached the ghastly thing.

Sitting on a slightly warped table, seemingly unimportant, was the Bewitching Bell. The murmurs emanating from it grew thicker, and the air around it was heavy, leaving a taste of sulfur in Flurry’s tongue.

Thank the sisters it’s still here…

“Golly, Flurry Heart, what a surprise!” a distinct voice bounced around the cavern’s walls.

“Huh?” It can’t be.

Flurry turned on a dime and scanned her surroundings. “Cozy Glow?!”

Did she tail me?

“Thanks so much for leading me here, Flurry. This place is a total wreck! It would’ve taken ages to find the bell without you...”

Where is she?! Flurry could not focus on the origin of the voice. It was as if the grotto itself was taunting her.

“Why did you escape? I was trying to help you!”

“You certainly did help me… by setting me free. Now I can pay back what your kind did to my—”

“—Friends?” A silence settled for a moment. Flurry sighed. “Chrysalis and Tirek were never your friends, Cozy.”

“And how can you be so sure of that?! You know nothing about me!”

“And that’s just it, you’re so confusing!”

“Oh, I bet.” The voice seemed to shift. Flurry stepped forward.

“I don’t mean it like that, it’s just… it always baffled me that you’d join them. How could you betray your own kind for creatures like that? It doesn’t make any sense!”

“Make sense? You want it to make sense? Alright, I’ll tell you!”

A pitpat of hooves were heard behind Flurry, and as she turned, a beam of yellow and black energy struck her in the chest. Suddenly her legs gave, as if they had become a dozen tons heavier. Her breath rushed out, dizzying her. Her eyes rolled up, and she nearly passed out, but held together just enough to straighten them out and look ahead.

Cozy Glow stood upright, bell in hooves, eyes wide and teeth bared. A blistering TWANG struck, and the bell jittered as its whispers grew into grumbles. The filly then turned the bell onto herself, and its lights engulfed her.

Oh, no…

Two massive wings outstretched, and a sharp horn materialized as the filly floated down, lightning crackling around her. Cozy Glow opened her eyes and laughed.

“Oh, I forgot how good this felt! I say, you alicorns really have a scary amount of power.”

Flurry struggled to move her tongue. “Wh… why…?”

“Why? Okay, Flurry, I’ll keep my promise. I’ll tell you about me.” Cozy flew over to the downed princess. The foal’s aura was oppressive.

“I used to study at Twilight’s school of friendship, once, a long time ago. Thing is, I was terrible at it! I was failing, I didn’t have any friends, and it was just awful! Until one day, three little fillies tried to help me, just because they heard me crying. It was as if that simple act convinced them to pour their time and effort into getting me to succeed. They didn’t even know me! It was baffling, to say the least…”

Cozy paused for a second and sat down next to Flurry.

“But they taught me a lesson. Ponies can be very… how to put it… ‘vulnerable’ creatures. Not vulnerable physically, but mentally. Naive, if you will, quick to trust and sacrifice for others. I’d see it everywhere in that school. It was the whole point of it! Their help and trust was ripe for the picking, as long as I just pleased everyone. If I wanted something, I could do something nice for them, and they’d reciprocate. So I thought, ‘Hey, what’s the limit?’ If I was nice enough, I could potentially become the ruler of them all! Oh, and I had so many things I wanted to do…” A smirk formed. “Nothing bad, per se, just restoring Equestria to its former glory. Back when we were pioneers of magic and technology, exploration and culture! Things have slowed, and they’ve led to stagnation. I’m sure you would agree.”

“But… we haven’t had this much peace in… centuries!”

“Well, my dear, strong ponies make good times; good times make weak ponies; weak ponies make bad times; and bad times make strong ponies. Celestia’s thousand years of peace tarnished our spirit and made ponies fragile and soft. We were nearly taken out as a kingdom if not for luck, many times! I just wanted to take the reigns myself and turn Equestria back to the superpower it used to be!

Cozy stood up again and paced back and forth in front of Flurry, a frown developing on her forehead.

“But I guess I underestimated a certain group of creatures. Their sensibilities might’ve been different than ponies, and they saw right through my silver tongue. Short story, I was thrown into Tartarus for ‘treason’, something or other, that doesn’t really matter now. Doubt you’d remember much of it yourself.”

“I… I remember when you took me hostage…”

“That’s jumping ahead a little, be patient. In Tartarus, I spent time with a certain centaur that helped me escape that dreadfully boring cage, the same one who had given me pointers from the shadows before. And soon enough, the bug who’d been defeated alone had decided to join.”

“Join… what? What did you want?”

“Being in the underworld with that cunning goat for as long as we were, he confirmed a lot of my suspicions about ponykind. He could’ve gotten away with it as well, when he tried it alone, if it weren’t for Twilight and her friends depending on that formless power they weave. Friendship was power, and I’d simply tried getting it the wrong way. But, when you make ‘friends’ with people already in power, the chances were much greater!”

Cozy levitated the ragdolled Flurry Heart up to her face. “By partnering up with Chrysalis and Tirek, we made a masterful team! If we were in power, ponykind would become strong once again, under our iron fist!”

“But… you could’ve accomplished so much… just like those ponies trusted you… you could’ve trusted them!”

“And fall prey to another like myself? I’d never allow it.”

“What about… Lil’ Cheese…? Muffin…?”

Flurry Heart was dropped instantly, landing with a thud. “Ugh!”

Cozy turned away, head low.

“Cozy… think about them… You three threw me for a loop, reached your goal… And you did it together… doesn’t that tell you anything?”

Once again, Cozy was silent.

“They left their home for you… Put themselves in danger for you… That doesn’t mean anything to you?”


“I set you free because... I wanted to believe deep down you were a pony just like me… I could’ve been that little foal, led astray… made a mistake and given another, terrible chance… I could’ve hurt so many, more than you, even… You like those two, don’t you?”

Cozy turned to her with a scowl. “No, I don’t! I used them to get to the bell! Are you so stupid that you can’t see it?!”

“You’re lying… I can tell… You three went through so much… You could’ve left them behind at any moment… but you helped them just as much as they did you, I just know it!”

Cozy struggled to speak.

“Please… think about them… you’ll destroy them if you keep going…”

Cozy turned away. “No. It’s too late for that, Flurry. Ponykind needs a renaissance. It’ll hurt, but it has to be done.”

“You don’t have to be hated to be a strong ruler… you can be loved, respected… just like Cheesy and Muffin loved and respected you…!”

“Enough!” Cozy’s visage was unknown to Flurry, her face hidden in shadow. “Goodbye, Flurry Heart. May we have mercy on you.”

And with that, Cozy jolted upwards and shattered the cavern’s ceiling with a powerful blast, disappearing into the vibrant sunset sky. A thick red poured into the cavern.

Flurry Heart fainted.