• Published 14th Feb 2020
  • 7,556 Views, 294 Comments

Scenes From a Life (Post-Villainy) - Jade Ring

Glimpses into the lives of Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow after they settle down in Saddleburg.

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The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Author's Note:

A little Christmas gift for you all!

These were three 'Scene ideas' I had that I couldn't quite flesh out into full chapters. In the spirit of the season, I decided to blend them together with a little sprinkling of holiday schmaltz. I hope you enjoy them, and here's to more 'Scenes' in the year to come!

“The family celebrates Hearth’s Warming with some of the friends they’ve made over the years.”

“I feel ridiculous.” Tirek reached up and fiddled with his new spectacles for the hundredth time since he’d unwrapped Cozy Glow’s gift.

“You look great.” Gray Gravel tipped his nearly empty glass of cider at his friend and co-worker. “But what I think doesn’t matter. What does the missus think?”

Tirek chuckled and looked out the kitchen’s entryway. He and Gravel’s respective spouses were reclining on sofas in the living room and chatting animatedly over glasses of wine. “She said I looked very… distinguished.”

“Means she likes ‘em.” Gray was nursing a pleasant buzz as he eyed the nearby cookie platter. “I thought you were some kind of immortal. Why do you even need glasses, anyway?”

“Immortal is the wrong word.” Tirek refilled his cider. “Incredibly extended life-span would be more appropriate. If my eyes just started going bad now, then who knows? Perhaps I’ll have hair as gray as yours in a few centuries.”

Gray laughed as he swallowed his umpteenth cookie of the evening. “Hey, this is all genetic. I’ve had this shade since the day I was born.” He looked out onto the back patio that he and Tirek had just finished building that past summer and the four younger ponies standing on it. “Onyx is just lucky it tends to skip a generation.”

“With the way things are going between them, that might be something we want to mention to Cozy Glow.”

The two fathers laughed, clinked glasses, and drank. “Cozy’s a fine young mare. You did good with that one.”

“I did, didn’t I?” Tirek looked out at his daughter wistfully. “I guess the law of averages dictates that I would manage to do something right after all these years.” The centaur tilted his glass at his boss. “And you’re no slouch yourself, you know. Onyx is quite the upstanding stallion.”

“That’s all his mother’s doing.” Gray considered another cookie, but ultimately decided against it. His wife had been dropping hints about his stomach all night. “I taught the boy manners and rock farming. Everything else is her fault.”

“To our wives!” Tirek raised his glass. “They’re called our better halves for a reason.”

“I’ll drink to that.” They did just that, and Gray decided that one more glass of cider wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. A little liquid courage was necessary for what he had to say next. “Tirek, you’ve been working for me for years now. You’re the best field hand I’ve ever had.”

“No compliments are necessary.” Tirek tried to wave him off. “You gave me that job when you didn’t even have to give me a second glance. More than that, your endorsement did wonders for getting the town to accept me when I finally started showing my face in public.”

“Well, I feel like I owe you a lot. You’re help has rescued more than one harvest…”

“You don’t owe me anything, Gray.”

“But I do.” He chugged his cider and exhaled forcefully. “And that’s why I want to make you the new foreman.”

Tirek blinked slowly. “But what about Shale? She’s…”

“Moving.” Gray finished for him. “Which means the position’s open. And honestly, it should’ve been yours five years ago.” He put out a hoof. “What do you say… partner?”

“What do I say?” Tirek pulled off his glasses and wiped them clean on the gaudy Hearth’s Warming vest his wife had made him. “What can I say?” He replaced his glasses, broke into a wide grin, and wrapped the smaller stallion in a crushing bear hug. “Thank you!”

Gray was struggling to breathe, so he tapped the centaur’s broad back to beg for release. Once his hooves were back on the floor, he laughed as he tried to catch his breath. “I thought you’d be pleased. Wasn’t expecting that, though.”

“It’s just…” Tirek smiled with embarrassment. “I’ve never been promoted before.”

“Well, you’ve earned it.” Gray bumped his hoof against Tirek’s fist. “Plus, this makes it easier to fold you into the business proper once Onyx and Cozy get hitched.”

Tirek raised an eyebrow. “Do you know something I don’t? They haven’t even graduated yet.”

Gray laughed as he reached for the cookie platter. Who cared what his stomach looked like? It was Hearth’s Warming. “Just wishful thinking. It would really be something to add a centaur to the family.”


“I’m sorry.” Chrysalis was feeling pleasantly warm from the wine, but her concentration was waning just the slightest bit. “Could you repeat the question?”

Quartzite giggled like a school-filly as she took another sip. “I asked if your husband ever asks you to use your powers in the bedroom.”

Chrysalis tittered into her glass. She caught sight of her creamy white reflection in the liquid within. “Not as often as you’d think. Usually it’s me who prefers to slip back into something… darker.” Emerald flames danced across her body, shifting her to her old, chitinous black form. “Looking like this makes me feel more comfortable being… y’know… bad.” The flames returned and once again she was her paler, reformed self. “Tirek is always telling me that it doesn’t matter which face I wear. He just wants me.”

Quartzite tossed back her aquamarine mane and sniffed. “Consider yourself lucky, girl. If I know Gray, if I had powers like yours he’d have me copying half the mares in those ‘fashion magazines’ I keep finding in Onyx’s room.”

The two mares laughed before a small smile crossed Chrysalis’ lips. “Well… there was this one time…”

“Ooh, details!” Quartzite leaned forward eagerly.

“Well, back in the old days, Tirek always considered himself the strongest being in the universe. Nopony could stand against him. But there was this one mare. She managed to hold her own in single combat. The only creature to ever fight him to a stand-still.”

“Let me guess; he had some hang-ups.”

“He wouldn’t admit it at first, but I managed to convince him that if we were ever going to be totally and fully reformed, then he would have to get over his old grudges and frustrations. I knew he wasn’t angry at this mare. He was…” She put a hoof to her chin. “I’m not sure how to put it.”

“Attracted to her?”

“Yes and no. It was more like there was this last shred of the old toxicity in him and it was tied to her and their stalemate.” She took another sip. “It was me that suggested that he try getting over her by…” She smirked. “Getting over her.”

The mares giggled. “Did it work?”

“Oh yes. To our mutual satisfaction. In fact, I’m planning on bringing her back for the rubber match for our anniversary.” The flames flashed and there was a purple alicorn swirling the wine in her glass. “He’s going to find out that the nerdy know how to get dirty.” They laughed together as Chrysalis resumed her original shape and made to refill their glasses. “You mentioned that you keep finding Onyx’s ‘fashion magazines?’ How awkward is that?”

Quartzite groaned dramatically and rolled her eyes. “You have no idea. I only had sisters growing up. I was totally unprepared for the step from colt to stallion.” She peered over the rim of her glass. “You should count yourself lucky you don’t have to deal with any of that stuff with Cozy Glow.”

“Are you kidding?” Chrysalis looked at her incredulously. “Imagine how awkward it was for two non-ponies to explain equine biology to a young mare. I swear we we learning more about it than she was.”

Quartzite laughed and extended her glass. “Those magazines I keep finding are mostly full of pegasi, I should mention.”

Chrysalis smiled conspiratorially and tapped her glass against her friend’s. “I can’t imagine why.”


“I still can’t believe that you actually managed to convince Coach Bruiser you couldn’t fly.” Mustard Seed shook her head. “I mean, you practically had him sobbing at the unfairness of a pegasi unable to use her wings.”

“It’s not entirely unheard of.” Lily Vine sipped her cider and placed the cup back on the patio’s railing. “You’re just lucky that he has more rocks than brains in his skull.”

“Hey, that’s my second cousin ya’ll are ragging on.” Onyx Bolt mock-glowered. “He’s very proud of those rocks.”

Cozy Glow laughed and kissed her colt-friend’s cheek before looking back to her friends. “I didn’t mean anything by it. Honestly. I just have these urges sometimes…”

“Post-Evil Resurgent Syndrome.” Lily nodded. “I’m going to use you as my dissertation one day.”

“Well, when I get those urges I just need an outlet. Nothing major, just something small. So I convince the gym teacher I’m crippled so he’ll let me skip that period.”

“Or replace the head cheerleader’s shampoo with mane remover.” Mustard Seed mentioned with a grin.

“Or send a series of threatening notes to convince the guidance counselors that each of them knows the others dark secret.” Lily Vine added.

“Or pulling me out of Calculus by pretending my dad had swamp flu.” Onyx Bolt grinned.

“Okay, you weren’t complaining about that at the time.” Cozy pouted.

“Hard to complain when you’ve shoved me into the broom closet.” He waggled his eyebrows.

“You love it when I’m bad.” Cozy narrowed her eyes and inched forward.

“More than you know.” He mirrored her.

“Aaand that’s our cue.” Mustard Seed polished off her cider and looked at Lily Vine. “Walk you home?”

“You’d be a pretty crummy marefriend if you didn’t.” Lily poked her tongue out playfully. She crossed the patio to hug Cozy and Onyx. “Happy Hearth’s Warming.”

“You too.” Cozy reciprocated the hug and saw the glass door sliding open. “What’s up, Mom?”

Chrysalis stepped out and looked to Onyx. “Your parents are heading out. You’re welcome to stay for a while if you’d like, Onyx.”

“Nah, I better go help get Dad to bed. He always gets a little sloshed at Hearth’s Warming.” He kissed Cozy, then leaned close to her ear. “…Later?”

“I’ll keep the window open.” She whispered back before sealing the deal with another kiss.

Mustard Seed smiled at Chrysalis. “Happy Hearth’s Warming… Amp.”

The two mares laughed as they bumped hooves… followed by a quick (and horrible looking) bit of dueling air guitars.

Good-byes and well wishes and hugs were passed all around, and not long after mother and daughter were all that remained in the gently falling snow. “How was your Hearth’s Warming?” Chrysalis asked.

“Great. Yours?”

“Wonderful. As always.” Chrysalis embraced her daughter and sighed. “Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

“There’s my girls.” Tirek stepped out, her arms open wide. “Room for one more?” The little family embraced one another in the snowy night, just as they had for the past ten years. “Happy Hearth’s Warming, my little monster.” Tirek kissed Cozy’s cheek.

“Happy Hearth’s Warming, Papa.” She yawned as she pulled away, recognizing the familiar look in her parent’s eyes as they looked at one another. “I’m gonna head to bed.” She headed back inside… then poked her head back out just before she shut the door. “By the way, Onyx is probably going to sneak through my window later.”

“Make sure he doesn’t track snow on the carpet.” Tirek advised, not taking his eyes from his wife’s.

“And don’t get too noisy. Your father and I have work in the morning.” Chrysalis added as she leaned in.

The two kissed in the moonlight, holding each other tight. Their bodies were warm, but it was the love that flowed between them that truly chased away the chill.

When they parted, Chrysalis sighed into his strong embrace and rested her forehead on his. “Happy Hearth’s Warming, my love.”

“And to you, my dearest.”

They stayed there for a long while, watching the snow and holding one another. It was how they'd always saw out the holiday since they'd come to Saddleburg. Since they'd tried for a fresh start. Since they'd become a family.

As far as they were concerned, it was how they always would.