• Published 7th Dec 2019
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How To Charm A Bug - ShowShine

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“You can do this, you’re cool, handsome, and stunning.” Zephyr Breeze encouraged himself, striking a pose. He held a bouquet of roses under his wing. He stood in front of Rainbow Dash’s cloud house, which was very large. He let in a deep breath and rang the doorbell. The door swung open, revealing a happy looking Rainbow Dash. When she looked at Zephyr, her smile turned into a frown.

“Ugh, not this again.” Rainbow Dash said with a groan, rubbing the bridge of her nose. Zephyr Breeze held out the bouquet of roses with his wing.

“Rainbow Dash, will you go out with me?” He asked, with a smile and a wink. Rainbow Dash gave him an irritated look and ran her hoof through her mane.

“We’ve been over this, I’m lesbian. I dated your sister for like three years and I’m not into stallions. Even if I was into stallions, you’re just not my type. Now get lost!” Rainbow Dash explained. Zephyr’s ears flattened against his head. He put the roses back under his wing and hung his head low.

“I understand, I should just go. To be all alone!” Zephyr exclaimed dramatically, putting his hoof on his forehead. “I’ll go see if Fluttershy can comfort my broken heart!” He exclaimed, before flying off. Rainbow Dash let out a sigh and shook her head before shutting her front door.

Zephyr Breeze flew through the sky, holding the bouquet of flowers in his mouth. He flew towards the Everfree Forest, wanting to be alone for a bit. He had lied about going to see Fluttershy. He landed in a dark part of the forest, dropping the roses to the ground.

“I don’t even know why I try at this point, she’ll never love me back,” Zephyr said to himself. His ears flattened and he sat on the ground, staring down at the dirt. He pouted to himself, just wanting to find someone to love him back. He had tried to go with other mares before but it never worked out. They all said that he wasn’t their type or he boasted too much.

“I’ll never find love,” Zephyr said to himself, laying onto the ground. He stared up at the sky, looking at the clouds. The forest was always so quiet, despite all of the wild animals. He had lived in the forest for a short while and he only got attacked by a rabbit once. There was a rustle in the bush, making Zephyr sit up. He stayed quiet, hoping it wasn’t a Timberwolf. A tall black changeling with holes all over her body. Her hair was long and dark greenish-blue. She held a purple piece of wood in her magical grasp.

“I need a way to defeat them.” She said to the piece of wood. Zephyr Breeze's heart started to pound in his chest and his cheeks turned pink. She was the prettiest mare he had ever seen. Zephyr Breeze sauntered over to her with a smirk, dropping the roses to the ground.

“Hey pretty lady, do you wanna go out sometime?” Zephyr asked. The mare jumped back in surprise, looking at Zephyr as if he was crazy.

“What are you doing here? Ponies are too afraid to be in this forest.” She said in surprise.

“Well, that just shows that I’m the bravest stallion out there.” Zephyr boasted. The mare looked at him with a scowl.

“Don’t you know who I am? I’m Queen Chrysalis!” She exclaimed, stomping her hoof.

“You’re a queen in my eyes. Chrysalis is a pretty name too.” Zephyr complimented. Chrysalis gave him a surprised look.

“I can kill you at any moment. Now leave me alone.” Chrysalis said coldly. When Zephyr didn’t move, Chrysalis rolled her eyes and started to walk away. Her stomach growled, making her hunch over in pain. She glanced at Zephyr and an idea popped into her head.

“You want to take me out on a date, right?” Chrysalis questioned. Zephyr eagerly nodded his head.

“Well we should get to know each other first, then we could go out on a date,” Chrysalis said with a fake smile.

“Well my name is Zephyr Breeze, but you can call me yours.” He said with a wink. Chrysalis gave a forced smile, trying not to cringe at the terrible pickup line.

“If you want to go on a date with me, show me how much you love me,” Chrysalis said with a toothy grin. Zephyr thought for a moment, thinking of what he could say. He picked up the roses he had dropped and held them up to her.

“Pretty roses for a pretty lady.” He stayed with a grin. Chrysalis took the flowers from him and gave a smile. Her stomach growled loudly, making her clutch her stomach in pain.

“You look like you’re hungry, we should go into town to get some hayburgers.” Zephyr suggested. Chrysalis shook her head.

“I’m a changeling, I feed off of love.” She explained. Zephyr grabbed her hoof and kissed it. Chrysalis’ horn started to glow and she opened her mouth, eating up Zephyr's love. Once her stomach was full, she licked her lips and let out a belch. She looked down at Zephyr who stared at her with love in his eyes.

“How are you not weak and tired from that?” Chrysalis asked. Zephyr tilted his head in confusion.

“What do you mean?” He question. Chrysalis scratched her head in confusion. Usually, when she sucked the loved out of someone, they’d be exhausted but Zephyr looked fine.

“This idiot is actually in love with me. We just met and he’s head over hooves for me. He has so much love for me that I could eat for weeks.” Chrysalis thought to herself. She couldn’t use him for a revenge plan, he seemed too dumb for that. She couldn’t just keep him with her either, he was too annoying and would drive her crazy. If she put him in a cocoon, his love would fade quickly and she would be left hungry again.

“What should we do next my love?” Zephyr asked. Chrysalis didn’t want to deal with him at that moment and she had already eaten.

“How about you come here at the same time tomorrow, and you can stay with me until the sun sets. Just don’t tell anyone I’m here or who I am.” Chrysalis commanded. She couldn’t risk being caught because he blabbed his big mouth. Zephyr gave a confused look.

“Why not?” He asked. Chrysalis quickly thought of an excuse.

“I’m really shy, I don’t want anyone to see me,” Chrysalis explained, hiding her face in her mane. Zephyr Breeze flew up to Chrysalis’ face and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

“My older sister is shy too, you don’t have to worry about a thing.” Zephyr sympathized. He blew Chrysalis another kiss before flying off of the ground. “I’ll see you later my love!” He said before flying away. Chrysalis watched him fly above the trees before looking at her piece of wood.

“That was pathetic, wasn’t it?” She asked the piece of wood with an amused smirk. She stared at the wood, which stayed silent.

“Well, at least he’s better than talking to a piece of wood,” Chrysalis said, tossing the wood a few feet away. She patted her full stomach. Now she was ready for tomorrow, excited to have another full meal.

Rainbow Dash stood in front of Fluttershy’s cottage, knocking holding a card. She knocked on the door and it opened, revealing Fluttershy.

“Hello Rainbow Dash, what brings you here?” Fluttershy asked. Rainbow Dash’s ears flattened and she looked down at the ground.

“I came to bring this to Zephyr, I think I was a little too hard on rejecting him.” Rainbow Dash explained.

“That’s very kind of you, but Zephyr Breeze isn’t here.” Fluttershy stared. Rainbow Dash cocked an eyebrow.

“Really? He left my house an hour ago.” Rainbow Dash said, now confused. Fluttershy thought to herself.

“Do you think he got lost again?” Fluttershy asked. Even though Ponyville was a small town, Zephyr had gotten lost in it countless times. Fluttershy looked over Rainbow Dash’s shoulder to see her brother flying towards her with a grin on his face.

“Fluttershy, I’m in love!” Zephyr exclaimed, landing next to Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy let out an exasperated sigh.

“You say that you’re in love with every mare that speaks to you,” Fluttershy stated. Zephyr shook his head.

“This time she actually likes me, she asked me to meet up with her tomorrow.” He said with a proud grin. Rainbow Dash cocked an eyebrow.

“Who’s this mare anyway?” Rainbow asked. Zephyr opened his mouth to answer but quickly shut his mouth.

“She doesn’t want me to tell anyone, she’s really shy,” Zephyr explained. He opened his wings.

“I’m going to go buy her presents!” He exclaimed before flying off. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash looked at each other in surprise.

“Should we be concerned?" Fluttershy asked. Rainbow Dash waved her hoof dismissively and shrugged her shoulder.

“As long as he doesn’t have a crush on me anymore, I don’t care.”