• Published 6th Jan 2020
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The Ending of the End - Love and Tolerance Edition - StarlightisVERYcute

Equestria faces its most dire threat yet as Grogar and his legions march upon Canterlot. Meanwhile, Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, and Tirek prepare to betray him and seize power themselves. Can the Mane 6 save Equestria?

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Chapter XIII

Fluttershy watched Sombra dissipating into black smoke with relieved satisfaction. He was on their side, and their family members would be safe. After Grogar was dealt with, hopefully Fluttershy and her friends wouldn’t have to destroy him. She really didn’t like lethal force, even in those kinds of situations or against ponies who found “lethal” more of a hassle than a crisis.

Once he was gone, she felt a wave of exhaustion sweeping over her. Her wings weighed her down like they were made of lead. She just wanted to snuggle up and sleep.

But before Fluttershy could bring up her concerns, Rarity spoke up. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m very drained from our previous battles today, and my horn is killing me! Do you think we could take a rest and recover?”

“Normally I’d just tell you to toughen up and ready for our rematch,” Rainbow commented, “but truth be told, I’m feeling pretty worn out too. I could use a break.”

“I’m certainly open to the idea,” Twilight offered.

“You must keep yourselves healthy!” Mage Meadowbrook insisted. “How can you help Equestria if you can’t even help yourselves?”

“Yona all ready,” Yona said with a playful grin. “Yona always ready to smash Grogar face!”

“But you’ll have a better time face-smashing if your fellow face-smashers are all working together,” Fluttershy pointed out.

“What makes this site a safe place to rest?” Twilight echoed.

“When Gallus, Ocellus, Silverstream, Sandbar, Smolder, and Yona saved me, I briefly explained,” Treelight said. “If it is rest you desire, come, bury into my roots. You will be able to sleep well.”

“Why not just take all of us to your basement?” Gallus asked with a chuckle. “Sounds like the same thing but less, uh, weird.”

“That is functional,” Treelight answered. The floor slid apart, revealing a short spiral staircase.

The twenty creatures walked down carefully. Below, pillows and blankets were scattered across the floor. Some were elevated off the ground on crystal pillars, while others were nestled between roots of the Tree of Harmony.

“Here, you will recuperate quickly,” Treelight said. “My energies will let you regain your strength in less time.”

“How long?” Twilight asked her.

“Perhaps three hours,” the Tree explained.

“Then we should ask Starlight to begin the invasion now,” Flash Magnus said. “It’ll take her a little while to bring her armies to Equestria, and giving Grogar something else to worry about while we rest will keep him from successfully performing anything really nasty.”

“Good point,” Twilight said approvingly. “Spike, take a letter.”

As Twilight dictated to Spike, Fluttershy let her mind wander again. Where is Discord? Is he alright? He did fake his injury against Sombra months ago. But Sombra is a lot less powerful than Grogar, and Grogar had used a spell that simply made Discord vanish. Will he be able to constitute himself? What if he is gone forever?

Fluttershy felt a creeping dread seep into her heart, but she pushed it down and replaced it with a determined fury. Grogar made a big mistake by hurting my friend.

She walked over to one of the piles of soft, thick blankets. She slid inside, and placed her head on a wide, fluffy pillow. She closed her eyes, blacking out the serene twilight of the Tree’s basement.

Grogar is going to see just how dangerous a kind pony who lost her friend can be.

“Read it again, Starlight,” Trixie requested. “The Great and Powerful Trixie wants to be sure she heard right.”

“Sure thing,” Starlight said. “Here goes:”

We really drained our energy in the battle against Grogar. We’ve decided to rest up for a little while. Grogar hasn’t done anything since we fled Canterlot, so he’s probably up to something really horrible.
We need you to begin the invasion. Hopefully, by the time you’ve reached him, we’ll be more ready to fight. See if you can draw him and any forces he has to you—away from whatever awful scheme he’s planning.
Sombra has allied himself to us. He’ll be sending us reports. Don’t worry if you see somepony under his influence; they’re actually safer than a regular pony.
I know this will sound different than my usual beliefs, but you are free to use whatever magic you deem convenient. I trust you to know when dark magic is the best option.
You can do it, Starlight. You’re the best student a teacher could ask for.
Your friend,

“So Trixie is not crazy,” Trixie said. “It is time after all.”

“So Twilight Glimmer wants us to go ahead and attack?” Ember asked with a predatory grin.

“Twilight Sparkle,” Starlight corrected automatically. “And yes.”

“Finally, some action!” Ember said. “I was getting bored out of my mind just waiting here.”

“The hippogriff navy is ready as well,” Skybeak affirmed.

“All loyalist changelings await your signal,” Pharynx said with a frown.

He probably still doesn’t like the idea, Starlight reflected. At least he’s here with us.

“Let’s show those dweebs why nogriff messes with Griffonstone,” Gilda said, cracking her talons.

“It is our pleasure to battle alongside you,” Amira the Saddle Arabian agreed.

“Tell your armies,” Starlight said. It’s really scary. Of course it’s really scary. I’ve never led a whole host before! But a determined fire blazed in her chest, warming her limbs and melting her uncertainty. A desire to save Equestria. “We march!”

Rarity examined the makeshift bed with admiration. The Tree had even seen fit to provide her with a sleep mask. She slipped under the thick blankets into the silky sheets. The blanketsy were soft and fluffy, warm but not hot. The sheets glittered in the dim light like the Tree’s own leaves, and settled easily. With a flash of her telekinesis, the sheets drew taut over her.

Rarity lay her head back on the pillow. It was like twinkling starlight against her neck. She wondered if that was the Tree’s influence. Could it be conjuring bedding to call up my deepest feelings of contentment?

An interesting question, she thought, but I really ought to sleep. She pulled the sleep mask over her eyes, and in just a few moments, entered the realm of dreams.

As Twilight looked around the dreamscape, a cold sweat settled on her back. She was standing on exposed rock in a black, foggy void. On the edges of her vision, something moved. She whirled towards it, but there was only the fog.

“Hello?” she called out, her voice shaking. “Who’s there?”

“…I… i…,” a muffled, panicked voice answered from behind her. She turned slowly, agonizingly, but again, there was nothing but the dark rock and the fog.

“Are you alright?” Twilight asked, concern edging out fear for the moment. “Who are you?”

“Twilight!” the voice gasped. “Are you here?”

The voice was familiar, but still muffled by the fog. “Yes, I’m here,” she reassured, trotting towards the voice.

Princess Luna stumbled into view. “Twilight, listen to me. Grogar has something so dangerous and powerful any attack on him without countermeasures is likely to fail!”

“I know,” Twilight said, trying to be reassuring. “His Bewitching Bell.”

“No, something else,” Luna insisted. “He has—”

But Luna was cut off as a tendril of blackness pinned her mouth shut. More tentacles surrounded her, wrapping hungrily around her body. Luna slashed downward with her horn, and cried out, “Twilight, the Elements—Disharmony—!”

“The elements are gone!” Twilight answered as she dove forward to help Luna. One of the powerful tentacles batted her away like a gnat. She grit her teeth. Nopony hurts the Princess of the Moon like that!

One of the tentacles was trying to force its way down Luna’s throat. What’s it doing? How? Why? Her questions didn’t receive answers, but she knew whatever was happening couldn’t be good. She unleashed a searing beam of lavender energy towards the tentacle, and it recoiled as if bitten. Luna took the opportunity to twist around and slam a hoof down. She gasped out, “He has the—”

At that moment, a protoplasm as wide as a tree trunk crashed into her. “Guurghgk,” Luna gurgled. “Go!”

Twilight ignored Luna’s command without hesitation. She jumped forward to grab Luna, but the tentacles pulled Luna away into the black fog.

Twilight fell to her knees. “Luna!” she screamed. “Luna!” She felt warm, salty tears dripping down her face. Luna was gone. She wasn’t able to save her.

“No,” Twilight whispered. She let herself weep freely. Even in the realm of dreams, Twilight wasn’t powerful enough to protect the ponies she loved.

A hissing echo made Twilight look up. The shadow tendrils were drawing closer. She stared them down defiantly. What more can they do to me?

A cold, cruel chuckle she distantly recognized offered her an answer. Twilight backed up quickly, but a rock wall materialized suddenly behind her. She looked up, somehow knowing exactly who was there, but hoping against hope she was wrong.

She wasn’t. A midnight-black alicorn in battle regalia strode towards her. Nightmare Moon regarded her with undisguised hatred.

“You failed me, Twilight Sparkle,” Nightmare Moon said. Her voice froze Twilight’s blood, and she ignited her horn in blue fire. “You failed us all.”

“This isn’t you, Luna,” Twilight pleaded. “Please…”

“Be still, Twilight Sparkle,” Nightmare Moon ordered. “I have not come to harm you. No, there is still one nightmare you have yet to bear witness to.” Nightmare Moon fired her magic at the black fog, cleaving it in two, revealing what lay behind.

Twilight watched in mute horror. There, bathed in the dark purple radiance of dark magic, was Twilight herself.

But this Twilight had slits for pupils. She had a flowing, ethereal mane. She wore black armor with silver inlay. Her horn blazed purple-black, and she gave Twilight an imperious stare.

And at her hooves lay Celestia and Luna’s broken crowns.

“Behold your fate,” Nightmare Moon said. “Behold what you will become!

Twilight struggled to find a reply. No, no, she thought, silent in horror. That’s not right.

“There is no hope to prevail against Grogar,” the dark Twilight said. “You cannot win.”

“We still have the power of the Tree of Harmony!” Twilight claimed, her voice shaking. Was she trying to convince the dark Twilight, or herself? “It has always won!”

“You do,” Nightmare Moon agreed. “And yet, wasn’t I trying to tell you of Grogar’s secret weapon before you failed to save me?”

No. No. Dread seeped into Twilight’s very bones. Somehow, she knew what was coming.

“Through the Tree, you seek the power of the Elements of Harmony,” Nightmare Moon. Her voice was cold but, strangely, not quite cruel. Perhaps she simply didn’t care enough about Twilight to go out of her way to hurt her any more. “But what you do not know is that your pet viper has been defanged. Grogar has found the Elements of Disharmony.”

Those three words were enough to send Twilight spinning into the rock wall. Elements of Disharmony. What? How can they be real? Why hasn’t any book described them? Why didn’t anypony tell me?

The dark Twilight lifted her crown and pulled out the blackened star atop it. “Embrace your destiny, Twilight Sparkle. I am your future.”

“No!” Twilight screamed, her voice cracking. Nightmare Twilight set her horn ablaze, and Twilight herself was paralyzed in a cloud of purplish-black magic. She could only watch motionlessly as the dark Twilight held up her corrupted Element of Magic, and pointed it outwards. A surge of congealed green, black, and purple magic swept over Twilight, and the world went black.

“No!” Twilight screamed, jerking upright. Her face was soaking wet with sweat and tears. “No!

Slowly, she caught her breath. She was back in the Treehouse of Harmony’s basement, safe and sound. Her friends were looking at her with worry. “Are you alright, sugarcube?” Applejack asked, her voice colored with . “Ya were yellin’, and cryin’, and, uhhh…”

“Convulsing,” Pinkie offered. “Like you had too much sugar, except the bad kind of too much sugar, not the fun kind.”

“We tried to shake you awake,” Rainbow said, “but it was like you were trapped in your dream!”

“I was,” Twilight said, pain stabbing through her voice. “Luna was there, and she tried to w-warn me, but then the darkness attacked her, and I… I…”

Fluttershy wrapped Twilight in a hug with her wing, and held her for a long, peaceful moment. “When you’re ready, Twilight. Not before.”

“I c-couldn’t save her,” Twilight admitted weakly. “She was dragged away, and then… then Nightmare Moon returned. She showed me my future, and it was an evil version of myself, like Nightmare Moon or Daybreaker! She told me of the El-Elements of Disharmony, and then… then I woke up.”

“Elements of Disharmony?” Starswirl echoed. “Do such things even exist?”

“My n-nightmare form thought so,” Twilight replied. “And my evil self had one. It looked just like one of the jewels floating around Grogar, so… maybe?”

“Could this have been a trick?” Spike suggested. “An attempt to scare you into thinking Grogar had this kind of power?”

“Or the return of the Tantabus?” Rainbow asked.

“I guess it could be either,” Twilight agreed after a long moment of hesitation. “I just don’t know.”

“You should try to sleep again,” Fluttershy said, her voice kind. “You’ll need your energy.”

Twilight was about to answer, when Spike spoke up. “I’ll snuggle with you, Twilight,” he said firmly. “You need a nice, long, comforting hug from your Number One Assistant.”

“I really do,” Twilight acknowledged. “But you know what I need even more?”

“What?” Spike asked.

“A nice, long, comforting hug from my little brother.”

Sombra quickly flew up the sheer walls of Canterlot mountain. As a cloud of smoke he could move at speeds unrivaled by all by the fastest pegasi, and unlike pegasi, a snowstorm even of this magnitude didn’t impede his movement. As he rose, he considered his course of action.

Naturally, the first and most important concern is my own survival. The rest of the Legion lacks the power to resurrect me, and the Elements or Princesses would never want to. This is most likely my last life in several centuries at least, and quite possibly ever.

Hopefully, he thought, I’ll be able to learn Grogar’s plans and subtly interfere with them in such a way I’m not at risk myself. Survival isn’t my sole concern, of course. If I only wanted to survive, I could stay a cloud of fog and hide in an ocean trench.

No, I have plans. Plans for conquest, plans for slicing up Equestria with my new allies, and plans for eliminating the Elements as soon as Grogar is dealt with. The thought filled him with satisfaction. It really is a shame faceless smoke monsters can’t smile.

He crested the rim of Canterlot, and looked out across the city’s ruins. Drifts of snow swept from one collapsed building to another, but his eyes were drawn to the blue lines in every street. What are they?

Sombra floated down to examine the glowing lines. They crackled an eerie, brilliant blue. They were painted or carved onto the streets in astounding complexity, spread all across Canterlot. What was Grogar doing?

A gust of wind scattered a drift of snow onto the lines. As soon as the snow came into contact with the lines it vanished, leaving no trace, not even steam, behind.

He felt a creeping sense of unease sneak through him. He didn’t recognize the symbols or inscriptions, and none of the ritual polygons were even remotely familiar. Whatever was at play here, it was something he had never encountered before.

Sombra steeled his will, and set out to find Grogar. The snow pelted down through him as the Windigos raged high above. In this form, even extreme cold did not harm him, but the thick snow and the dimming light of dusk still made it almost impossible to see. In the distance, he could just make out his swarm of brainwashed ponies marching in ordered rows.

There, a bit of blue motion! Sombra dashed towards it. Grogar was holding a stick, and with it drawing more fiery blue lines on the street. Six jewels orbited him, and his Bell hung from his neck.

“Grogar!” Sombra said, forcing himself into a bow. “I have returned.”

“Well?” Grogar growled, not looking up from his work. “What took you so long? What did you learn at the Tree of Harmony’s ruins?”

“The Tree survived, or was resurrected,” Sombra answered, trying to keep his tone deferential. “It very nearly captured me, and I was weakened enough I was unable to return until now.”

“Survived?” Grogar snorted. “You even managed to mess up that part of your plan?”

Sombra scowled. I am a King! I shouldn’t have to take this kind of backtalk. “It is hardly my fault. It’s a very resilient tree.”

“We will discuss your failure later,” Grogar muttered. He finally turned to Sombra. “Setting that aside for the moment, were the Elements of Harmony recreated as well?” His face was etched with undisguised contempt.

“No,” Sombra said. “And the Tree is not likely to be an obstacle to us. It is powerful, but its power seems to be very localized. I doubt it can reach anywhere further than Ponyville.”

“I agree,” Grogar said, “but just to be sure, destroy it again.”

“Did you miss the part where it nearly destroyed me?” Sombra demanded. Grogar is treating me as if I’m disposable!

“No,” Grogar replied, turning back to his work. “And you happen to have a legion of ordinary ponies. Direct them to destroy it for you. It will have little or no affect upon them.”

Sombra thought it over. This would let him relocate the ponies out of Canterlot, pleasing the Bearers, and Sombra wouldn’t have to face the Tree himself. “So be it.”

“Do so now,” Grogar ordered. “And above all, do not damage these sigils.”

With a nod and a halfhearted attempt at a bow, Sombra took off into the air, and flew back to his minions. They had looted weapons and armor from the city, and now looked like nothing so much as a dark mirror of the Royal Guards. He coalesced at the front of the formation. They saluted, and he smirked. It’s good to have minions again. But having a face and voice to smile smugly and gloat with is such an underrated boon.

“All troops, march into the Everfree Forest,” he ordered. “Form phalanxes and defend yourselves from attacks, but do not engage targets. Search and locate the Tree of Harmony.” He added, more quietly, “Defend it and do not harm it, but be ready to destroy it if I order you to.”

“Yes, King Sombra,” they answered in unison. Sombra watched with satisfaction as they marched down the mountain.

He examined the blue cracks blazing under his hooves. It would probably be easy to inject some magic-neutralizing crystals here and ruin the entire ritual. But Grogar would definitely notice, and he’d investigate. He’d find my tampering, and that would be the end of King Sombra.

Sombra shook his head. It’s so disgustingly base to obey some senile old goat. But if I can’t sabotage his spell, the only other idea we came up with was for me to stay near Grogar, observe him, and learn what he’s been doing. Then I’ll report back.

Sombra floated down beside Grogar and returned to a solid form. “It is done,” he said. “But my curiosity demands I must ask: what have you been doing with all those blue lines of energy?”

“As the other three have proven traitors and you have proven incompetent,” Grogar grumbled, “I am contacting some old allies. Do not interfere.”

“Understood,” Sombra said.

“You should know, however, that despite your manifest failure, your loyalty has earned you the Crystal Empire,” Grogar continued. “Once we complete our conquest, it will be yours.”

Sombra mulled that over. It would certainly be nice to have the Crystal Empire back. But Grogar would be my overlord, not my partner. And I’ve already had enough of his superiority for a lifetime.

After a moment, Sombra forced a smiled. “Thank you. It is an honor.”

“Now, leave me,” Grogar instructed. “I must focus.”

Sombra obligingly trotted away, deep in his thoughts. What “old allies” is Grogar contacting? Since Grogar wanted peace and quiet, Sombra would just have to spy on him from afar. With a flash of dark magic, he created a few crystals, polished them to a perfect shine, and fused them together into a set of binoculars. He settled down in a snowbank to watch the ram at work.