• Member Since 20th Aug, 2019
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30 year old man from California who likes to fight with swords. Author of Successor, Love Mark, and Daybreaker at Canterlot Wedding Verses.


Twilight's relationship with Celestia becomes fragile after Twilight learns that becoming an alicorn came with a longer lifespan, meaning she would outlive all her friends. Then her friends end up in the hospital under mysterious circumstances, will they survive? And will Twilight's relationship with Celestia?

Authors Notes: I appreciate viewer discretion and respecting of my opinions. People tried to convince me that immortality is a good thing here, but I am not a believer in that and never will be. To counter the comment that started that little debate, it's a fact that the highest age for suicide is people in their fifties. Some can overcome the pain of losing loved ones, others are overwhelmed by sadness.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 62 )

Ya know, it makes me think that the book with memories of Twilight and her friends was a coping mechanism Celestia made for Twilight. No offence

Maybe. But I dont really for coping when it comes to immortality. That's just a curse to get rid of in my mind.

Living for a long time has it's pros and cons right.

Yeah I guess. But I was raised on the philosophy it's a curse. I could probably take it but I would definitely choose not to.

I wouldn't take it but if i didn't have a choice in the matter it better give me regeneration and an off switch when I'm satisfied with life

Now here's a good ending for Twilight while still letting her keep the extended life span of an alicorn.

Though Pinkie was a tad too nonchalant over knowing her kids would die before her, even with her unpredictability.

Okay. I can see your other anti immortal Twilight stuff as more canon, in a way, than this. This... This isn't even Twilight in any way, shape, or form, anymore.

I'll see what I can do about that.

I dont disagree. She could never hate Celestia. But like you say in your bio. Show canon only matters if you let it

Sandwich and Lil Cheese are the eternal curve balls for giving Twilight's friends life extensions. Before the finale: "Twilight's friends becoming Alicorns? Sure I mean they're all worthy"

Afterwards: "Yeah but Pinkie's kid...."

It's a roadblock that's for sure.

I like this, really I do. Fits Celestia as a character. Of course she wouldn't want Twilight or Cadence to go through what she did. (Granted Cadence is dead in your story but I digress....)

Well, this is interesting. By human nature, immortality is a curse. In a short period of time immortality/long life is great and coping mechanisms work no to long. Because in a long period of time we became immune to this, like with medicaments. And believe or not but live so long demand a lot of self-distances for life. YOU cannot get any full attachment (impossible for most semi/sapiens beings), if you get in the end you will be hurt. And believe or not you get them.
The true question it's is: Can you die??? If the answer is yes, then you probably kill yourself and I tell you on some end you will do this.
In my opinion immortality, it's the worst fate you can gate in the long run. Christian purgatory has immortal souls trapped in a void. Yea long live in literary nothing less, I pass.
Well of course if you develop sociopath trials then you will be life long and happy. (how happy can be a sociopath)
In the long run, you are screwed.
This is just my way of thinking.

Yes indeed. It is a fate worse than death. You might like my story where she gives it up.

That's not canon you know.

10055253 I'm not commenting on the canonness of anything. The comic just points out that with experience comes perspective, so far as immortality goes.

Yeah. Well, I'm on the anti immortal perspective. I get that some people can think of it as good.

This was an interesting take on the subject of immortality and the consequences of living for a long time. I tend to lean into the side of 'Twilight will outlive all her friends' camp and have a lot of mixed feelings on the subject. Either way, this was a cool read and was glad to see her friends were going to be by her side for a while. Good show! :raritywink:

Kinda hard not to have mixed feelings on that possible future, but the show's over. Think whatever makes you happy. :D

Seriously can you guys not see that it is EVIL to want Twilight to outlive her friends?

Were you writing the story to work through your own feelings on the matter, or were you writing the story in order to advance an argument in allegorical format?

If the former, then fine, disabling the likes is fine.

But in the case of the latter, then you’re essentially saying that it’s wrong to disagree with you and showcase that disagreement in a material way.

For my part...losing friends and family would suck. You know what else sucks? People forgetting about them. Let’s be real, 99.99% of everyone who ever lived just isn’t worth remembering. Everyone remembers Napoleon Bonaparte. Who knows the name of his next-door neighbor growing up? No one. They’re completely forgotten, lost to all time. They didn’t matter, or at least history has decided that they didn’t matter enough to be remembered.

Living forever gives everyone you know a shot at a sort of immortality. They can be remembered. Sure, Applejack is a national hero who’ll be remembered for centuries. But who’ll remember Moondancer? Eight hundred years from now, who’ll remember Dusty Pages?

That’s just the first thing that comes to mind. Dying is bad. Being forgotten sucks even more.

I got a little angry about it. Will probably modify that to be less. I dont really get how this whole being remembered thing matters, but then I've never cared for fame.

I see immortality as nothing but a curse. Death is some that happens to all of us, I rid myself of my fear of dying long ago for the most part. How bad can death be if there is a heaven?


How bad can death be if there is a heaven?

That is a whole can of worms that I do not feel like opening.

I think the problem is, you're too biased to one side, and the stories are becoming less of stories, than an agenda to revive the anti immortal Twilight thing that died years ago.

Seriously, I think you're the only one to keep bringing this side of the living forever argument up.

Understandable I guess. We cant all be fearless.


So...I’m going to guess you’re some flavor of Christian? This isn’t stereotyping on my part, it’s just that with over two billion followers Christianity is the largest religion on Earth so it seems like the safest bet. I think it’s largest denomination, Catholicism, has about as many followers as the second-largest religion. Islam.

So, am I right? Christian?

10055556 You know, I was going to leave it at my comment. I was ready to move on with my day and let bygones be bygones. But then you had to ad hominem—and worse than that, directly attack his wishes to not start an argument with passive aggression.

If you're going to make your comment section into a place to argue religious philosophy, you better be prepared to back that up.

I appreciate the sentiment, but you don’t have to get involved if you’d rather not, certainly not on my account. This is all old hat for me.

How bad can death be if there's literally nothing? I'm not saying one's better, I'm just saying death seems to hold little to nothing worth fearing, whether there's a positive afterlife or not.

By the way, if you believe in an eternal heaven (that you can go to!) then you probably already believe we're immortal, just... right now, on earth, we're kind of in a larval stage or test drive or something.

And immortality in an eternal heaven is a good thing, isn't it? It's literally heaven. It'll never run out of things that make it good. Staying there forever sounds like a wonderful plan. It looks sort of like you might agree, but you do agree with that, right?

So wouldn't that mean immortality is made good or bad by its circumstances?

I am a bit Christian. Don't really see myself as belonging to any real religion. And I apologize if I was being passive aggressive. I can't say you are incorrect about the memories keeping others alive. But I wouldn't want to be remembered at the price of causing someone a never ending road of grief.
I apologize if I was being passive aggressive. Didn't mean for that honestly, I was merely saying that I fail to understand things from this memory perspective and voicing my opinion. Everyone keeps talking about that, its like its brainwashed everyone into seeing a tragedy as a good thing. I'm not trying to hurt anyone, all I want is to give those that don't want Twilight to outlive her friends an alternative. I've been through my share of pain in my 26 years, and honestly I don't want to continue it forever.
Perhaps. I guess that would be immortality. I'm not saying death is a good thing at all, but I believe its important to let go of your fear of it.

Perhaps I am. You know you don't have to read my stories if your on the opposite side. I'm just gonna ignore any Twilight outlives her friends fics from now on and not bother commenting. I have my headcanon, and I will continue to write its midquel. It was obvious in my eyes that Twilight's training Luster with that repeat of the beginning, and the writers said Twilight would not outlive her friends. Now they're leaving it up to us. You want the tragic ending you stick with that.

Okay. I've been doing some thinking and decided I'm gonna rewrite this without trying to be biased as you say. I know I pretty much attack all the values you pro immortal people have in this fic. And as much as I hate immortality I cant deny that you have fair points about memories and people you love will die regardless of whether you are immortal or not.

I just love the look on Celestia's face in the second panel, like "you ungrateful little twat. I was going to apologize for the whole Crystal Empire debachle, but buck you."

Personally I don't see why this is even a debate. As long as its relatively ethical, as long as I don't have to sacrifice virgins to the Sky born ones or have to vote AOC or something like that, I'm all for immortality.

The arguements against it are stupid. Case closed

Its dumb.


I am a bit Christian.

The reason why I asked is because you understand that the central idea of this story, that you live on while friends and family die and are never seen again, applies to you as well in the Christian belief. What are you going to do if you get to Heaven and no one you know is there because it turns out they were false believers? Well, probably not no one, but what is your reaction going to be if your grandma or uncle isn’t there? And never will be, because God does not grant second chances, there is no reincarnation system. You got one shot.

You can have faith and hope that they died good, believing Christians and so will be in Heaven, but you can’t know for sure and statistically speaking at least a few of the people you were hoping would be there, won’t be. And certainly there’s a huge number of people that you might like to meet in Heaven but aren’t there. Einstein, for example. Leonard Nimoy. Mahatma Ghandi. Freddie Mercury.

Just something to keep in mind when you consider how awful spending eternity without the people you knew is.

Yeah. You might be right. I cant deny that you guys who want immortality have good arguments. But I just see it as tragic for Twilight unless she has her friends by her side.

Way back when she first became an alicorn, this was written. You should read it too.


Question: What if Twilight outlives her friends BUT finds happiness while still having her extended life span?

For the record, this would fly in the face of your belief that immortality, or a life span in the thousands. But let's just say she can do it and still be happy. Will you be okay with that?

And where I stand on the "debate"? It's whatever Twilight would want. If she really couldn't take a life span in the thousands or even beyond that (that is, true immortality) then I wouldn't want that.

If she can handle it and be happy and doesn't mind the life span or even wants it, then I would be for it, no matter how I would feel about immortality. That's because, at that point, I still not wanting it would mean that it stopped being what Twilight wants and what I want for her.

If I knew for a fact she would be okay with it then yes. But the writers said she wouldn't outlive them years ago. Now they left it up to us. I've made my headcanon story where she gives it up as you know. I could probably cope with it myself, it's not like I could go through anything worse maybe unless I lose my child perhaps. But my beliefs are too hardcore. Maybe I need to loosen up, and get some more joy into my life. Last week I was enjoying myself a bit, and actually felt tempted to accept it given the chance.

Thanks. But it didnt change my mind. I'm a stubborn one.

Tuck Everlasting shows immortality is not a good thing too.

As a matter of fact that was one of the things that turned me against immortality early on.

A good story.

Nice. I thought it would be bad beforehand, but it still made me more confident about my choice. I actually finished it today. That was the sad story ending I posted that last post about needing a sad story for.

Will there be a sequel on this

I dont know. I had thought about making one but with this having nearly as many dislikes as likes I'm not sure. Well, I think I'm gonna take a little break from my little crusade against Twilight outliving her friends. Try and write maybe a wedding story for Starlight and Sunburst.

“Well… I don’t have to worry about outliving Discord. Because he is a true immortal,” Fluttershy said. “Yes… even we alicorns are not immortal. We merely live for thousands of years,” Celestia said. “Well, we’ll be with all our loved ones again than someday,” Twilight said. “That’s a relief. I was thinking I might never Shining Armor and Cadence again.” “Or Granny Smith and my parents,” Applejack said, looking up. “Guess you guys will have to wait a long time for me.”

A verb is missing between never and Shining.

I wanted to see how the rest experience their first days as alicorns.

nice work :twilightsmile:

Thank you. A lot of people on this site are pro immortal, but everyone I meet in person agrees it is a curse. Though in this case it's just longer life span.

Comment posted by SamSwordsman123 deleted Mar 20th, 2020
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