• Published 3rd Feb 2020
  • 4,896 Views, 17 Comments

The Plan is Simple, Deal with Cozy Glow! - Mare Of Mystery

1. Confront her in the middle of battle alone, 2. Don't hesitate to punch her in the face, 3. Proceed to make out with her- Wait, huh!?

  • ...

Well... the plan has changed for the better

Author's Note:

This is an alternate take on “Quick! Distract Chrysalis” but instead it’s about Cozy Glow. Not technically a sequel to it, but it’s coming. So please wait patiently. I originally planned to make this one story with three different endings of the finale, but I got way too into Chrysalis’ side I had to split them into different stories. Hope you understand :)

Out of all the days in Equestria, why does it have to be today to be fighting to save the world? You asked yourself as you slowly walked alongside Twilight and her friends preparing to face off against three other opponents in a large field. You remember your first day stumbling upon this magical land after you were just sitting in your room playing videogames until a magical portal decides to suck you up during your gaming session. Then things got worse when you fell a few hundred feet from the air and landed on some lavender horse named Twilight during her princess coronation ceremony. Thinking that this was all a dream due to dehydration, you went crazy insane. But, time went by and you’ve calmed down and accepted that you’ve been transported to another world.

But over these few years, you came to grow to like this real; it’s peaceful citizens and friendly nature is very different from the bustling city you grew up in. Now, things were different, you were fighting to save the faith of Equestria by fighting some centaur, and bug pony, and some random filly who came out of nowhere last year attending Twilight’s school of friendship.

“Alright, time to throw hands on these three” You made your battle stance smacking your right fist onto the left palm of your hands. “Let's get this show goi—”

—Twilight placed a hoof just beneath his thigh. “Hold that thought, Anon! We must strategize to get that bell away from them; Let me think of something quick...”

“Come on, Twilight, let me get the bell for you!” Rainbow Dash came hovering above her, hitting her two hooves together, “I'll swoop by and grab it, no sweat!”

“Good thinking Rainbow, you’re the only fastest one here. Try to distract her by flying above her, she’ll have to spot and shoot you down!” nodded Twilight.

“Got it!”

“And, how about me?” you shrugged at the Princess.

“Anon... let’s see...” she placed a foreleg onto her chin to strategize a bit, “...You can probably help me get rid of Cozy Glow...”

“Sure, I know what you mean...” you cracked both of your fists one-by-one, preparing to throw some punches.

“Woah! I didn’t mean it like that!” she hissed at your unexpected determination, “You couldn’t ever hit a mare! That’s just uncanny!”

“I believe everyone’s equal, ladies and dudes!” you said straight to her worried expression, “I don’t mind throwing down on a couple of chicks if they’re asking for it!”

If it wasn’t clear as day, you had despised Cozy Glow ever since her devious scheme back in the School of Friendship. Although she was adorable and cute back when she was a ‘student’, it didn’t make it up for the fact she bent on world domination.

“W-Wow... I guess you’re serious about this,” Twilight turned around over towards Spike and Rarity, “You two should be fine dealing with Tirek, okay?”

“Pinkie and I will help them out as needed!” Applejack told her back.

Pinkie gave a cheery smile to both of them, “You betcha!”

“Alright let’s do this!”

The three special guests walked towards them in pure rancid glares as to seeing Twilight and her friends. All of their plans were foiled by those six, and they weren’t so happy to see her in this epic moment.

“So Princess Twilight, you came to accept that we won and will finally be our servants when we take Equestria for ourselves!” Chrysalis' devious smile and arrogance rattled the six.

“We won’t become your servants even if we wanted to!” she stepped her hooves down to the ground, “Whatever it takes! We shall stop your chaotic nature and show you the true meaning of friendship!”

The three couldn't be so maniacal as they laughed back at her face. She then cast a blast just a few feet from them to shut them up. You could feel the rage on her face; even her friends were a bit stunned by her anger.

“We were going to go easy on you little’ fellow, but since you’re a fully grown mare, I’m guessing we should be rougher.” Aj mocked the alicorn as if she doesn't have a care in the world.

"ERRH! Shutup cowgirl, more fighting!" She grunted, feeling a pent-up aggressive fighting spirit.

The six and spike already came rushing towards the group blasting their way towards their brute force. You started behind Twilight as she cast a barrier around you as protection from Cozy’s powerful laser. Tirek was fending off Rarity and Spike, who worked together to counter his fire breath. Rainbowdash followed through with the plan and flew above Chrysalis’ distracting her from guarding the bell.

“I’ll keep Cozy busy, stay behind me when I give the signal,” Twilight muttered behind her, keeping the barrier up in time, “Here comes!”

This was your moment, to finally get sweet revenge. You imagine she would just rot in Tartarus for the rest of her life. But since she’s here in front of you, it seems like you just have to do it yourself. Speaking of Cozy Glow, she soon stopped blasting lasers to slowly trot towards you and Twilight. Taking a glance already she has grown a bit—almost as tall as Twilight, but just shorter than her by a few inches.

“Well, Princess Twilight! I’m a full-grown mare who happens to be an alicorn like you; ain’t that impressive?” she grinned manically with her red eyes peering through.

“Pfft! So what?” Twilight brushed off her arrogance, “My sister in law’s baby was born an Alicorn. Plus, I bet you don’t even know the ropes of basic magic principles!”

“ I don’t care what you say to me! I’ll be the rightful Queen of friendship! And take over Equestria for me!” she growled.

Oh I want to strangle her right now!” you murmured to yourself, clenching your two fists to suppress your anger.

The chatting came to a halt when Twilight then shot a few blasts from her horn, which made Cozy teleport away from the line of fire and above the skies. She then shot out a long beam out of her horn making Twilight cast the barrier around you two once more. You quickly ducked behind your arm when the laser came into contact with the shield.

“She’s too powerful for me. Anon, you need to take cover!” she commanded to you, releasing the barrier in thin air.

“No, let me deal with her!”

“W-What? No way you could ever get near her!”

“Trust me... I’ll make sure to put her in her place!” you persisted to go through with your stupid decision.

“F-Fine...just make sure you won’t get hurt...” Twilight trusted you on getting her distracted, she left your part of the battlefield to help with Rainbowdash.

And here lay in front of your eyes is the scandalous little filly now fully grown to a mare when she locked eyes onto you from the distance. She fired no lazers, nor was chasing you down. All she could do was stared down with her big red eyes when she landed softly to the ground and slowly approaching you.

You stared at her back just to return the favor, saying, “Just because your older, doesn’t mean I should treat you like one! You’re still a kid at heart! A manipulative, no good, psychotic, mental, crazy—”

*20 more words that mean the same thing later...*

“Lunatic one to be exact!” panting deeply, you came to notice her eyes twitch a bit at her.

“W-W-Well...I...I don’t care what you say! Just do it!” Cozy replied being all stuttery.

“Wow, your voice sounds slightly deeper than usual. How old are you; 17? 18 years old?”

“E-E-Eighteen! S-S-Same as you...” Cozy’s stutters came off as awkward as ever before she turns her glare away from you, “Exactly the same age as you. N-N-Now we’re going to f-f-f-fight now. Now, in this time of place at this time of day. Localized entirely on this very spot that we’re standing...yeah...fight...”

’Hmm, what’s going on? She acted very fiercely toward Twilight, but very timid in front of me?’

You hear her shakiness from her voice as she sweated beads on her forehead, and not to mention she wasn’t acting all hostile when you came into proximity; like if she was waiting for something. But that didn’t stop you, you know that she manipulated the whole school to do her bidding. You simply took all of her timid expression as an act to let your gaurd down.

“J-J-Just... us two... fighting... all alone, without anypony, staring...” she spoke softly to herself, chittering like being in the tundra. Even her cheeks show faint red spots.

’ What the hell is going on?’

“Whatever you’re trying to pull on me, it’s not going to work!” you stand your ground putting up two clenched fists from your arms in a fighting stance, “I can punch your little face if you want! Now, are you going to—”

“—Do you think I’m hot!” She screamed out of her lungs, causing you to scratch your head on the thought. She was good at act friendly around others, it was a twisted skill of hers controlling others.


’ Something’s up with her... I don’t know for sure, but she’s acting very strange. Is it that time of the month for her? Aging yourself up must do a tool on her...’

“I-I-I know, we’re about to fight to the death! But I just really wanna wonder if what you think about me—Or not! If that's alright with you?” her words sounding like they were conflicted, has made you quite disturbed as she slowly trotted towards your direction.

“Umm, I guess you’re an improvement?” you cringed, “I mean... especially with your mane. I say it’s... cute?

“Ohh... thank you!~” she mildly let out a faint coo, “I make sure to groom it for this day specifically!”

’Aha! I know this, It’s the typical expressions and tone of a dandere. In this case, she might seem to be acting shy around me. But this is Cozy Glow I’m talking about, so it’s probably her up to her tricks again!’

“—Hang on! You want me to have a normal conversation with you? after what you did to us! You did to me?” you resentfully changed the topic when you shouted at her, “Anyways! We’re going to fight here and now and I’m going to finish—”

“—I know what I did, but in reality... I just want to make sure that nothing could stand in our way!”

Our way? what does that mean?”

“It means... I’ve been hanging onto my feelings so long, I guess I kinda forgot about them when I teamed up with them.” she slowly came up to you, still feeling timid at you.

“What feelings? Why now?!”

“I just... have this huge crush on you Anon! Ever since I attended friendship school, I couldn’t get my mind off of thinking about you! You’re handsome good looks, the way you speak to mean before then, and your caring nature!” she threw out what had seemed to be the cheesiest confession ever, “Why do you think I made Chrysalis use the bell to make me older! Just to be with you! I promise that I’ll stay good if we were a couple; I swear!”

You had the expression of a plank board when she spat out her deepest feelings for you in the middle of an epic battle, “What?”

What took you by surprise was her placing he forelegs onto your shoulders while her face was puffing up from her tears, “I promise you that I’ll be better than ever! I won’t take over the world! Just... please! I need you in my life!”

’Woah... from up close, she’s sorta cute with her red eyes, freckles with that cute smile of hers alongside— hang on— what am I saying? It’s Cozy Glow, she’s the most dangerous pony I’ve ever met! Am I in some Otome dating sim where I’m one of the love candidates?’

You could be so much in conflict with yourself. The enemy... the one that betrayed your friendship... a little filly! Has used magic to age herself up and confessing her heart and soul to you? You didn’t even know what to say next, as this new development had seized your original plans to go hell’s blazing at her. Standing very still, you cautiously tried to

“S-Sorry but...” hesitant, you slowly approached her back with your arms wrapped around it, “I have my eyes on another creature,”

“Huh!?” she gasped with her forelegs on her cheeks hovering a few inches off the ground with her wings.

“Look... I appreciate your honesty, but you’re about to destroy my friends and the world with your freakish magic.” you explained to her saddened face, “Also, I have my eyes on some creature else. Someone who’s actually mature enough. It’s Chrys—”

—Before you finished, she gave you a little push with her forelegs on your shoulders to cause your self to fall onto the field back first. Then, when it seems to get worse, she used her magic to freeze you in place and restricting your movement.

“Cozy! What the hell are you doing?!” you cried to her.

“Well... *sniff *I guess if I can’t talk my way into your heart, I’ll just have to prove it!” Cozy walked up to you, slowly maneuvering herself to have your torso just in between her legs, “With a kiss!”

’...I don’t know whenever to feel happy that a girl is about to me, or be freaking out that Cozy Glow is about to kiss me...’

“D-Do you have to do this now?! I mean, we could be fighting to the death right now, but this!?”

Cozy then lowered her head just above your sweaty face, she was shy about this from her blushy face. But, with no warning, she went to lower it even closer to your lips.

“N-N-No! Don’t do this! This feels just wrong!” you pleaded with your helpless body still frozen with her aura, “I should’ve fought against Tirek—”

But she didn’t hear it a single bit, Cozy Glow puckered her lips and planted them onto yours. A small whimper from you, you tried to pull your lips away from her. Unfortunately, it was too late as she wrestled her lips onto yours. Trying to scream out for help wasn’t good as her mouth onto yours muffled your voice. Her lips pressed onto yours as she was forcibly kissing you to the ground; alongside making a few moans sounds along with holding your face straight up with her forelegs between your cheeks.

’Gahhh! I can’t believe this is happening to me! I’m going to prison for life for this, am I? Please, Celestia, have mercy on me! What did I deserve to receive such—’

Seconds passed, and while it was futile to escape her strong magic immobilizing your body, you suddenly calmed down and thought about this. Her soft lips smacking yours feels... quite enjoyable. From her lips, you can felt that she was an amateur at this; typical for somepony like her.

’Actually... this feels kinda nice. Her lips feel so warm... so cozy... hehe, ironic...’

You carefully tensed down and accepted faith to give this ‘first kiss’ a shot. Pursing your lips and kissing her back with passion. This made her eyes open wide up, causing her to let go of her hold against you as her eyes slowly went shut to take in this stimulating feeling in her. You had a chance to throw her on the side and run, but you digressed from it. Instead, you embraced her the same way you did and wrapped your two arms around her back. She then pulled her self away for you for a quick minute only to give you and yourself some time to breathe in some air.

“G-G-Golly... did you actaully LIKE that Anon?” she questioned, still on top of you as you laid flat on the ground.

“Surprisingly... yeah!” you nodded, “Did you mean all that stuff? And if you did, why on Equestria would you tell me now?”

“Well... because I’m just a little filly.” she turned her stare from you away to the left, “I know I couldn’t be with someone like you. So, I tried to do what I can do prove that I’m a grownup... by trying to take over Twilight’s position and become a ruler...”

“But that doesn’t answer why now all of a sudden!? Can’t you at least tell me back then and not when you’re fighting my friends?”

“Didn’t think that one through,” she giggled, turning her stare back at you, “So... wh-what do you have to say about this?”

Cozy Glow may be a rotten egg you have tried to manipulate and act falsely towards other creatures, but something changed inside you that feels a tad of sympathy for her. You know why; you were just like her when you were just around her age. Being a stinking liar that tricks and deceives other kids for your gain. After you changed schools from being expelled, you turned a new leaf and started fresh. All she ever wanted was to feel a hierarchy of power towards others.

“What I say?” you gently dragged the tips of your fingernails over to one of the curls of her mane, “Your mane looks good when it’s long like this...”

She let out a huge huff of air inhaled in her system and blushed in response, “Th-Thanks...”

“Also, I have to say, I did find you a tad bit adorable when you attended school.”

“R-Really?” she raised her head at you sparkling in the sunlight.

You nodded, “Yes... but you didn’t have to go through all this trouble just to get to me. Albeit, I don’t want to go to pony prison for seeing somepony underage...”

“D-Does that mean?”

“Yeah, of course, I’ll give us a shot!” you smiled at her shocking facial expression.

The second after, she surprised you once more with another passionate kiss on the lips. Only this time, you embraced her with more tender care as you stick out your tongue touching hers as well. Of Course, she was clueless about what a french kiss was. Fortunately, she soon caught on what you’re doing and began pushing her tongue against yours.

Now onto more pressing matters, Rainbow Dash was distracting Chrysalis to the best of her ability dodging and taunting above 100 feet from your stance. Twilight on the other hoof stayed on the ground and fired back at the queen with some magic. Soon after, she did a swam dive downwards to grab the bell from her left side. Fortunately for her, the changeling was too slow to react and she successfully grabbed the bell with your two forelegs on the sides of it.

“NOO! The bell!” Chrysalis screamed in agony, “Give that back you—”

She changed her mindset onto where Cozy Glow was just at, seeing her on top of you puckered up lips and holding each other very romanticly as she froze.

“Twilight! I got the bell on my hooves!” cried Rainbow Dash as she lowered her head to see

“Good job Dash!” Twilight quickly flew up to Rainbows height off the ground, “I can use a spell to exert the stored magic in it, returning it to where it belongs. Now, we just got to look for Anon who’s—”

She looked straight down with her wings flapping in the air to check on you’re progress dealing with Cozy Glow. While she turned speechless for a while, it took Rainbowdash a while before she followed her and stared down at the display herself. She too turned dead silent gawking at the intresting scene from below.

“A-Are you seeing this Rainbow?!” Twilight could not imagine such a hideous display, “What the buck is Anon doing!?”

“Uhh... isn’t this... illegal?” asked Rainbow Dash, awkwardly staring straight at you and Cozy sharing lips.

“Hmm, whatcha say fellows!?” Applejack turned away from Tirek to figure out what the fuss is about, “Why are you screamin’ all of a sudd— WHAT IN TARNATION IS HE DOIN’ TO HER!?”

The dead cut off from Applejack's voice made her pupils dilate from the horrid scene that she’s witnessing from Anon and Cozy Glow.

“Applejack, Is something the matt— OH MYYY!” screeched Fluttershy from a few feet off the ground.

“Hey Applejack! What’s the matter with—“ before Pinkie Pie could finish her sentence, she gasped soon as she locked eyes onto you from the distance, “WHAAAAT!”

With Spike and Rarity busy with Tirek’s fire breath in the meantime, they heard their energetic friend scream and checked to see what’s the problem.

“Oh my goodness Spike, Pinkie Pie is in trouble!” Rarity glanced over to her shoulder seeing Pinkie gasping for help, only to stop halfway to see what the problem is, “Holy Celestia’s waist size! Dear Anon is defiling that poor filly!”

“N-No... It’s more of passionately lip wrestling each other.” corrected Spike, who slowly walked over to her.

Tirek took note of the whole commotion and seized his brutal attack to check things out, “Oh boy, I never thought she’d pull it off...”

“Huh? Pull what off!?” Rarity was demanding an explanation from the big beast himself.

“Long story short; Cozy demanded that we make her older so that she could be with Anon. But I never thought he would agree on such an impossible feat!” he explained shortly after.

Back to you and Cozy, still keeping your lips attached to yours. You forgot that a lot of time had passed since your second kiss together, almost forgetting that you’re in the middle of a battle. She had to retract herself once more when she panted deeply within her to gain some air.

“W-W-W-Wowy... you’re the best kisser as I do say so myself!” she cooed as she kept panting with her tongue out, “So, we’re a thing now!”

“I guess so...” you smiled straight back to her face, “I couldn’t believe out of the beautiful mares in this world, you’re the one I end up being wi—”

“—Anon! What the buck are you doing!” Twilight roared out in the skies, diving down like an upcoming missile stopping you from being in the presence of Cozy, “You said you would deal with her! Is this what you meant by that?”

“Well... at first no... but then I took a good look at her,” you placed your palms behind your head, “Isn’t she such a good looker like this!”

The rest of the mares started to stop all the fighting and stared at you with utter disgust and disappointment. Rainbow Dash followed Twilight after she went to interrogate you with your logical sense of kissing Cozy Glow on the spot.

“Dude! You do realize she’s a foal... as in... younger than you?”

“I mean... not anymore, with the help of some magic that is!” you chuckled back, “I was shocked too at first. But then, she pounced on me and give me the big smooch on the lips.”

“Magic is not the answer to everything!” Twilight screeched at your face, still pretty distraught about this, “I’m pretty sure you’re committing a felony! But, why on Equestria you have the right mind to be kissing her!?”

“Because... she loves me! And I love her back!”

The princess's eyes seemed like it shattered like glass when you just said the impossible straight to her already besmirched face, “I...uhh..wh-what?”

“Cozy Glow!” Chrysalis from behind her called out to the magic-infused filly, “I cannot believe your little plan worked! But, I have to agree on Twilight; This is a criminal offense! And that’s coming from me!”

“Hey! What’s this law saying that I’m not allowed to be with such lovely mare!?” you asked back to your former love interest.

“It’s stated in line 4 section C; Ponies and other species born in this realm shall not have romantic affiliations with underage creatures. Even if the creature has been aged up using Rank A alicorn magic!” the princess explained with her big brain, “You’re committing a felony! I don’t even know who’s more of a villain; you or her!”

’Drats, I can’t argue with the law. But wait... I do know that there’s always a loophole in all of them, and that loophole perfectly applies in my position!’

“However Princess, I wasn’t born in Equestria or this world in the matter...” you caught on with a small loophole with that law, you tried to defend yourself no matter what, “You did say species born in this realm did you not?”

“Uhh... I...” after she skimmed through the text, she started to get all shaky, “I-I-I mean, it says exactly that species born in this realm— Oh my Celestia...”

“So you see! There’s no stopping from me being with Cozy Glow!” you crossed your arms as you stepped away from Twilight and face the others, “You heard me! I’m exempt from any laws specifically about dating underaged species!”

Most of the gang were either puking inside or cringing on the outside as you shouted to the skies of the field.

Twilight, seemed rather distraught about your logic persisted, “B-But... the bell! We have to change her back! Th-That way...”

“Well, it wouldn’t even matter! Because he isn’t breaking the law!” Cozy trotted over to your right side and nudged her cheek onto you, “Sorry Princess and all of you! I’ve beat you all to him!”

She then used her magic to teleport you and her out of the sight of the battlefield, leaving every creature dazed from the events that occurred at this moment. The battle ended not in victory or defeat, but by love... sort of...


Comments ( 17 )

All we need is someone to write a female/male Anon getting romantic with Tirek during this battle. That would be the the full set.

Look like tirek is only one left, his gonna be a challenge for you to write you know that right. This story is good and the nod to the previous story is a nice touch so keep up the good work.

Tirek: I love you, Anon!
Anon: Eeeenop! runs the opposite direction.

One of many theories is that Cozy have some Equestrian Dwarfism, she is adult but look and act like a child, similar to Baby Doll from Batman.

But seriously, is not like being a minor is a problem, check the first page of approved Cozy Glow stories and you will find many with the tag "Sex" and in the description "foalcon"

Yeah, I loved the Chrysalis story, this was good because it had the adorable School filly crush feel to it, but I cannot see Tirek coming out that well at all.

“I believe everyone’s equal, ladies and dudes!” you said straight to her worried expression, “I don’t mind throwing down on a couple of chicks if they’re asking for it!”

Anon is a believer in true gender equality

Eren Jëager: Ah I see that you're a man culture as well.

I mean, they threw a filly into tartarus next to Tirek so...

You know, I'm impressed! That's quite possibly the most awkward thing I've ever read!

Comment posted by Betty_Starlight deleted May 10th, 2022

I see this as a win

Anon seed, anon seed, showed us his white van, now it hurts to use the can

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