• Published 28th Oct 2021
  • 3,631 Views, 15 Comments

So We Turned King Sombra into a Baby - Mare Of Mystery

To defeat your enemy, is to put em in diapers and make them cute!

  • ...

And we placed him in a crib with Flurry Heart

"Nnggh... what is with this sharp pain emitting from my head?"

The former King of the Crystal Empire wasn't feeling like his usual self; vision all blurry and distorted, alongside an aching sensation in his head. The last thing he remembered was that he was barging into the main palace to take his place on the throne by force. The rest seemed all fuzzy.

"What? It cannot be Twilight’s magical friendship beam, nor ordinary counterspell. What was it again?"

Sombra’s vision soon turned focused and on point as he opened both his pupils to see he’s in a. wooden cage? Or, that’s what he assumed noticing the wooden bars around him.

"A wooden cage? Hmph! What will a wooden enclosure do to hold me? I shall blast it off with my—"

Unfortunately for him, he couldn’t produce any potent magic to do any damage at all. Once more, he focused his horn onto the cage— to no avail.

"Hmm? Can’t I seem to channel my dark magic? Have they sealed my powers? The last thing I remembered... I've barged into the main entrance, I stood my ground on Cadence and Shining Armor, the next thing I know a bright blast of magic shot through me..."

A soft mewl echoed from the right of his direction like it was coming from a baby? Sombra turned to see who made the childish giggle. To his surprise, he was dumbfounded to see none other than Flurry Heart playing with a couple of alphabet blocks using her horn to stack them together.

” The foal of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. Never seen a pure-bred alicorn before in my life as a ruler, quite astonishing. But no pony kind with large gaping eyes, chubby face, and very large wing spa— damn those are huge...”

“Aww! Look at them in Flurry’s crib!” a familiar tone from Sombra cooed from outside the crib, “Twilight, your means of turning back the clock worked brilliantly!”

"Turn back the clock? What do they mean? Where exactly am I!? Did she say a crib?”

Sombra attempted to scan his surroundings while trying to escape this wooden cage. He kind of felt puny, as the environment around him seems to be quite large. Yes, he is aware he’s in the Crystal Castle, but it seemed slightly larger than usual. And his legs too felt limp and underdeveloped when he attempts to speak up, only to output a rather babyish slur from his mouth.

My suit of Armor? Where did it go? Did these confounded ponies strip me away from my garb as an act of humiliation? What is going on here?

“Apparently, unlike any aging spells out there, this one ensures that he’s permanently aged back to an infant.” The voice of Twilight echoed from his ears.

“Does he remember anything at all from his adult life?” a male voice asked out to her.

“Unfortunately, yes, but every ounce of dark magic has seemingly died out during the process. In short, he won’t be causing any more chaos...”

"My powers are gone!? And did she say, infant!? What is the meaning of this? and why on Equestria is Twilight the size of a colossal?"

Pushing his two front hooves upwards, he could only be stunned at how small and feeble they are—noticing how he tried to stand up only to reach not even a few feet off the ground. Sombra knew what exactly happened to him; he denied it at first.

No... It can’t be; small legs, incomprehensible voice, and the wooden cage. Have I somehow got transformed back into my infant days?

Sombra, with his petite baby voice, cried loudly as possible the moment he connected the dots. Twilight and Cadence stared intensely at his significant outcry.

“Ugh, he’s crying! Is it time to change his diaper?” Twilight plugged her two ears with two hooves.

“No, he's probably realizing that he’s a feeble baby that will not harm anypony!” smirked Cadence, gently rubbing his temple, “It’s alright king of shadows. You will never take over the Crystal Empire as long as you’re with Flurry Heart. Speaking of her, she’s staring at you...”

Sombra immediately stopped his significant breakdown and got his face together. He was seeing the pink alicorn infant ignore the stack of blocks and now staring at him with her big round eyes giggling at his mercy. What creeps him out wasn’t how her eyes were just as like an adult, but how freakishly huge her wingspan was. He even found a tad bit intimidated by the size of those things. But the most creepy part was her eyes making an alluring wink at his face.

S...Stay back, you! I’m not afraid of you! I-I-I can cast you upon oblivion with the flick of my ho—

Nothing was ever surprising as Flurry began to creepily walk over to him, staring intensely into his soul with her big round eyes. Sombra could feel a faint heat from his cheeks as the princess grew closer and closer to his face. She soon tried to get his attention by speaking in some baby tongue spitting out her tongue and throwing her hooves in the air.

“Look, Cadence! Flurry is making contact with him!” Twilight muttered from her mouth, “I wonder what they’re saying?”

You’re spitting your tongue at me? Well, I'll have something that will haunt your nightmares!

"Can it will ya!? I'm trying to have a little fun here!"

"Huh? Did you just speak back at me?"

"Duh! baby magic 101; all babies can talk with each other. What? haven't you had anypony to talk to when you were just conceived?"

Sombra couldn't believe the remarkable talent of this infant alicorn, sounding just like an adult. He had never heard any baby talk back when he was born; maybe the fact that he was orphaned. She's even fluent at advanced magic? At least he has somepony here that understands his current situation. Flurry Heart then spoke up again.

"Something tells me you're not going back to your original self at all"

He replied, "No! I refuse this travesty! Change me back! I demand it!"

"Hey, I didn't make the spell, talk to auntie Twilight about that!" she giggled.

Sombra replied to her communication by doing the say exact thing she’s doing spitting out blabber and tongue. Cadence and Twilight awwed together, holding each other profoundly as they almost fainted with cuteness. Shining Armor, however, stared down at the display like he’s seeing a corpse in the middle of the day.

“Such an intelligent way of infant communication!” Twilight scribbled down notes she materialized from thin air, “We’re writing history here!”

No! That’s not what I’m doing! I’m showing this miscreant how I feel—

It couldn’t get so much more intense when she decided to throw her hooves right onto his shoulders, cuddling him from the spot. Her head buried itself just below his, giving him the chills as he mewled with his baby voice.

“What the buck is going on here?” Shining deeply questioned this insanity, “Why are you letting our daughter hold the King of Darkness!?”

We share the same sentiment! Please! Stop this display of affection towards me! I don’t want this behemoth pair of wings to be strangling me in such an infatuation manner!

"Don't worry about daddy, you'll be safe in my hooves." she assured him.

But while Sombra was getting the cuddles of his life, he paused. He was wondering what has Flurry acting like this. He knows about this phenomenon but didn’t overthink it. Has she been mind-controlled? Was this some form of surprise tactic to let him off gaurd?

Just when Sombra was about to be strangled to death, Flurry let go of her hold on him and yawned from her mouth. Cadence lift her off of the crib and to her shoulders.

“Well then, Flurry Heart seems to be tired of her play date. I’m going to take her to her room. Twilight, help me carry Sombra there as well.”

Wait! Are you not going to provide me with my very own sleeping quarters? At least make me sleep anywhere away from this...thing!

Flurry Heart made a small grin, "Oh boy, I've been waiting for this day,"

What did she mean waiting for this day?

The two infants both got lifted by the magical auras of Cadence and Twilight. Taking a few minutes to reach Flurry’s baby room where they plopped the two on the same crib, but this one was more fitted for one baby foal. Tucking them into the white sheet.

“Look at the baby king and his adoring friend sharing a bed!~” Twilight cooed to his frightful face.

NO! I demand you shall free me from the refuge! Or else I will destroy every single one of your friends and the princess of a friend—

Sombra knew he had to stop his loud thoughts as soon as Flurry Heart started to nudge her little muzzle against his cheek. Never in a lifetime where Sombra showed a sign of being afraid and weirded out by this new sensation of his.

“Awwwww!~ Cady! He’s a total chick magnet to your daughter!”

C-Chick magnet? I don’t see any chicks being magnetized to me?

"Man, you're sooo old..." Flurry giggled at him,

Cadence moved over to Twilight’s shoulder when she said, “You know Twilight... this is great! Now that Sombra isn’t controlling his dark magic, he can just live a normal life with Flurry Heart. Maybe a potential royal consort if we played the cards right~...”

Now it’s was the time where Sombra almost died of a heart attack when she mentioned “Royal consort”.

Royal consort?

"Ooo! Good Idea mommy. I've been wanting to find one as earlier than 1!"


She nodded, "I mean yeah! Mommy and daddy got together during their teenage years; that's like 15 years. I wanna step them up and start now."

“I mean if Shining Armor doesn’t strangle him of course,” giggled Twilight,

"I can't strangle an innocent foal's life... I'll wait till his 12" Shining grunted at the sight of Sombra and Flurry in the same crib together, "Speaking of which, we can't call him Sombra anymore. The citizens might be weirded out that Flurry Heart is engaged to somepony named after a tyrant King."

Sombra shed a small tear from his eye acting like this is a never-ending hell. "Please, I beg of you! Just end my life again! I don't wanna be a consort! Just blast me with that rainbow magic thing! Or shatter me into pieces of stone!"

When all seemed lost for the confused king, a red explosion that came out of a wall took place just behind the group. Shining shielded the rubble from reaching the crib, but he didn't mind if he just placed Sombra in blank range of the explosion. His infant was still a priority, however.

The two babies went up and checked onto the ruckus, or Flurry Heart, in particular, flying atop the crib. Sombra was unlucky when the three ponies blocked his vision.

"Hey they just cleaned this room!" Flurry was furious about the ruckus going on. She saw who exactly caused the disturbance, "Oh man, those three?"

What did she mean by those three? Are they creatures Sombra knows? Wait, he quickly got a notion of what exactly is going on. It might be the aid of Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, and the filly Cozy Glow. Perhaps they've come to their senses and are finally about to rescue him from this hell?

"Princess Twilight!" shrieked the changeling, "We've come stop you! And don't even think about your friends' magic. He should have put a stop to that."

Lord Tirek followed her decree, "Yes, we shall start with taking control of the Crystal Empire; I'll start by smashing that power source you call the Crystal-"

"SHHHH!" Cadence, Twilight, and Shining all shushed them in perfect unison, "You'll wake the babies up!"

"Who care's about your alicorn baby?" Cozy flew towards the princesses, "She's not as cute as... wait, did you say, babies?"

Shining armor was first to turn over at the curious pegasus filly as he was prepared to attack any minute. He turned to his wife and asked, "How about it, should we tell them about... HIM?"

"Hmm..." Princess Cadence slowly turned her peculiar face at Chrysalis, "What if Sombra had to choose between them..."

"Between them?" he repeated.

"Between them?" Sombra followed him.

Twilight and Cadence creepily moved over near Chrysalis, clueless as to what they're about to do to her. She followed instincts and stepped back with their every movement, "H-hey! What do you think you're doing?"

The alicorns sounded zombie-like, glowing their horns in unison, "Come on... Chryssi... Why don't you share a crib with the rest of the foals? You must be tired from all this traveling..."

"No...What are you doing?! CEASE THIS! N-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Several minutes later...

The situation died down and now Tirek and Cozy Glow shared in the observation of the three foals in the crib. Cozy had a face that was both awing insight and laughing and Tirek was just laughing historically for the past half hour. Twilight even managed to contact her friends in time for a whole crowd of creatures peaking on top of the crib. Chrysalis looking like a newborn channeling on one side, Flurry heart on the other, and Sombra... right smack dab in the middle.

"So... I assumed you're asking for the sweet release of death your excellency?" Sombra turned and asked her, trying to make fun of this miserable event.

"Shut up-Shut up-Shut up! Just shut up before I hang myself!" she made squirmish noises to go with her. Her little buggy eyes were way big, probably as big as Flurry Hearts.

"I know why you're here..." Flurry stared daggers and the infant channeling, "Trying to steal him away from me?! haven't you done that to mommy already?"

Chrysalis gawked up, "What!? You declare this alicorn yours! You sick pervert!"

"ME?! I have not declared anypony to be mine! She just was all into me for no reason!"

He was interrupted by the alicorn infant walking over to him and wrapping him around with her hooves, "Don't listen to that creepy insect! You're with me!"

Sombra groaned.

"Don't you call me by those terms! I happen to be a PROPER mare on the inside!"

Flurry Heart scoffed at her, "A mare who can't get her subjects to bow down to you!"

"That's it! I happened to need him for our plans to dominate Equestria! So he's all mine for the taken."

"No he's with me!"

"No me!"

"NO! ME!"

Two grabbed hold on Sombra's two hooves and are now about to tear him to shreds by the looks of it. King Sombra just isn't feeling it to make them stop or whine. All he wants to do Is standstill in complete shame when the foals played tug-a-war with him. Waves of laughter from various friends of Twilights filled the ambiance.

"Wow, little man! You're much of a player than Shining ever was!" Spike flew above to see his situation.

"Why does he have to one-up me at such a young age?" broke down Shining, feeling a loss of his pride as a stallion.

"Just... please finish me already..." Sombra begged, drowning out the babies' noises with his sorrow.

Comments ( 15 )

King Sombra turned himself into a baby. Funniest shit I’ve ever seen.

So... We gonna see more of this? I could read stuff like this all day!

Just what I needed! A brand new Sombregression tale! This is going down as one of my favorites!

Bro why is this so good?!

Why do I foresee Sombra being just like Stewie Griffin? :trixieshiftright:

“Awwwww!~ Cady! He’s a total chick magnet to your daughter!”

Okay now you're being very gross, they are both infants and he was an adult yesterday

"Shut up-Shut up-Shut up! Just shut up before I hang myself!"

Chrissy Chrissy Chrissy you are a baby babies get a lot of love you are going to feast on this

I'm intrigued; cute story so far

Radiant Hope, "Oh! Hi! I would really really really to be the nanny for my beloved and misunderstood Sombra, I mean to raise right King Sombra this time around."

I know the story is only about Somber as a baby. But could you keep Chrysalis one to in the later chapters.

agreed. Normally I'm not into baby fics but this is so entertaining

This is hilarious XD

This is so dum and I love it

This gave me the giggles. Here's hoping for more chapters. :twilightsmile:

this was aboustley beautiful, fantastic work

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