• Published 28th Feb 2020
  • 12,837 Views, 57 Comments

Love Beyond What's Freely Given - Not Enough Coffee

Anon doesn't know how to feel about Chrysalis. Despite how close they have gotten, he doesn't know if it's reasonable to trust a changeling.

  • ...

Into the Unknown

“Why won’t you give me your love?”

That question. That damned question has messed with you for the past several months straight. You were not in a good place. Far from it. Besides no longer having those you once cared for alongside you, you now had to face the perils of being trapped in some sort of alternate reality without any knowledge of how the world worked once more.

You felt trapped, isolated, and despite it all, you tried to stand unshaken.

Yet, yet somehow, someway, beyond all known barriers, another being in that world felt attraction for you. Or was it attraction? You had no idea, since she was a changeling, and their love is not freely given.

You two were in hiding. The world wanted her captured and tried for her crimes. They wanted you for God knows what. Experimentation? Perhaps even some sort of diplomatic meeting of your two races? You didn’t want to find out, you did not want to risk it, just in case things would go even farther south than they already were. That, and the changeling, Chrysalis, has spoken poorly of the pony race.

That was one thing of only a few you’d accept from her. You were not trusting of her as much as you weren’t trusting of anything else in the world. She could change form at will, manipulation and cunning were her strengths, and you’d have to be careful around her. You never knew when you might find a knife at your throat when you were asleep, or even worse.

That’s why those words she’s been saying have got so far under your skin. They simply can’t be genuine and real. Surely not.

You wish you could go out into the public, hide within the crowds and escape her, but that was not an option you were lucky enough to receive. Instead, you were locked up in a run down motel’s least well kept room. It didn’t help that Chrysalis made some renovations, and decorated the place with slime, and some other strange liquids to make it more like her hive in The Badlands.

It was disgusting, but it was your home now, and you had to make do. That’s all you could do, make do. Despite it all, despite the damned frustration being built deep within you, you were left with no other choice but to make the most of your shitty situation.

Hold on.

You tell yourself that over and over. You don’t honestly believe you’ll ever be able to live up to them, but you’d be damned if you didn’t try. You are a stubborn fool, and you were willing to at least give this new, broken life a try.

“Anon, what are you even doing. What could possibly be interesting about that window?” Chrysalis asked of you.

“You’d be surprised.”

“It’s not even open, and it’s dark out, so no, I do not believe I’d be surprised. You’re just being a moron.” She tisked, making her way to the bed to rest. “I’ll tell you what’s interesting, it seems the guard has been rather quiet as of late. I don’t like it.”

You had to agree to that. Considering how hell bent they were on finding you two, that did not seem right. “We’ll just have to wait and see what happens. Not like I’ll be much help, anyway...”

“Shut it, Anon. Why won’t you just share your love with me? I’m not going to hurt you, Anon and you know it.”

You doubted that. You doubted that with every fiber of your being.

“Would you just look at me and listen? Would that hurt you, would that do you a disservice? She kept berating you, but honestly, you were finding it hard to give a damn."

“Urgh! Anon, you’re a real ass sometimes. So be it. Be that way, see if I care.” She scoffed, then turned herself away from you. No doubt she was musing the day over, such as yourself, staring into space. Space was interesting, despite its lack of substance.

You sighed, not out of sadness or boredom, but out of frustration. “I don’t get you, Chrysalis.”

That got her attention, her ears perking up. “Oh, is that so?” She turned back to face you once more. This time, you actually looked to her as well. “I don’t see what there isn’t to get. I’m queen of the Changelings, and I’m smitten with a reclusive dolt who needs to get his head out of his ass and be truthful to himself so he can be truthful to me.”

You felt. Well, you couldn’t quite describe it. It wasn’t attraction. Pity maybe? No that wasn’t it. “How can I tell you’re telling the truth? Huh?”

“Please. If I wanted you dead, if I wanted to suck you dry, then the world would already know you’re dead.”

“But why say those words? Just tell me something that makes some damn sense, already. Yeah, sure, I am joined with you, we’ve been through the thick of it. Hell, I’ve even risked my ass on the line for us to even make it this far, yet somehow I just don’t see it, Chrysalis. How can I really trust you?”

Her eyes, her eyes wavered. Her lips quivered and you saw her composure began to slip away. “Please, Anon. Not you too. Don’t say that, don’t be like the others… you’re not like the others. I know you see me for who I am, beyond the chitin, beyond the bravado. Anon, you see me for another living being. You don’t suck up to me, you don’t beg for favors, you don’t cower in fear. You just treat me like any other, despite what I am.” Her eyes began to water. “Please, I’m more than just a changeling, and you mean more to me than you think. Your time spent with me means… it means… it just means so much!” She shouted through fits of sobbing.

You, you felt something for sure. It was not pity, you could not pity this. You were better than that. You sighed again, not so much in frustration, but in confusion. “I… fuck. I’m sorry. I just don’t know what to think anymore. I just don’t.”

She looked up to you, sniffling, her eyes tinged with red. “I know, Anon. I know… so am I.”

“Chrysalis… I don’t know what to really feel. But… I feel all the same. I…” You couldn’t find the words.

“I feel it, Anon. I’m a changeling, you know of course. I feel what you’re trying to say. Thank you.” She got up from the bed and walked across the room to you. She, to your surprise, laid her head upon yours. You both closed your eyes.

“Anon, just continue beside my side. I know it seems fruitless, that it won’t get better, that what we have going will shatter into a million pieces, wither away and die, but I want to believe. I was hoping that this will continue. I got nothing else, Anon.”

You both sat in silence for what felt like eternity. Eventually, you broke the silence.

“I know, I know. I’ll try, by God I’ll try.”

You heard her sniffle once more. “Good… thanks. I love you, Anon. I truly do.”

You weren’t sure if you felt love for her, you opened your mouth, but nothing came.

“There’s no need. I feel it. You don’t need to say anything. You’ve given me more than enough.”

You sighed again, this time in what felt like the slightest bit of happiness.

“We’ll get through this… together.”

Author's Note:

This is a story of faith, my friends.

I was raised Christian, was ashiest, now I'm lost. I want a happy ending for those I care for, I yearn for them to be treated well. But, well, faith is hard to have and even harder to keep. I lean on the side of trying to hold onto it, despite all the reasons why not.

Anon doesn't know if he should put faith in Chrysalis, for logical reasons, but some times emotions override that.

And for me, mine override reason.

I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Unedited for the third time now. For those who read my thank you blog should know why I lack the time to sit down and fully edit the brain juices. I edited as I went, though, so if there is a real bad mistake, please let me know.

Comments ( 57 )

Dang. This is good.

Thanks. I poured a lot into this piece.

I learn it more and more as I grow older and wiser.

I can tell. I could feel the emotion.

This is actually quite good. Job well done, sir.

Bravo! Great message!

I write from lessons learned through life. Life could be less of a pain, but I try to find the positive. Thanks, friend.

You're writing too much and too well, Coffee. I'll have to teach you a lesson you'll never forget by continuing to love and support you.

Ily, buddy. I'll continue much the same with you. :heart:

I read this and your luna stories, and it's clear you're pretty good. Especially considering that just by reading this I'd want to hear more about what has all happened (and what may happen) with Anon and Chrysalis.

I look forward to your future stories!


I read this and your luna stories, and it's clear you're pretty good.

Thanks. I haven't really wrote anything in close to a year, since I was so caught up in work. I have found my balance now, and the kind words are what fuel me day to day.

I might turn this into a larger story, given the reception and all. I make no promises, but I'll for sure be keeping it in mind. I want to make stories worth peoples time.

Thanks for the catches. I'll get to them in just a moment.

Damn, the stories you've been putting out are very strong, especially this one. Chrysalis sounds fantastic here, and you don't extend the scene for no reason, you just give us a nice glimpse into what a relationship like this would be like (doubt vs trust being a huge theme here).

I write with the intent to not pad anything with unnecessary details. And thanks, I really tried to nail her down, since she is one of my all time favorite characters from the show. Your kind words make me feel great, friend. Godspeed.

I really like this. Never thought there'd be a story about Chrysalis and Annon after she lost her Hive. I hope you continue this even if it's just little bits at a time. :twilightsmile:

You are uncertain because you were only told a partial truth. You were not introduced to God properly. You were not taught to read the Bible, you were not taught the attributes of God, and you certainly weren't taught how to be close to Him. You were just brought into a "church" and told to follow along. Probably among lukewarm "Christians". You have been wronged, which should only encourage you to return. If there are people willing enough to twist something out of proportion, then there is a reason for it. There is a reason for everything, regardless of whether anyone knows it or not. You have the most important decision in front of you.

Be with or without your Creator.

It is fine to create stories for people to enjoy, but this is far more important. A decent story today will not have weight against your permanent and unknown future. Though I will congratulate you on your written story, I must urge you to partake in the most relevant story of the age. The story of a Father trying to regain his children. You are one of those children. And the only way for your Father to get to you is if you let Him. Obviously, I am encouraging the return to Christianity. Just not the "Christianity" you once knew.

"I AM The Way, The Truth, and The Life. No one comes to the Father except by Me." -John 14:6

“For I am the Lord, I do not change" -Malachi 3:6

You will hear many things from many people concerning the belief of Jesus. But you can not find the truth unless you seek Him yourself. The truth is not what anyone believes it to be. The truth is what is there, regardless of if anyone believes.

Wish I was verbose enough to fully explain my thoughts on the matter, but I am, ironically, not a guy with many words to say.

Yeah, I realize faith is internal and is of your own choosing to let it in. It's up to you, like most things in life. Thanks for taking the time to leave this comment, I will be thinking it over for a while. God bless.

Don’t do it. Religion is logically invalid.

That's kinda the point of faith, it doesn't role off logic. It's an emotional reason beyond words, at least for me. I respect your opinion. I get it.

My thoughts were expressed in the authors notes well, I believe.

Edit: for kindness reasons, I'd like this comment section to not turn into a religious debate. I'd be very appreciative. Ty.

I’d give this a like but I’ll never be the one to take something off of 69

Glad you understand. I’ll come back tomorrow, slap it on there when someone else does the damage

Don't worry bro I got it

Thank you for your sacrifice.

Man, when I was younger and questioning my belief systems I never had a bug waifu. Totally not fair.

Eh, not a fan. I guess it's all a matter of perspective. I went through my own religion/faith process and came through it for the better. To me I can't get a message here as I know not what they may or may not have gone through. I can't sympathize with the character of the human here as he's not shown to be looking for answers. He specifically stated he doesn't know what the ponies want from him and doesn't want to find out. Without additional context, he just seems needlessly brooding. I don't know what they've experienced or why, how they met, why he's distrustful, what she may or may not have told him. If he's so untrusting of her, then why is he still there? Their current living situation is obviously unstable and it's only a matter of time till they get caught, so why procrastinate? As someone that took blind faith out of my life and was only bettered for it, I don't understand anything here. To each their own I guess.


As someone that took blind faith out of my life and was only bettered for it, I don't understand anything here.

That's perfectly okay. When I was atheist, a lot of the pain from, well, unpleasantness in life washed away. I'm not so much making a commentary on religion, so much as faith. Part of it is belief in good and hope in the world, keeping close that something good awaits those who choose to do good deeds in their life.

Anon, bitter and bruised, can't put faith in the love given to him since it comes from a questionable source. Such as doubt in goodwill and illogical actions comes when analysed. His change in attitude is him slowly understanding that there is more to life than what lies in one's mind. It's a romantic era response to the enlightenment era of man kind: There is more to being human than can be explained on the surface. Love transcends human reason, at least from where I see it.

To each their own I guess.

Perfectly valid. Thanks for taking the time to read my story, even if it wasn't to your liking.

I like what you're going for, your writing is mechanically solid, and you're really good at conveying emotion, but it feels like you didn't give yourself enough time (and by "time" I mean "word count") to tell the story you wanted to tell. This doesn't feel rushed or anything, but it seems like there should be a little more to it.

Have an upvote. This idea is promising and could use some fleshing out.

Thanks for the feedback. There is for sure something to be added here, and essentially this is a single scene that conveys the emotional dilemma of faith in the spur of the moment. I haven't much time to sit down and write, and being that I'm not that prolific, it sorta just happened for me in the middle of the night before going to bed.

Right now I got the writing spurs out of my system and focused on fleshing my next project out more to really tell a story the way it should be. I'm still just a learner as much as I was the day I started writing. It's good fun.

Very good, i liked it
Please continue this very good writing

Thanks. I plan on it. I have been slowly writing bit by bit after work.

There are some answers we will never know. But that's ok. It's better to accept something is unknown than believe without evidence. Though in Anon's case I don't believe it's unknowable. His answers lie with Chrysalis's actions.

It's not about survival or hunger anymore, beggars don't get to choose. She's willingly choosing to stay with him, even if there are easier options. She's chosen to keep him around and she's also chosen not to just drain him dry. A step further, she's actually respecting his will by asking for love rather than demanding it. Why would she do all these things? She can still shapeshift. There's nothing stopping her from leaving and choosing the easier option of stealing love again.

She's giving off all these tells and he still doubt's her? If the source of your information is questionable, all you need to do is look at their actions. Everyone knows they speak louder than words.

From his perspective, in a world not his own, with a creature known for deception, even what seems like something worthwhile could be another ploy to screw him over. He's not a well adjusted guy, far from it, but he's learning to love.

But, you bring up great points I can't dispute. Thanks for the comment, bud. I wish I had more to say on the matter.


Good story, I already want to know how they got to this point and what happens next.
Please keep writing stories about them.

I am not sure I like the reason why you wrote this. It's not that I hate religion it's that whenever I read something here I expect to not be reminded of the monotony of reality and its bland nature. Fanfics are my escapism and that's why I read them, so I can be entertained and inspired.

That being said your situation isn't something I'm talking down to and it grants you perspective. It grants you the chance to know what you are writing about through 1st hand experience. Thus the fic appears genuine and doesn't break immersion.

I suppose the fact that anon doesn't directly talk and is alluded to saying things is what I find objectionable in this fic. But hey in the grand emotional power this fic has I guess this is a small error.

To add onto what is mentioned in my authors note, it was a little more beyond faith in something greater beyond the veil. That being love in the world, genuine love for another that isn't given conditionally. I won't give all the details, but the last several years of my life were discovering how to love again, despite all the pain that came prior.

I actually fully get reading to escape the monotony of reality, though I find fiction always usually has some sort of bases in the waking world. The words, at least from me, always come from some sort of life experience and emotion. That's how I write, but others might be different. Thanks for dropping by and reading my fic none the less.

The theme in the story struck me as curious and very lady-or-the-tiger until I saw the Author's Note. Bug horse has always been one of MLP's creepier characters to me, so this was one of the few stories about her where a romance (or hints of it) actually felt purposeful and well-done. It's a nice snapshot at a common struggle without detracting from the plot and tone you wanted.

I mean there are other religions than Christianity and it makes sense that some traditions and faiths will not resonate with certain people.

I had a set goal and wrote it on a whim. I knew what I wanted to write, and it made it easy to get out of my system. Though the main theme of the story is faith in love and something greater, it can be interpreted differently depending on the readers world view. Such is the magic of fiction.

My Little Author: Fiction is Magic and Sleep Deprivation!

i dont really like this story Chrysalis fics are not really for me anyway it was writen good so hare have a like

I hope your experiences go for the better. Keep at it my friend. We need you.

I've read your fics, your other ones too. Seems nice. Keep at it.

Like some other readers I need more context on the history between Anon and Chrysalis. Has what Anon observed about Chrysalis matched what he has been told? Sure, it is an argument from personal experience, but how else are we to put faith in someone? That Chrysalis is sticking around when she could probably bounce (might be supposing this) and be rid of Anon as a burden seems to show there is some faith that can be put in her based on past experience.

In the end, there isn't enough context for me to sympathize with the characters. I am more left emotionally confused by each character's odd investment in a relationship I don't know the history of.

Fair enough; I wrote this on a whim. It's a simple character study that could have used more context, but now that I am no longer working my ass off, I'm sure I'll be able to write something more detailed. Thanks for taking time to read my story all the same.

One can only stop being lost when they both know and follow the truth.
To that end I would share this:

In today's world, the word 'faith' is all too often mischaracterized as a synonym for 'hope'. Hope, is believing in something when all other evidence would suggest otherwise. Faith, however, is believing in something because you have the evidence to support it.

Interesting thought. I'll keep that in mind, thanks for sharing. :twilightsmile:

I'm so late to the party on this and I'm so sorry 'bout all that! But man, this fic being written by you already makes me and many others know that this was more than just a well written story! It's one of the greatest softy-feely masterpieces! Hope ya didn't mind, but I made a lil reading on it! :D

Audio Licky: https://youtu.be/X7fo6jyoQKE

(I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment!)

An interesting concept. I always felt as if Chrysalis needed more attention. I’ll be sure to read your sequel, too. Bravo. :moustache:

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