• Member Since 12th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen May 24th

chris the cynic

Someone who doesn't know how to describe herself, is always struggling with debilitating depression, and won't stop hanging onto the hope that happy endings are possible.


After reports of magical happenings, Daring Do comes to Canterlot in her A.K. Yearling persona. Having become estranged from her friends, Sunset Shimmer has plenty of time on her hands and is more than willing to spend it with her favorite author. The fact that it's been about a hundred moons since the last time she had a chance to geek out about magic is just a bonus.

The two talk about magic, life, the universe, and everything.

This is very low on my list of priorites, given how many other stories I have that are in need of an update, so don't start reading unless you're ok with infrequent and sporadic updates.

I made the cover art; it took an absurdly long time.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

Oooo yes please thank you I like this idea very much.

As for what she did . . . well, the signal was strong, so she followed it. Part of her worried that her compass had started to pick up electronics again (why were those so frequently false positives for magic detection?), and she'd end up in an arcade, but at the same time she felt reasonably sure that the signal was moving, which should be a good sign.

Shot in the dark, but is this a reference to something? Cabinet Man? Polybius?

Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

This looks interesting. Looking forward to read more.

I'm disappointed that you've chosen to have her no longer friends with the others in this

Well now, this is an interesting concept. I don't recall ever seeing a Daring Do dynamic like this the few times she's cropped up in EQG fanfics. Not to mention it's Sunset dealing with talking about magic outside her CHS group, which always puts a story on my radar. I'm looking forward to seeing how this develops.

Oh and, don't worry too much about how canon accurate the story is. A lot of great stories have played fast and loose with canon, either because canon made them age badly or because they needed to do something a certain way simply because it works better for their story.

It's definitely not for everyone, so I understand that. An isolated Sunset Shimmer presents so many possibilities, most of them unexplored. In the straight canon, we never really see it. Forgotten Friendship comes closest, but but because the cause of the estrangement is a magical mind whammy, Sunset is wholly concerned with how to reverse the magic, with no effort into figuring out how life without her friends would work.

In the deuterocanon you get the Holiday Special comic, which failed to capitalize on an interesting premise and spawned a genre focused primarily on suffering, anger, and retribution. Stories like keroko's Home or hearth?, which explores the concept of what Sunset does without her friends without dialing things up to a violent eleven, are unfortunately rare.

The entire concept for this story was born from the question of what might happen if Sunset linked up with the human Daring Do without her friends. The story of two people, who are necessarily among the human world's top experts in magic, meeting, comparing notes, and simply hanging out is very different from what we'd see if the Sunset and the five met and interacted with Daring as a group.

The stakes are also somewhat higher, because Sunset has the potential to simply leave. Reconciliation can't take place when one of the parties is off hacking through a jungle in hopes of reaching the priceless artifacts before the bad guys while the other party is attending Canterlot High School. Mostly, though, it's just first point: "Sunset meets Daring Do" is a very different story than "The Rainbooms meet Daring Do".

It's not a reference.

It's kind of tied up in the fact that you often see media where people are detecting magic with technology that seems to be suited to detecting stuff on the EM spectrum. If magic is seen as similar to electromagnetism , then concentrated highly structured magic would logically be similar to things like electronics, complex arrays of magnets, and complex arrangements of light.

Thanks you everyone who read, expressed an interest, and/or was encouraging.

Interesting. I like the idea that Sunset May have searched the area for ruins.

This is an interesting concept and is so far an interesting story. Whens the next update?

Why do you do this😭 creating a good story only to leave it in one chapter PKEASE CONTINUE THIS AND THE OTHER TOO🙏😭🥺

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