• Published 29th Sep 2020
  • 1,547 Views, 212 Comments

The Stone Chisel Way - King Genesis

An infamous earth pony burglar imprisoned in Tartarus tries to escape from there but commits the worst mistake of his life while trying to, setting free something... not good.

  • ...

To Give In

Arc III - Chapter V - To Give In

"Okay. We got it." Golden Badge received the order. She's authorized to do it, according to what the pegasi who visited the Commissioner told her. "We are going to her."

"To whom?" asks Stone Chisel, quite confused. "Hey... I've already told you... this mare I was talking about won't want to---"

"I wasn't talking about that mare," replies Badge, looking at him. "I'm talking about somepony else."

Confused, he raises an eyebrow. "Who?"

The police mare approaches the robber, still escorted by her partners. "You said you have a way, right?"

"Yeah," he replies, nodding his head. "I do have a way."

"Well..." she says. "I think there's one mare who has to listen to what you have to say..." but then she corrects herself. "I mean... two."

"Two?" he asks. "Which two? I... I don't know what you are talking about."

"Either we," says a partner of Golden Badge. "You've told your plan to the pegasi and the Commissioner, but not to us... Are you really going to Canterlot? To what?"

One of the pegasi is about to raise a hoof to talk, but Golden Badge stops them. "Let me explain," she says, and at that moment, Blister understands what she's meaning.

"Wait, two mares... two mares?"

Golden Badge turns around. "Yes."

The Dragon widens his eyes. "Two mares... you mean... two mares in Canterlot?"

She nods her head while giving a small smile to him, and the colts and ponies around begin to understand what she's meaning. "No," says one of the police colts. "Don't you dare to carry them to Celestia and Luna... don't you?"

Stone Chisel feels goosebumps after hearing that. "Hell no," he says.

She snorts while looking everywhere. "Why not?" asks the mare. "If he has a way... then he has to talk with the only ones that can help him to do the way."

"What if he is just pretending to have a way?" shouts another cop. "And he is covering Tirek, Cozy Glow, Chrysalis and that monster ram from us?"

Tabloid, however, comes to the rescue. "Remember that the centaur, the filly and the changeling have been murdered by the ram and that Rushkwa, according to what Stone Chisel told us."

"And what if that Rushkwa is just part of the game he is playing?"

"It isn't," replies the robber. "It is Tenebris' soulmate. I can easily describe her if you want."

"Soulmate?" asks Ink Pot, the journalist. "You said soulmate?"

Tabloid laughs. "Of course, he said that Ink Pot... why would he say?"

The partner angrily snorts. "I was just asking..."

Meanwhile, Golden Badge approaches Stone Chisel again. "Then... describe her," she says.

"A light blue fur, short white horns and big red eyes... which counters to Tenebris' dark blue fur and irises."

"And you say she and her soulmate Tenebris killed them?"


Golden Badge bites her lips. "Including Cadence and Shining Armor?"

Chisel closes his eyes and looks at his partner for a second, then at the mare. "Tenebris killed Shining Armor. I don't know what happened to Cadence... but they may have killed her too."

"And why you don't know what happened to her, huh?"

"I didn't see her... when they found her, I was already gone at that time."

Badge nods her head. "Because they threw you away with their powers, as you said before... isn't it?"


Blister reads the letter again and exclaims: "Um... and what about Discord?"


Everyone almost forgot about him and turns out he's the biggest enigma of them all... The God of Chaos is now disappeared? Chaos Incarnate? "Yeah," replies Golden Badge. "What about him?"

Stone Chisel doesn't know what to say, and the first thing he does is to look at Stolen Bag. Both colts bite their lips while trying to figure out a possible answer that may cause not so much trouble.

If they say Discord's actually dead, everyone will explode right now. They have to say something. Different. Something else.

Goosebumps. He feels goosebumps when he says it. "He's still kidnapped," exclaims Stone Chisel, looking at Golden Badge right in her eyes, the best he can. If he deviates his sight, she may not fall in it. However, the mare slowly approaches him, getting next to his right, so near their ears touch each other.

She whispers like a devil, something that makes Stone Chisel shiver. "Are you sure you are not hiding something else?"

He shakes his head. "No."

Badge raises an eyebrow and Bag closes his eyes. Chisel, confused, realizes what he has just said. How stupid. "What?" she says.

"No, I meant... uh... I don't have anything to hide."

She trots away but doesn't unstick her sight from him. "And why are you hiding it, then?"

Now every pony has heard it. "What?" says the robber. "I... I didn't."

"You can't confront me," she interrupts. "You may have the reputation of a good liar... but I have the reputation of a good observer... I know when you lie, Stone Chisel--"

"Discord's dead," said the robber at that moment.

That hit straight like a bullet. Badge, who was preparing her speech, suddenly breaks in half. The cops' jaws open widely, and some of them even get dizzy. They are about to pass out. Tabloid, the old journalist, feels the goosebumps in all of his fur. Ink Pot and Blister look at each other with fear, while Stolen Bag clenches his teeth, looking to the ground. "What..." she whispers. "Did you really say that?"

"He was turned into dices by Tenebris," he replies. "I think..." Stone Chisel closes his eyes and takes a breath in the silence, then he keeps talking. "I think the ram had already destroyed the Crystal Heart when he turned him into dice. He told me... uh... he told me." He feels a lump in his throat. "He told me I had to solve this."

"..." Golden Badge doesn't comment anything, until: "... Discord told you that?"

Chisel, only blinking, nods his head in silence. Golden Badge stutters at that moment: "No, no, no... don't blink."

He, confused, raises his eyebrows. "What?"

She looks right into his eyes, only to feel his pure sadness and melancholy. He's saying it... for real. It looks like that happened. "It..." she whispers. "It did happen."

"I'm saying the truth."

Golden Badge clenches her teeth, almost crushing them against each other. "We have to..." she whispers. "We have to do it."

"Take him to Canterlot?" says one of the cops. "Are you sure about that? Don't you know how grave that sounds?"

"Yeah," also says Stone Chisel. "I mean... take me, but... don't put me in front of the Princesses, you know? They will..."

"If what you say is true, then the Princesses won't touch you," says Golden Badge. "And, according to what I saw, thought and felt... you're saying the truth."

"But..." stutters the robber. "Why? Just take me to this mare and..."


He snorts. "No?"

"My way."

"Your way?" he shouts. "But... I've already told you! If you don't do things in my way...!"

"We'll do things on your way, calm down," she replies. "The thing is... you still need to explain your way to those who need an explanation..." then, she turns around with a smile on her face. "... Trust me."

At that right moment, several cops appear from behind the robbers and trap them with hoof shackles. "Hey!" shouts the robber once he finds out and can't move freely, due to how fast they trapped them. "But I'm telling the truth!"

"Just in case," she says, raising a hoof. Stone Chisel bites his lips and frowns at her, while Stolen Bag tries to resist but he is easily defeated, he can't move so wildly with the shackles tied to his hooves. "We are not saying you are guilty but... you are, in fact."

"Guilty?" says Stolen Bag, angrily. "For what, huh? He told you the truth and we saved the baby!"

"Well," she exclaims. "Basically your partner escaped from Tartarus and we don't forget you were also wanted alive by the Kingdom, Stolen Bag... clearly you are, in spite of what you just did... guilty of something else."

"Uh, come on," he angrily shouts while looking at the mare cop. Then, he fulminates the robber with his sight. "If it wasn't for you..."

"Go on, please," she says. "Pegasi... do me a favour and look for the carriages..."

The pegasi nod their heads and they fly away, while Tabloid takes advantage of the moment to say: "Sure..." then he looks at Ink Pot. "Ink Pot, prepare the bags."

The journalist and the dragon look at him, confused. "What?" asks Blister.

"We are going to Canterlot."

"What?" shouts Ink Pot. "Why?"

Tabloid nods his head. "We may need to escort Stone Chisel and Stolen Bag too."

"For what?" he asks, surprised. "Of course not! We are not police colts!"

The old unicorn shakes his head and looks at him. "But we are journalists."

Stone Chisel and Golden Badge hear this and the mare turns around. "What do you think you are doing?" she asks him. "You can't go with us. We need you to stay here."

"No, wait," exclaims Ink Pot, getting between the journalist and the cop. "He always has these fantasies... he's used to getting into---"

"But this is something private, don't you know?"

Tabloid bites his lips. "Maybe we could help with something."

"No, we don't need your help," she exclaims, shaking her head. "We need you to stay safe."

"Yeah, she's right," says Blister. "Besides, Tabloid... Princess Celestia said everyone had to be safe."

"Yes!" shouts Ink Pot, almost at his face. "You said that... I know you want to take your point of view to this like you always do but... not this time... the Princess said we had to stay safe..."

Tabloid looks at his partner, also friend, Ink Pot, and tries to say something, but suddenly he closes his eyes. "Uh..." he says, shaking his head, and then sighs. "Damn... I... I want to help, to bring..."

"Sorry," she says. "But we can't let you do this. You need to stay sa--"


The cops turn around to look at the one who said that. Stone Chisel, trying to move with the shackles, approaches the journalists. "Before we leave..." he says, clenching his teeth. "Damnit... these... freaking shackles."

"I won't take them off you," replies Golden Badge, but Chisel ignores her while looking at the journalists in silence.

"Before we leave," he says. "Can I ask you something?"

The journalists look at each other until Ink Pot drives his sight to the robber. "Sure."

"Why... uh..." he says, almost stuttering. "Why is the building of my parents... so bleak and empty?" Then, he stops and also asks. "Where are my parents?"

"Uh..." is the first thing that comes out of Ink Pot's mouth. "Look, it may be hard to understand but... er... uh... it looks like something happened..."

"Something?" he asks, while Golden Badge approaches him. "Something like---?"

"They are gone."

Chisel stops talking when she says that. He feels an uncountable amount of anvils fall over him, although being much more confused than shocked. "What?" he says, with his eyes almost coming out of their orbits.

"They have disappeared..." she says. "We don't even know if they are... dead or alive, at least."

Chisel turns around, looking at his partner, Stolen Bag, who has the same face as his. Both of them are in shock.


Celestia and Luna are in the Kingdom again, without saying anything. Sunburst, along with the Pillars of Equestria, hasn't moved from their places. The only one who is saying something is him, whispering: "Revenge."

Twilight Sparkle is in the middle of the situation, right under the Princesses' thrones, not even looking at anyone. She's just laying her head on the floor, sticking her eyes to the cold crystal, while Spike and her friends are just surrounding her presence.

Nobody says anything. The Room is complete silence... until a guard slowly opens the entrance door, with an ashamed gesture. "Um..." he says. "Princess Celestia..."

The Pillars and Sunburst turn around, while the Princess slowly opens her eyes to look at the guard from far, far away. "Yes?"

"We have... um... visitors."

"We are not in the mood to receive visitors," softly exclaims the Princess. "Sorry..."

"I know... I know, but..." now the Elements, except for Twilight, look at the Guard. "It looks like these visitors want to tell you something very important... and it's urgent."

She raises an eyebrow, showing her eyebags. "Which kind of visitors?"

"Why do I have to be masked?" he whines. "You didn't even let me get off the carriage without it."

Stone Chisel is now covered by his ripped-off tunic and masked, waiting in a small hall to enter the Throne Room, still digesting what happened to his parents... if something happened to them because nobody knows anything. Golden Badge, accompanied by several cops who are surrounding both robbers tied to their shackles, turns around and looks at him while waiting for the Guard's order. One of them, from right behind, is holding Flurry Heart on a cloth, trying to calm her down. "Trust me," she says. "If you enter unmasked, all of the creatures who may be inside that room will end up killing you by the time you finished saying hello."

"I have to talk to them," he says. "And I have to take off my mask to let them understand how grave this is..."

"I know," she says. "That's what I want you to let me talk about first. Only introduce you... just to let them know you are not lying and end up trapped in Tartarus for eternity."

"Uh, come on..."

"Would you?"

Chisel looks at his partner, Stolen Bag, who, unlike him, is neither robbed nor masked. He doesn't look him back, though, and that makes Chisel snort at him. Bag doesn't answer. "Uh..." he stutters. "OK. Only because I know they would have destroyed me if I talked first."

"Hey," says Badge looking at Stolen Bag, after Chisel accepted her request. "Would you do the same for me?"

Bag closes his eyes. "Why?"

"The same reason as your partner."

He sighs and shakes his head. "I don't have the same reputation as him right now... at least they don't want me dead."

"Screw you," says the robber. "I'll repeat it one more time... screw you!"

"Screw you back."

"Ok, ok, don't you dare to start with this again," says Golden Badge, angrily. "I know you are not on the same level now... but you are still a fugitive robber that the Kingdom is looking for, Stolen Bag. Would you trust me as your partner is doing right now?"

"I never said I was trusting you," says Stone Chisel.

"Oh, come on..." she whines. "I want you to do it because that's we need to do in order to let ourselves be heard all around the room and also to spread the facts of what actually happened on the Empi---"

"If I put the mask on, you will shut up?" Stolen Bag interrupts her and that leads to several cops looking at him in a really bad way. "I say..."

She approaches him and snorts. "You dare to say that again and I'll put that mask into Celestia knows where..."

"The name of the Princess shall not be said in vain."

The mare cop turns around to look at a Royal Guard standing. She blushes for a second because of how ashamed she felt and directly asks: "So?"

"She decided to accept your request," answers the guard. "But she's not alone... the Elements of Harmony and also the Pillars of Old Equestria are in the Room waiting for what you have to say."

The cops, and even the robbers, get frozen for a second. "What?" she asks.

"They also decided to stay," answers the guard. "You said your speech was Tenebris-related... and Her Majesties Celestia and Luna along with the Elements and Pillars want to know everything about the ram to confront him."

"Oh," only pronounces the mare cop, until she nods her head. "Sure. Perfect."

The guard also nods but says: "May I ask you a question?"

She nods her head. "Yes."

"Why is he here?" he asks, pointing at Stolen Bag. "Does he have to do anything with this?"

Bag doesn't say anything to him, so Badge answers for the robber: "Yes, he has."

"Is he related to something good... or bad?"

"Good," replies the same Stolen Bag.

"And the last question... may I know who's the masked pony who hasn't talked yet?"

"That's what I wanted to talk about," replies Badge. "By now his identity is hidden... but he will be the one who will talk to Her Majesties."

But, however, the Guard bites his lips. "I don't know... I can't... be so sure about a pony who does not speak."

"He'll speak," replies Badge. "I assure you... but now I want him to be silent. He is the reason why we came here."

"He?" asks the guard. "The reason?" Then he looks at how the mysterious masked pony nods his head behind Badge. He's still not so sure about this but gets calm when he sees the masked pony actually has hoof shackles under him, not letting him move freely. Stolen Bag also has the same. "Why?"

"We'll tell our Majesties first."

The guard turns around, closing his eyes... "And are you sure this is something really important?"

"It is," she says. "He has a way to stop Tenebris."

Stone Chisel closes his eyes. As he said before, he's not sure it's a way to stop Tenebris, but to counter him or confront him, maybe. Nopony knows if it's gonna work... it's just a...

... possibility...

"Well," he says. "Come with me, then."

"Wait," says Badge, turning around again and passing by the robbers and his partners. "Blake..."

"Yes?" is heard right behind the cops. The police colt with some kind of bag holding a cloth comes nearer.

"You'll enter first," she says. "You know why."

"Yes," he says, and stays next to the Guard, who looks at what's inside the cloth. Flurry Heart is right there, with her closed eyes and breathing slowly. The eyes of the warrior widen and feels goosebumps while he opens his mouth.

"Why didn't you start from this?" he asks while gasping. "You had her all this time? How?"

"That's only one of the things," she says. "Let the masked pony explain it when we arrive."

Blake is the first one to enter the Room along with the Guard, and when everyone finds out what is carrying, their attention completely goes to him... even Twilight's.

An awkward silence appears in the middle when the colt Blake approaches the Elements, passing by the Pillars and Sunburst, only to give the baby to Rarity, who can't even speak.

From behind, Golden Badge, the robbers, now with a masked Stolen Bag, and the cops arrive from behind. Everyone in the room looks at them in silence, especially at the two masked colts in the middle, with hoof shackles. Celestia raises an eyebrow and lets a sigh of relief when she looks at Flurry Heart safe and sound, inside that cloth.

"How..." whispers Luna. "How did you manage to...?"

"We can explain it," says Badge. "But first... I'd like to clarify, your majesties, that we are only the ones who managed to carry those who saw the recent events... Besides, we are not only here for the baby, Flurry Heart, daughter of Shining Armor and Cadence who may rest in peace."

Twilight, despite listening to the cop, hasn't opened her eyes yet. She's still lying on the floor, being helped by Spike. "So..." says Mage Meadowbrook, one of the Pillars. "You know what happened there."

"Uh-huh," she replies. "I've learned about the tragedy that did happen and I'm still shocked and awed for that... that's why I decided to help and to bring you the colts we've caught in Manehattan... because they know, and I know... they have a plan to stop Tenebris."

And Chisel rolls his eyes again. It's not a perfect plan, he thinks. It's just a slight possibility... "What?" asks Spike, confused, while taking care of Twilight. "How? You just caught two colts in Manehattan and brought them here?"

"He's right," says Star Swirl. "What is your basis to justify your actions, pony?"

Celestia and Luna nod their heads at that question while whispers begin to be heard, even from the cops. Golden Badge is being questioned, but she only turns around and looks at both masked ponies. "I'll let them answer that question for me, Mr Star Swirl."

"Great," whispers Stolen Bag next to Stone Chisel. "Now I officially consider this pony a bitch." However, the robber who went through everything, only raises a hoof and slowly takes his mask off.


A shout from somepony is heard once everyone looks at his face. The Elements and Sunburst immediately prepare for battle... Rarity's horn starts glowing, then Sunburst's... Rainbow Dash starts flapping her wings, about to fly... and, last but not least, Twilight opens her eyes, showing her bloodshot sight. She clenches her teeth and her horn starts glowing...

... but Stone Chisel doesn't do anything. He's there. He's still. And everyone, seconds later, begins to understand what's going on. They slowly stop being so menacing after all... Then, Stolen Bag takes off his mask and looks at everyone.

"Who is this?" asks Star Swirl, confused, looking at his partners, the Pillars. Then, he looks at the Elements. "Stone Chisel was his name?"

"Stone Chisel," replies Rarity. "He was with Tenebris... but... why isn't he attacking? He is just..."

"... standing..." also exclaims Pinkie Pie, confused.

Chisel sighs and looks at Bag, then at Badge, then at the Princesses...

Yesterday, he mocked them both at the trial.

Now, his face is cold, straight. He knows he committed a mistake... and has to solve it. He slowly opens his mouth and says:

"I think you deserve an explanation."

"Of course we deserve it," exclaims Sunburst. "Of course!" he shouts, approaching him. "Of course, we deserve it, you fool! Don't you think everypony else who has died also deserved it? Starlight Glimmer, Shining Armor, Cadence, huh?"

Stone Chisel doesn't answer him, he just takes a look aside... "I'll explain you from the beginning of it."

"We don't need no explanations," keeps saying Sunburst. "I thought you were just a pathetic robber but... we know what you are... I know what you are."


"Yes, I know... Yes, I know... if you think I am lying... why are you not looking at me?"

And at that time Chisel's eyes get linked with Sunburst's. "I'm not what you think you are."

"And how can you show me that, huh?" he says, clenching his teeth. Badge tries to separate them but can't. "Can Starlight Glimmer show it? Or Shining Armor? Or Flash Sentry? Can they?"

"Sunburst," exclaims Celestia, calling everyone's attention, but the colt doesn't say anything to her.

"Can they show me if I am wrong? No."

"I'm not what you think you are."

"And you keep repeating the same... damn..."

"Would you let me tell the story, then?"

"But are we sure---?"

"SUNBURST!" the shout is heard all over the room. The colt turns around and looks at the Princess, while slowly walking away, not without letting his sight go of Chisel's eyes. "Stone Chisel."


She blinks for a moment. "You said we needed an explanation."


"So..." she whispers. "Explain."

He sighs and looks around. Those who tried to attack him are still observing him with a bit of anger and a bit of confusion. "Firstly," he says. "I'd like to say... um... Tenebris thinks I'm dead."

"How did you survive?" asks Luna, with a really cold gesture.

"He threw a beam to me and I landed on water." Stolen Bag looks at him, trying to beg him without saying or telling him anything not to reveal the little house at the end of the river... but the partner only says what he said... "Then I found my partner, Stolen Bag, who is here with us... and we found Flurry Heart, the baby, and took her to Manehattan. I was trying to look for my parents because of an idea I had, the idea Golden Badge mentioned before... but I was caught along with my partner."

After saying that, the waters start getting calm. The Elements look at each other, then at him. "You..." stutters Rainbow Dash. "You saved Flurry Heart?"

"We found her on the river," says Stone Chisel. "We don't know if this is true but... it looks like they let her go."

"What about the...?" Celestia stutters. "... slaughter at the Crystal Empire?"

"Tenebris wanted to get there because Discord told him the Crystal Heart was the only thing that could destroy the necklace and the gem---"

"And he did," says Rockhoof, interrupting him. "Oh my... I was right..."

"What about the other villains?" asks Star Swirl. "And what about you?"

"Um..." he says. "Let me... let me tell the story from the beginning." Then, he closes his eyes and takes a breath. "I... unintentionally... accidentally, with no intention at all--"

"You freed him," interrupts Celestia, something that makes him tremble.

He closes his eyes, letting a sigh of pure hopelessness, giving in. "I did," he says. "Unintentionally."

"How?" asks Rarity.

"I had something... an amulet which I used to make the infamous fog I used to blow during my robberies. That amulet belonged to the infamous, now deceased, Wizard of Chaos Shadow Star..." and at the moment he says that Celestia sighs. "Which I also robbed... I also had another power the amulet gave to me, and it was turning me into a shadow who could pass through walls and solid surfaces. I accidentally passed through Tenebris' statue while... um... trying to escape from Tartarus..."

"And how did you break it?" now asks Somnambula.

Chisel takes a breath. "According to what he told me, he felt something in me... a soul, which turned out to be his soulmate Rushkwa, who was inside the amulet as an orb which was her essence as a being. Once the two souls connected with each other, their union was reborn and he could come out... Tirek and Cozy Glow appeared later, along with Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra... and... uh..." he stutters. "This is going to sound confusing and weird but... there was Grogar... which turned out to be Discord."

"What?" shouts Sunburst. "That's impossible. That's absolutely impossible and stupid! Why would he do something like that? Tell us the truth!"

"I'm telling you the truth!"

"No, you're not!"

"I am!"

"Please," interrupts Celestia, making the whole place silent. "By now, everything you said sounded... veridical, in my opinion. That bit of Discord disguised as Grogar is quite bizarre, but from what I saw from him, I could say it's true... what happened, then? With him? With King Sombra?"

"It looks like he disguised as Grogar to play a joke on them because Tenebris revealed his true form and presence and immediately decided not to help him on his mission... killing you, basically. Then, the ram trapped Discord and didn't let him use his power... and got out of Tartarus through Grogar's Lair."

"And what about you?" asks Flash Magnus, flapping his wings. "You haven't said anything about yourself yet."

"He... basically kidnapped me," he replies. "He knew there was something inside me and didn't let me go until he found out what was that... and when he did, he let Rushkwa go of her prison, the amulet, and trapped me along with Discord, against my liberty... I was a mule, at first, then, when I tried to hit him because of what he did to Flash Sentry he cut my hooves and tied me to him, then gave them back to me thanks to magic... he tortured everyone of us, including the other three villains that were with me."

"Three?" asks Star Swirl. "You named four."

"Sombra was the first who died. Tenebris consumed him because he didn't want him to take over his lands. Then, at the Crystal Empire, he fought us, maybe because he easily found out all of us were planning to turn his back on him because of how brutal he was. He killed the three of them too... Chrysalis, Tirek, Cozy Glow... all along with her ramfriend, Rushkwa."

Celestia and Luna look at each other. "Yes," says the sun. "I do remember that name, Rushkwa. I fought her thousands of years ago..."

"Wait," asks Fluttershy, almost whispering. "What about... what about Discord?"

The cops and the two robbers look at each other, scared. They saved that fact for last. "He... uh..." says Stone Chisel. "He was turned into dices by Tenebris."

"What?" shouts Spike, leading to everyone's shock. "I... I... I passed by lots of dice."

"And that means..." says Twilight, standing up and speaking after so long. "He is..."

"The God of Chaos," replies Stone Chisel. "You dethrone the King, you become the King."

Whispers begin again until Celestia raises a hoof to shut everypony up. "You know..." she says. "You know what you did is absolutely tragic. A monstrosity of bad actions. We could say... you've committed the worst mistake Equestria has seen in these years."

"I recognize it," he says. "That's why I came here, along with the cops, to tell you I have... a way. The Stone Chisel Way, but.. it's more like a possibility rather than a plan."

"It does not matter," he replies. "What is it?"

He sighs. "There is... a mare I know in Canterlot, who has a connection with, maybe, the last Wizard of Chaos which is living on Equestrian land. He and Tenebris share the same kind of magic, provided by chaos itself, who was Discord before and now is Tenebris. However, this does not mean he can't use the magic... the source changed, not the magic. Besides, he has a community who also uses this chaotic magic... they are plenty of mini-Tenebris."

"And this mare is the only one who knows where is this Wizard of Chaos?"

Stone Chisel thinks about his answer for a second and ends up saying something which is not true... "Yes," he says. He knows it too... but doesn't say anything.

"And where we can find her?"

"Well," he says. "She's in..."


A really loud explosion was heard far away from the Throne Room and everyone starts getting desperate. Spike, trying to find out what's happening, takes a look through the broken window that dragon came in and came out...

... only to look at a huge cloud, with the shape of a giant mushroom, rising in the sky of Canterlot.

Turns out they have arrived.

Author's Note:

Ok, Ok...

Next Chapter is going to get salty! :twilightoops:

It's going to be quite long (maybe as long as Crystal Tears), so I don't know if it'll take me one or two weeks, but it will be published by the end of February and the beginning of March.

Thanks for reading. Stay tuned!!