• Published 11th Jul 2020
  • 3,503 Views, 707 Comments

The final challenge - Dianabel

The Legion if Doom and Grogar finally make their move, bringing disharmony to Equestria. It´s up to the mane 6 and their allies to save Equestria.

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Chapter 1: An evil plan

Author's Note:

Welp, back to business! My personal take on the finale everypony. But before you begin reading, if you haven´t read my previous stories, I strongly recommed you to read them because you might not understand some elements in this story.


“No sign of the old goat.” Cozy thought to herself as she looked through the cavern´s windows.

She flew back into the cavern. From the mainhall, she could see Tirek, who was busy reading a book on the table.

“So… Anything new?” she asked while taking a quick glance of the book.

Tirek groaned in annoyance and frustration. Cozy widened her eyes in surprise.

“I´m going to take it as a no.” she mumbled.

“I give up!” yelled Tirek while standing up. He took Cozy with his magic and sat her on his seat. “Go on with this! I´m going to take a break.”

“I told you already, I don´t understand this! It´s impossible to read.” Cozy complained.

Tirek sighed frustrated. He massaged his temples.

“We´re never going to learn how to use that darn bell… Anything could be written there. It could be just a book about different types of bells and we don´t know it!”

Cozy narrowed her eyes.

“Sure, because an enchained book in a hidden spot between Canterlot´s archives with the Bewitching Bell in the cover is just a simple book about bells.” she said sarcastically while showing the book´s cover.

Tirek rolled his eyes. Suddenly, his eyes perked up.

“What? What´s wrong?”

“Do you hear that?” Tirek asked in response. Cozy tilted her head to hear better, but didn´t hear anything. “Fly up there. I think he´s coming.” Tirek ordered the confused filly.

Cozy nodded. She quickly flew to the windows and hid behind. Tirek was certainly right. She could see a blue figure approaching.

“Golly! Code red! Code red! Hide the book, quickly!”

Tirek closed the book in a second and ran to the shelves.

“Nice hearing, by the way!”

“Shut up.” Tirek ordered her as he took some bottles from the shelves to hide the book behind as fast as he could.

Once he was done, he joined Cozy to greet Grogar.

“Well hello almighty Grogar!” said Cozy cheerfully. “How did your expedi-”

The ram didn´t reply with words. Rather, he laid his hoof on the filly´s face to get her out of his way. She glared at him while rubbing her face. Grogar directed towards his orb and laid his hoofs on the table.

“Come here! I have something important to say.”

Tirek and Cozy exchanged a look of exhaustion. There he goes again, they told each other with just their eyes. Then, they approached the table.

“Listen carefully. Twilight Sparkle´s coronation is just about to happen. I think it´s time to tell you the plan.”

Before continuing, Grogar took a quick glance of his surrounders. He noticed that a certain changeling ex-queen was missing.

“Where is Chrysalis?”

Tirek entered in a slight state of panic, but Cozy managed to take control of the situation.

“She uh… went to take some fresh air!”

Grogar raised an eyebrow.

“I´ll tell you what happened: Chrysalis complained that it wasn´t fair that you went out whenever you wanted, and she had to stay here. Tirek and I tried to reason with her, although it was impossible, you know how stubborn Chryssy is, so-”

Tirek chuckled slightly at Cozy´s nickname for Chrysalis. she would get so mad if she heard her. Grogar, however, didn´t take it the same way Tirek did.

“I don´t care why she´s not here! I just want her to listen because I´m completely sure that you two won´t be able to tell her the instructions with the same accuracy.”

Tirek´s and Cozy´s faces fell flat.

“But we have no time for waiting her. So, I have no choice but to trust both of you to explain everything to her.” he cleared his throat. “Tirek. This is some crucial information for you. Your brother´s back.”

Cozy and Tirek gasped.

“That traitor? Where is he?” he asked, smacking his fist against his hand in anger.

“With the pillars. Twilight took them back from Limbo. He made amends with Starswirl.”

Grogar felt some satisfaction when he watched the anger growing inside Tirek.

“Which is related to your mission. I want you to deal with them. It would be a great way to make some justice to yourself.”

“I´d love to. But in this shape…” Tirek pointed his own body. “I doubt so. Some of your magic would help.”

“Absorb some ponies´ magic, instead. It´s as simple as that. It seems that as far as brute strength goes, you had your centaur´s share but when it comes to brains…. I´m afraid you´re at the shallow end of the genes´ pool.”

Tirek clenched his teeth at the ram´s comment. Cozy noticed his horns glowing slightly. She flew in front of him and shook her head. Just by looking into her eyes, he understood the filly´s message: He´s trying to get through you, so calm down before you do something stupid.

“Cozy. I know you have a personal vendetta against those six students, am I right?” Cozy nodded in response. “Well, I´ll let them at your hoofs. Keep as many hostages as possible.”

“Without any magic.” Cozy said dryly.

Grogar nodded.

“Well, how am I supposed to do that?”

“You tell me. Weren´t you the same filly that turned the whole school against that Neighsay and those students?”

“But that was different! Ponies saw me as cute and adorable. Now they see me as a psychopath! Do you really expect me to enter there as if nothing without any power?!”

“Whoah whoah, easy there. Quite the debater. I thought you were the cooperative one.” Grogar smirked.

Although Cozy wanted nothing more than to slap Grogar at that moment, she maintained her composture.

“Yes, Grogar. Whatever you say.” she said with a fake smile.

“As for Chrysalis… That bug is the key to turn Equestria´s allies against Equestria. I´m sure she´s turned ponies against each other before, why not the same with other creatures?”

Cozy and Tirek looked at each other surprised. How didn´t they think that before? Attacking Equestria directly, would be imprudent, now that it has countless allies. Grogar´s plan would be such a humiliating and cruel way to weaken Equestria, apart from creating conflict bewteen its citizens. With the bell, that would be an easy task.

“Besides, it wouldn´t be bad for her to have some allies after losing her kingdom. Real creatures are much more adept for communication than a piece of wood.”

Cozy was thankful that Chrysalis wasn´t there. Because if she had been, she would have snapped. She knew perfectly well that her management of emotions is poorer than Tirek´s.

“In the meantime, what will you be doing?” asked Tirek, who was pretty sure that Grogar wanted them to do all the dirty work.

“I still have some personal business to do.”

“Personal? Were your expeditions just excuses to reflect on your thoughts?” asked Cozy.

Grogar violently smacked his hoofs against the table, making the little Pegasus jump back, just like the first time they met.

“OF COURSE NOT, YOU IDIOT! My mind is much more put together than all of yours will ever be. Specially Chrysalis´.” He sighed and rubbed his forehead. “I´m surrounded by idiots.” he mumbled, but it was loud enough for Tirek and Cozy to hear it and get annoyed by that comment. “Is everything understood?”

Cozy and Tirek nodded their heads quickly. All they wanted more anything was Grogar to leave.

“Then, without further ado, prepare yourselves to make history. It´s much closer than you think.” he said with a smirk as he left the cavern.

Making sure he didn´t notice her, Cozy followed him and hid behind the main entrance. Once he was out of sight, she sighed relieved.

“Finally! The old goat is out! Who does he think he is? He´s practically been throwing insults in or faces! He thinks he´s much better than us, but once we use the bell on him,” she gave out an evil chuckle. “We´ll prove him wrong.”

“But in order to do that, we need to figure out how to use the bell first!” exclaimed Tirek. He put his hand under his chin.

“Do you think Chrysalis could lend a hoof on this?” asked Cozy.

“Honestly, I doubt it. By the way, she´s been days outside. I wonder when she´ll come back.”

“Right now.” a female voice joined the conversation.

Both Tirek and Cozy turned their heads around to find a ginger haired green unicorn carrying a camera around her neck. After she ignited her horn, she went back to her original form.

“Chryssy!” exclaimed Cozy as she flew towards the changeling to give her a huge hug. “I´m so glad you´re here! We need your help!”

Chrysalis blushed slightly when Cozy called her Chryssy. She tried to undo Cozy´s hug, finding it a little bit difficult, as the filly held tight onto her.

“Hold on, hold on. What did you just call me?” she asked somewhat intimidate.

“Chryssy. I came up with that nickname for you. I also have one for Tirek. Wanna know it?”

Tirek´s eyes widened in surprise. He prayed that Chrysalis told her no so he could maintain his dignity.

“No.” she bluntly responded, which mad Tirek sigh in relief. “So, how does the-”


Tirek buried his face in his hands.

“Please don´t ever call me that.”

“But why?”

“Just don´t, ok?”

Cozy sighed disappointed.


Meanwhile Chrysalis struggled to keep a straight face. She came back to the topic of the conversation so she could remain serious.

“As I was saying, explain me how the bell works.”

Cozy scratched the back of her neck.

“Yeah… About that…”

“We haven´t figured out.” Responded Tirek.

“WHAT?” asked Chrysalis angrily. “I´ve been outside days. WHOLE DAYS! That´s more than enough time to learn how to use the bell.”

“But it´s impossible to understand. We´re not even sure if it´s Ponish! It´s not our fault!” Cozy said in defense.

“Oh please. It can´t be that difficult.” Chrysalis muttered.

“Well, if it´s so easy for you, why don´t you try figuring out yourself, huh?” Tirek challenged her.

“Fine! I´m sure I´ll do it better and faster than you.” stated Chrysalis confidently.

“Yeah, yeah, I wouldn´t be so confident if I were you…”

“Well, let´s hope she does.” said Cozy. “As Grogar said, Twilight´s coronation is on the arrive. Besides, we don´t know when how much it will take for him to return. We can´t afford to waste time!” Cozy put her hoof against the other to emphasize her point.

Tirek scoffed.

“Don´t you see? It took us days to decipher that and we still haven´t got results! Do you really think that in a matter of seconds she´ll decipher it?”

“I´ve already deciphered it.” said Chrysalis as she stood before the two of them.

Tirek widened his eyes.

“Told ya.” Cozy bragged.

“B-but. How?!”

Chrysalis shoved Tirek´s face into the book.

“Easy. This is a very primitive form of Ponish. I used to study it back when I was a princess. Luckily, I still remember my tutor´s lessons.” she sighed happily. “It was my favourite subject.” she remembered nostalgically.

“I didn´t know you were quite the intellect, Chryssy!”

Chrysalis frowned. She grabbed Cozy with her magic.

“Firstly, don´t call me that. Next time you call me that, I´ll throw against the wall. Secondly, are you insulting my intelligence?”

“No no! It´s just that I´m glad to learn more about you Chryssy- I mean, Chrysalis!”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes and dropped Cozy.

“So, what does it say?” he asked impatiently as he laid the book on the table again.

Chrysalis cautiously read the book. She muttered the words in the ancient language.

“Ok. From what I can see, there´s few information. I guess this was because Gusty took the bell away from Grogar as fast as possible, so nopony had time to study it in depth.” Chrysalis cleared her throat. “Apparently, the bell has many abilities: magic absorption, corruption, destruction, magic storage… It all depends on the owner´s intention in mind. But most importantly, it grants endless power.” she explained, showing Cozy and Tirek some drafts of the bell. “Apparently, the book has some sketches made by Grogar while he was developing the bell.”

“Oooh…” Cozy mumbled as she appreciated the detailed drafts.

“And how do we activate it?” asked Tirek.

Chrysalis took a quick glance of the pages.

“The bell can be activated by magical stimulation.”

“Which means…” Cozy said in order to understand better.

“It´s not explained! There´s very few information, but I think it means that a ray of magic is required.”

The three of them blinked.

“I´ll be the first one to try.” Chrysalis offered herself.

She ignited her horn and blasted the bell with all her strength. There were no results. Chrysalis grunted and tried again and again but it still didn´t work. Carefully, Cozy approached the frustrated changeling at patted her back.

“Ok, ok. Your magic isn´t working.”

“Are you calling me powerless?!”

Cozy rolled her eyes.

“NOOO… I´m just saying that maybe Tirek can activate it.” she rubbed her forehead. “Why do you take everything as a personal attack?”

“You never know when a subject is planning to overthrow you.”

“Girls… The coronation! This is for today!” Tirek interrupted.

“Yeah… sorry.” apologized Cozy. “Go on.”

Tirek focused all his energy to originate a huge blast of magic. It was so intense that Cozy and Chrysalis had to close her eyes. Still, no results. Tirek looked at his partners in crime and shrugged. Cozy sighed.

“Here we go again…” she muttered under her breath. She flew in front of Tirek and Chrysalis. “As you can see, when you did it alone nothing happened. Oh no. What shall we do?”

Chrysalis and Tirek shared confused glances.

“Come on guys! We´ve been doing it for weeks! Seriously? Nothing comes to your mind?”

Silence. The only noise heard was Chrysalis´s cough.

“Cupcake´s crumbs.” she said softly to Tirek and then coughed again.

“Joining forces!”

“Aaaah!” both Tirek and Chrysalis exclaimed.

“Well of course I knew that…” Chrysalis lied.

“It was pretty obvious.” Tirek said as he darted his eyes from one side to the other.

Cozy flew in between them.

“Hope this works.” she mumbled as she laid Chrysalis´ hoof and Tirek´s hand together.

Although initially surprised that Cozy laid their hoofs together, Tirek and Chrysalis quickly forgot about it. Both of them took deep breaths.

“Ready?” asked Chrysalis to Tirek.

“Ready.” claimed Tirek.

Nervously, Cozy held onto their arms. At the same time, the two powerful creatures blasted the bell. Although it took some time, and got some drops of sweat out of them, finally something happened: The bell illuminated and levitated. The three of them got excited.

“It worked! It worked!” exclaimed Cozy cheerfully.

Once the bell was in the air, it rang and liberated some magic, which directed towards Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy. The three of them laughed maniacally as they felt the magic flowing through their veins. It also changed their forms. For instance, Tirek got bigger, Chrysalis´ eyes became greener and wore different regalia, whereas for Cozy…. she earned a horn.

“IT FEELS SO GOOOD!” yelled Tirek at the top of his lungs.

“I feel so powerful!” Chrysalis said.

“I´m an alicorn!”

Differently from what she expected, Chrysalis and Tirek didn´t share Cozy´s happiness. Rather, their expressions were blunt.


“Seriously? An alicorn?” asked Chrysalis sarcastically.

“Aren´t five enough?” continued Tirek.

“Say what you want, but I depart from a great disadvantage unlike you two.” she pointed at them as she defended herself. “I´m a Pegasus! The only magic I have is weather control and flying. That´s if we´re talking about my pegasus´ abilities, cause I also consider my intelligence a superpower. Only ten but my mind is older!”

“Yeah, whatever.” said Chrysalis, which annoyed Cozy a little.

“So… what do we do?” asked Tirek. “Do we wait for him-”

Chrysalis smacked her hoof against the ground.

“NO! I´m tired of waiting for him! It took me days coming back here, who knows how much time he will spend outside. You said it countless times, WE. CANNOT. AFFORD. TO. WASTE. TIME!”

Tirek raised an eyebrow.

“As reckless as it sounds, I agree with her. Now it´s the time to take action.” argumented Cozy.

He sighed defeated.

“I suggested waiting for him because I thought the sooner we got rid of him, the more effective our conquest would be, but I´m afraid you´re right. What´s the plan?”

“As much as I hate to admit it, Grogar had a pretty good conquest plan.” added Cozy. “Maybe we could take some ideas…” she smiled mischievously along with Tirek

“Do tell…” Chrysalis encouraged with an evil grin.