• Published 27th Jul 2020
  • 1,546 Views, 69 Comments

Neon Dreams - Bigwig6666

For Neon Dream, life couldn't be simpler. That is, until a stranger appears, begging for help. Now she finds herself pursued by relentless mercenaries and authorities alike as the darkest secret of Ponyopolis is about to be revealed...

  • ...


The Scrapheap was a messy place.

Dark and cramped, even by Ponyopolis standards, the industrial sector was easily the most densely populated area of the entire megacity. Approximately three million souls made their homes there, crammed into spaces rife with disease, organised chaos, and vice.

It was a city within a city, a self contained government that collected no karmic taxes and provided little to no security for its inhabitants. Shoddily erected wells collected water that dripped down from overhead pipes that stemmed from the city’s generators. Improvised houses and shantytowns took up most of the streets, of which were usually packed with workers, beggars, or creatures who simply wished to disappear.

It was the ideal breeding ground for those who dealt in illicit trade--gambling, trafficking, drugs, black market arms deals, and everything else in between. The only law was that of the Novos.

The Novos themselves were a group of violent, sometimes deranged creatures obsessed with body modifications, preferring their cyberware to be over the top and excessive, each relishing in resembling monsters straight out of the old legends of Equestria. It became an addiction of sorts, to replace what they perceived as weak flesh with cold, hard chrome.

Typically the Novos achieved this goal by way of the various cyber clinics, known to the locals as ‘chopshops’. In these establishments was where they upgraded their cyberware, whether it was to impress a rival in the gang or simply to get their latest fix. This was not without cost, however, as off the books and black market surgery was often excruciatingly painful. Not that this deterred an aspiring cyberjunkie in any way shape or form, however, as many who had been indoctrinated by Novo ideology viewed their pain as a necessary sacrifice for the betterment of themselves and what was left of Equestria, in order to forge a new future, shiny and chrome...


A dented, bullet riddled and partially rusted van, once belonging to the now defunct Grey’s Delivery Company, rattled and shuddered to a halt in a quiet corner of the Scrapheap. Bright Spark released the controls and gave a smug smile to the pony in the passenger seat next to him. “Told you I could land this thing.”

Neon glared at him and stuck her tongue out. “Yeah, yeah, well done you can drive.” She turned around to face the dragon and the pony in the back of the van. “So what’s the game plan here? We walk in, tell them ‘take us to COTS’ and that’s it?”

Spike shook his head slowly. “It’s not that easy, Neon.” He glanced at Twilight and grimaced. Her eyes were wide as she stared down at the floor. The rings of worry around her eyes he had sorely missed appeared as clear day, just as he remembered them from centuries ago, but brought him no level of comfort. “This is Novo territory. We have to play by their rules or we won’t get anywhere, no matter who we are or who we’re with. We’re looking for a place called Six Hooves, don’t ask about the name. We need an audience with Lady Razor if we’re gonna get anywhere.”

The unicorn snorted. “Lady Razor? What is she a queen or something?”

Spike ignored her and continued. “You can’t get an audience with her until we get an invitation. That’s why me and Bright will go on ahead. We’ll politely request an audience with her and tell her that it’s important COTS business. They have an arrangement with each other, so they usually, keep out of each other’s hair.” He paused, and a nervous smile crept onto his face. “Or wires.”

Bright Spark nodded silently and looked out the window. The muck and grime of the Scrapheap covered almost everything, and the clouds were too high above to see what the weather would be like. His mouth turned down as he prepared himself for a less than stellar experience.

“What if somepony sees us and calls security?” Neon interjected. She raised an eyebrow at the dragon and crossed her hooves. “How do you expect us to get to this ‘Lady Razor’ without having an army called down on our heads?”

Bright Spark shook his head and spoke up. “The Novos don’t like any authority but their own. Anypony who calls security down here quickly... um...” He swallowed nervously. “Disappears.” He took a deep breath and rubbed his head, looking worriedly at Twilight, still staring down at the ground and not saying a word. “Besides, security tends to give this place a wide berth anyway.”

Neon opened her mouth to fire back with another question. “What about cameras? Drones? Droids?” She looked down at the CPU from Blue, now contained in a small box and kept safe from the world until she could find a new body for him. “They all record stuff right?”

“Cameras don’t last very long before their stripped for parts. As for drones and droids, well, the Novos kinda mess that up with their, um... stuff.” Bright Spark flexed his wings and shuffled his hooves. “Something in their programming, droids, not Novos--do not call the Novos droids--messes up, and they can’t function very well down here. Security won’t find us, not if you follow our lead.”

Spike nodded. “He’s right, Neon.”

Neon sighed in resignation and threw her hooves up. “Fine. Whatever, I guess.” She glanced at Twilight and frowned. “Is she gonna be okay?”

Twilight flinched as all eyes turned to her. She roused herself from her thoughts and forced a sheepish smile onto her face. “Sorry, everypony, I was just... thinking... What did you say, Neon?”

Spike ran a claw across his spines and smiled. “Still the same old Twilight,” he murmured to himself. “Aright, you’re looking for a cyber clinic called Six Hooves...”

The princess listened intently as he ran through the plan again. She didn’t understand the term ‘cyber clinic’ and wondered if Lady Razor was a family name or not. She nodded in understanding as Spike finished explaining himself again, and soon after he and Bright Spark exited the van.

“We’d better hurry,” the young pegasus said as he looked around nervously.

Spike nodded in agreement. He turned back into the van and addressed the two ponies remaining. “Wait for a message to come through on the dashboard, then come out. It’s just down the street, first clinic on the right--you can’t miss it.” He reached out and tenderly took Twilight’s hoof in his claw and smiled. “Everything will be okay, Twilight. Just wait and see, alright?”

Twilight nodded and smiled back. Her heart felt heavy, and her hooves felt tingly. He released her and started off down the street. Bright Spark joylessly waved to them and followed after him, clearly dreading what was to come. The princess used her magic to pull the door shut, the roar of the city replaced by the quiet stillness of the dark and stuffy van.

Neon puffed her cheeks out as the princess sat down. One of her hooves tapped nervously. “You alright, Twi?” she asked quietly.

The princess shook her head. “Not really,” she murmured back.

“Me neither.”

Several minutes of a loud silence passed as Twilight sat quietly and stewed, lost in her own thoughts. Neon began to pace, moving like an animal from an old holovid. She ran a hoof over her face and groaned in anxiety, then shook her head.

Then she began to laugh. A long, hollow laugh. It came from somewhere deep inside her, where all the negative feelings she felt--fear, frustration, anger, and everything in between--came from, and echoed through the small van.

Twilight glanced up curiously, and fearfully. “What’s so funny?” she asked.

Neon shook her head. She composed herself and stopped laughing, and made an attempt to smooth down her coat. The barrier she had maintained up until that point reformed itself, and she tried to appear stoic and calm, much like how the princess carried herself.

“Do you even get what we’re doing, Twilight?” she said finally.

“Going to see the Novos so that we can see the Children of the Sun?”

“I mean besides that. What happens after?” Neon continued pacing. “We get you in charge of everything and then it all goes back to how it was centuries ago?” she said.

Twilight had no words of comfort to give her. In truth, she hadn’t thought that far ahead, and had been focusing mainly on finding out more bout her past. Spike had done a good job of filling in the blanks, mainly in regards to what he and her friends had been doing, and had--to her delighted surprise--told her that they were all actually alive and well, hidden away at a safe location. She felt both ecstatic and nauseous at seeing them all again, and hoped they wouldn’t be too upset at her disappearance for a few centuries.

Neon continued on, not waiting for Twilight to speak. “And these Novos, they’re freaking crazy, Twilight. If they’re helping COTS they’re in it only for themselves, I guarantee it.” She snorted. “I bet they want you to give them a megacity to themselves for helping put you back on top, I can’t imagine how well that would go down before they declare war on anything not as cybered as they are.”

The princess frowned as Neon’s words brought her back to the present. “Or they could just be good, kind creatures?”

The unicorn shook her head. “Nah. Not the Novos. They don’t do anything not programmed into them by their own gang. I’m not even sure they have hearts anymore, or know what kindness is.” Her pace quickened. Her head snapped around as she turned, her brow furrowed and her eyes grew wild.

Twilight stood up and moved closer to her. “Neon I know you’re afraid. I am too.”

“I’m not afraid, Twilight. I’m angry.” Neon stopped and glared at her. “My dad died because of some conspiracy bullshit. Sal died for the same bullshit. They ended them both because they were what, loose ends?”

“You don’t think I’m angry, Neon?” Twilight snapped back. “They stole years of my life from me, and all I remember is feeling like I made a mistake. I don’t even know who ‘they’ are.”

The unicorn waved a hoof dismissively. “Please. You’ve got Spike, your Children of the Sun who want to put you back on top. What do I have? Nothing. Nopony.” She glanced down at the small box that held Blue’s CPU. “I feel like I’m going crazy. That damn droid is just about the only thing I have left of a family now. The only thing keeping me... sane.”

Twilight reached out and softened her face. “You aren’t going crazy, Neon. This is just shock, and grief.”

Neon growled and batted her hoof away. “Don’t patronise me, princess.”

“I’m not trying to, Neon,” Twilight replied sadly. “I’m trying to be helpful, I’m trying to keep it together for you and you keep throwing it back in my face.”

“Whatever,” Neon grunted and turned away sulkily. “We’re about to walk into the lions’ den so what does it even matter now? I’m a wanted criminal, if I show my face in public I’ll probably be executed on the spot, I’m willing to bet I don’t have a shred of karma left.” She held up a hoof and tapped the side of the van as she counted off things. “My apartment. My job. My way of life. Both of my dads. Gone. All gone. And for what? So a relic of the past can sit on her throne again?”

Her words fell heavily in the quiet van. Twilight watched in silence as she turned around to face her.

“I’ve got nothing left, Twilight,” she murmured sadly and waved her hoof, brushing it all away. “Nothing. I’m a nopony now, no better than the gutter trash we’re about to meet with.” She slumped to the ground and sniffed, her emotions catching up with her. “I’m not my dad, I don’t know what ‘the right thing’ is anymore.” She curled her tail around herself. “I’m useless.”

“That’s not true, Neon,” the princess said finally and put her hoof down. She smiled and stepped closer to her young friend and lifted her face up. “You know what I think of you?”

Neon was silent as she stared into the alicorn’s eyes, even as they twinkled and sparkled with tears.

“I’ll tell you.” Twilight tapped her own hoof against the side of the wall. “I think you’re a good pony. A decent, kind hearted pony with a lot of worry on her back.” She looked down into the unicorn’s eyes and smiled. “You’re helping me, helping us, make Equestria a better place, even if we don’t know how to do that, but you’re still trying to help. You’ve lost as much as anypony, more than anypony else could have, but regardless of that, you’re still helping me. So thank you, Neon. I’m so, very proud of you.”

The unicorn felt her heart flutter. Only her dad, and Sal once or twice, had ever said that he was proud of her. To hear it from somepony as important as Twilight Sparkle, even in the back of a dusty old van, was something to behold. “Sorry, Twilight...” she mumbled after a few minutes of silence. “I’m...”

She trailed off as the princess put a hoof to her lips and tears rolled down her cheeks. “It’s alright, Neon. If you ever want to talk, I’ll listen.” Twilight smiled warmly and wiped the tears away. “That’s what friends do.”

The radio in the front of the van crackled to life, startling them both and interrupting the moment.

“Guys they’re ready for you. Better come quick,” came Spike’s voice. Both ponies noted the urgency in his voice and looked at one another, nodding in silent agreement that their conversation would have to wait for another time.

Twilight smiled at Neon, and Neon smiled back. Both felt marginally better after their little heart to heart regardless of whether it was cut short or not. The door was thrust open again, and they hopped down into the Scrapheap. The roar of the city echoed around them, a million voices crying out in the dark undercity, each a downtrodden soul scraping by a pitiful existence.

“Down the street and to the right yeah?” Neon clarified.

Twilight nodded in response and rubbed her temple. “That’s right.” She glanced back at the rusty van and winced. “Do we just leave this here?”

Neon shrugged. “I guess. I suppose it’ll be scrapped for parts before we see it again.” The corners of her mouth twitched upwards. “Sparky won’t like it so much.”


“Well Bright Spark is a bit of a mouthful to say every time.”

Twilight laughed and rustled her wings as they set off, towards the chopshop known as Six Hooves.


The clinic had a stifling atmosphere. The dim and flickering lights above gave it the appearance of a morgue more than a doctor’s office, and the cold sterile air smelled strongly of metal and blood, hidden not very well under the stink of industrial grade antiseptic spray.

Somewhere in the distance, in the depths of the clinic, a whirring sawblade could be heard, coupled with agonising screams.

Neon felt eyes all over her as she and Twilight entered a deathly silent room. While she tried not to show her nervousness at being surrounded by a group of psychotic cybered-up-to-their-eyeballs fanatics, Twilight remained as steady as a rock as they walked. Her wings folded neatly at her side, and head held up high, she looked like a real princess.

They came to a halt in front of a heavily cybered hippogriff, surrounded by equally as cybered creatures, each and every one of them looking like something out a twisted, metal nightmare. Spike and Bright Spark stood to one side, looking down at the ground respectfully, or fearfully. The former glanced up at Twilight and smiled at her before quickly turning his attention back to the ground.

”So this must be this Lady Razor then,” Neon thought as she stared the hippogriff in the eye. She shivered involuntarily as the whirr of a saw sounded again from somewhere in the building, although followed this time by manic laughter and cries of ecstasy.

Lady Razor inhaled a long drag of smoke from the cigarette holder jutting out from her beak. Where her eyes should have been were empty sockets, and between them was a single, large glowing red lens. Her bleached and colourless mane hung loosely around her neck, and behind her her solid metal wings rustled. Each ‘feather’ was a razorblade sharpened to perfection. Her equally as metallic claws rested on a small table in front of her and tapped impatiently.

“Dearest Spike has informed me of your situation,” she said. Her voice was sickly sweet, but contains traces of malice and absolute contempt.

Twilight nodded stiffly and said nothing.

Lady Razor’s singular eye shuttered open and close as she pushed some of her mane away and shinked her wings together. Around them, several Novos with similar eye transplants watched them with cold, red glares.

“So you come to me, to Six Hooves,” she said sweetly.

Perspiration appeared on the dragon’s forehead, but he remained quiet.

“And potentially led the dogs of Megacity Security to my front door, endangering myself and my humble clinic and all of my brothers and sisters.”

Razor exhaled a long cloud of smoke. Her eye offered them nothing, no hint of insight into her mind as it scrutinized them. She traced one of her claws along the steel table in front of her, marking it and sending a few sparks into the air.

“I thought princesses were supposed to be smart.”

Twilight and Neon’s heads both turned to each other for a split second.

The hippogriff giggled as she took another drag of smoke and continued. “Yes. I know who you are, Twilight Sparkle, and you Neon Dream. You are quite famous in the megacity, even in the Scrapheap.” The corners of her beak curled upwards. “My name is Lady Razor. It is a pleasure to meet you both.”

The ponies both glanced at Spike, who gestured for them to bow with as little movement as possible. The hulking brute of a pony beside him jutted his metallic jaw towards him and growled something inaudible.

“Lady Razor, it is a great honour to met you,” Twilight declared with a dramatic bow, sweeping her left foreleg outwards and cradling her right leg underneath her so her forward half . She knew how to appease nobles, even if they only pretended to be nobles, and she needed this hippogriff to be on her side. ”Manners are everything,” she thought to herself.

Neon, on the other hoof, wasn’t as aware, and twisted her face at the princess’s bow. “Really?” she murmured without thinking.

Several of the guards nearby lurched forwards, their murderous red eyes focused solely on the unicorn, each intending to force her to show respect.

“Right. Sorry. Hello, Lady Razor,” she said and craned her neck downwards, stiffly and awkwardly going into a bow .

The hippogriff’s clacking claws on the table were the only sound as she leant back and smirked.

“N-Neon’s new here, Lady Razor-” Bright Spark mumbled, refusing to take his eyes off the ground. “She-”

Razor shot him a look. Her eye closed to a pinprick ass he focused on the young pegasus. “Mustn’t speak until spoken to, dear Bright Spark,” she spat.

The pegasus whimpered an apology and fell silent, daring to take only the smallest breaths possible. Satisfied with it, Razor turned her attention back to the two before her and inhaled another drag of smoke.

Neon opened her mouth to scold the hippogriff for talking to the pegasus like that, but Twilight shot her a look and mouthed to be quiet. She obeyed and kept her head bowed. As she looked at the ground, she noticed some of the tiles had faint traces of red on them, and she could only imagine who had stood in a similar position to her before.

“Yes, Princess Twilight Sparkle,” Razor said. “I will allow you passage into the Children’s territory, as per our arrangement.”

Twilight felt a wave of relief wash over her. “Oh thank you, lady-”

Razor held up a chrome claw that glinted in the dim light. “However, I find myself in need of somepony...” She glanced over Neon and clacked her beak. “Disposable.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Neon looked up and scowled.

The Novo leaned forwards and blew smoke in her face. “It means, that to me, you are worthless, and if your little princess wishes to see her Children, you will-”

“Neon Dream is a very capable pony, Lady Razor,” Twilight interjected. She held her head up high again and placed her front hooves together. “And is more than willing to assist you in whatever you need help with, I assure you, but please do not refer to my ponies as worthless.”

The princess flashed a smile at the Novo, who looked on in mild entertainment.

Neon glared at Twilight. ”Thanks for giving me a job, I guess, not like I wanted a say in the matter,” she bitterly said in her mind.

Razor arose from her chair and strode up to Twilight. Standing at roughly the same height as the alicorn, she sized up the pony as she began to circle her. “Strong legs, firm shoulders...” she murmured quietly. Twilight remained stock still as the Novos eyed her up. “Large wings. With some enhancements you could be truly powerful, Twilight Sparkle,” she hissed with a soft chuckle. “Instead you are wasted in this fleshsack of a body of yours. A pity.”

The princess felt her lip curl downwards and fought to keep from snapping at the rude hippogriff. “That’s very kind of you to say, Lady Razor. But I fail to see what this has to do with the Chidren.”

“All in good time, princess,” Razor continued as she focused her attention on the smaller unicorn. The corners of her beak once again turned into a tight smile. “Now, Neon Dream, you have a fine body. Your potential is higher than the princess’s, assuming you are not as attached to your body as she?”

Neon grunted in response. “I like my body as it is, thanks.”

“You dislike cybernetics?”

“I don’t dislike them I’m just not a cyber happy lunatic like you.”

Twilight closed her eyes, fearing the worst. She felt magic build up inside her horn, and readied herself to make a quick getaway if need be. Instead, Lady Razor threw her head back and cackled. The alicorn opened her eyes slowly and saw the hippogriff turning around.

“Yes. You will do,” she said. “You were a delivery pony, yes, Neon dear?”

Neon nodded and gave Twilight a curious look. “Yeah? What’s that-”

“I need a package delivered to an associate of mine.” Razor snapped her claws before Neon could even agree. The door behind them opened, revealing a small, skinny pony wearing overalls who shambled forwards, holding a metal case. He navigated around the princess and the unicorn, avoiding all eye contact possible, placed it on the table in front of the Lady with a short bow, then quickly made his exit. Neon noticed one of his legs was made entirely out of cobbled together bits of technology and didn’t look as refined as the rest of the Novos cybernetics.

“This is your package, Neon Dream,” Razor said with a smile. She spun the case around and put the code in on the front and opened it up. She inspected the contents of it, nodded to herself, then clasped it shut again and made sure it was locked. “Everything is accounted for. You are to bring this to the edge of the Scrapheap. Once delivered, return to Six Hooves, and you shall be reunited with your princess and be free to leave.”

Neon glanced down at the case. “That’s it?” she asked quietly.

“That is it,” replied Razor, still with a sickly sweet voice. “Young Bright Spark knows of whom I speak. I have hired him myself a few times to perform deliveries for me.”

Bright Spark nodded. “Yes, Lady Razor, right away.”

“So obedient.” Razor grinned maliciously. “Does it please you, princess, to know your former subjects are such obedient creatures?” she asked Twilight.

Twilight remained stone faced. “It does,” she stated bluntly, earning a cautious look from both Bright Spark and Neon. “I know my ponies will serve you well. And I trust that once they are finished with your task, they will be returned to me unharmed?”

“But of course, princess,” Razor chuckled. She held up a claw. “I swear to you, Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria, that no harm shall befoul them as long as they are in Novo territory.” She grinned from feather to feather. Her long, white mane hung loosely to one side.

The princess nodded. “If I may, then, Lady?” she gestured to her friends.

Razor waved a claw dismissively. “You may leave. Say your farewells for now. I expect you back shortly, Neon Dream.” She clacked her beak and snapped her claws again. The Novos in the room eased off their relentless gazes and turned their attentions elsewhere, whether it was amongst themselves or idly tinkering with their own cyberware.

The group turned to leave. Neon took the case in her magic and let it hover beside her. The Novo by the door opened it for them and stepped to one side. He glared down at the young pegasus as he scampered past and growled menacingly at him. Twilight gave him a deathly stare back and put a wing around Bright Spark, ushering him out and shielding him from the metallic gaze of the Novo. Spike was the last one out, and as he turned to close the door behind him, he spotted Razor waving at him with knives for claws. He shivered and gave her a small bow before closing the door.

“We’d better leave, before she asks for anything else,” he murmured. He glanced at Neon and Bright Spark and smiled at them hopefully. “Well... not out of a job yet then?”

Neon set the case down gently. Even a fired delivery pony still knew how to treat clients’ packages. She rounded on Twilight. “Alright what the hell was that?” she grunted. her eyes sparked with anger. “You think you can just pimp me out to get what you want, huh?” she snarled.

Twilight smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry, Neon. It worked, though, right? And it’s just a delivery job, nothing dangerous?” she offered hopefully. ”What in Equestria does pimp mean?” she wondered, having never heard the word before. Another thing she had to learn in this dark future.

“Nothing dangerous?!” Neon’s already deep scowl deepened. “If you’ll allow me to remind you, the last delivery I was supposed to do cost me my job, my home, and made me a criminal.” She jabbed a hoof at Bright Spark. “Thanks to this idiot.” She cuffed the young pegasus on the back of the head and glowered at him.

He rubbed where she hit him and mumbled an apology.

“We really should get moving, guys,” Spike said hurriedly. “I don’t know what’s in that case but you’d best hurry, the edge of the Scrapheap’s a ways away. Twilight we need to go see the Children, now. I heard something in there before you guys arrived.”

Bright Spark nodded. “He’s right. Come on Neon, I know where we’re going.”

Twilight and Neon paused as they looked at each other.

“Goodbye Neon,” the former said quietly and held out a hoof. She realised this was going to be the first time they were separated since leaving her apartment, and dreaded at what could happen in this dark place of the city. “Look after yourself alright? Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

Neon bitterly held her hoof out and shook the princess’s. “Don’t get all misty eyed on me, Twilight. We’ll be... Sparky, how long will we be?”

Bright Spark allowed a small smile at hearing his nickname play across his face. “Not long. Thirty minutes?”

“There. Thirty minutes, forty tops.” The unicorn smiled, although her eyes held no happiness to them. “Go find COTS, and we’ll... meet you back here I suppose? You know where we’re going right?” she asked and turned to the pegasus.

“Oh, yeah no--no problem,” he replied cheerily.

“Why are you smiling like that?”

“Nopony’s ever given me a nickname before.”

“Ah jeez, alright well don’t get all mushy on me, kid.” Neon rolled her eyes and lifted the case up, surrounding it in her magic. “Come on, hopefully the van is still there.”

Sparky frowned, his smile quickly fading, and hurried after her as she set off without another word. “Wait, what do you mean ‘hopefully‘?”

Twilight and Spike stood side by side, watching them leave the clinic and turn left. The dragon put a claw around the pony and gave her a small hug. “You okay, Twilight?”

“I’m... fine, Spike,” she murmured back, grateful he was there. “Are they gonna be alright coming back here?”

“I’ll come back on my own and take them to the Children, don’t worry.”

“Alright.” Twilight sighed in a resigned manner. She forced yet another smile onto her face. “Lead the way, dearest Spike,” she chuckled quietly.

Spike groaned. “Oh come on Twilight, it’s awful when she calls me that.”

Twilight laughed and gave him a sorely needed nuzzle as they exited the cyber clinic and turned right. She glanced back and saw the name of the sign outside was actually GlowCorp Cyber Surgeries. She frowned and questioned Spike about it. “I thought it was called Six Hooves?” The word GlowCorp struck her as odd, and somewhat familiar. ”Surely not, though...”

“Well, like anything else in this city, ponies just sort of name things what they want,” Spike replied.

“But why Six Hooves?”

“The pony who used to run it gave himself an extra pair of hooves to help him operate.”

“Was he that busy?”

“From what I heard? No, he just liked cutting things.”

Twilight grimaced and fell silent. She hated the Scrapheap, even from what little she had seen of it. She wondered if anywhere else in the city had such grim tidbits of information about them.