• Published 7th Aug 2020
  • 1,504 Views, 42 Comments

Getting Cozy With Diamond - deadpansnarker

You know Cozy Glow. Irredeemable villainess, insane filly, terrible hair. If all those things are true though, why has a certain reformed tiaraed bully suddenly made it her life's mission to help the petrified pest?

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Chapter 2: An Audience With Twilight

Statue?” If Twilight had been surprised at the unexpected arrival of the wealthy stallion and his young daughter, she was positively perplexed now. “Which one? We have many scattered around the gardens of Canterlot, but none of them are for sale I’m afraid. Most are hundreds of years old, and are part of the heritage of this great nation…”

“You don’t understand, Princess Twilight.” Despite her determinedly serious expression, Diamond couldn’t help but grin slightly at the thought of travelling so many miles to bid on one of those mouldy old sculptures. “We’re not here to bid for anything, or hear a history lesson. I’m talking about the one with the bad guys inside.”

“Well, that one’s definitely not available for purchase. If anycreature with evil intent got ahold of it, and was somehow able to resurrect them, the consequences could be most… oh.” Twilight’s mouth finally caught up with her brain, and she looked down apologetically. “I’m sorry. You said you didn’t want to bid on anything today, and I didn’t hear you at first. I just have my mind on so many things right now, it’s like my head is ready to explode. Perhaps it would be better if I just let you speak, and I’ll listen.”

“A-Alright.” Diamond attempted to settle her frayed nerves before continuing. She knew Twilight might be a bit jittery at her upcoming coronation, but she’d no idea the alicorn would be this burned out. “Let me give you a bit of background information first. You see, for most of my life, I haven’t exactly been the best filly. I’ve teased others for their lack of Cutie Marks, helped spread scandalous gossip around town, blackmailed others to get what I want, turned a cousin against her own family and even teased a disabled filly about her handicap. That’s just a few of the many bad things I’ve done that I can name off the top of my head.”

“Oh but my precious jewel, you’re so much better now!” Filthy Rich didn’t enjoy hearing his child badmouth herself like that, and sauntered over to gently ruffle her mane. “If only you’d told me earlier what’d been going on at home in my absence, I would’ve cancelled every one of my business trips and really told your mother off…”

Ddaadd!! I thought you promised me on the way here, you wouldn’t interrupt me! How would you like it if I walked in on one of your important meetings, and refused to shut up?” A blushing Diamond sidestepped her father’s cloying affections upon her head, and for the first time Twilight noticed the filly was missing her trademark tiara. “You’re talking about the past, and I’m here to discuss the future. Besides, it would be nice to keep some things ‘in the family’, don’t you think?”

“O-Oh, sorry sweetheart. It’s just I hate to hear my angel criticise herself in front of the Princess, when she’s made so much progress in the last year.” Filthy Rich returned to his original standing position, to give his daughter the floor. “Please, continue. You're doing an excellent job of explaining yourself so far. I couldn’t be more proud!”

“Also, for the record, please call me plain old ‘Twilight’. I’ve never been much one for formality, and it would make me feel much more comfortable.” The lavender alicorn informed the pair of her request with a friendly smile. Wow, it looks like the rumours were true. Diamond Tiara has really blossomed since we last crossed paths. Good for her!

“If that’s what you want, ‘Twilight’. Anyway, returning to what I was saying before…” Diamond acknowledged her host’s request with a nod, before trying to get the conversation back on track. “It’s safe to say, I haven’t been the most model of citizens for most of my life. I got better eventually, as my Daddy just announced to the entire hall. But if it hadn’t been for the help of others, mostly three fillies I’m sure you know very well, I never would’ve seen the error of my ways to live a better life. And now, I have the opportunity to do the same thing the Crusaders did for me. All I ask for is that chance…”

“Wait, I’m a bit puzzled here.” Spike had mostly been silent throughout the proceedings, as engrossed as he was in an epic comic strip struggle between The Masked Matter-Horn and Mane-iac. “How did this discussion about statues turn into a confessional, followed by you offering to be some kind of mentor? I mean, this is still better than the business-related stuff I expected when I heard who was coming, but still…”

Spike!! If you’re going to butt in without warning, at least try making your input useful!” Twilight was noticeably irritated that while her own attempts at not cutting in were going well, others in the room kept letting the side down. “I must admit though, the question did cross my mind too. Although I’m extremely proud of all you’ve accomplished and admire your laudable goal of improving the lives of others, I don’t exactly see the connection either.”

This is it. No backing out now, Diamond. “I-I was thinking about helping Cozy Glow, Twilight.”

What?!” Well, that simple enough statement really did let the cat amongst the pigeons. Aside from Twilight’s uncontrolled yell there, Spike dropped his comic book in shock and the guards stationed nearby glanced at each other with undisguised alarm.

Even Diamond’s own father, who’d only been told by his child that she ‘needed to discuss a matter of the utmost importance’ with Princess Twilight looked gobsmacked. He’d expected the pink filly to offer to be one of the flower girls at the coronation, maybe even ask to sing as she had such a good voice.

Not… this.

Having already anticipated this kind of stunned reaction, Diamond wasted no more time in adding a few more reasons to why she felt she could succeed where a thousand court-appointed psychiatrists had failed.

“You know, I actually went up to Tartarus to see Cozy Glow once, before all visiting rights were restricted. Although, when you compare what we both did wrong in our lives, her offences are a little… worse, I think even in that short meeting I was able to kind of ‘get’ her. That lust for power, attempting to weaponise friendship for her own selfish purposes: I tried doing the same thing with my leadership Cutie Mark not so long ago. Only when I discovered my true purpose and all the good I could do with it did I ever think of changing my ways. In my opinion, right now Cozy is very muddled about what her destiny could be and how to best use her talents not just to make herself happy, but others as well. N-Naturally, she has to actually learn to care for them first, but I truly believe if I spent a lot of time with her…”


If Twilight’s last single-word sentence had been shouted so loud the entire palace roof shook, this one was uttered with complete clarity and clear certainty. The future ruler stared Diamond’s diminutive form down to such an extent that the filly began feeling even smaller in the presence of the much taller alicorn.

“I appreciate your noble intentions coming here today Diamond Tiara, and nopony wants to reform and redeem evil beings more than me. But one brief encounter in Tartarus long ago cannot possibly prepare you for the levels of malice and manipulation this misleadingly innocent filly will throw at you. She’ll stop at nothing to achieve her goal of conquering Equestria, and if this means draining others of their magic or even killing them, I would not put it past her. We’ve heard a thousand different versions of her ‘tragic’ past, from being accidentally dropped from Cloudsdale to her parents dying in a tragic lightning storm. None of these tall tales have held up to close scrutiny, and if she can’t even be honest about who she is to us, what makes you think you can change her entire personality? Also, and I don’t want to seem rude, but you are still a mere filly yourself.”

“Now wait just a darn minute here!!” Despite his earlier vow. Filthy Rich couldn’t just stand by and allow the value of his most precious gem be called into question. Even by a Princess. “I can see why you’d be upset at my daughter springing this surprise on you at such a stressful time, and I’ll be having words later about her inappropriate conduct. But you can’t just dismiss her on account of her age! Diamond has already come with me to Barnyard Bargains for work experience, where she’s already proven herself a natural-born leader. You should see her motivate the staff as she tours the shelves with me: even the laziest of slackers ups their game considerably when she passes by issuing instructions! Why, she does such a good job the thought crossed my mind to pull her out of school to give her my foremare’s job! Naturally, that idea was quickly quashed. A foal needs their education.”

“Mr Filthy. While I can see the close bond you and your daughter clearly share, I don’t see how it pertains to helping Cozy undergo a total character reassessment.” Twilight turned her attention to the stallion, not knowing that the way she’d addressed him was unlikely to win his favour. “Besides, even if I did think there was the tiniest chance she could be reformed, there’s still the small matter of her punishment. She nearly destroyed everything Equestria stands for… twice. What am I supposed to do… set her free to come and live in your mansion? I bet you have a pool, don’t you? Wouldn’t that be true justice: a pony who almost caused the devastation of society gets to lounge in the water on an air-bed all day. Does any part of that sentence sound fair to you, Diamond?”

“Y-Yes, we have a pool. B-But…” The first signs of desperation began to show on the pink filly’s face, as she struggled to counter the salient points Twilight made. “She wouldn’t be allowed to use it, not at first anyway. You see, we have this room deep underground: a ‘bunker’, if you like. It was built as part of the mansion by my grandfather Stinkin’ Rich, or so Daddy tells me. There were a lot of earthquakes in those days, or something. Anyway, I kind of thought she could stay down there. It’s practically inescapable, but has plenty of air for her to breathe. I mean, anything’s got to be better than keeping her as a stone statue forever. Are you really telling me, there’s no chance somepony so young is incapable of getting better someday? It just seems so… c-cruel, that’s all.”

Even though Twilight maintained a stern expression, a slight pang of regret did appear in the form of an arched eyebrow. “Nopony wants to petrify another lifeform, especially one as young as Cozy Glow. And I’ll admit, when she worked with me at the School Of Friendship she did show herself to be quite the eager and efficient helper. But it was all a means to an end to gain power over us all, and that’s what makes her so dangerous. She had me and every other creature fooled, and if you want to know ‘cruel’, just ask my friend Starlight Glimmer what Cozy did to her the second I left them alone together. No, I’m sorry but any further discussion of this matter would be a waste of time for both of us. Your request is summarily denied. Please have a safe trip home, and do come back for the celebrations commencing a week from today.”

Before Twilight could trot back to Rarity’s delicate administrations however, Diamond wasn’t quite done yet. Being a master at reading body language (it helped her guide others into making the ‘right’ decision), she sensed a level of hesitancy in the alicorn’s otherwise firm refusal, and she was determined to push her further on it.

It’s not like she had many other cards to play, anyway.

“You haven’t properly answered my questions yet, Twilight. Did you think turning her to stone was the right thing to do? And, do you believe it’s impossible for her to improve in any way? If you answer ‘yes’ and ‘no’ in that order, I’ll leave this second and not come back. So, could you tell me please? I know you’ll be honest, because that’s exactly the Element you were preaching about when me and Daddy first came in…”

Diamond’s desperation had made her a bit arrogant, especially in the presence of a Princess. Again, the whole room (guards included) gaped at Twilight to see her delayed response to such ‘obstinance’...

...And her reaction was somewhat of a revelation.

“You know what, Diamond? I am starting to see what your father means when he says there’s more to you than meets the eye. Not many other creatures would dare speak to me the way you just have... and I kind of like it! Such stubborn talk helps keep me grounded, and stops me thinking I’m more important than I am. I should never forget I’m here to serve everycreature, not the other way round. So to reward you for your forthrightness: No, turning her to stone wouldn’t have been my first choice. It was Discord, together with Luna and Celestia’s help that made her petrification happen, not me. And while Cozy Glow might be one of the most hopeless cases I’ve ever encountered when it comes to reformation, I never give up on anycreature no matter how hard it may get. It’s just... I kind of reached my wit’s end with her.”

“...That’s why I think I should be allowed to give it a try! I really believe we’re not that much different, so if anypony can get through to her… wait. Did you just say, the weird guy who made it rain chocolate from the sky and turned the clouds to cotton candy decided her permanent fate?! I-I don’t know what to say to that.” Diamond was sorely tempted to say that’s nuts, but wisely decided she’d been given enough royal leeway already. “A-Anyway, that just proves my point even more! If we don’t try to help her now, we’ll never know the kind of mare she could’ve grown into if we just gave up on her! Please? Won’t you at least consider it? A fresh approach from a pony who won’t quit, her very very last chance?”

A million and one emotions flickered across Twilight’s face just then. It’s hard to describe that kind of look, unless you’ve actually seen it in the flesh.

She glanced over at Spike, who simply shrugged his shoulders and buried himself back into his comic. It was a bit early for him to start his new job, and he intended to make the most of this ‘rest’ period.

She then turned her attention to Filthy Rich, who seemed understandably flustered at the prospect of his potential new house guest. This was his daughter’s plan, he was just the chaperone. She’d grown up far too quickly for him to keep pace, and although proud as punch he was very disorientated right now.

That trait of wanting stuff without asking first? She gets that from her mother. He thought sadly, knowing that no matter how much she’d matured they’d always be a bit of Spoiled in her genes.

Still, as visibly bewildered as the tycoon was right now, it was as nothing compared to Twilight’s turbulent thoughts. And the more she pondered on everything, the more flummoxed and lost she seemed to become, until…

“I-I want some time to think. I can’t decide anything right now, and I certainly don’t believe I can do it on my own. There’s a waiting room to your left there with plenty of old magazines to read. If you want to sit inside, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Come, Spike. You’re going to have just as much a say in this as everypony else. I need to summon the rest of our friends, but first time for a lie-down…”

Twilight left at that juncture, still in a daze with her faithful dragon companion flapping close behind.

This left the great hall empty, apart from some very nice murals, a smattering of guards…

...And an irate father frowning at his sheepish daughter, ready to begin the mother of all interrogations.

“Well, Diamond Dazzle Tiara? What do you have to say for yourself? I’m waiting…”

Author's Note:

Phew. This is the most I’ve written in one sitting for a long time, but I didn’t want to make Twilight’s decision an easy one. 

After all, we are talking about releasing Cozy Glow here, so it stands to reason she’d want the input of her good friends to take such a drastic step...

….As well as make rules, establish boundaries, plan for contingencies if anything goes wrong... quite a lot to organise, in other words: and it’ll all be covered in the next chapter. :ajsmug:

Comments ( 20 )

Eh, I'll be honest, I'm not a big fan of the long blocks of dialog. The conversation outlines Twilight's and Diamond's points of view well, but it's almost too sequential and logical. It could use a little...punch. I dunno. Maybe it's just me.

That's what I like to hear. :twistnerd:

I tried to imagine how a genuine conversation between Diamond and Twilight about this complex issue would go, and that's what I wrote down. If you have any ideas about how it could be improved, I'd be happy to hear them. Thanks for commenting, anyway. :twilightsheepish:

wait. Did you just say, the weird guy who made it rain chocolate from the sky and turned the clouds to cotton candy decided her permanent fate?!

Not to mention the one who busted her and Tirek out of Tartarus alongside Crysalis and gave them the means to become an ever greater threat.
Yeah, Discord getting away with everything is a common complain.

I'm not sure Diamond knows about that part, or she might've mentioned it... :moustache:

Really enjoyed this chapter. The dialogue felt real (even if it felt kind of long-winded) and the characters felt accurate, especially Diamond who had her more manipulative traits from her bullying era mixed in with her recently found niceness and maturity while also still feeling like a kid with her interactions with Filthy. Can't wait to see how Twilight's friends will respond to this.

“What am I supposed to do… set her free to come and live in your mansion? I bet you have a pool, don’t you? Wouldn’t that be true justice: a pony who almost caused the devastation of society gets to lounge in the water on an air-bed all day. Does any part of that sentence sound fair to you, Diamond?”

Kinda agree with this one. I mean, Starlight, who almost broke time itself just for her own petty revenge had to be punished afterwards. She must have been very uncomfortable living in Twilight's castle and becoming her personal student. Its a miracle that she was allowed to go outside whenever she wanted and I'm sure Discord was put into some kind of prison after betraying Equestria to Tirek and bringing the trio together because surely he wouldn't have complete freedom to go wherever he wants and have full use of his magic after that.

“It’s just... I kind of reached my wit’s end with her.”

Looks like all of Twilight's wits have run out with Starlight and very few if any were left for Cozy. Its a shame because she might have actually tried reforming her otherwhise.

That's exactly what I was going for, so I'm glad you think I succeeded. It's always reassuring when you try your best as a writer to convey something, and a reader compliments you by noticing it. :coolphoto:

The conversation was long because it needed to be, with many obstacles in the way of Diamond even agreeing to release Cozy, even before Miss Tiara can work her magic. The next chapter will be quite talky too, with each member of Twilight's friend squad having their own say as to what should be done next regarding a certain petrified filly. It goes without saying I'll try to stay true to their characters, and their decisions regarding her future will rely heavily on their personalities...:eeyup:

Whatever you do if Cozy gets let out, don't let her meet Spoiled Rich! :pinkiegasp:

It's the kind of plot twist some of us will still be angry about years from now.


It was a pointless plot twist. Grogar was the closest thing the show ever offered to a competent villain, and the writers just reduced him to another Discord prank.

I don't think he was the first competent villian, but it certainly was a pointless plot twist.

What really makes me mad is none of the three even got offered a chance of redemption. They all showed signs of at least befriending each other.

“Besides, even if I did think there was the tiniest chance she could be reformed, there’s still the small matter of her punishment. She nearly destroyed everything Equestria stands for… twice. What am I supposed to do… set her free to come and live in your mansion? I bet you have a pool, don’t you? Wouldn’t that be true justice: a pony who almost caused the devastation of society gets to lounge in the water on an air-bed all day. Does any part of that sentence sound fair to you, Diamond?”

She said, forgetting a certain reality warper who had done the exact same thing (Princess Twilight Sparkle, Twilight's Kingdom, Beginning Of The End) and was capable of snapping up any pleasure known to equine.

Never punished for it, never saw any long term consequences, and is all but implied to have got himself a loving girlfriend, all while being a lazy, sadistic, jerk, who endangered pony lives (including those of his "friends") a vast number of times. What part of that sentence sounds fair Twilight?

if you want to know ‘cruel’, just ask my friend Starlight Glimmer what Cozy did to her the second I left them alone together.

Yeah I remember when Discord tried to do the same thing to Tree Hugger. Celestia thought it was hilarious. '"the most fun" she's "had in years!"' :trollestia:


I'm sure Discord was put into some kind of prison after betraying Equestria to Tirek and bringing the trio together because surely he wouldn't have complete freedom to go wherever he wants and have full use of his magic after that.

Yep, I am sure that was a thing that happened. Definitely sure there! :pinkiecrazy:

Honestly these stories that insist that the in cannon show must have some sort structured justice system, when we don't see so much as a standard prison outside of fiction, and their default position on criminals is to lock them up in mystical locations, or socially banish them from organisations or areas where they have meet disgrace, are just endlessly entertaining.

A plot twist that will live in infamy?

I mean To Where And Back Again was kind of a redemption story, technically.

Frenemies also goes there.

Although it doesn't really explain how they were supposed to reform when "Grogar" clearly had the power to bring them to him from pretty much anywhere, and was counting on them to act villainous for his scheme to work.

His lines are pretty explicit about that fact:

Grogar: I assure you, I am very real. And you have all been brought here as part of my plan to rid Equestria of Twilight Sparkle and her friends once and for all. [laughs]

I suggest nothing. I demand that you join me, and together, Equestria will be ours!

Sometimes the show does have double standards for certain characters, particularly 'fan favourites' like Discord. But I'm not here to reflect the rights and wrongs on that: this is a story about Cozy Glow, Diamond Tiara and their complicated future relationship. As for the other stuff, I'm sure the debate relating to it will go on long into the future...

Well if she's gonna be staying with the Rich's, it'll be inevitable they'll cross hooves at some point. The question would be though: Is Equestria ready? :twilightoops:


Is Equestria ready?

But for what though? What will be when the dust settles and everything shakes out? :unsuresweetie:

Fair enough. But her engaging in obvious double speak this early on in the story, diminishes my already lackluster respect for this version of her even more.

It's obvious she's either forgotten a lot of recent history (which I find suspiciously convent for a immortal) or she's just fishing for reasons why Cozy should stay locked up.

Now given she never seems to buy Discord's reformation either, I could definitely see it being a case for the latter, but she has to be aware of the hypocrisy.

Either case I really didn't like what they did with Twilight's "character" by the end of the show, but by having her actively supporting Cozy's fate here, as "a matter of punishment", and her being too "dangerous", Twilight is in fact making clear that she supports leaving Cozy this way potentially forever, rather than reforming her at any future date.

We've seen how long "punishments" last in Equestria and how long their meant to, and Cozy Glow will never be less dangerous than right now, when most of the know world knows what she did, and all eyes are on her.

Twilight is smart enough to be aware of the former at the very least, and proberbly the later. So Twilight making these excuse about not freeing her now, is really just her putting off the problem indefinitely, the way that Celestia used to.

How were the other villains incompetent? I mean: Discord, Chrysalis, and Tirek all failed because of their own hubris, but they still came pretty close to winning. And Starlight was the first villain whose hubris wasn't her downfall (and I wouldn't call a villain who incapacitated the main characters and mastered time travel incompetent). And Cozy Glow was an even better manipulator than Chrysalis.

Good Point. That never occurred to me. One, at face value, the mixing of the two would be a recipe for some type of cataclysm, whether verbal (shouting match) or the complete opposite where Cozy finds a way to manipulate Spoiled Rich to do her bidding.

And two... it is obvious that Diamond hadn't confided in her father of her plans to request the release of Cozy previously before taking a trip up to Canterlot.... which resulted in a very 'irate father frowning at his sheepish daughter'. Considering it, Filthy is the seems to be the more lenient of the two parents. Drawing an inference, I seriously doubt she told her mother. If Filthy is mad, just imagine how angry Spoiled will be. :twilightoops:

I’ve seen stories with Cozy being reformed by Flurry Heart, Sunset Shimmer and others... but this is a new one.

You have me intrigued.

This seems like an interesting story, already read all the chapters that are out.

From the title, I thought this would be a romance :twilightsheepish:
Looks very promising, though!

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