• Published 27th Feb 2021
  • 1,158 Views, 8 Comments

Never bet what you aren't willing to lose - Mpony1

Twilight and Cadence will learn the consequences of making promises you can't keep as well as using others just to settle a bet.

  • ...

Or bet what you don't have!!!

Author's Note:


If you want to fully understand what's happening go read The Bet by Paridign Shift to get the full experience.

Twilight just shook her head. “Sunsarity, who would have thought? I guess you saw something I didn’t.” An explosion sounded downstairs, accompanied by a few screams. “Ah, that would be Pinkie Pie. I better get back down there to do damage control.”

She turned to leave, but something about the way Sunset and Rarity were sitting on the couch seemed… off. “I don’t remember this part in either of The Perfect Dates.”

“That’s because they already chose the ending.”

“Oh?” Twilight looked at the screen with renewed interest. “Well which ending did they choose?”

“The best ending,” Cadence replied, smiling warmly at the muted image of Sunset and Rarity talking on the couch. Rarity apparently said something funny as Sunset burst into laughter.

“Their own.”

"I see," replied Twilight. "that's really sweet....so what're you going to do now, just sit here and continue to watch them?"
Cadence turned around in her chair facing twilight, she then stood up and stretch herself, after that she pick up the tray of cookies Twilight brought in one hand and turn off all the monitors with the other.

"Of course not, that would be creepy." Cadence says after eating another cookie. "The bet has been settled with "MOI" as the winner, so there no point in watching them further."

Twilight let out a defeated sigh before walking out of the room heading for the kitchen with Cadence following beside her while eating more cookies.

Cadence pat Twilight on the back with her free hand trying to comfort her sister-in-law. "Ahh chin up Twi you might get me next time."

"I guess." Twilight replies, still sulking over her loss of five dollars as well as admitting Cadence was right "with emphasis" that she in fact can make anyone fall in love and of course get her to admit that Rarity and Sunset are cute together. Twilight began to perk up a little the closer she and Cadence got to the kitchen, where her friends are waiting.

The two sisters-in-laws could hear the voices getting louder, the closer they got to the kitchen where four teenage girls were waiting, upon entering Twilight and Cadence stood their shock but not really surprised, they seen this numerous of times to at least expect it. The place was a mess; well, a lot messier than it was before Twilight left to bring Cadence some of the cookies they baked. Most of the kitchen as well as Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash were covered in flour, no doubt a result of Pinkie's exploding sprinkles.... again.

Pinkie Pie chuckled apologetically "Oops!"

"Con'Sarnet Pinkie!" bellowed Applejack. "We keep tellin ya, to be more careful with those sprinkles, or at the least take off your geode when ya bake."

"I'm Sorry!" Says Pinkie apologetically. "I just get super-duper excited when baking together with my friends!"

"Yah but now we have to clean up more than we had to." Rainbow interjected.

Twilight and Cadence walk into the kitchen to join the girls standing around the islander in the center, it was littered with bowls, pans, and other baking utensils they used, along with all of it being covered in flour.

Twilight smiled after giving a little laugh "Its ok Pinkie! Cadence and I will help you all clean up this mess."

Cadence nodded as she finished eating her last cookie and put the tray into the sink. Twilight then proceeded to give everyone their jobs. Cadence, Fluttershy, and Twilight will wash and put away all the dishes and utensils and after, clean up the flour from counters and cabinets. AJ, RD, and Pinkie will mop the floors and wipe the islander. Once everyone was given their jobs they got straight to work.


Sunset and Rarity had been sitting on the couch talking, laughing, and drinking tea for over 20 minutes now. Both girls were having so much fun together a lot more than usual now that they'd officially became a couple but are trying to take things slow to really get to know one another better. Eventually they both ran out of tea in their cups, so Rarity insisted on getting more, taking both hers and Sunset cups to the kitchen to refill them. After Rarity left Sunset was left alone with her thoughts. She still couldn't believe it, she and Rarity, together romantically. Not once had Sunset look at Rarity in that way and the same was said for Rarity to her. It was all thanks to this one night they spent together that open both their eyes, a date that in the end turn out to be a prank setup by their friends to make fools of them.

"Damn you Sparkle." thought Sunset glaring down angrily at the two fanfics laying side by side each other on the coffee table in front of her, both stories having the same title written on the cover. "The Perfect Date." Just reading the titles filled Sunset with dread as she remembered how it all started and how foolish it made her feel falling for such a trick in the first place. "How could I've been so stupid? I mean the signs were there. "Sunset picks up Rarity's copy of The Perfect Date and begun flipping through it pages as she reads. Rarity copy was a perfect match, word for word all the way through except the ending, but Sunset didn't care about that all she can think about now (besides Rarity) is how she's gonna get Twilight back for this.

Rarity returned holding a tray with a teapot and two teacups on it. When she approaches the coffee table she set the tray down upon it, she then picks up the tea pot and filled each cup with nice warm Jasmine Tea. After filling the second cup she set the tea pot down on the tray and sat down on the couch next to Sunset, she picks up one of the teacups and handed it to her who accept it gratefully, grabbing the cup with both hands after setting the story back down on the table. Rarity picks up her own cup and then both teenagers began taking careful sips of their tea. After drinking most of her tea Sunset sat her cup down on the coffee table, pick up the story Rarity had and resume looking through it.

Rarity places her cup down on the table and began to refill it and Sunsets cup with the teapot before placing it back on the tray.

"Thank you!" Said Sunset.

"Your quite welcome dear." Replied Rarity as she picks up her cup and took another sip. "You're still bothered by Twilight's little prank I see?"

Sunset nodded. "It just bugs me to no end, I mean I should of notice something was off, heck I did notice something was off.... but my mind was on winning that stupid bike." Sunset laid back in the couch with one arm covering her eyes as she groans in annoyance. "I really thought, when I asked you out earlier you were going to reject me right then and there, it would have proved that the girls were trying to trick me and that you really didn't have a crush on me, and I would've won the bet by default." Sunset sat back up and placed the story back on the table, pick up her cup and started drinking more of her tea.

Rarity taps her chin in thought. "hmmmm...since this is a prank, they pulled on us both, could we say for certain the bet and the prizes they promise were even real?"

Sunset took the time to think about that before giving her answer. "They have to be, otherwise why go through the trouble of making those contracts for us to sign?" Sunset set her cup down and cross her arms, one hand rubbing her chin while in deep thought. "The whole point to this whole thing is to see which one of us cave in first and since I broke character and destroyed my camera before you did." Sunset let out a deep sigh. "You won the bet, so congratulations Rare." Sunset put on a sincere smile as she looks at Rarity, she was upset she lost her chance at a free bike, but she was still happy for her girlfriend none the less. Sunsets smile began to fade, Rarity wasn't looking back at Sunset, she was still in deep thought. Sunset known the fashionista long enough to see that something was bothering her, the only question is 'what?' Sunset reaches out her hand gently grab Rarity shoulder. "Rarity...are you ok...is something wrong?"

Rarity snaps back to reality after hearing Sunset worrying about her, she looks at Sunset and spoke. "Oh, my apologies dear, their just a few things still bothering me. Your theory does have its weight to it and could no doubt be the reason behind this mess, buuuuttttt......."

"buuuutttttt?......" Replied Sunset.

"Quick question. Who was all present when you were showed the story?" Asked Rarity.

"The Manipulative Bitch Twilight Sparkle of course, along with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy." Sunset answered.

"The same was with me... that means Applejack is the only one who's not a part of this." Rarity scoffs. "Makes sense. AJ would have made it to obviously clear that we were being fooled."

Sunset nodded in agreement. "With her being the element of honesty and having the universe worst poker face ever, it was a smart move not to get her involved. Now what else is on your mind, you said there are few other things bothering you."

Rarity took this time to lay back into the couch, arms cross before speaking. "As I mentioned earlier your theory about all this being a test of endurance sounds legit... But I'm still not convince that the prizes were ever real."

Sunset raised an eyebrow, curious to see where Rarity was going with this. "How come?"

"You said they'd promise you a motorcycle if you won the bet, right?"


"How much does this bike cost?"


Rarity eyes grew wide as her jaw drop, she was shocked at hearing her girlfriend answer but more so at another realization.

"F-F-F-FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS" yelled Rarity. "Are you sure?"

Sunset smiled sheepishly feeling a bit uncomfortable from Rarity's outburst. "Y-yes, it's been my dream bike for the longest time now and as you can see by its price, the chance at getting one for free was the whole reason I agreed to Twilight's bet in the first place."

Rarity notice Sunsets discomfort and calmed herself down before speaking again. "Ok, so how was Twilight going to pay for it, and who was she buying it from?"

"She told me that she and the girls have enough money between themselves to buy it, and as for the seller, I have no idea, all she said was that there is one here in the city."

Rarity took a moment to process Sunset's words, "If Twilight was going to promise something like a motorcycle in exchange for Sunset re-enacting a story, (with a sex scene at the end no less), which means Sunset would have to place her camera in a position to film us 'doing it." Rarity shudder at the thought.

In order for Sunset to win the bet, it made sense considering the situation; pay a high price for a big reward. But still Twilight should have proved that she can indeed buy the bike if she was going to make Sunset have sex with her and yet, she never bothered too, and a contract hardly count as proof if the recipient doesn't even know if the prize was real in the first place. Rarity was in the same boat too, she also didn't get confirmation of her prize as well, just promises and even if she didn't care about the fabric and only went through with the date for Sunset's benefit (which she thought at the time before the truth was revealed) confirming the prize existence would be an excellent motivator, "So why didn't Twilight show either of us proof?" Rarity thought. Determine to figure out this riddle. "OH!" An interesting thought pops into Rarity's head as she picks up her purse and fish out her phone and began searching through it for something.

Sunset watch as Rarity was looking through her phone, curious to what she was looking for. Sunset waited patiently for Rarity to finish. After a minute Rarity had a confuse look on her face as if whatever she was looking for wasn't there. Rarity looks up from her phone and turn to face Sunset.

"Sunset, would you mind checking your phone for any new messages from Twilight or any of the girls for that matter."

Sunset simply nodded and took out her phone and search for any new messages after a quick look, Sunset found no new text messages or voicemail from any of the girls, Sunset shared the same confuse look as fashionista, as the realization of what Rarity was looking for hit Sunset like a truck as she turned to face the purple haired girl. "No, I don't have any new messages."

Rarity scowled, turning back to glare at her phone. "Neither do I." Rarity took a deep breath to calm herself, while putting her phone back in her purse. "As you said earlier, I won the bet when you broke character and destroyed your camera, and since I had my camera on me as well, they clearly saw you revealing the truth to me before I did the same for you. So, the point is, they know we figured out their little ploy and yet they haven't made any attempt to contact us...WHY?"

Sunset was just as puzzled as Rarity, she knows the girls had to have been watching them this whole time, heck Rainbow Dash showed Sunset the video feed on her cell phone after the bacon-haired girl ask Rarity out. So, what gives. The game is over Sunset lost and Rarity won, they should have contacted them right after they figured out their little scheme, and yet they didn't. The more Sunset thought about it, the more she started to believe Rarity's words. "What if this whole thing is just a setup and if it is...a setup for what?" Sunset thought. Sunset needed to know one thing before she can come to a conclusion.

"Rarity...you believe that the prizes aren't real right?"

"Yes, and after hearing how much your bike cost, confirms it."

Sunset raised an eyebrow. "How exactly?"

Rarity takes a deep breath and exhale, she knows Sunset is going to get angry after hearing the answer, so she takes the few moments she has to enjoy the calm before the storm. "Because darling there's no way the four of them on their own have enough money to throw away on something that cause that much, that would be ten thousand dollars each from them, plus tax, and I can tell you without a doubt, unless they all each won the lottery or they rob a bank, they can't even pay half of what that bike cost let alone the full price."

Sunset was speechless. If what Rarity is saying was true, then that means that all of this was nothing, but one big prank and the prizes were nothing but bait to lure them into going through with this whole scheme. Sunset's anger started to rise the more she thought about it but soon began to calm herself down the second a new thought pop into her head.

"I got an idea, go get your laptop, we'll just search to see if anyone is selling the bike at a cheaper price!" Sunset suggested.

"Hmm...that would help us get the evidence we need...ok, wait here I'll be right back." Said Rarity. She then got up off the couch and went upstairs to her bedroom. A few moments later she returned to sit next to Sunset. The laptop sitting on her lap, already open and ready to search.

"Ok now go to Motor World Sellers.com. This site will tell us if the bike is being sold at a dealership or by anyone selling it online." Said Sunset.

Rarity type in the web address and brought up the webpage. "Now what's this bike called?" Asked Rarity.

"The Motorpony 4000 Deluxe." Answered Sunset.

Rarity type in the name and select Canterlot City as the location to search, she then clicks the search button and a new page pop up saying 'Sorry but the item you are searching for is not being sold in this area.' Both stared at the sentence on screen, eyes wide in shock and horror. Sunset felt as if her heart just stopped, one eye twitching, her mind still trying to process what she just read.

"Search it again?" Asked Sunset in a low emotionalist whisper.

Rarity did so, she made sure to check the spelling and see if she selected the right location before searching again. When she did the same screen with the same message pop up again, so it was without a doubt this time. Rarity was right the prizes were never real.

Rarity still wanted to check something, and after some typing and clicking she found what she was looking for and showed Sunset. Turns out the bike can only be bought online only before being delivered to your local dealer store, the process of delivering a bike would take about a month and Twilight said she will have the bike ready to give to Sunset tomorrow if the fire-hair girl won the bet. That's when the two teenagers realize, everything they were told was a lie, they were fools who fell for Twilights clever ruse, and it angered them to no end.

Sunset was about to go on another angry rant till Rarity handed her a newly poured cup of tea. Sunset took the cup in both hands and Rarity pick up her own cup, they took a whiff of soothing aroma then simultaneously drink their tea in one go calming their nerves. After they were done, they sat the cups down on the coffee table. Rarity closed her laptop and set it aside on the couch and simply stared (along with Sunset) at the blank 70-inch tv sitting on a tv stand in front of them.

After a minute of quietly staring at a black screen Sunset broke the silence.

"Hey Rarity!"


"How are you so sure the girls can't pay for my bike?"

"Simple. One. Rainbow, Pinkie, and Twilight work part time at their respective jobs and don't get paid to have near enough money to buy that bike even if they put their money together and as for Fluttershy. She's a volunteer at the animal shelter so she doesn't get paid at all, her parents give her money once a month and she's very careful on what she spends it on. Not to mention everyone saving up for college and paying what little bills they do have...So unless their willing to bankrupt themselves and be in debt, they could never buy that bike at all."

Rarity was right, Sunset never thought about that, if she did, she would of question Twilight on how she was going to pay for the bike but instead she took her for her word. "All this could have been avoided if I just question them more."

"So, we did all this for nothing." Said Sunset completely frustrated with herself.

"It wasn't all for nothing dear, like I said before." Rarity places her hand on Sunsets. "It did lead to this."

Sunset look into Rarity gorgeous blue eyes, she felt guilty for forgetting about Rarity and her becoming a real couple. Sunset smiled at her girlfriend, lifted the fashionista hand up to her lips, and planted a small gentle kiss on it. "I'm sorry Rarity, you're right it did lead to this, and I can proudly say that winning your heart is far greater than winning that bike." Sunset lean closer. "And I..." and closer. "Wouldn't...." and closer. "Have it any other way...."

"Neither would I." Rarity lean in closing the gap between the two of them allowing both their lips to meet in a nice passionate kiss. After a few moments they broke the kiss and stared lovingly into each other eyes before giving each some space.

"I'm willing to forgive the girls for this prank, because of what it led to." Sunset takes out her cell phone. "But I won't feel better until I hear Twilight's explanation for all this." Sunset checks her phone for new messages, there were still none which irritated her.

Rarity took out her phone and did the same, no new messages on hers either. "I agree darling, their still many questions left unanswered, plus I don't think we can truly say our theories are accurate despite the evidence we obtain we still could be looking at things the wrong way."

"So instead of just sitting here trying to figure it out, we'll go straight to the source."

"My thoughts exactly; So, here's what we do, we'll both send messages to all the girls including Applejack. Telling them to meet us here around 11:00am for a friendship emergency meeting."

Sunset agreed with Rarity plan and they both sent a text to their friends; a few minutes later they both received a reply from the girls, each one agreeing to meet tomorrow and nothing else, not even a single mention about the bet was spoken of which only made Rarity and Sunset suspicions seem more true but decided to ignore it for now and wait to hear the truth tomorrow.

Rarity glance at the clock and notice how late it is; she got up off the couch and pick up her tea set and carried it to the kitchen leaving the dishes in the sink to wash in the morning. She went back to the couch and pick up her laptop, she looks at Sunset and spoke. "Seeing that are meeting is happening here, there's no need for you to head home and come back. So, I propose you spend the night. I have plenty of sleep wear I made for each of you girls for just such an emergency."

Sunset chuckled lightly. "Taking a page from Pinkie's book 'huh'?"

Rarity smiled softly. "Yes, I suppose, it's not like she can't have her moments...now come along darling, let us prepare for bed so we will be ready for tomorrow's events."

The two teenagers went upstairs and got ready for bed, after a quick shower, brushing their teeth (Sunset was given an unopen toothbrush to use) and putting on their night clothes, the new couple retired to bed. Rarity offered Sunset to sleep with her on the large queen size bed together and was quick to tell the bacon-hair girl that they're not going to do anything more than that. Sunset blush at the thought but accepted Rarity generous offer. After getting tuck in and some exchanges of goodnights, both girls fell asleep.

Earlier at Twilight House

After finishing cleaning up the kitchen and those who were covered in flour, everyone sat together at the large kitchen table sharing a plate of cookies Pinkie baked before the incident. After finishing her second cookie Rainbow Dash turn to face Twilight and Cadence sitting across the table sitting next to each other as herself, Flutters, Pinkie, and AJ sat side by side opposite of them.

"Alright; seeing that you both are out of your monitor room I'm guessing that the date is over and you two were able to settle your bet...so who won?" Rainbow asked.

All four girls look at the two Sister-in-laws with high curiosity ever since they all were invited over by Twilight. Expecting to watch Sunset's and Rarity's date, especially Rainbow Dash, who couldn't wait to see the two make fools of themselves, both girls not knowing that they been played from the very beginning. When Twilight came up to Rainbow, Pinkie, and Fluttershy about her plans to prank their two friends the day before they initiated the prank, the three girls were surprised to see that not only did Twilight want to pull a prank but how clever and devious it was. When asked about Applejack's involvement, Twilight said she wasn't going to include her for obvious reasons. After the three agreed to help, Twilight explains what they needed to do to make everything look legit and not alert the two victims. The next day they put their plans into motion Speaking to Rarity first then Sunset later. Twilight sharing at least one class with each girl separately really help with her plans and knowing when to catch both of them alone without making it look too suspicious was great as well.

Rarity was pretty easy to convince. Though she didn't have any romantic feelings towards Sunset, she agreed to the terms under the guise of doing it for Sunset's benefit, the prize was just a bonus to her. As for Sunset, she was the real challenge. She was smart and haves mind reading powers. This prank could end before it has a chance to begin if Sunset either question things too much or read any of the girl's minds. But Twilight was fully prepared to take on the Bacon-hair girl, after stopping Sunset from reading her mind everything began to fall into place and in the end, Sunset agreed to the bet as well.

After Sunset and Rarity agreed to their date, Twilight invited her partners in crime and Applejack to her house. When the four girls arrived, just an hour before the date started, they filled Applejack in on everything, needless to say she was not amused at the prank her friends were pulling.

It was getting close to the time for the date to start, Rainbow pulls out her phone and pull up Sunset's camera feed but instead of showing the live stream on her screen it said, 'no video connection.' She swaps over to Rarity's feed and the same message appeared. Rainbow asked Pinkie and Fluttershy to check their phones and they both got the same message, Rainbow called out to Twilight, who had left the den 10 minutes ago, when Twilight came back Rainbow told her about the camera problem, She and the girls believed that Sunset and Rarity might of destroyed their cameras but Twilight assured them that the cameras are working perfectly and to answer their questions, Twilight called Cadence to come to the den.

The girls wasn't surprise to see Cadence here, but still wondered what see got to do with all this; Twilight and Cadence explain to the four teens about their bet of seeing if Rarity and Sunset will fall in love with each other or not, and because of that only Twilight and Cadence were allowed to watch the feed in their monitor room, which is why Twilight cut the feed from her friends phones, not wanting to humiliate Sunset and Rarity. (Especially since she knows how Rainbow is and will poke fun at them)

After hearing the truth, the four girls were unsure of Twilight's and Cadence plan, and only Rainbow Dash was furious at the whole thing, she demanded that she and the others stay until the date was over and hear the end results of the two sisters bet. Twilight agreed and apologized to her friends and let them hang out in her home while she and cadence watch the date.

From time-to-time Twilight would occasionally check in on the girls, who were either watching TV or playing board games, until Pinkie wanted to bake cookies with AJ, Rainbow, and Fluttershy helping. They finish the first batch and gave some to Twilight to give to Cadence, and Pinkie tried to put some sprinkles she found, and poured it in the mix for the second batch, which caused an explosion, made a huge mess, and had everyone in the house to clean it up.

After being asked Rainbow's question Cadence took out the five-dollar bill, she won from Twilight showing it to the girls with a smug grin on her face as Twilight look down in defeat.

Fluttershy spoke first. "So, if Cadence won does that mean Rarity and Sunset are....."

"Mmm hmm." Hum Cadence. "Those two were able the see the connection of love between themselves and are now officially dating and Twilight here." Cadence nudge her down sister. "Admitted that the two of them are cute together, thus securing my victory."

"Stupid bet." Mumble Twilight before lifting her head up to look at Cadence. "Ok, Ok, fine you were right, and I was wrong, you don't have to keep rubbing it in."

Cadence smiled softly and rubs Twilight back to calm her. "I'm sorry Twilight, I'm just glad you now see that my gift is real."

Applejack clears her throat to get everyone's attention. "Now that you two settled your crazy bet, I expect that your also prepared for the inevitable punishment you 'WILL' receive after you tell Sunset and Rarity the truth?"

Twilight and Cadence glance at each other, both with confused looks on their faces; they turn to look at Applejack wondering what she was talking about.

"I mean of course we plan to tell them everything." Twilight says calmly. "After all they did find out that they both have a copy of the same story...as I predicted. And I do expect they will be angry after hearing the truth...but I don't see why they would want to punish us."

AJ, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Fluttershy stared at their nerdy friend with strong looks of disbelief and confusion. Is Twilight serious, does she not see the wrongs of her and Cadence’s plan. There was only one way to find out.

"Um, Twilight." Said Pinkie. "You do know that Sunset can get pretty vengeful when someone pulls a prank on her right? You see me and Dashie pull pranks lots of times, so I know you seen the pranks we pulled on her and the ones she pulled on us as an act of vengeance."

"Pinkie, right." Says Rainbow. "Sunset really doesn't like to be made a fool of. So, after me and pinkie manage to successfully prank her, she always gets us back in a way that far exceeds over what we did to her, so in other words, don't ever try and pull a prank on Sunset unless you're prepared to face the inevitable consequences."

The other girls nodded in the agreement. Twilight started to panic a little but quickly calm down when Cadence spoke up.

"I don't think that'll be a problem."

"What do ya mean?" Asked Applejack

"I can prove that both girls won't seek vengeance." Cadence stands up from her chair. "Come, I'll show you."

Cadence leaves the kitchen, and the rest of the girls follow her. It was a short trip down the hall to the door that housed the monitor room. Upon arriving Cadence open the door, switch on the lights, and sat down in her office chair and began turning on the monitors and getting things ready.

Twilight joins Cadence, sitting in the second office chair. The rest of the girls entered as well. Fortunately, the room was just big enough to house everyone with no problem.

Twilight's friends took in their surroundings and notice the hand drawings of Sunset and Rarity on the walls. Rainbow Dash was the first of them to notice the two homemade Rarity and Sunset dolls on the far side of the monitor desk, she then walks up and picks them up, one in each hand. "Wow Cadence, you really took this whole Sunarity thing real seriously, huh?"

Cadence turns around in her chair, she sees Rainbow holding the dolls she made and followed the gazes of the other girls looking at all the drawings around the room. The four teenagers look unease and uncomfortable as if they stumbled into a room only an extreme creepy stalker would have and would want nothing more than to just back out of there slowly.

"Don't ya'll think this is a bit.... much?" Asked Applejack as chills run down her spine once see saw the dolls Rainbow found.

"Yeah! We know you wanted to help Sunny and Rarebare get together but this." Pinkie gestures to all the pictures and the dolls. "Is just plain creepy."

"Mmmhmm." Said Fluttershy.

Cadence blush and scratch the back of her head. "Oookkkkk, I see your point. It's just when it comes to helping people find love, I may go a little overboard." Cadence put on a sheepish grin still feeling embarrassed about everything.

"A little!" Rainbow scoffs. "That's an understatement. I bet you played with these dolls and made them kiss when you were alone in here."

Cadence doesn't answer but the blush on her face and her attempt to avoid eye contact told Rainbow everything she needed to know.

"Wow! Like wow." said Rainbow

"Ok, ok, I get it. Can we just focus on what I brought you girls in here for." Cadence turn back around and resume working.

Rainbow sat the dolls back on the desk and waited along with the others for Cadence to finish her work. A couple minutes later, Cadence was finally ready to show her presentation.

"Alright its ready!" Says Cadence. "Now we will start a little after Rarity and Sunset arrived at the house. And you four will see that our two love birds bare no ill will against Twilight." Cadence paused her speech to think for a moment. "And me, technically."

Cadence then press play, and everybody paid close attention to the one screen out of the three that showed the recording.

The video showed both Sunset and Rarity sitting on the couch talking.

Sunset paused a moment to unhook her geode necklace and placed it on the table. She didn’t want to get caught in any memories in the ensuing moments. She took a deep breath and grabbed both of Rarity’s hands in her own. “My dearest Rarity,” she began. “My white angel in this dark world. I—”

“No,” she whispered. Then, with a little more resolve, “No. I won’t do this.” She felt around for the hidden camera and plucked it off her jacket. She held it up to her face. “I forfeit the bet. I don’t care what you do with the video. It’s just not worth it.” With an air of finality, she crushed the camera.

Rarity looked on in confusion. She glanced from Sunset to the tiny camera she crushed in her hand. “Did you say b-bet, darling?”

Sunset nodded guiltily. Time to come clean. “Twilight found the fanfiction you wrote, detailing The Perfect Date you wanted to have with me.” She pulled the fanfic in question out from her inside jacket pocket. “She pressured me into accepting a bet to go out on a date with you and act out the story you wrote. I thought you… might have picked up on that last part,” she finished awkwardly.

Rarity stared at The Perfect Date in shock. After a few moments of unnerving silence, Sunset waved her hand in front of Rarity’s face. “Hello, Rarity? Talk to me.”

In response, Rarity pulled out some papers of her own.

The first page was filled with beautiful flowing prose and small doodles with have of page two being taken up by an explicit Rarity. The title read The Perfect Date.

Sunset’s blood ran cold.

“I thought, I thought you wrote the fanfic.” Rarity wiped some of her tears away and tried to concentrate. “This was supposed to be your perfect date, not mine. Twilight came up to me and—”

They both stopped. “Twilight,” they said in unison.

Twilight winced at her friends calling her name as they found out the truth.

Sunset was about to launch an angry tirade when Rarity held up a hand to stop her. “One moment, darling.” She felt around her dress and pulled away a small, metallic device Sunset hadn’t noticed was there. Rarity turned it around to face her similarly to the way Sunset had done with her own camera. “Do be a dear and piss off, Twilight. This is a private conservation.” She crushed it and flicked it away as if it were an insect.

“That manipulative bitch!” Sunset exclaimed. “Here I was, thinking you wanted this.” She turned a wild eye to Rarity. “What did she promise you?”

That made Twilight cringe. Rainbow and Pinkie tried to hold back their laughter's, Fluttershy just hid behind her hair, and AJ just shook her head in disappointment.

“Some new fashion materials she synthesized in her lab,” Rarity said, dismissively. “Honestly, I accepted it more for your benefit than mine. It’s not every day you get to get to act out one of the love stories you read about all the time.” She flashed a white smile. “And I do like an excuse to practice my acting skills.”

In light of the revelation, an uncomfortable truth began to emerge. “Was it all an act?” Sunset asked. “Everything?”

Rarity didn’t answer at first. Instead, she picked up Sunset’s copy of The Perfect Date and flipped through it. “It was an act, at first. But then, oh, I don’t know when it happened exactly, maybe during the dinner, but at some point, it became… real, I suppose.” She looked Sunset dead in the eyes. “Was the kiss real? For you?”

Sunset thought back to that magical moment. The love she felt from Rarity via the empathy link was real enough. But did she reciprocate those feelings?

After everything that happened. Yeah. At some point, she did start reciprocating those feelings. “No more acting,” she whispered.

She leaned forward and kissed Rarity for the second time that night. After a few minutes, she pulled away slowly. “Does that answer your question?”

Twilight and her friend's eyes widen when they saw the two teenagers kiss for the first time.

Rarity laughed. “Do you know why I became progressively sadder over the course of the evening, darling?” She picked up her version of The Perfect Date. “My ending’s different from yours. I was supposed to break up with you.”

Sunset’s eyes widened in realization. “You didn’t want to break it off. That’s why you were sad.”

Rarity nodded. “I would have much rather preferred your ending.” She blushed a rather ladylike blush. “Though I suppose that can wait for another time.”

Sunset snorted, then frowned. “Wait. Why would my idea of a perfect date be for you to break up with me? That doesn’t make any sense.”

Rarity rubbed both her arms in a self-comforting gesture. “I didn’t understand it either, at first, but I think I figured it out.” She looked up. “Do you want me to tell you?”

Part of Sunset wanted to know. A bigger part didn’t. “No. Whatever Twilight meant by that; it doesn’t matter anymore. Nothing but a fake ending, anyway.” Sunset let out a half-snarl. “Damn that girl.”

Rarity lightly touched Sunset’s arm, bringing her back to the moment. “Oh, I wouldn’t be too hard on Twilight. After all, it did lead to this.”

As Sunset sat there, staring into the depths of her girlfriend’s eyes, she had to admit that for all of Twilight’s meddling, it had led to something beautiful. “Yeah. I guess she saw something we didn’t.”

Rarity smirked. “I guess so…” Another boop on the nose.

They sat together in silence for a few minutes.

“Now what?”

“Would you like some more tea, darling?”

Sunset smiled and handed her empty cup to Rarity. “Why yes. I would love some more tea.”

Cadence paused the video and turned around in her chair to face the girls.

"And there you have it. As you heard Rarity say, "Not to go hard on Twilight." And it looks like Sunset agrees." Cadence explained. Confident that Twilight as well as herself have nothing to fear.

Twilight also was filled with confidence. Seeing that luck was on their side. But when see looks at her friends, her confidence slowly diminishes. None of the girls look entirely convince. AJ hid her face under her hat, slowly shaking her head in disappointment. Fluttershy hid behind her hair, Pinkie and Rainbow just whistled together while trying to avoid looking at Twilight and Cadence.

Seeing her friend's strange behavior worried Twilight to no end. It was obvious to her that the girls don't agree that she is entirely off the hook, but she wanted to hear their opinions on the matter regardless.

"Is everything ok girls?" Twilight asked nervously.

Applejack raised her hat and looks Twilight straight in eyes with a stern glare.

"Sugarcubes! Do you two really believe you're in the clear for what ya'll done?"

"Well....Rarity said-"

"Not to go too hard on you." Rainbow interrupted. "I mean seriously Twi you're supposed to be the smart one!" RD points at the paused monitor screen. "Those two believe that all this was a prank and nothing more."

AJ spoke next. "Which means they don't know the real reason behind their date and you two still have the tell them the reason."

Pinkie Pie continues. "And when they do learn the truth, I can tell from experience that they won't be happy about it. Especially Sunset."

Twilight and Cadence took in every word the girls had said. The fact that they still have to tell Sunset and Rarity the truth sent chills down their spines. If what Pinkie and RD said about Sunset getting revenge is true.....Their Screwed.

Before anyone could say anything else five different ring tones went off at once. Alerting the girls that a text message was sent to them.

Twilight and her friends pulled out their cellphones and check the messages they'd received.

Cadance watched as the five girls read the texts. The expressions they made from reading the messages only sent fear down her spine. Especially when she saw the extreme horrid, scared look on Twilight's face.

When it looks liked the girls were done reading. Except Twilight who sat their frozen in fear staring at the screen. Cadance spoke. "Let me guess...Rarity and Sunset?"

"Eeyup!" Applejack replied.

"And by the sound of things you two didn't call or sent them a text wanting to explain things?" Question Rainbow.

Cadance shook her head. "No, we didn't." Cadance let out a deep sigh.

She turned to Twilight and took the phone out of the still frozen in fear girl's hands and read the message out loud.


R: Hello girls! Me and Sunset here were just wondering why any of you hasn't contacted us in the pass hour after your little...Prank was revealed.... Twilight!?

SS: YOU MANIPULATIVE BITCH!!!!!!!!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

R: Sunset, darling please. Anyway, as I was saying. None of you made any attempt to contact us after we figured out your little ploy and it became quite bothersome. Since we both know you five been watching us the whole time.


R: Language!:ajbemused:

SS: Sorry!:twilightblush: So, we know you all been watching and the rest of you (except AJ) were there as well. So, I say again. WHAT GIVES?:twilightangry2:

R: The thing is. It's clear to say you all saw what happened at the end before both cameras were destroyed, and we find it weird that there was no immediate contact to either of us after the fact. So, here's what we're going to do. I'm calling an emergency friendship meeting at my house tomorrow 11 o'clock sharp and we expect you all you be there and yes that includes you to AJ.


R: And AJ! We're sorry for sending this message to you. When it's clear you have no idea what's going on.:twilightblush:

SS: Yeah sorry! But we don't wanna leave you in the dark. That's why we invited you. Just know that you aren't in any trouble with me or Rares. Just the other four.

R: In conclusion, we expect to see you all here and Twilight I especially expect to see you with my winnings in hand. After all you clearly saw Sunset both break character and destroyed her camera first. Which means I won your little bet and according to our agreement and the contract we signed along with Pinkie, RD, and Fluttershy signing as witnesses. You must deliver my fabric to me "tomorrow." So TaTa for now and we will see you five tomorrow.



After Cadance was done reading the text, she slowly put the phone back into Twilights hands who still hasn't moved an inch since reading the message herself.

The room was silent for a few moments until Twilight finally broken out of her frozen state and spoke.


"Yes Twilight!"

"I'm never making another bet with you, ever again, for the rest of my life."

"That's fair!"

It was in that moment they knew.... They fuck up.