• Member Since 15th Dec, 2019
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Teddie Williams

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fan that happens to have a strong imagination and loves to read and write. What else is there to say? Wow...Forgot I had this Account...Oops.


Celestia is the fun loving principal of Canterlot High... where everything is normal. At least it was until this school year started up. Suddenly she has to deal with two new students, one with issues, one with anxiety, figuring out how to convince her students to be school proud and not clique proud, oh...and figuring out a new drill to do whenever a villain attacks too close to the school. Did I mention she also has to deal with the random appearances of the seven new superheroes? Yeah... this school year is definitely one for the history books.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 19 )

Hey there. I have to say, I kind of like the thoughts of a high school super-hero story told from the perspective of the heroes' principal. As for a title, maybe "the Principal Trouble" could be used (both as a pun concerning the expression "The Principle Trouble" with something AND as a reference to the trouble a high school principal could be having with seven of her students being super-heroes).

And, yeah, I DO enjoy how you introduced both Twilight and Sunset to the story. And, yeah, there might not be a SCIENCE club, there probably IS a "computer club" AND a "literature club", both of which DO sound like things she would be interested in. And, I enjoyed Sunset's reaction to the fact that Celestia is NOT as stuffy as she thought at first.

As for powers: I'm going to guess Sunset gets telepathy (like in canon, though maybe at a higher level) and possibly pyrokinesis and "empathic power mimicry" (i.e. the ability to duplicate the powers of any other super-beings within her immediate area as long as it is done with those other super-beings' full knowledge and permission) .

Sci-Twi will probably get telekinesis (like in canon) as well as teleportation and matter transmutation.

Applejack would probably get super-strength (which would not only allow her to lift buses but also run at fast car speeds and leap so high and far as to sometimes APPEAR to be flying), nigh-invulnerability (enough to tank anything short of tank artillery) and heightened senses (eyes sharp enough to easily spot stuff too small for most people to even see - even in the dark - PLUS hearing and touch being good enough to get a 95% accurate feel for when somebody is lying off of subtle changes in their heart rates and pulses) - in other words, essentially the Golden Age Superman package

Fluttershy would most likely get animal communication as well as a healing touch and invisibility .

Pinkie Pie would probably get the ability to super-charge sugar with a touch as well as super-stretching powers and a Spider-Man style ability to easily adhere to and walk across any inverted solid surface.

Rarity would probably gain the gem construct power, plus a controlled version of the Midas touch (i.e. the ability to transform anything she touches into her choice of precious materials, but also the ability to turn it on and off at will so she can do her day-to-day stuff without incident AND the added benefit of it wearing off in an hour for human beings and plants, so she doesn't kill anybody with this power) and a powerful sonic scream.

Rainbow Dash would probably get super-speed as well as weather control within her immediate area and the ability to increase the strength, speed and durability of herself and up to six others of her choosing within her immediate area up to 49fold for a period of seven minutes.

Of course, these ARE just guesses and more likely to be wrong than right. I apologize for letting my imagination run away with me.

But anyway, the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all pretty well done and I will definitely be looking forward to more of this.

Ooh.. Okay I am using your idea for the title. It's a pretty good pun.
I had to keep myself from laughing when I read about your theories about their powers. You got most right... um can I burrow the idea about fire with Sunset since I am having the hardest time figuring out her secondary/not what she has in the movies, power?

Yes you may. And thanks for liking the idea.

"Not a morning person?" Sunset raised an eyebrow at the vice-principal in surprise at how tired she appeared to be.

Luna shook her head, moving to head over to her own office. "Oh no... I happen to be a night owl that is still wondering how she got talked into this kind of job..."

...I can only imagine how, Luna...just like your sister is probably wondering which deity she angered in her belief that she'd have a perfect first day.

Excellent job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. This chapter took a while, but was quite well worth the wait. Anyway, I LOVED how Celestia started out greatly enjoying the start of the day, only to get frustrated when she ended up getting TWO pieces of trouble not even one hour into the start of the first day of school. And then the stuff on the news about Gladiator Beast striking JUST AFTER Celestia got done lecturing Sunset about her bullying. Of course, now we're going to see at least the first one or two of the new heroines in action on the news in the next chapter.

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

Hey how's it going with the next chapter

I probably should start working on it... and by that I mean typing up the whole thing. But before I can work on that one, I need to work on my other Equestria Girl story: The Truth Behind Sunset Shimmer. I try to work on my stories on Fridays. Emphasize on try. So it will be up either tomorrow or next Friday.

Well, this chapter might have taken a while, but it was DEFINITELY worth the wait. Have to admit I enjoyed how AJ had trouble coming up with a super-name, but was at least Genre Savvy enough to know Gladiator Beast would go after her family if he knew her real name. And, it seems time travel is one of Pinkie's powers in this series (we don't know HER super-name yet, but we'll figure that out in a future chapter). Also, greatly enjoyed seeing Celestia helping out Fluttershy in finding company as well as getting Twilight started on making friends.

Anyway, really good job on the exchanges, characterizations, action, humor and future chapter set-up in all the right places. VERY definitely looking forward to more of this.

I can see where you're getting time travel... bit actually its super speed. In this if you run around the circumstance of the earth fast enough, you can go back in time. I figured she was the most likely one to accidently figure that out.

All right. Gotcha. Thanks immensely for the correction. And, indeed, that DOES make a lot of sense.

Really good job on this latest chapter. Definitely love the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Definitely sympathizing with Celestia with how hard she is trying to raise school spirit without success as well as having to deal with the bullies and other problems. And, yeah, the ultimatum to turn things around by the end of THIS school year definitely adds to the stress. Of course, Zecora had a point about how the new super-hero(es) will eventually change things for the better, but it WILL take a while.

Anyway, certainly looking forward to more of this.

Again, great work on the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up. Definitely appreciate how AJ/Humble Heart IS already improving school spirit somewhat and I also liked the bit with Celestia and Sunset earlier. The dialogue about AJ correcting others on the villain names (shows she is still having a hard time remembering the secret identity deal). And now we officially have a second super (namely Fluttershy/Silent Anger [who has a combination of her canon counterpart's animal communication AND the Saddle Rager power]) and I really loved how Flutters beat Baron Chimpanzee.

VERY certainly looking forward to more of this. And I certainly wish you and your family and friends a Happy Halloween.

Again, great job on the latest chapter. Definitely appreciate the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Definitely liked the bit about Celestia helping Rarity with that letter of recommendation (including the relief that it wasn't actually needing help for anything much worse) as well as the mentions of the whereabouts of Humble Heart and Silent Anger. Also understood Celestia being frustrated with Sunset being so worried about being touched (pretty good foreshadowing for the telepathy she will develop later if she hasn't already). And now the Mane-Iac has struck at the dockside carnival and we now get to see Rarity's super-hero alter-ego.

And, yeah, I can understand the frustration in finding new super-villains.

Of course, a human version of Sombra can be a pretty good later super-villain (a mad scientist who invented a helmet that grants him potent telepathic [mostly focused on fear-based illusions], telekinetic and cryokinetic abilities as well as invisibility and intangibility) He could be trying to steal some stuff needed for advanced treatments of his terminally ill wife Radiant Hope as well as serve as a darker male reflection of what Twilight might become without friends, but he might require the combined efforts of all seven of the heroines to handle.

Another good possible future villainess could be Human World Chrysalis (having the shape-shifting powers of her Equestrian counterpart as well as the combined proportionate abilities of two dozen different species of insects and arachnids and a pheromone-based mind control power (kind of a mix of Batman villain Clayface and Justice League villainess Queen Bee)

Another possible new super-villain (an OC this time) could be Captain Lazarus, an ex-movie pirate turned super-powered variant on the real thing after finding a mystic gem that gave him powers at the cost of his sanity (especially after the gem permanently merged with him). He is immortal (both ageless and resurrective) plus has the added power for all of his pre-existing physical and mental abilities to quadruple every time he comes back from the dead AND gain two additional new super-powers in the process (kind of a completely justified Joker Immunity as he actually DOES quite literally have "Came Back Strong" as a specific super-power). He is about six-foot-six, 300 pounds rather muscular build and wears a red long coat covered with golden buttons as well as blue jeans and matching pirate hat and black boots. He is also more agile than his bulk would indicate (even before he came back from his first death with his agility quadrupled) and is a very skilled swordsman and a competent marksman.

The Gamer is another OC super-villain, one with the power to change himself into any video game villain (Bowser Koopa, Doctor Robotnik, Ganondorf, Malefor, Sephiroth, etc.) and perfectly mimic that villain's abilities and equipment with the only real limits (aside from his knowledge of video game lore) being that he can only assume the form of each video game villain once every 24 hours and only being able to maintain that form for an hour at a time. As for description, he is about average height, somewhat out of shape (though not disgustingly so) and wears a sky blue bodysuit covered in info cards on more than three dozen video game villains as well as a golden yellow belt and ski mask, dark purple gloves and boots. As his name and power imply, he is a MAJOR video game nerd and knows virtually everything about some of the toughest games imaginable. He has learned a surprising amount of very clever tactics from those very same games, which can make him surprisingly formidable even without his power.

Freezer Burn, yet another OC villain, is a mutant criminal possessing the ability to shoot powerful blasts of heat from his right hand and ice blasts from his left hand as well as a considerable degree of resistance to temperature extremes and eight times greater than peak human strength, speed (including sufficiently sped-up reflexes and thought processes), agility, stamina and durability. Only slightly above-average height and bit lanky, but not skinny enough to look sickly. He has golden yellow hair and medium green eyes and he wears an ice blue jacket and flame red pants. Personality wise, he is a clever thief who believes in being loyal to his friends/minions (as it is a good way to inspire THEM to stay loyal to HIM) -treating them well unless they REALLY mess up (and, even then, he almost never takes it past berating them and giving them pointers on how to avoid making that mistake again) and has a distaste for hurting children (unless the children actually try to make trouble for him AND have the power to actually be a decent challenge). He much prefers money to a body count, so he doesn't kill unless it is absolutely necessary. In other words, he is kind of a mix of Flash villains Captain Cold and Heat Wave with internalized powers (including the Required Secondary Powers) as well as additional physical powers.

Sorry about that. Got a bit carried away.

Anyway, definitely looking forward to more of this.

I love it when you review! And I don't think you got too carried away... except that a lot of that was referring to DC super hero world... and I don't really... I am limited on my knowledge. Like seriously limited. I have watched, and enjoy, Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, and Marvel's Spiderman... but both of those are cartoons and only cover a small portion of the Marvel multiverse. Though I do plan on pulling out more villains from my little pony since they'll be more of a no duh that's the bad guy situation... and there is no making up powers for them.
Thank you for reviewing, as I said earlier, I enjoy getting your comments, I find them very insightful and helpful... and at times a good laugh about your accuracy in guessing about future events.
Would you like me to let you know when I get Chaotic Harmony up? The first chapter covers how each of them get their powers... after that it will be mostly in chronological order short stories about their adventures that we don't get to see.

Yeah. That's a pretty fair comment. I can understand what you are saying there. Though I'm pretty sure I included enough info on the OC villain ideas where you could use them without needing to know a lot about who they are based on. And the "Joker Immunity" thing was kind of a TV Tropes reference (referring to villains that seem to keep coming back from situations that normal people wouldn't be able to).

And, yeah, that does sound like something I would like to see. Thanks very much.

Again, an excellent job on this latest chapter. Appreciated the work that went into the action, exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Certainly appreciated the scene between Twilight and Celestia on the latter's way to the bake sale (and, given the stuff I read in the side story, I am guessing the bit of history Twi is having trouble with has to do with the previous age of super-heroes). Also liked the little reveal that Celestia, Luna and Zecora are all retired supers themselves (with the mention of Discord's probable name in the human world). And, yeah, we now know that Pinkie's super-name is Party Bomb and I appreciated how she made such short work of that disgruntled clown.

VERY certainly looking forward to more of this.

Another well done chapter with very good characterizations, exchanges, action and future chapter set-up. Again, appreciated Celestia's reflections before the next super-villain attack. This one had electrical powers. Of course, Miss Amazing (Rainbow's alter-ego) showed up and took care of it, even if the over-confidence on the first day IS a troubling sign (though, given the weather control powers and super-speed [which is another one of her powers as shown in her origin in the side story], yeah, initial overconfidence IS a pretty easy trap to fall into). And now, Celestia, Luna and Zecora went on a hunt for Discord, only to find he suckered them onto a wild goose chase. And, despite Celestia's precautionary advice to Sunset about not answering the phone OR door while she was away, there WERE pretty clear signs of a fight even if Sunset herself was unharmed. And, yes, it WOULD probably be a pretty good idea to find, train and advise the new heroes because Discord is cooking up something that will require ALL of them (older AND newer) to work as a team.

Anyway, very much looking forward to more of this.

Again, some really good work on this latest chapter. Really liked the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up. Certainly appreciated Celestia's reflection on how much Zecora was rubbing off on her while thinking about Sunset as well as Master Chaos being back. Their bowling teams named after their no-longer-so-former alter-egos was an amusing touch too. And yeah, now we got a brief fight between the giant spider and the last two of the new supers. And, yeah, makes sense that Twi would have that kind of difficulty controlling her powers (her ice beam probably trapped that giant spider, but she realized that she overdid it given that she ended up freezing the entire room in the process).

Definitely looking forward to more of this (especially the first time all seven of the newer supers work together [since we know it's only a matter of time]).

Hello there. Thanks immensely for getting the next chapter up. Superb work on the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Really appreciated Luna and Celestia's chat about all the things putting that much pressure on Celestia (including considering adopting Sunset long term). And, yeah, Luna's reason for asking about the school being in danger of being shut down as well as Master Chaos's return despite already figuring those being part of the reason Celestia is so stressed makes sense. Also liked the observations on the future younger team in their civilian identities (unknown to Celestia at this time) in the lunch room. And Day Breaker almost attacking her teammates due to that stress, yikes. Most certainly a REALLY good indication of how bad her nerves currently are.

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

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