• Published 4th Nov 2020
  • 3,840 Views, 224 Comments

Another Side of Friendship: Pony Tails - The Great Twixie

The continued adventures of Twilight and her new friends.

  • ...

The Joke's on You

“Mah lil’ pony…,” Apple Bloom sang cheerfully, skipping merrily down the street of Ponyville, carrying a basketful of apples on her back. “Ah used ta wonder what friendship could be…. Mah lil’ pony….”

Why was she in such a good mood today. Because it was the best (and only) Ponyville-centric holiday of the year: The Summer Harvest Festival

Every year, at the halfway point of the summer, everypony would celebrate the town’s farmers and their blessing of another bountiful crop. It was also their biggest money maker as Granny Smith used to tell them, because ponies from Vanhoover to Las Pegasus would come in droves for a taste of Sweet Apple Acres’ delicious apples. And Apple Bloom hoped certain someponies would make it, too.

The littlest apple farmer trotted into the town square, which had seemingly transformed overnight. Colorful banners were pulled up at each corner with lengths of streamers stretching between them. Oversized balloons of fruits and vegetables with strung up to the town hall’s second floor railing, making it look like an inflatable food bowl. Brightly-colored tents and humble wooden stalls formed two circles around the central building, creating a perfect ring pattern. Even the fountain statue had been decorated for the event (which was really just a fruit hat.) And the best part, everypony in Ponyville had come out to celebrate! …well, almost everypony, Apple Bloom thought in a moment of brief sadness.

Apple Bloom weaved her way through the sea of ponies with skill and precision without disturbing the apples on her flank until she arrived at her family’s apple stand. The Sweet Apple Acres stall was the biggest in the entire square because it was the most profitable and essentially the foundation of Ponyville, something Apple Bloom loved to shove in Diamond Tiara’s smug little face.

Her brother, Big Mac, the biggest non-alicorn pony you ever did see, was meticulously arranging the apples in some fashion that only he seemed to understand. Not that Apple Bloom cared so much as she nonchalantly bucked her load of apples with the rest, disrupting Big Mac’s apple harmony, to the older stallion’s displeasure.

“Phew! That’s the last o’ them, Big Mac!” Apple Bloom announced, wiping the pretend sweat from her brow. “We sure harvested a lot this year, huh?”

“Eeyup,” said Big Mac.

“Probably the biggest harvest we’ve had in forever,” stated Apple Bloom.

“Eeyup,” said Big Mac.

“And yer probably gonna need some help, huh?” said Apple Bloom in an innocent tone, fluttering her big orange eyes.

“Eeyup…,” said Big Mac, suspicious.

“So maybe ah could take over the stand for a little while…,” Apple Bloom proposed.

“Nnope,” Big Mac shook his head disapprovingly; Apple Bloom whined in disappointment.

“Hello, apple family!” Ponyville’s officiate, Mayor Mare, cantered up to their stand cheerfully, giving it a look over. “It looks like you have things well in order.”

“Eeyup,” said Big Mac.

“Well, that’s good,” said Mayor Mare, sounding relived. “Sweet Apple Acres is the cornerstone of the Summer Harvest Festival. And, well, this will be your first year without Granny Smith and your sister to help out, is that right?” she added, rubbing the back of her neck uncomfortably.

“Eeyup,” said Big Mac, nodding solemnly.

“It’s such a sad thing,” said Mayor Mare mournfully. “It was only last year that Granny Smith passed on peacefully and your sister moved away from Ponyville a few months after. I must say, it was rather surprising to hear how she just left like that. It seems rather irresponsible for someone like her.”

“She had a very good reason, Miss Mayor,” Apple Bloom interjected brightly. “But you don’t worry. Me and mah big brother can handle everythin’ just fine. Ain’t that right, Big Mac?”

“Eeyup,” said Big Mac proudly.

“And ah invited Moon Dancer and all her friends from Canterlot,” Apple Bloom added with a dazzling smile. “They should be ‘ere any minute.”

“The heroes of Equestria? How wonderful!” said Mayor Mare cheerfully. “Having the Mane 6 in Ponyville is certain to raise everypony’s morale, and will surely draw it a much larger crowd than last year, which will increase the town’s revenue. Good thinking, Apple Bloom,” she added, patting the filly’s head.

“Aw, shucks, ah just wanted ta hang out with mah friends,” said Apple Bloom bashfully. “Moon Dancer promised she’d come visit some time, and it’s been foreveeeeer since ah last saw them. Ah wonder when – wait, do y’all hear that?”

Big Mac and Mayor Mare perked up their ears, curious. Over the excited chatter of the harvest festival crowd, they could faintly hear a distant, single-noted ring. It started off sounding less than a high-pitched whistle, but steadily grew stronger the more time passed until they could make out the noise of six – no, seven – seven panic-stricken screams. Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Mayor Mare searched around the festival grounds for the source, but couldn’t find anything that would seem likely. Then, based on a wild hunch, Apple Bloom tilted her head back, gapping at a growing outline of…something falling out of the sky.

“Hit the deck!” Apple Bloom yelled, pointing skyward.

Everypony in the area stared at the filly, then followed the direction of her hoof until they saw the flying object as well. The ponies shrieked and stampeded in every direction like frenzied chickens, running away from the impact zone. Big Mac pulled Apple Bloom by her tail and ducked behind the apple stand with Mayor Mare, dropping on their stomachs and throwing their hooves over their heads. They waited until they felt the ground tremble underneath them, making even Big Mac jumped, and the distinct sound of creaking wood. A few moments of silence passed before Apple Bloom and the others lifted their hooves, exchanging curious glances. Finally, Apple Bloom drew up the courage to climb up and peek over the edge of their stall. She exhaled a gleeful gasp when she spotted the familiar star-spangled wagon and a certain blue pony riding on top.

Trixie’s eyes bulged and her jaw dropped in a silent scream, still holding onto the reins for dear life. Slowly, the stagemare pried one of her hooves free and reached inside her cape. She pulled out a cracked pocket watch that was surprisingly still ticking, rolling her eyes to check it.

“Hey, we made good time,” said Trixie chipperly, instantly reverting to her normal mannerism. She hopped off the wagon, walked around to the back, and pounded on the door. “All right, we’re here, everypony out!”

While Trixie cantered around to the front again, the back door flew open and the remainder of the Mane 6 calmly exited the wagon. Their manes were disheveled, Tempest’s cloak was ruffled, and Moon Dancer’s glasses were askew, but they overall acted like nothing was different while calmly carrying Trixie’s supplies. Spike seemed to be the only one affected by the trip. The poor baby dragon laid flat across Twilight’s flank, covering his mouth with his claw to keep himself from vomiting.

“Uggh…why can’t we just take the train like normal ponies?” Spike groaned woozily.

“Where’s the fun in that?” Tempest chuckled, carrying Trixie’s hoofmade sign.

“It does seem a tad unnecessary,” Moon Dancer commented as she lifted crates of potion bottles with Twilight. “But you can’t argue that the trip is five times faster than the train.”

“Yeah, because Trixie somehow managed to repeat the most dangerous shortcut in the history of Equestria,” Twilight remarked.

“Hey, the Great and Powerful Trixie got you here in one piece, didn’t she?” snapped Trixie, annoyed.

“I think I left my stomach in the cave…,” Spike moaned.

“MOON DANCER!” Apple Bloom cried with joy, jumping out of her hiding spot.

Moon Dancer turned around just in time to catch the excited filly with her horn in midair, giggling when she realized who it was, and pulled her in for a brief hug.

“Ah’m so happy y’all could make it!” said Apple Bloom excitedly.

“Well, you sent us an invitiation,” said Moon Dancer, ruffling the filly's mane playfully. “Sorry it took so long to visit. We’ve been a little…preoccupied.”

“That’s putting it mildly,” Sunset joined in while rolling the cauldron out of the wagon. “Between getting mobbed for gala tickets, the princess going missing on her day off, Trixie’s archenemy moving to Canterlot, the giant dragon snoring all over Equestria, near death by pillow fight, and Twilight screwing up every job possible – “

“Hey!” Twilight shouted indignantly.

“It’s amazing we even have a chance to breath,” Sunset finished.

"Aw, ah'm just happy y'all made it," Apple Bloom smiled.

“As am I,” Mayor Mare jumped in prim and properly, “As mayor of Ponyville, I think I speak for everypony when I say it is our esteemed privilege to welcome you to our humble town.”

“Aw, you don’t need to do anything special,” Starlight waved her hoof as she unloaded the cases of herbs. “We’re just here to enjoy the Summer Harvest Festival same as any other pony.”

“Then…what’s all that?” Apple Bloom asked curiously, pointing at the equipment.

“This…,” said Trixie dramatically, patting the cauldron, “is opportunity knocking.”

“Huh?” Apple Bloom tilted her head, confused.

“Trixie wants to peddle her potions for the festival,” Starlight translated.

“Business has been slow in Canterlot,” Trixie explained. “So Trixie will try her luck in Ponyville.”

"But potions ain't very...harvest-y," said Apple Bloom.

"Nnope," said Big Mac.

"Well, potions are made from plant petals, roots, oils, and - in the the case of Trixie's semi-famous Fizzy Fruit Potions - fruits and vegetables," Trixie proclaimed proudly. "All of which are harvested by...plant...ponies."

"That seems like a stretch," Apple Bloom commented.

"Eeyup," said Big Mac.

“Well, if I knew you were coming,” said Mayr Mare, concerned, “I would’ve pushed some paperwork around to get you a spot in the festival. Hold on, give me a moment to think about this…,” she mumbled to herself, tapping her chin in thought.

“Trixie will just take the spot next to Apple Bloom’s,” said Trixie simply.

The stagemare illuminated her horn, casting her aura on the wagon’s wheels. She telepathically turned the wagon and drove it into the strawberry stand next to the Sweet Apple Arce’s stand, crushing the stall and the pony operating it (“MY WING!” the yellow pegasus cried.)

“Walk it off, Strawberry Sunrise!” Mayor Mare shouted while Trixie finished parking the wagon. “Well…I suppose that’s taken care of. Though I am going to need you to sign some paperwork.”

“Twilight Sparkle can do it for Trixie!” Trixie announced happily.

“What?! Why should I do your work?!” snapped Twilight.

“Because you’re so good at it,” Trixie answered in a flattering tone, nudging up to the lavender mare. “You’re so talented, and brilliant, and beautiful – “ Moon Dancer wished she had something to drink so she could spit it out. “Trixie could try to do all those complicated forms by herself, but Trixie would never be able to do them half as well as Twilight Sparkle could.”

“Oh, I’m not that impressive,” said Twilight bashfully. “But I suppose I could take care of it if you think I can. Lead the way, Mayor Mare.”

Tempest strolled up to Trixie’s side and waited until Twilight and the mayor were out of sight before hoofbumping the stagemare with an impressed, “Nice.”

Sunset finished setting the cauldron into place, then telekinetically created a firepit underneath the pot before igniting the kindling. Starlight and Moon Dancer had set up two tables behind the cauldron, one for empty potion bottles and the other for the ingredients, which were organized by shape and color. Tempest was lying on the top of Trixie’s wagon, moving the hoofpainted sign to Trixie’s whims until it looked just right (and by that, I mean lopsided.) Apple Bloom just stayed back the whole time with a wide smile, content with just watching her heroes work.

“Whelp, that oughta do it, everypony,” said Trixie, clapping her hooves. “You have Trixie’s gratitude – “

“And a share of the profits,” said Tempest.

“…Trixie will consider it,” said Trixie after a brief pause. She illuminated her horn again and telekinetically lifted an ornate blue, star-patterned chest out of the wagon. “Trixie just needs to get out her essential ingredients and – WHAT THE HAY!”

She found the chest empty save for a single sheet of paper at the bottom. Curious, she levitated the paper with her horn, noticing something was scribbled on it, and read aloud:

“'Hah, hah, your products have been pilfered by the powerful and prestigious practitioner of prestidigitation….’” The stagemare crumpled the note, waving a shaking hoof to the air, and screamed, “CHAAAARMYYYYYYY!!!!!

“We really should’ve seen that coming,” Starlight commented with an unimpressed stare.

“What is Trixie going to do?” said Trixie, pacing back and forth in worry. “Those were Trixie’s most important ingredients; they are the key component in everything that Trixie makes. Without them, Trixie can only make subpar potions. If Trixie sells potions at half potency, everypony will chase Trixie out of town with pitchforks and torches like they did in Foaledo."

"That's a story I definitely have to hear," said Tempest.

“Can’t you just go buy some more?” Sunset suggested.

“They were specially imported from all Equestria.” Said Trixie, pressing her head against the cauldron with a defeated moan. “Including the Sapphire Shade Lilies, which only grow in dark, shadowy forest areas like the ones in Shire Lanka. It’ll take weeks to order a new batch….”

“Or y’all could ask Zecora,” Apple Bloom suggested optimistically.

“Zecora?” Moon Dancer perked up.

“That zebra witch doctor Trixie talked about?” asked Starlight.

“Potion master – not witch doctor!” Trixie exclaimed. “Trixie’s potion teacher, Potion Nova, used to say that Zecora was the only pony – er, zebra – in all of Equestria that could rival her potion crafting skills. And she lives in the Evetrfree Forest, doesn’t she? That’s the perfect environment to grow the herbs and flowers that Trixie needs! Yes, if anypony would have Trixie’s essential potion ingredients, it must be her!”

“Moon Dancer and ah could go ta Zecora’s hut and rustle up them ingredients y’all need,” Apple Bloom offered, flashing a wide smile in Moon Dancer’s direction that betrayed her true motives. “We’ll be back lickety-split.”

Tempest leaned in close to Moon Dancer with an amused smirk and muttered in her ear, “Aw, your biggest fan wants to spend time with you. How adorable.”

“Shut up,” Moon Dancer grumbled embarrassingly, shoving Tempest away, who laughed out loud. “Anyway, I don’t think it’s a good idea to be taking a little filly into someplace dangerous like the Everfree Forest. Remember the last time we were there? We got attacked by Timberwolves.”

“Because Daybreaker sent them to throw us off the path,” Sunset reminded her.

“Aw, there ain’t no need ta fret,” said Apple Bloom, brimming with confidence. “I know the way ta Zecora’s place like the back of my hoof.” She then noticed something on the back of her hoof and said, “Has that always been there?”

“And you’re okay with this?” Moon Dancer asked Big Mac.

“Eeyup,” said Big Mac.

“He’s a real chatterbox, isn’t he?” Starlight whispered sarcastically to Tempest.

“Aw, c’mon, Moon Dancer!” Apple Bloom whined, her lip quivering. “Let meh come with ya. Don’t ya want to hang out with meh.”

“No, of course I do!” Moon Dancer shouted quickly. She wasn’t good with crying foals. “I was just saying that um….”

“Attention, everypony!” Everypony turned as one toward the town hall, where Mayor Mare stood on the top steps. “The Summer Harvest Festival will official begin in one hour! Please, everypony finish setting up your wares before then!”

“BWAH! No time!” screamed Trixie, flailing her hooves hysterically. “I don’t care who goes! Just somepony get Trixie her supplies quickly!” She levitated a quill from her cape, furiously scribbled on the back of Charmy’s note, and slapped the paper in Moon Dancer’s face. “Bring back everything on this list. And make absolutely sure you don’t touch the Sapphire Shade Lilies directly! It’ll contaminate the mixture!”

“All right, sheesh, keep your cape on,” Moon Dancer grimaced as she pried the list from her muzzle. “Well, I guess we don’t have much of a choice. Looks like we’re going zebra hunting, Apple Bloom.”

“Yay!” Apple Bloom cheered, bouncing on her hooves like a jackrabbit.

After her last adventure in the Everfree Forest, Moon Dancer had not been keen on a return trip. But Apple Bloom cantered along the dirt path with a skip in her step and a smile on her lips. She wasn’t at all concerned about the ominous noises or the glowing eyes lurking in the shadows. Apple Bloom was a very brave pony, Moon Dancer thought amusingly.

“Ah’m glad we got ta spend time like this together,” commented Apple Bloom happily, bouncing on her hooves. “You know, I never get a chance ta thank ye.”

“For what?” asked Moon Dancer curiously.

“For savin' mah life.,” answered Apple Bloom. “Miss Mayor told meh what happened after ah passed out. Y’all could’ve just left us and gone after those Elements of Harmony thingies, but you wanted ta stay and save everypony in Ponyville. Yer a hero, Moon Dancer, just like mah sister.”

“Your sister?” Moon Dancer repeated curiously. Apple Bloom slapped a hoof over her mouth like she had said something she shouldn’t have. Curious. “You mentioned having a big sister when we first met, but I only saw your brother at the festival. Why isn’t she helping out?”

“Er, well…,” said Apple Bloom, looking around shiftily. “She’s…not in Ponyville anymore.”

“Why not?” asked Moon Dancer.

“Well, ya see…,” Apple Bloom started, tapping her hooves anxiously. “The thing is…. Oh, look, there’s Zecora’s hut!”

The young filly pointed behind Moon Dancer and found a tranquil-looking home in the woods. It looked like somepony had refurbished a thick oak tree and inserted a door and some windows. There several colorful bottles and bags hanging from the branches and a tribal mask just laying on the roots. No matter what Trixie said, this was definitely the home of a witch doctor, Moon Dancer thought.

Apple Bloom and Moon Dancer approached the door and the bespectacled unicorn was taken aback when her younger companion just walked inside without knocking.

“Zecora! Ye in here?!” Apple Bloom called loudly.

“Apple Bloom, you can’t just barge into somepony’s house!” Moon Dancer chastised her, which seemed hypocritical when she marched into the hut herself. “It’s very rude to – “

“I wondered who had entered my room.”

Moon Dancer spun around and was suddenly confronting a large, scary-looking tribal mask. The unicorn jumped in the air like a frightened cat, falling backards. Apple Bloom seemed to take everything in stride. The mask laughed and a hoof appeared around the edges, pulling it aside. From behind the mask appeared a kindly-faced zebra mare with a monochrome mohawk and dozens of golden bangles around her neck and right hoof.

“Now I see it is just young Apple Bloom,” said the zebra, chuckling.

“Hey, Zecora,” Apple Bloom greeted casually, then turned to Moon Dancer. “Moon Dancer, this is mah friend Zecora. Zecora, this is my other friend, Moon Dancer.”

“Uh, nice to meet you,” Moon Dancer said cautiously, rising to her hooves. “Though the mask was a little er...unexpected."

“I did not mean to give you a fright,” said Zecora as she hanged the mask on the wall. “I was just coming back from a long hunting night. But the night is over and my tasks are through. So tell me, what can I do for the two of you.”

“Oh, Luna, she’s a rhymer,” Moon Dancer complained under her breath.

“We need yer help, Zecora,” Apple Bloom explained. “Our friends lost all her potion stuff and she needs more before the Summer Harvest Festival starts in less than a hour.”

“Ah, if it’s potions you need, you’ve come to the right place,” said Zecora eagerly. “Tell me, what is it you need that your friend did misplace?”

“Uh, she gave us a list,” said Moon Dancer, levitating the reused note and passing it off to Zecora. “Got anything on here that we can borrow. I’ve got a few bits to – “

“Any payment is not required,” said Zecora, looking over the list with a small smile. “Your friend’s craft is something to be admired. Black iris, red orchid, and garlic to boot. Her knowledge of potions is very astute. Come, I will show you what you will need if you wish your friend’s business to succeed.”

“Great, more rhyming,” Moon Dancer grumbled, but nonetheless followed the zebra around the hut.

While Moon Dancer and Zecora collected the ingredients from the zebra’s stores, Apple Bloom decided to take a look around the hut. Apple Bloom always loved coming to Zecora’s place because it was always full of fascinating things you wouldn’t see anywhere else. The tribal masks were treasures from her homeland Farasi; supposedly they said "hello" and "welcome." The cauldron that took up the middle of the room was always bubbling with something every time she visited. Apple Bloom peeked over the cauldron brim and saw today’s concoction…. Gravy?

The little apple farmer just shrugged her shoulders and moved on.

Zecora and Moon Dancer were still collecting items on the opposite side of the hut, so Apple Bloom investigated the zebra’s crafting table. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary: a recently washed pestle and mortar, a hoofful of yellow flowers waiting to be grounded, and the finished product in a bowl next to it like. Apple Bloom absently poked one of the hanging potions bottles in boredom when the rope suddenly snapped. The bottle hit the ground – thankfully not breaking – and rolled under the table.

“Shoot!” Apple Bloom cursed. She looked back at Moon Dancer and Zecora. They haven't noticed anything yet. The little apple farmer quickly crawled underneath the table, muttering, “Please don’t see me, please don’t see me.”

She successfully grabbed the dropped bottle and started to crawl out when something caught her eye in the corner of the space. It was a wicker basket. A very odd place to hide something like this, Apple Bloom thought.

Unable to withhold her curiosity, Apple Bloom pulled the basket closer to herself and quietly opened the lid. It was filled with a strange type of flower with bright-blue petals that gleamed even in the dark underside. They reminded Apple Bloom of the sapphires that Sweetie Bell’s sister used to use in the clothes before she moved away. Apple Bloom extended a hoof to touch them -

“Just a little dash of spice, and I do believe this will suffice.”

Apple Bloom jumped and slammed her head on the table with a loud thump! She quickly climbed out from underneath, unconsciously dragging out the wicker basket with her. It looked like Moon Dancer and Zecora were finishing up. Apple Bloom quickly hid the basket behind her flank, instinctively hiding from potential trouble.

“And add a little bit of fluxweed,” said Zecora, stuffing the bundle of stems into Moon Dancer’s saddlebag, “and that should be all you need.”

“Thanks for the help, Zecora,” said Moon Dancer appreciatively, going over the list one more time. “That should be the last of – no, wait, hold on a second. We skipped one: The Sapphire Shade Lily.”

“Oh dear, how could I have been so silly,” said Zecora, bopping herself playfully. “I nearly forgot the Sapphire Shade Lily. Provide me a moment or two while I get them for you.”

She stepped sideways a couple paces and examined one of the shelves. The zebra witch doctor hummed curiously as she moved around a few bottles with a dissatisfied look. She paused for a moment and looked in Apple Bloom’s direction. The filly stiffened and waved with a nervous smile, hoping she looked innocent. Zecora quirked a brow, but said nothing and went back to the shelf, to Apple Bloom’s relief.

“I cannot find the lily; that is very odd,” Zecora hummed. “Or perhaps it is my memory that is crudely flawed.”

“You can’t find the lily?” asked Moon Dancer. “Are you sure?”

“I’m afraid they are no longer in the place where I search,” said Zecora, frowning. “I’m sorry, it seems I’ve left you in quite a lurch. I hate to think that your time was a waste, all because of something I misplace.”

“Ugh, Trixie’s gonna blow a blood vessel if we come up short,” Moon Dancer groaned. “Maybe we could go gather some more. You know where they grow, right?”

“I do know where we could find your precious blue flower,” said Zecora, “but I am afraid the journey will take more than an hour. Even if we were to sprint and run, I fear the festival would be over and done.”

Moon Dancer hanged her head, groaning in disappointment, but Apple Bloom visibly perked. Did she say ‘blue flower?’ Like the basket full of flowers that she was hiding behind her back? Had she accidentally found them?

“We don’t have time to go on a scavenger hunt,” said Moon Dancer, “so I guess Trixie will have to make do with what we’ve got. Hooves crossed she doesn't bite my head off.”

“Then I guess you will be on your way,” said Zecora, walking over and opening the door for them. “I wish you both a pleasant day.”

Apple Bloom thought she should tell Zecora that she found the missing flowers, to let her know they were taking them. Her sister always said it was important to be honest with ponies about things. But before she had a chance to say anything, Moon Dancer was pushing her urgently out the door, insistent on getting back to Ponyville quickly. And then Apple Bloom thought, Zecora was going to letting them borrow it anyway. She'll just bring back the basket and explain later.

Zecora watched the pair until they were swallowed by the forest. She shut the door quietly, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. She walked over to her crafting table, looking over the supplies. Nothing seemed out of place. She bent down and stuck her head underneath. Her suspicions were confirmed when she saw the corner empty.

“Oh dear,” Zecora muttered, standing up straight. “This will not end well, I fear.”

When Moon Dancer and Apple Bloom returned to Ponyville, the festival was already in full swing. The streets were so packed that Apple Bloom got lost four times in ten minutes, forcing Moon Dancer to carry the filly on her back. They made it back to the Sweet Apple Acres stand, which had a modest number of customers. But when she turned to Trixie’s wagon, her jaw dropped when she saw dozens of ponies lining up.

“What is the name of Luna?!” Moon Dancer shouted in shock.

“Moon Dancer!” The bespectacled unicorn perked up as Twilight shuffled her way through the crowd toward them. For some reason, she was wearing a safety vest and a hard hat with a siren light. “Moon Dancer, thank Luna your back! We need some serious back up!”

“Twilight, what the hay is all this?” asked Moon Dancer, gesturing to the crowd.

“So, you know how we’re pretty famous for defeating Daybreaker?” said Twilight; Moon Dancer nodded. “Well, apparently a lot of ponies want to meet the heroes of Equestria, asking for autographs and photoshoots.”

“Is anyone actually here because of Trixie’s potions?” questioned Moon Dancer.

“She’s giving out free autographs for everypony who makes a purchase,” explained Twilight. “While I don’t approve of the method, it’s a good business strategy.”

“Leave it to Trixie to take advantage of the situation,” Moon Dancer grumbled.

“Twilight, Moon Dancer, we’ve got trouble!” Starlight burst through the crowd, breathing heavy like she had just run a marathon. “Twilight, it’s bad! Real bad!

“Whoa, slow down, Starlight,” Twilight said calmly. “What happened?”

“A bunch of mares started getting cozy with Tempest and now Sunset looks ready to kill them,” gasped Starlight.

“Are you kidding me?!” Twilight groaned, facehoofing herself. “Of all the…. Ugh! Come on, we need to break this up before Sunset does something we’ll all regret. Moon Dancer, we may need your help.”

“One second,” said Moon Dancer. She levitated Apple Bloom off her back with the supplies, and asked her, “Can you get these things to Trixie for me?”

“Yes, ma’am,” said Apple Bloom, saluting.

Moon Dancer nodded in relief before following Twilight and Moon Dancer into the crowd. Apple Bloom, not having the advantages of unicorn magic, had to drag the heavy saddlebags across the ground with her teeth. Several ponies complained as they tripped over her, but Apple Bloom kept moving until she made it to the wagon. Trixie was stirring the bubbling cauldron like a madpony, sweating profusely as she consulted her potion notes.

“Trixie enjoys being popular, but not like this!” Trixie yelped.

“Hey, Trixie, ah – “ Apple Bloom called, but Trixie cut her off.

“Apple Bloom, thank Luna you’re here!” Trixie cried tears of joy. “Did you get what Trixie needed?!”

“Yep, right ‘ere,” said Apple Bloom proudly, nudging the saddlebag. “Ah even found you….” She reached behind her flank and presented the wicker basket she took from Zecora’s. “Ta-da! Your blue flower lily…things!”

“The Sapphire Shade Lilies!” Trixie sighed in relief. She levitated the basket and the saddlebag to herself. “Trixie hopes this will be enough satisfy this ravenous crowd.” She opened up the wicker basket and levitated one of the flowers out, inspecting it with a curious look. “Hmm…this flower looks different than what Trixie normally uses. Are you sure – “

The stagemare was interrupted by a magical explosion somewhere in the crowd. Trixie and Apple Bloom looked over, eyes widening, as Starlight collapsed in front of them, smoke wafting from her flank.

“We’ve lost control of Sunset!” Starlight cried. “You need to get this crowd moving – NOW!”

“Um…,” Trixie looked apprehensive, but reluctantly dumped the entire basket of blue flowers into the mixture and stirred. “Trixie’s sure it’s probably nothing to worry about…. All right, who’s up first?!” The crowd began to wave their hooves and shouted wildly as they moved closer. “Back! Back, you animals!”

“Ah…think ah’ll just get back to mah big brother,” said Apple Bloom, backing away nervously. “You uh…y’all have a nice day now.”

Apple Bloom quickly hightailed it out of there before the crowd swallowed the Mane 6.

Attention, everypony! The Summer Harvest Festival is over! I repeat –

Princess Luna had mercifully raised the moon, signaling the end of the day. The town square had been mostly cleared out once the sun had set and the only ponies that stayed behind were the ones to clean up. That included the tired heroes of Equestria.

Apple Bloom couldn’t help giggling at the sight of her heroes sprawled all over the ground in varying forms of exhaustion. From Starlight rocking back and forth in a fetal position, to Sunset lying facedown in the dirt, mumbling incoherently. Trixie groaned as she lifted herself up by her elbows, her hat askew and her cape missing entirely.

“All in favor of never coming back for another event?” she asked, grimacing.

“Aye…,” The mane 6 moaned weakly.

Spike, who was nonchalantly eating an apple on the wagon's windowsill, commented, “Man, talk about lazy. You ponies need to get out more.”

“Shut it, dragon!” Tempest spat. “You didn’t do anything all morning!”

“That’s not true,” said Spike defensively. “I had to wait in this super long line for the bathroom, then I walked around all day carrying all the fruits and veggies that I bought – “

Sunset used her horn to throw an empty potion bottle at Spike’s head, knocking the dragon back inside the wagon with a crash!

“Well…it was a lot of hard work…but it was worth it,” Twilight panted. “Especially since we’re all getting an even share of the profits for all our hard work. Right, Trixie?” she added with a hint of a threat in her tone.

“Ugh…Trixie is too tired to argue,” Trixie groaned. “Yes, yes, you’ll all be getting a cut.” The Mane 6 would’ve cheered if they were so exhausted. “And as a reward for all your hard work, Trixie made a little something for everypony.” There was a visible strain on her expression as she used her horn to levitate a tray hidden behind the cauldron, setting it down on the supply table. The tray carried several bottles of fizzy liquid. “Trixie’s semi-famous Fizzy Fruit Potions. Trixie had just enough ingredients to make one for everypony.”

The Mane 6 weakly levitated the bottles toward themselves, immediately guzzled the potions down, sighing in sweet, fizzy relief. Spike had marched out of the wagon and made a beeline for the tray, only to discover that it was empty.

“Hey, what about me!” Spike complained.

“Fizzy Fruit Potions are for working ponies only,” Trixie hissed. Spike crossed his arms, grumbling under his breath.

“Hey, Apple Bloom, do you want to try some…,” Moon Dancer offered the potion when she noticed Apple Bloom curled on the ground, snoring away contently. She and Big Mac exchanged amused smiles. “The little filly must’ve tired herself out from all the excitement.”

“Eeyup,” said Big Mac.

“You should probably take her home,” Moon Dancer suggested. “Tell her we’ll talk more tomorrow.”

“Eeyup,” said Big Mac, lifting the tiny filly with one hoof and nestling her on his flank.

“Don’t forget to apply the topical ointment before you go to bed,” Trixie reminded him. “It’ll sooth that aching backpain in no time.”

“Eeyup,” said Big Mac, holding up the bottle he purchased from the stagemare.

Moon Dancer watched the apple family leave with a small smile on her face before taking another swig of her potion.

A new day dawned over the Sweet Apple Acres farmstead. Little Apple Bloom lay tucked away in her bed as the sun’s morning light peaked through her window. The filly mumbled as the glare hit her eyes and turned away promptly, seekiing to gain a few more minutes of sleep.

“Mmm…Cutie Mark Crusader witness testifier…,” Apple Bloom mumbled.

But quiet morning was broken by a sudden crash from downstairs, startling Apple Bloom awake, when she heard a frightened wail.

“Big Mac?!” Apple Bloom cried, throwing off the sheets and jumping out of bed. “Hold on, big brother, ah’m a’comin’!”

Apple Bloom dashed out of her room and bounded down the stairs three steps at a time. She grinded to a halt at the bottom and turned the corner into the kitchen where she heard the screaming. Big Mac was standing by the stove with the remnants of pancake batter splattered on the floor with the frying pan. He had his hooves wrapped securely around his muzzle when he turned to Apple Bloom, looking terrified of something.

“What happened?!” yelped Apple Bloom, looking around the kitchen. “Is it a burglar?! A gang of bandits?! Are those cockatrices varmints back again?! Talk ta meh, Big Mac!”

Big Mac looked like he was struggling to keep his mouth closed, but after a few moments of increasingly awkward silence, the large stallion visibly trembled until he could hold back no longer –

“Oh-sweet-Luna-Apple-Bloom-it’s terrible!” Big Mac said at an alarming speed, taking Apple Bloom aback. “I-woke-up-this-morning-pleasent-as-can-be-and-thought-I-would-make-pancakes-to-thank-you-for-all-your-harder-work! So-I-was-making-pancakes-like-normal-singing-a-little-ditty-when-a-realized-I-couldn’t-stop! My-mouth-just-kept-moving-and-moving-and-moving! I-tried-not-thinking-of-anything-to-say-but-I-just-kept-talking-and-talking-and-talking-and-talk-“ In her panic, Apple Bloom grabbed the closest thing she could find (a pineapple of all things) and plugged it in Big Mac’s mouth. “…Fank gu.”

“What in tarnation happened ta you?” asked Apple Bloom. “Ah haven’t heard you talk that much since…well, ever.” Big Mac said something, but she couldn’t make it out through the pineapple. “Maybe ya caught some kinda nasty bug or somethin’ Or maybe ya’ve been cursed. What’re we gonna do?” Big Mac mumbled something again. “That’s a good idea! Moon Dancer and ‘er friends would know what ta do! I’ll be back later, Big Mac!”

Apple Bloom ran out of the house and headed to town, leaving Big Mac to ponder how he was supposed to get this pineapple out of his mouth.

It suddenly occurred to Apple Bloom when she ran to the unusually empty town square that she had no idea where the Mane 6 were staying during their visit. In retrospect, she probably should’ve asked Moon Dancer when they were going to Zecora’s. Fortunately, she knew were she could find at least one pony.

Trixie’s wagon was still parked on the side of the road, sitting over the crushed debris of Strawberry Sunrise’s stand. Apple Bloom pounded away at the door frantically, shouting for help. She heard a soft creak and some sleepy mumbling before the door opened. Trixie, in her starry nightcap, grumbled as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

“Trixie, it’s an emergency!” Apple Bloom yelped before Trixie had a chance to speak. “Somethin’ wrong with Big Mac! Ah need yer help!”

“Ugh…Apple Bloom, do you know what - [cock-a-doodle-doo!]” Trixie slapped her hooves over her mouth with her eyes bulging. Apple Bloom’s jaw practically hit the ground. Trixie slowly moved her hooves away. “Trixie doesn’t know where that – [Honk!]” She slapped her hooves over her mouth again.

“Are…you okay…?” Apple Bloom asked strangely.

“What is – [beep!] – happening – [tweet, tweet!] – to Trixie – [AWOOGA!]” Trixie screamed.

“Oh no, you caught somethin’, too!” Apple Bloom yelped.

“There has to be – [Clang!] – some sort of – [quack, quack!] – explanation!” Trixie shouted; her words overlapped with multiple sound effects.

“Oh no, not you, too!”

Trixie and Apple Bloom turned as Twilight galloped up to them with Spike riding on her back. Trixie didn’t dare open her mouth to greet her in fear of some weird sound effect coming out. Unfortunately, she and Apple Bloom couldn’t stop themselves from laughing when they saw Twilight, more specifically her horn. It flopped all around like a wet noodle (or something not appropriate for this age rating) covered in blue spots. Twilight caught their stifled laughter and glared.

“Don’t you dare say a word,” she threatened.

“We won’t…we promise…,” Apple Bloom didn’t sound convincing when she was snickering behind her hooves.

“Ugh, how did this even happen?” Twilight moaned. “I woke up this morning with a floppy horn and I don’t know why! I was on my way to the Golden Oaks Library – which sounds very familiar, by the way – when I ran into you ponies.”

“Do ye know what’s happening to everypony?” asked Apple Bloom, worried.

“I have no idea,” Twilight shook her head, her horn flopping every which way. “It could be an illness, or an allergy , or – “

“It could be a curse,” Spike suggested.

“Spike, don’t be ridiculous,” Twilight scoffed. “There’re no such things as curses.”

“Says the magic unicorn,” Spike grumbled.

“There has to be a logical reason why this is happening to us,” said Twilight. “Something real like – “

“A curse!” Moon Dancer cantered up to the group, who all leaped backwards together with surprised yelps. Moon Dancer’s glasses were not in their usual place…because her eyes had been magnified ten times, taking up most of her face. “We’ve been cursed! It must have been Charmy, or some super villain, or that pretzel stand pony that’s always giving me the stink eye!”

“Now, hold on there, Moon Dancer, let’s not jump to conclusions – “ said Twilight calmly.

“Curse or not, I am not okay looking like this,” Starlight Glimmer was next to join the group…only they didn’t know it was her at first. Her body and mane style were the same, but her coat, mane, and even her Cutie Mark had been recolored to look like…Twilight Sparkle. “Why do I get the feeling this is some kind of meta joke?”

“Well, you don’t look that bad?” Twilight giggled sheepishly. Starlight growled dangerously. “Um…maybe we should ask Sunset for help. She’s Princess Luna’s student. Maybe she’s heard about this strange illness.”

“Yeah, about that…” Starlight said slowly, stepping aside.

All jaws hit the ground when they saw Sunset Shimmer…that is to say, a foal that looked like Sunset Shimmer. The princess’s student had been regressed back into a baby, sucking on a pacifier innocently as she rode on the back of a cross-eyed alligator.

“…I know we should be more concerned about Sunset being a foal,” Moon Dancer was the first to break the silence, “but where did the alligator come from?”

“Oh no, this is bad! This is really, really bad!” Twilight screamed.

“Calm down, Twilight,” said Twi – I mean, Starlight soothing. “Take a deep – “

“Don’t tell me to calm down!” Twilight shrieked, making Starlight jump. “We’ve all been infected by some strange illness and – wait, where’s Tempest?” she asked not seeing the brooding mare around.

“Over here…,” a weak, almost pitiable voice came from behind Trixie wagon.

“Tempest, are you all right?” asked Moon Dancer, worried.

“…What do you think?” Tempest mumbled softly.

“Oh no, did you get infected, too?” asked Twil – STARLIGHT, biting her hoof in concern.


“Well, what – [Nyaa!] did it do – [Buckawk!] – to you?” asked Trixie.

“…I don’t want to say.”

“Oh, come on, it can’t be any worse than the rest of us,” said Twilight.

Oh, how wrong she was. Because when the brooding mare stepped out from behind the wagon, the ponies were forced to bear witness it the single most horrifying thing in the entire existence of the universe. It was so terrible that Trixie hopped up on her hooves and screamed, though it came out sounding like a cartoon bird -

"KILL IT! KILL IT WITH FIRE!" Spike screamed.

Tempest (?) moaned, plopping on the ground with her hooves over her eyes, saying, “You might as well. Death would be a mercy compared to living like this.”

“Whoa, whoa, let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” said Twili – STARLIGHT (GAH!). “Let’s just take a moment to figure this out.”

“Okay, okay, think,” Twilight mumbled, tapping her head. “The six of us were infected with some strange disease – “

“And mah big brother,” Apple Bloom added. “He can’t stop talkin’ for some reason.”

“Trixie would – [bark, bark!] – pay money – [BOOM!] – to see that,” Trixie said to Starlight, both of them snickering.

“So that’s seven ponies who’ve been infected overnight,” said Twilight. “What do all of these have in common?”

Everypony sat on their flanks, crossing their hooves with thoughtful hums. After a moment of silence, it was Spike that suddenly spoke up:

“Oh! Trixie’s potions!” he said. “Everypony that got this weird disease had one of Trixie’s potions! You all had her Fizzy Fruit drinks and Apple Bloom’s brother had that ointment.”

“That would explain why neither you nor Apple Bloom got infected,” said Moon Dancer.

“Now hold on a – [*tommy gun noises*] – stinking minute!” shouted Trixie, outraged. “Trixie’s potions – [*klaxon siren*] – have always been – [*nails on a chalkboard*] – top quality! Trixie has never – [*woodpecker noise*] – caused any diseases….that Trixie – [Moooo!] – knows of.”

“Well it’s the only thing that makes sense,” Tempest pointed out.

“Think, Trixie,” Twilight pleaded. “Was there anything different you used when you made those potions.”

“No, Trixie – [Ding!] – used the same ingredients – [*Gong ringing*] – she always has,” said Trixie defensively until she tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Except…”

“Except what?” asked Twi-Star (I give up!) hopefully.

“Those Sapphire – [Achoo!] – Shade Lilies – [*Police siren*] – looked different than what Trixie – [Awoooo!] normally uses.”

“Sapphire Shade Lilies?” Moon Dancer repeated strangely. “Zecora didn’t give us any Sapphire Shade Lilies; she ran out.”

“Where did you get these flowers?” asked Tempest.

“From Apple – [*Wilhelm scream*] – Bloom,” said Trixie.

All eyes immediately fell on the filly, who waved with a nervous smile and giggle.

“Apple Bloom…,” said Moon Dancer slowly. “Where did you get those flowers from?”

“Er…from Zecora’s hut…,” said Apple Bloom.

“And did you ask Zecora what they were before you took them?” asked Twi-Star.

“Well…no…,” Apple Bloom answered.

A synchronized groaned passed through the Mane 6, many of the mares face-hoofing themselves.

“Apple Bloom, you should’ve check to make sure they were safe!” Moon Dancer chastised her. “This could’ve ended up way worse!”

“Ah’m sorry,” Apple Bloom mumbled remorsefully.

“We can punish Apple Bloom later,” said Twilight; Apple groaned disappointedly. “Trixie sold potions to over half of Ponyville yesterday. We’ve got to get to Zecroa’s and find a cure before anypony else realizes we caused this.”

“So it was you ponies after all!”

The Mane 6 and Apple Bloom winced. They slowly turned around to find themselves confronted by a mob of very angry ponies. Like them, they were showing symptoms of random, and honestly silly, diseases: flying backwards, jack-in-the-box necks, foot-long tongues, rainbow-colored coats, and nonstop sweating. Some stallions were wearing dresses…until Twilight realized they were supposed to be mares.

Mayor Mare trotted to the front of the mob, giving the Mane 6 a glare like a grandmother scolding their grandchild.

“What is the meaning of this?” Mayor Mare demanded. “We invite you into our village, allow you to join our festival – without the necessary paperwork – “

“Don’t forget they ran over my wing!” somepony in the back yelled.

“Quiet, Strawberry Sunrise!” Mayor Mare snapped. “Honestly, how could you do such horrible things to us? We thought you were heroes.”

“We didn’t do it on purpose!” Twilight pleaded. “It was an accident – “

“Wait, what’s – [*tuba noise*] – wrong with you?” asked Trixie, noting how normal Mayor Mare looked.

But the wizened pony gave them a blank stare and pulled out an umbrella over her head. The Mane 6 blinked, bewildered, when the mayor started glowing in the shade of the umbrella.

“Well, that’s different,” Moon Dancer commented.

“Miss mayor, we meant no harm for anypony,” said Twilight diplomatically since Sunset wasn’t in any position to negotiate. “This is a simple misunderstanding. Trixie accidentally used the wrong ingredients in her potions and this happened as a result. We had no idea this would happen.”

“Yeah, why would you think we’d do this to ourselves,” Twi-Star added.

The mob ponies murmured and nodded in agreement, conceded that Twi-Star had a point. Mayor Mare sighed in relief, and said, “Oh, thank Luna. I was afraid we might have to get rough with you. So, can you cure us?”

“Uh…,” Twilight mumbled hesitantly. “…we don’t know how…?”

This…was the worst thing anypony could have said. Mob mentality quickly shifted back to anger and everypony suddenly started whipping out torches and pitchforks from who knows where, shouting.

“It’s Shire – [*neighing noise*] – Lanka all over again!” screamed Trixie.

“Quick, into the forest!” Twilight cried.

Spike wrapped his arms around Twilight’s neck, Tempest grabbed Sunset (the foal immediately started crying), and Moon Dancer snatched up Apple Bloom before they took off. They ran in the direction of the Everfree Forest as fast as their hooves could carry them, trying to outrun the angry mob –

In her hut, Zecora stirred the cauldron as she added purple mushrooms to the mixture, making certain it was the right temperature. The concoction bubbled as it turned a shade of murky-brown, then emerald-green, and finally a calming baby-blue. The witch doctor took a tentative sip, sloshing it around in her mouth before spitting it back out.

“Just a sprig of mint to make it sweet, then my brew shall be complete,” said Zecora, adding the final ingredient. “With this mixture I can presume, that this will save ponies from certain doom. And when I am done speaking this rhyme – “ The zebra perked when she heard the door open and slam shut behind her. The Mane 6 plus Spike and Apple Bloom had their backs pressed to the door, breathing heavy and quick. “Ah, there you are, just in time.”

“Zecora!” Apple Bloom shouted urgently, bounding up to her. “It’s awful! Ponies are actin’ all weird! Mah brother can’t stop talkin’, Moon Dancer’s eyes are huge, and – “

Zecora held up her hoof, silencing the filly, and then said, “Before we get into that, we must clear the air. Young Apple Bloom, do you have something you wish to share?”

“Uh….” Apple stammered, rubbing her hoof nervously.

“Last morning, I sent you off well wishing,” said Zecora, “when I noticed a certain something was missing.” Apple Bloom bit her lip anxiously, but Zecora smiled and wrapped a hoof around her. “What you did was not that bad. If you tell me, I promise I won’t be mad.”

“I um…,” said Apple Bloom hesitantly. “Ah kinda-sorta…took the flowers under your desk without permission. I’m really sorry, Zecora. I was gonna tell you, honest, but we were in a hurry, and – “

“Do not worry, it is quite all right,” said Zecora kindly. “I think you’ve learned from your current plight.”

“Speaking of which,” Twi- Star spoke up. “What did Apple Bloom take that caused all this?”

“The answer is simple, you silly pony folk,” said Zecora amusingly. “You’ve all been touched by the poison joke.”

“Oooh, poison – [Riiiiing!] – joke!” Trixie shouted in realization. “That make so – [Ook, ook, eek!] – much sense!”

“Uh, anypony wanna fill me in?” Twilight asked.

“That plant is much like poison oak,” answered Zecora. “But its results are like a joke. It means this plant does not breed wrath. Instead, this plant just wants a laugh.”

“Ugh, enough with the rhyming already,” Moon Dancer groaned.

“I think I know what Zecora is saying,” said Twilight understandingly. “It’s a plant called Poison Joke, which is similar to poison oak in that it spreads on contact. But instead of making ponies itchy, it plays practical jokes on them.”

“You call this practically!” Tempest shouted, gesturing to herself while still holding the crying Sunset. “I’m a freak of nature!”

“You said it, not us,” Twi-Star said under her breath.

“Zecora, please tell me you have a way to fix us,” Twilight pleaded.

“As a matter of fact, I have just the thing,” said Zecora confidently, walking around the cauldron. “When I saw the flowers gone, I got straight to working. With some herbs I collected along the path, I mixed together an herbal bath. All you need do is take a soak, then you’ll be free of the poison joke.”

“Oh, thank Luna,” said Twilight, sighing in relief. “I was afraid we’d have to go on some wacky adventure or something.”

“Is it wrong I think this ending is a little…anticlimactic?” said Spike disappointedly.

“Yes!” The Mane 6 shouted; Trixie’s voice sounding like a party horn.

“Again, ah’m real sorry ah caused y’all so much trouble,” said Apple Bloom apologetically to everypony. “Ah promise I’ll make sure to ask before takin’ something I don’t know about from now on.”

“That should be something you know from the start,” said Moon Dancer. “Aw, I doesn’t matter, I guess. All’s well that ends well, right?”

But this reflective moment was broken when a loud thud came from Zecora’s door, nearly knocking everypony off. They could hear shouting from the other side and the Mane 6 immediately threw their whole weight against the door in a panic. Zecora and Apple Bloom cautiously moved to the window and peeked outside. The joke infected ponies of Ponyville had found their way to Zecora’s hut, shouting for the Mane 6 to come outside while waving their torches.

“…I believe I’ll need to make more bath,” said Zecora, wide-eyed, “before we incur the pony’s wrath.”

“And fast!” Apple Bloom cried.

After a lot of shouting, frantic potion mixing, and one broken door, all the citizens of Ponyville were cured of the poison joke, but the Mane 6 were banned from the Summer Harvest Festival for life.

Author's Note:

Probably one of my worst works, but they can't all be winners, can they?

Next chapter: The Mane 6 anxiously prepare for the return of Princess Cadence. But somepony unknowingly invites a swarm of pests that threaten to send Canterlot into chaos.