• Member Since 29th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

The Cowardly Christian

For everyone seeking guidance, I recommend looking up Ravi Zacharias, he's gotten me out of some dark times. His FULL sermons are available online for ALL...


'Cleaved' AU! Mina's defeated, Star and Marco are reunited, happily ever after, right?...yeah, not so much.Without realizing it, Star has messed up the wrong organizations 'backyard' and their going to 'teach' her why she just made a BIG mistake...

Star messed up BIG time and it's going to affect the lives of COUNTLESS worlds...

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 23 )

i dont understand half of it

Two guards transported the two children in their van


Yo nice story keep up the good work bro

Your in luck man, someone just paid me to write the next chapter of this story! I'm working on it right now, and I'm (relatively) nearly done!

Seems like this needs a bit of editing and formatting.
Omg, you dragged SCPs into this. What is going on...

Way too many crossovers with big plot holes in them.

Just about everything with how the scp could be around when they have tons of world ending monsters and such. And all the villains that were in crystals and from different shows. Nice idea but you tried way too hard and added things without a reason why besides just because you wanted it,

And use spell check as it’s just hard to read

I'm going for a 'The SCP Foundation thought they had the world under control...but in their arrogance and complacency, GREAT threats grew and prospered in the shadows they claimed to hide in...but could not be more ignorant of.'

Besides the cleaving was a BIG multiverse event, it deserves BIG multiverse consequences.

And as for 'only put stuff in because you wanted it'...well, of course I did. I mean as opposed to what? Put things in there that I hate? Why shouldn't I put things in what I want?

My spell check doesn't work for some reason. Besides dozens of other people like this story and have no problem reading it, so I'm not seeing why it's a problem to be honest...

This site allows you to write on it and it has its own spell check so use it

The scp thing is a big plot hole as why would they just allow what happened in cannon with Star to happen without ever stepping in or any of the other k class scp ever showing up either

I apologize, when I wrote that last response when I was tired, I realized later that the explanation I gave was lacking.

To be clearer, I'm aware that I should do me best to keep my spelling good and improve when possible...and there are some areas that I would like to touch up in the future. However as I keep explaining to you, my real life is VERY busy. I just don't have the time to do that.

Come on man, I LITERALLY explained why that happend in the first couple of chapters. It was a whole thing.

Theres also how invader zim is already part of that world which cant happen as just about every human is a moron who barely able to remember how to breath

Dude, once again. I already explain that in chapter 4. Re-read it.

Still has plot holes as zim world being already apart of earth with scp woukd still mean about 90 percent of the people are morons including the people working for the scp

What are you talking about? In this story it's ONLY the people in that one town that are that dumb, thanks to run-off from Membrains lab. I explained that in the story, I even made a footnote(of sorts) about it.

It's an AU man, you don't need to follow cannon religiously.

It does depend if the Santa thing happen or not as that was a world wide thing

it didn't. 'Holiday's' are going to be a completely different thing here.

Remember the Family guy version of Santa? I'm basically going to make it a challenge to outdo that in sheer 'dark, messed-up, depravity'.

I'll give you a hint: The yule man(SCP-4666) will be present, but NOT the main enemy.

I'm going with yule man being a slasher villain strong and powerful but only if people who are armed and can fight arent his victims. Like what happen to Jason in goes to hell.

Hmmmmm....MAYBE, the idea is far off and in it's infancy...I'll put a pin in it and see what happens...

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