• Member Since 9th Jul, 2014
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Life for Sunset Shimmer took a turn for the worse when Anon-a-Miss single handedly sowed the seeds of distrust amongst her friends and the entire school, but things got worse when the identity of Anon-a-Miss is finally revealed. Unable to forget how those she thought were her friends and family were quick to assume she had relapsed to her old ways of being a bully, Sunset turns her back on them as they once did to her and is prepared to live a life of shutting out friendship entirely. That is until she happens upon a kind stranger who not only could be the friendly ear to listen to her problems, but even teach her things about friendship that even the Princess of Friendship herself could never teach.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 82 )

I have, sadly, never seen a full episode of his show, but I have seen many clios, and heard a lot about this wonderful man.

This is an AMAZING story, well done!

The girls dragged their feet as they walked up to Sunset, when they got close enough, they merely looked at the ground in an ashamed manner that all kids have whenever they get in trouble for a few seconds until Apple Bloom finally mustered up the nerve to speak, "Sunset, we're the ones who setup the Anon-a-Miss account. We were all jealous of our sisters spendin' so much time with ya that we thought framin' ya fer postin' their secrets would have them spend more time with us."

I still to this day wish there was a better motive.

"Those so called 'friends' of mine were the ones who severed our ties in the first place, so don't you dare try to place any of the blame on me!" The fiery haired girl now gifted the principal with the not-so winsome present of pernicious talk. "And the last thing I need is a lecture from a do-nothing Principal who hid inside her office while the whole Anon-a-Miss disaster kept getting worse!"

They also did nothing during the reign over the school but no one complains about that.

"Seems perfectly fair to me, because now you know what it was like for me trying to gain everybody's trust during the Battle of the Bands; only you all shouldn't even bother attempting to regain my friendship, because spoiler alert, I'm never forgiving any of you!"

So by that logic should they never have forgiven sunset?

Rushing over to their beaten friend, the girls--along with the CMC--cringed when they all got a good sight of Rainbow's cyan face splattered with blood gushing out of her shattered nose. Taking their eyes off of her, the girls looked back at Sunset who was watching them with the same resentful expression plastered on her face along with her still clenching fist, which is now lightly bruised and covered with a bit of Rainbow's blood.

And that’s when a fight should’ve broken out.

Wow...this is so...moving. I wish I was that lucky. You've really hit me right in the feels.

This. Is a bucking masterpiece. :pinkiesad2:
I loved this. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

Bloodstained sweater not included. Especially since the lack of a Crossover tag means that this is Reverend Fred Rogers and not the "character" of Mister Rogers (scare quotes because I've never watched the show and therefore don't know whether there's even a real difference).

I just finished reading this and it was an excellent story. It was very heartfelt and I enjoyed how it ended. I've read some anon-a-miss fics before but not like this one. I did cry a bit at times but this story has made me happey. This has been a great read and when I get the chance I'll check out one of your other stories. Hope you make another story soon.

Good Luck Theanonymousbrony.

somebody should do a reading of this maybe scribbler maybe an ai voice of mr rogers

I had no idea Fred Rogers was a pastor I mean doing two jobs and volunteer work. that sweet man gave so much his body eventually gave out his spirit was willing but his flesh was weak and his passing makes me feel in this age this world needed someone like Fred Rogers more than ever and the world is now a lot emptier without his presence. as a message to wrote this how much did you know about mr rogers i swear you knew the man either that or the research going into this was extensive and very though out i honestly felt i was watching one of his episodes it was that good well done i think mr rogers himself would have loved reading this

I enjoyed every second of reading this I loved watching Mister Rogers Neighborhood when I was younger thank you for this

This story... is beautiful! :pinkiesad2:

I watched reruns of Mister Rogers as a kid, and every time I hear his old songs and show it brings be to wonderful tears. Mister Rogers himself is in the same ballpark as Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson: even after they've passed away, they will never be forgotten; forever a legend.

I loved this story and everything about it; a definite favorite.

Oh jeez, here I go :pinkiesad2: time for the tears.

but still, this was such a beautiful wholesome story. We need Mr. Rogers now more than ever today

My parents used to watch this show. It’s not from my time so other than the name, I don’t know much about the guy or the show. But I fell in love with this fic. It’s so heartwarming and it’s actually brought tears to my eyes despite this being foreign territory for me. Thank you. :heart:

Only the second time Mr. Rogers has appeared in an AaM story. Good work, though.

It's a pretty good story.

First, I'm pretty sure everyone wishes there was a better motive but jealousy is the one that works best here.
Second, the reason the teachers didn't do anything is because they had no proof she was doing anything wrong.
Third, they didn't forgive her, that's pretty much how they ended up in the position they're in. They even accused her of having never changed. Their friendship was a lie.
Fourth, considering Sunset's seething anger they were probably too shocked, ashamed and afraid to fight back.

I wouldn’t say it works best but ok.

They also didn’t have any proof of anon-a-miss being the cmc and yet apparently that’s brushed off.

If they didn’t forgive her their magic wouldn’t have worked along side her during the battle of the bands.

One of those options.

I agree. It's such a beautiful story. :twilightsmile:

So wonderfully heartfelt, I cried reading this. Astounding work, and it absolutely deserves to be at the top of the Featured box.

"Evidence?!" Sunset raised the question along with her tone of voice. "You seriously consider a few posts, pictures of me cropped out of them, and a crudely made icon photo that happens to resemble me to be sufficient evidence to jump to conclusions without even so much as listening to my side first?!"

Fluttershy: No, but the fact that those pictures of us could have, or we thought could have only come from your phone is reason enough to suspect you. Should we have ask you and given you a chance to explain yourself. Yes, but it wasn't stupid of us to suspect you.

Sunset: Fine, fair enough.

That's one thing about these fics that gets on my nerves a bit. In the actual comic the girls actually have valid reason to suspect Sunset, due to the circumstances. As far as they know she was the only one who could have leaked those images. Should they have given her a chance to explain herself and question why she would do so? Yes, but it's not unreasonable or dumb to suspect her. I don't know why fics and most people either don't realize that or simply ignore it.

This story is amazing. And well done writing Mr.Rogers, he might not have been there when I was growing up but those who did and the world still find ways to teach us how mr.rogers lessons they learned from him.

There are two things that I will always love seeing in Anon-a-Miss fics... realistic forgiveness and happy endings new beginnings.

This is it. My favourite Anon-a-Miss story ever.

Thanks for the support, and hopefully you'll enjoy some of my previous stories and any new ones that I might publish in the future as much as you enjoyed this one.

I had been working on this fic since 2021, it was originally meant to be submitted around last December, but I ended up missing the deadline due to spending too much time playing the many games I got for Christmas, hence why I decided to go ahead and submit the story now as opposed to waiting until December. The research that I dedicated in order to get Fred Rogers done right consisted of rewatching the biofilm A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood and the documentary Won't You Be My Neighbor?, reading the biography The Good Neighbor by Maxwell King and a collection of the various letters that were written to him and his replies from Penguin Books, binge-watching as many episodes of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood that were available on Amazon Prime, and watching any video about him on YouTube. Being told that Mr. Rogers himself would've enjoyed my story is quite possibly the highest compliment I ever received.

Also, here are a few videos about Mr. Rogers as an extra bonus:

One main reason I consider their accusation of Sunset being Anon-a-Miss to be flimsy is that if the girls really believed that Sunset was the mastermind behind all this, then why would she should make it so painfully obvious that she's the culprit, especially if you look back at the first Equestria Girls movie and remember how Sunset was such a master manipulator at that time that none of the girls even considered the possibility that she was behind their rifts until Twilight brought it up. So how could the same girl who deftly tore these friends apart without leaving any kind of trail for them to follow would also crop herself out of the photos as well as make her icon image look just like her which would lead to anybody to quickly suspect her? Another thing that the girls themselves didn't figure out is what exactly Sunset has to gain out of intentionally driving them away from her if she truly was Anon-a-Miss like they suspected? It's clear that Sunset enjoys the newfound love that she earned from her classmates, so why would she ever want to go back to being hated by everyone? It just seems to me that the girls were too preoccupied with figuring out whether or not they could accuse her, that they didn't stop to think whether or not they should.


One main reason I consider their accusation of Sunset being Anon-a-Miss to be flimsy is that if the girls really believed that Sunset was the mastermind behind all this, then why would she should make it so painfully obvious that she's the culprit

Starting off strong with a fair point and question. Yes, I will agree that is a good counter question to make them question and doubt it was her. However, my point was they actually had a valid reason to suspect her at first and like I said they should have heard her out and perhaps she could have raised that point. That's it.

especially if you look back at the first Equestria Girls movie and remember how Sunset was such a master manipulator at that time that none of the girls even considered the possibility that she was behind their rifts until Twilight brought it up.

That's not really a good example of how supposedly skilled Sunset was at manipulation. I found the girls spliting up, after being close friends for what is implied to be years, after one incident involving another stupid and force. I find it flimsy like you find them suspecting Sunset, despite it again being reasonable considering the circumstances, and would argue that this is an actual example of something being flimsy. The fact they never talked it out and instead held a grudge worse than any five year old by refusing to let one little incident, they suspected another did, go, says more about how stupid they were, instead of how skillful Sunset is.

So how could the same girl who deftly tore these friends apart without leaving any kind of trail for them to follow would also crop herself out of the photos as well as make her icon image look just like her which would lead to anybody to quickly suspect her? Another thing that the girls themselves didn't figure out is what exactly Sunset has to gain out of intentionally driving them away from her if she truly was Anon-a-Miss like they suspected? It's clear that Sunset enjoys the newfound love that she earned from her classmates, so why would she ever want to go back to being hated by everyone?

Again great questions, but again missing my point.

It just seems to me that the girls were too preoccupied with figuring out whether or not they could accuse her, that they didn't stop to think whether or not they should.

Let me ask you this.

Say, someone was doing the same thing anon-a-miss was doing and during it you are at a sleepover like the girls were and you and your friends goofed off with weird outfits. Someone takes a picture with their phone just for the fun of it with no intention of making it public. Then somehow the photos ended up being seen by the whole school. Would you reasonably suspect the friend, who was to your knowledge the only one with access to the photos?

I guess not, following your logic.

Sure, there are valid issues with it being Sunset, but my point was it was still reaosnable for them to suspect her in the first place. and yes I will agree they could have handled it by actually talking with her, but again there was actual valid reason to suspect her due to the circumstances.

Yeah and anyone who thought badly someone who just wanted to help others especially children should be ashamed of themselves.

But the problem is they didn't stop anyone either. Sunset got to suffer from the students hate and the teachers couldn't have been blind to that either.

Some agree with the fact but they expect that character and lack of motivation plus how much it points right at her would cause some doubts for her friends but nothing.

maybe mr rogers wasn't the best choice for floor

or maybe im overthinking it

As someone who grew up watching Mister Rogers in the 1990's and early 2000's, this truly felt an actual episode. Thank you very much for making this AWESOME story! :twilightsmile::heart:

Considering other factors, (location, involvement, etc) the only other option would be a festering grudge.

The CMC involvement got dismissed due to familial or like family relations.

Check the movie again. All Sunset did was convince them to stop arguing amongst themselves. They didn't actually need her to activate their powers. Sure they needed her to be strong enough to beat the Sirens, but that doesn't really require forgiveness from them.

I wouldn’t mind that.

But that’s the point I’m trying to make. Why is she so upset that they got dismissed if a similar thing happened to her?

But wouldn’t they need some sort of bond for that?

This brought tears of joy to my eyes

As far as a bond, not really. Their own magic was already activated. All she did was willingly add her own magic to the pool which activated when she started singing (via Twilight's plea). Probably because she wanted to help them. The only one she'd maybe need a bond with is Twilight, and she more or less had that.

My heart….. the feels.. it hurts, I used to watch mr rogers as a kid and always loved his stories it’s a shame that he’s gone but his legacy shall live forever so long as we that heard his stories keep telling them, and teaching his lessons. Great work to anonymousbrony for capturing that so well with this story amazing job my friend!

Sounds like magic is more complicated than people thought.

He was a pastor who ran his own chidlren's show for several decades where he focused on themes of tolerance that kids should accept the way they are and not be worried about what society's standards are. he was so loved that one legend which is likely fake but reveals how loved he was says "one day his car was stolen in broad daylight while parked on the street in Pittsburgh. The evening news reported that Mr. Rogers car had been stolen. The next day, it was back in the same spot with a note that said, "Sorry, we didn't know it was yours."

I think I’ve heard of something like that. I think I’ll ask my folks to tell me if they remember anything about the show. I’ll check it out too cuz it seems like it’s a widely beloved thing, and for good reason.

Thanks for taking time to explain it to me!

This story... Is a masterpiece in forgiveness

This was a beautiful story. It felt like an actual episode of the show itself and I have a feeling Mr. Rogers himself would be proud to see you write a story that teaches a very good lesson like this. This is a fantastic story overall and you did a fantastic job capturing the spirit of the show.

Before I read this... the fact that your cover photo is Mr. Rodgers and has the "suicide/self-harm" tag. He'd never allow that. If he knew that anyone was hurting or having thoughts like that, he'd stop EVERYTHING to make sure they were ok. He's one of the most wholesome people on the planet. Practically everyone's favorite uncle. The uncle that brings snacks to the cookout so the kids have sweets to eat. The uncle with the massive pool so the kids can work off their energy. Mr. Rodgers is the favorite uncle that everyone wants to visit because he has the coolest stuff and is the nicest uncle, ever. There are no nicer "uncles" than Mr. Rodgers.

Perhaps you should read the story first. It's quite good.

We all do. There's so many people out there who showed the best of humanity and are gone.

If that were true, it'd be beautiful.

If I had a nickel for every time I found a fic where Sunset was helped by Mr. Rogers, I'd have two nickels.

Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.

"I Like You Just the Way You Are" by The Wandering Wind

Just the concept of Mister Rogers (or someone like him) stepping in to help Sunset with this kind of crisis works so well!

Oh my god. That was such a great story, it was amazing, fantastic, just absolutely brilliant! I even teared up (or even cried a little) on it! Thank you for writing it!

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