• Published 15th Dec 2020
  • 3,908 Views, 100 Comments

The Cutie Re-Mark: The Ultimate Enemy - LoganRyder

During Twilight's conflict with Starlight, she ends up facing an new enemy, one she and her friends have wronged....

  • ...

Chapter 10

The baby dragon glared at his former friends as they only looked at him, ready to speak their mind.

"Spike, we just wanna talk." Cadance said, trying to calm him down

"What's there to talk about? I don't wanna see you all right now." Spike said

He turned to fly away, but Discord moved in front of him.

"Spike wait, let them talk." Discord protested

"Discord, move, I don't have time for this. In fact, when did I have time at all like I told you?" Spike said

"Spike just let them-" Discord said, until Spike cut him off.

"Discord, i'm WARNING you." Spike said in a dead serious tone.

This surprised the girls, the days events began to make him more fed up, with Discord taken aback by the threat, but stood his ground.

Discord gave a look of sorrow before facing his friend "I know, but please, just hear them out, and after that you can leave."

Spike, with a quick glance at the girls, princesses and Shining and then to Discord before facing the ponies.

With a look of annoyance and disdain, Spike said "What do you want this time?"

The princesses, Starlight and Shining backed away to let the girls speak with the dragon.

"We realize that evil you from the future was right." Twilight said with guilt and remorse.

"What?" Spike said in surprise at her answer

"When he almost killed us for how we treated you over the years, we deserved it. Us and the girls should have never hurt you that way." Shining said with guilt

"And because of us and our selfishness, we didn't just ruin the future of friendship. We ruined the future of Equestria."
Applejack said with her hat down as she covered her guilt ridden facial expression.

"Ok, what the hay are you saying?!" Spike said, now finally annoyed by their words

The girls jumped back a little bit from his outburst, but accepted it with dignity as Twilight, unable to take it said in tears

"Spike, we're saying we're sorry!"

This shocked the ponies and Spike as he just looked and saw the state Twilight had now gone in, turning from guilty to emotional in a heartbeat. This began to affect the girls as they knew how much Spike meant to her and realize now that things had to be set right.

Rainbow Dash was first as she said in guilt "I was supposed to be loyal to my friends but I wasn't to you, we always used you and didn't care. We were wrong to hurt you that way! Like I did with my pranks and how I kept making fun of you on how you weren't a real dragon! I'm sorry! That evil you was right when he almost ripped off my wings. I was nothing to you but a bully. I know you don't believe me, but I am really, really, seriously sorry!"

Spike only looked in shock at the girls as he was about to say something, but Pinkie cut him off, and he noticed a key difference, her mane was flat and her normal hyper personality was missing.

"When that meanie you from the future almost destroyed us and ruined our homes, he was right, we hurt you so many times that we lost count and didn't even care. I'm the element of Laughter and I was supposed to make everypony smile, but I didn't even notice it with one of my friends that had to make this much sacrifice to make sure we can be happy with our lives. I'm sorry I didn't invite you to my parties and I'm sorry I didn't care about you like I did with the girls and I'm sorry probably the worst friend you ever met!"

Spike was only silent as the party mare apologized, he then saw Fluttershy come next with a look of guilt

"When I was friends with the girls and most ponies during our friendship missions, I didn't realize that I was ignoring one of the many friends I knew when I met Twilight. One who had to make so much sacrifice and make difficult decisions. That evil you was right Spike, we were the Elements of Harmony, but we were never heroes. In fact, this might be a friendship problem we were the cause of, yet we didn't solve it, we MADE it happen."

Spike was about to again ask something "Wait, why are-?"

However, he was cut off again, this time by Applejack who gave a look of remorse as she tipped her hat and looked at Spike.

"Spike, when that other you attacked, I kept thinking that when he said to us the reason he existed, it was because of us. I didn't want to believe him, but he was right, we kept on using you so many times, none of us even bothered to care about thanking you or showing a bit of gratitude for how hard you worked when we were in trouble. That evil you showed us how much we disgraced the Elements of Harmony. We may wield them, but we don't represent them."

The next to speak was Rarity as she said had makeup smeared on her face because of her tears as she gave a sad look at Spike.

"Spikey-Wikey, I understand how much you despise to see me right now. But please know that I am very sorry for how I was to you all these years. When the vile you from the future attacked us, he made me realize what a horrible friend I was to you, not to mention that with how we were to you, our fates were inevitable. He was right, I may be the Element of Generosity, but I never showed it to a close friend who helped both me and everypony else around when needed."

Spike was left surprised at how they were apologizing to him, they must have been really frightened and shocked at how his evil self must've done what no other could, break and almost kill the heroes of Equestria.

The final one to speak up was Twilight, who only looked broken and demoralized compared to the rest of the girls.

"Spike, when I was sent here to Ponyville by Princess Celestia, it was to learn the values of Friendship and how much more it can be not just in here in Ponyville, but all across Equestria. As we both grew up, I kept neglecting you, the very first friend and family I made ever since I moved here to Ponyville and got the Golden Oaks Library before Tirek destroyed it. I was supposed to be the Princess of Friendship and yet I didn't show the same amount of friendship I had with everypony else. I guess I wasn't meant to be the Princess of Friendship after all, especially after that darker, older you told me why he became who he is now. He was right, I'm not the Princess of Friendship or The Element of Magic, I'm no better then any other villain we faced, he was right Spike and we were wrong."

The speech from Twilight left the Princesses, Starlight, Shining, Discord and the girls surprised and a bit pitying for the alicorn, Spike only looked at them with a look of some pity but also of disgust. In his mind, there were sides in conflict, one of light, the other dark as his dark self was.

"She may have hurt you, but this is going too far, let it go. More conflict and hate will only lose your way." The light in Spike said

"Forget that, they deserve it!, destroy them NOW!, they aren't heroes or friends, they're hypocrites who deserve that future that other you almost did!" The dark in Spike refused in disgust and hatred

Spike gave a quick sigh of breath before asking a final question "Then why was I so easy to forget? Am I just another fire breathing reptile for your own greedy, selfish needs?"

This somewhat offended the girls, but they put it aside, knowing they deserve it.

Rarity said with a tearful frown "No! Of course not, darling! We always appreciate you for being yourself."

"It's just we were so busy with alot of stuff, we kinda overlooked! We didn't mean to forget ya! I even forget some stuff too. It ain't just you Sugarcube."

Rainbow Dash stepped up and said "And i'm sorry if I made feel bad with my jokes and pranks. I tease lots of ponies and creatures. But I didn't mean to hurt anypony's feelings. Well maybe except for Discord, but still. Look Spike, if it makes you feel any better, I'd give up apple ciders for the rest of my life, for every cruel joke and prank I pulled."

Spike however was still in conflict, and was left intrigued at her claim (with Discord glaring at her for the last bit about him, but he decided to ignore it). Anypony who knew Rainbow Dash enough know full well of her obsession with cider. Hearing her give up on her favorite beverage was rare among them.

Spike then began to open his mouth and said with a firm tone "Do you Pinkie Promise?"

"If that's how you want it. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. " Rainbow Dash said

"And if it's not too late, I could throw you a 'We're sorry and We Love you and Spike is a true hero Party'" Pinkie offered as Spike only turned away a bit and brushed her off "Is that a no?"

"I don't exactly have a choice do I?, with having to choose someone else like I did with Garble and his gang." Spike said

"Don't be so hard on yourself, sugarcube. You were still just learning and growing up. Now your more wiser and smarter then you were back then."

"Just like all of us!" Pinkie chirped with optimism

Twilight moved to hug him, but he backed away a bit with a look of distrust, which fueled as he readied himself to counter, as his hands glowed a light green magic fiery aura. Seeing he was still hesitant, Twilight said with sincerity

"Your not a foreigner Spike. Your're our friend and we still love you, pony or dragon. Please don't forget that. And i can Pinkie Promise that we'll treat you better in the nearest future, even if we have to face that evil you when Starlight attacked. I don't know if we can make it up to you or if you forgive us, but-"

Spike however, dissipated his magic aura and hugged Twilight and said "You already have."

"So, do you forgive us?" Twilight asked hopefully to him

"I wouldn't be a friend to ANY of you would I? As long as i don't have to fall in ice cold water again." Spike said with a smile, making the girls and Discord smile in honor

"We'll make sure that doesn't happen." Applejack said with a chuckle

"So what do you say Spike, what do you feel like doing today?" Twilight asked

"For now let's head home." Spike answered, getting some nods from the girls

"Agreed" Discord said

The ponies, Spike and Discord, headed back to others and began to make their home, having gained a newfound resolve.

As they left, their Cutie Marks and Spike's head spikes glowed, indicating they completed their friendship mission.

(At the Castle of Friendship)

The icons on Ponyville and Cantelot not only faded, but the Dark Spike icons switched back to normal, turning back to the normal icon for Spike, light purple and light green.

(Unknown Location in Alternate Ponyville)

Future Starswirl was seen watching the ordeal with Spike and the ponies through a magical portal as two solar guards approached along with Future Chrysalis

"I take it he has averted his evil self's existence?"

Future Starswirl replied "Correct, and yes, all the damage he has done to the past has been undone. But that doesn't mean he will disappear."

Future Chrysalis had only said "Let us hope that a better future then this will come."

"I know, but then again, who does?" Future Starswirl said

He walked over and placed the tube Dark Spike was in on the nearby pedestal and trotted back to the portal.

However, unbeknownst to them, the tube began to shake and dents hit the sides, with Dark Spike's face hitting the center. Though he was still trapped......for now, with nothing holding him back.

Author's Note:

Dark Spike is an evil future version of Spike from another timeline and the main antagonist of the My Little Pony fan story The Cutie Re-mark: The Ultimate Enemy. He is not only one of the first pure evil villains to appear in G4, but is also the most powerful foe Twilight and the ponies have ever faced. He is also the main archenemy to his normal self Spike.

(I don't own artwork, plus imagine his eye pupils are red).

Like normal Spike, he is voiced by Cathy Wesluck, but sounds more deeper and older


Dark Spike used to look normal, with green eyes, green spikes on his head, and has purple skin and a green underbelly.

After donning the Alicorn Amulet, his purple and green skin is darker and his eyes are blood red, symbolizing his hatred and rage.

After aging for 10 years and stealing alot of magic, he is now in his teens and not only has darker skin, but the spikes on his head are more sharpened, he is also more tall and has wings.



According to Future Chrysalis and Future Starswirl, After the episode To Where and Back Again in Season 6, the girls continued to have their adventures and leaving Spike behind, which slowly began to affect his psyche and their friendship, but Spike was assured by Starlight Glimmer that things would be ok. At one distinct point, Spike had to run errands for Twilight, but heard a mysterious voice nearby, he looked and saw it was the Alicorn Amulet Trixie used to take over Ponyville and attack Twilight. The amulet tempted the young dragon into fusing with it, promising to free him from his stress and suffering. Spike, despite his hesitance, agreed and did so. The moment he fused with the amulet, it vastly increased his dragon capabilities and abilities.

However, this ultimately worsened his suffering and grief instead as during the Season 7 episode Fame and Misfortune, when Spike was once again left out and when brought up on how he wasn't in the journal or a friend to the girls, this ultimately made him snap and the amulet, having now completely put Spike in it's influence by using his past memories of abuse, destroys the good in him and thus the purely evil Dark Spike was born, as Twilight, Starlight and the girls watch in horror at his now complete transformation.

Now without having any level of morality and restraint then before, Dark Spike committed his first heinous crime by blowing up Twilight's castle, killing Twilight, the girls (Except Rarity and Fluttershy) and Starlight, and began his 10 year rampage all over Equestria, even sadistically torturing or killing all the former or current villains Twilight and her friends have faced, stealing magic from other places to increase his magic power and even coldly murdering Twilight's other friends. It is also revealed he stored most of his dark magic into another gem in case he needs power up, which is stolen by Chrysalis, knowing the danger of how dangerous he now is.

The Cutie Re-Mark: The Ultimate Enemy

As Twilight tried to stop Starlight from preventing the Rainboom that had helped the girls get their cutie marks. Starlight tried to get rid of her with a time hole that would suck her in, but Twilight dodged while Spike fell in, forcing Twilight to stop Starlight alone. As Spike fell into the timeline, he initially assumes it is Ponyville, but learns it isn't upon seeing the town destroyed and in disrepair and witnessed a bunch of royal guards chasing an unknown figure, who eventually dispatches them all. When Spike was shocked at this, he was attacked by Future Fluttershy and Future Rarity, who are shown to be heavily beaten as Rarity has scars on her and Fluttershy has now become more serious and determined. When Spike was confused on why they were attacking him, they replied they were stopping the harm he was causing, but before they could attack, Dark Spike prevented them from doing so and faced his young self, who only looked in shock.

When Dark Spike asked Spike on how he was in his timeline, Spike told him about Starlight, which disgusted his older self. Spike tries to reason with Dark Spike, but he refuses to care and rants to him all the things he had to go through thanks to the girls, saying on how Starlight was nothing more hypocritical like Twilight and even shows no level of care on the destruction he's caused. As he rants, he is attacked by his former friends, with Spike managing to save them, with Rarity apologizing for her treatment to him in the past.

Spike tries to run, but is easily caught, in spite of his defiance at his older self, Dark Spike disguises himself as Spike and creates a portal and throwed his younger self into it as he creates another portal to return to the past Equestria before his transformation.

In Past Ponyville

As Dark Spike was greeted by Twilight, he began to slowly plan so his future would come. First, he would create a diversion in Canterlot to lure the Princesses and Shining to Twilight's castle, then he would do the same in Ponyville. However, he is witnessed by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who see him create fake versions of Chrysalis and Tirek and they confront him and threaten to tell the girls, yet he is unfazed and simply tells them he dealt with them already. Despite this, he blasts them unconscious to prevent their interference before continuing his plans.

Dark Spike then headed to Tartarus and kills Tirek and steals his magic and power to ensure his power is enough before continuing. After successfully luring the girls with the fake clones to Twilight's castle (as they were there for a friendship mission by the map), he began to insult Rainbow Dash for her idea of a joke and even pushes the final button when he questions if they are only friends by choice or at all and insults Starlight for her past actions by pointing out she kept using her magic to be "equal" yet clearly wasn't (which is partially true as she used magic on the villagers in her home), leaving Starlight in emotional distress. When Twilight demanded what was wrong with him, the Cutie Mark Crusaders arrived and Sweetie Belle used the magic she learned from Twilight, to expose the evil dragon to everyone.

Now exposed, Twilight and the others demanded Dark Spike tell them what he did to Spike, he only responds by saying he is Spike and on how their abuse is the reason he became who he is, when Rainbow Dash questions what he is talking about, he only further mocks them by pointing out the abuse they put him through all the time. Dark Spike managed to trap the girls and the Princesses onto Twilight's castle and magically created a dark magic sphere that would explode any minute, Twilight and the others try to reason with him, but he only says they are the ones to blame and laughs at their impending fate. However, Spike himself suddenly arrived, having escaped with help from Future Starswirl and Future Chrysalis and fought his evil self.

Final Fight and Defeat

Dark Spike could not kill Spike, as he needed him due to their life link, but had to hold him off until the sphere would explode. Spike, despite wielding the dark powers of the gem with Dark Spike's abilities (which Future Chrysalis gave him as she stole it), was still beaten by his older self. However, his determination to stop his tragic future caused him to reveal another ability he used when he was trapped in the other timeline's Tartarus and was attacked by the prisoners, a fiery wail that could cause powerful damage, Dark Spike was horrified as he only got this ability for another 10 years, to which Spike says the future wasn't as predetermined as he assumed it was. Spike unleashed another wail at Dark Spike, who was battered and bruised, before Spike traps him in a magical tube that Future Starswirl gave him.

Unfortunately, Dark Spike pointed out despite his defeat, Spike was too late to save Twilight and the others, but Future Starswirl intervened and froze time and saved the ponies, letting Spike have a chance to talk with them about their actions rather then cause himself more suffering. Spike agreed and gave the tube his evil self was in to the future pillar, knowing that even though there will be an argument, he has to make sure that both he and Equestria will have a better future.


Dark Spike, was at first a kind-hearted, friendly dragon who really cared about his friends and tried to do whatever he can to get them to notice him. However, after fusing the the Alicorn Amulet, he became an cold blooded, merciless and outright traitorous monster. He callously disregards what he does unless it benefits him and even murders his former friends and family out of anger and rage for being left out and ignored. Dark Spike has no level of morality to his younger self either, seeing him as an ends to means to solidify his future and was confident he could beat him, this pride however, led to his downfall.

In spite of how powerful he is, he is actually capable of showing fear, as Dark Spike was knocked by Spike using an fiery wail at him that severely battered him and allowed Spike to defeat him. However this was mostly due to how he needed Spike as they have a life link.

Powers and Abilities

Before wielding the Alicorn Amulet, Dark Spike simply appeared to be capable of using fire breath and sending messages to Princess Celestia

After he wields the Alicorn Amulet, Dark Spike is extremely powerful both in magic and in physical terms. He is extremely strong as his dragon abilities, fused with the amulet, have vastly increased his strength and skill and have given him both powerful magic and power.

His magic is also fueled by his emotions and memories like Starlight, but while Starlight's work with how strong she feels, Dark Spike's magic is fueled by his past memories and instead of strength, his works by negative emotions, the strongest being hatred, rage or bloodlust.

He also appeared to not run out of magic and a high tolerance of it's usage, showing his magic can rival both Twilight and Starlight and is capable of fusing or stealing artifacts he can use to upgrade his magic and power. This also is what gives him other abilities such as shapeshifting and invisibility.


1. Dark Spike is by far the most toughest enemy the ponies have faced

-He is also one who is Pure Evil.

2. Dark Spike is similar to Tirek, They are both power hungry and crave more power and will stop at nothing to get it and are archenemies to both of the series's heroes, Twilight to Tirek and Spike to Dark Spike. However, Tirek is not as strong as Dark Spike, who not only beats him in power, but in evil.

-Dark Spike is also similar to Queen Chrysalis as they are both shown to be merciless, cruel and outright monstrous in nature and seeked revenge on the same individuals who wronged them, Twilight and her friends. But Dark Spike is so merciless, even Chrysalis in the future feared him, showing at least some morality.

3. Dark Spike is based off Dark Danny/Dan Phantom from the Danny Phantom tv series.

-This is even referenced by Pinkie saying Dan's name

4. Technically speaking, Dark Spike isn't really Spike from the future organically, he is a older version of Spike that is in his teens after fusing with the Alicorn Amulet and other magic related sources.

5. Dark Spike's conflict with Spike is not only symbolic to him, as Spike is fighting his worst inner demon and fear, which is a version of him of hatred, anger and vengeance, but also to the ponies

-Twilight's fight with him represents how much she made him go through and not show any acknowledgement to him, as well as how she kept on overworking him, and is facing her mistakes of the past not just with Spike, but in the other episodes.

-Rainbow Dash's fight with him represents how much her pride and ego got to her and what she could have become if she let it consume her, as well as how much she kept on making Spike feel when she teased or pranked him.

-Rarity, for she is facing what she would become compared to her generosity, greedy, unfaithful, petty and cheap and how much she treated Spike throughout the series.

-Fluttershy, for she is shy, kindhearted, nice and friendly, Dark Spike represents cruelty, anger, selfishness and mercilessness and faces her because of how much he felt unequal to her.

-Applejack's conflict with him is how much she had tried to be honest with Spike and how much he felt towards her in comparison.

-Pinkie Pie, for she is optimistic, happy and caring, her conflict symbolizes how much Spike felt left out from the adventures the girls had while he didn't have a chance to be with them.

6. When the Cutie Map shows the icons of Dark Spike in both Canterlot and Ponyville with the girls, Shining Armor's and the princesses icons, this secretly foreshadows Dark Spike trying to ensure his future.

7. Dark Spike is also similar to the Pony of Shadows, both were left betrayed by their respective friends (Stygian with the Pillars and Dark Spike with the Main 6) and not only became different beings (Dark Spike fused with the alicorn amulet and other magic he stole and Stygian with the Pony of Shadows) and were overshadowed by their allies, which led to their hatred to consume them and transform them into dark forms. However Stygian was saved and reformed and let go of his goal to defeat his former allies while Dark Spike wasn't and succeeded, only he outright murdered them.

-This is even said by Starswirl when he tells Spike the cause of his future self's transformation and the deaths of both the girls and Pillars.

8. Dark Spike's role and appearance is also likely based off the Mean Six from the season 8 episode of the same name. He even has a few notable, similar qualities of them himself.

-Evil Rarity was shown to be greedy and vain, as Dark Spike is shown to be power-hungry

-Evil Applejack was a complete liar as Dark Spike is to his past friends

-Evil Rainbow Dash is a unfaithful slacker as Dark Spike is an faithless monster

-Evil Pinkie Pie was always grumpy and pessimistic, whereas Dark Spike was always aggressive and sarcastic.

-Evil Fluttershy is an sadistic and heartless bully, whereas Dark Spike is a sadistic and murderous psychopath

-Evil Twilight was shown to be a more prideful and arrogant leader, yet sees her allies as incompetent minions then real friends, just as Dark Spike was prideful and saw his former friends as a means to the end to his own existence.

Comments ( 21 )

I may have to reread this again but I'm not against a sequel

This was good.

just like the source material, it was leading up to a sequel however everything changed when it was cancelled and we got that rushed ending.

"What's there to talk about? I don't wanna see you all right now." Spike said

Fine with me, bye.

"Spike just let them-" Discord said, until Spike cut him off.

"Discord, i'm WARNING you." Spike said in a dead serious tone.

Let’s be honest, what is spike gonna do?

"When I was friends with the girls and most ponies during our friendship missions, I didn't realize that I was ignoring one of the many friends I knew when I met Twilight. One who had to make so much sacrifice and make difficult decisions. That evil you was right Spike, we were the Elements of Harmony, but we were never heroes. In fact, this might be a friendship problem we were the cause of, yet we didn't solve it, we MADE it happen."

Wait, what sacrifice or difficult decisions did he make? Did I miss a few episodes?

Spike was about to again ask something "Wait, why are-?"

What was he gonna say?

"Spike, when that other you attacked, I kept thinking that when he said to us the reason he existed, it was because of us. I didn't want to believe him, but he was right, we kept on using you so many times, none of us even bothered to care about thanking you or showing a bit of gratitude for how hard you worked when we were in trouble. That evil you showed us how much we disgraced the Elements of Harmony. We may wield them, but we don't represent them."

Wait, how does that make sense?

The speech from Twilight left the Princesses, Starlight, Shining, Discord and the girls surprised and a bit pitying for the alicorn, Spike only looked at them with a look of some pity but also of disgust. In his mind, there were sides in conflict, one of light, the other dark as his dark self was.

Technically, there are three sides.

"She may have hurt you, but this is going too far, let it go. More conflict and hate will only lose your way." The light in Spike said

"Forget that, they deserve it!, destroy them NOW!, they aren't heroes or friends, they're hypocrites who deserve that future that other you almost did!" The dark in Spike refused in disgust and hatred

This man got the devil and the angel on his shoulder.

"It's just we were so busy with alot of stuff, we kinda overlooked! We didn't mean to forget ya! I even forget some stuff too. It ain't just you Sugarcube."

Ok, that’s understandable.

Twilight moved to hug him, but he backed away a bit with a look of distrust, which fueled as he readied himself to counter, as his hands glowed a light green magic fiery aura. Seeing he was still hesitant, Twilight said with sincerity

I keep saying, be on guard.

Future Starswirl replied "Correct, and yes, all the damage he has done to the past has been undone. But that doesn't mean he will disappear."

What does that mean?

Its nice to see how the Mane 6 admitted on how they screwed up.

Though.. I feel like Luna would has some serious issues about what has happened.
Like about how Spike fell into darkness but also how she could have died. Like her confidence would have been seriously damaged here.
And felt humiliated she needed Starswirl to save her like that. I just feel like she shouldn't brush this off.

Given Spike's bio, its hard to tell.. did Luna die too in that future or is she still alive? Given the bio there not mentioning about the princesses when Dark Spike originally happened.

Was.. my comments ok? Since I got no reply on them it felt like you didn't see them or got annoyed by me.
I am pretty worried on if I said something iffy or was all of my comments able to be read at all?


Don't want to sound rude. But in every Fic, you keep going on and on about Luna's plight of being useless. Like she doesn't have any backbone or something? Although I feel the same thing in a sense. I am annoyed to some authors that make their OC Protagonist Humans be some Cowards or have No Backbone against the rather "Tall, and Superior" Ponies! 🤦 🤦 🤦

P.S. Do you think that in the Sequel, that Luna might help Spike? Since she was turn evil BECAUSE of family issues ( Celestia being ignorant to Luna's true feelings)?

Its just that in the show, they kept having the Royal Sisters fall flat on their faces(its worse for Luna's case due to she lost a 1000 years of ruling). Whats worse is they kept brushing off all these failures. Luna really should be having some major issues with how things went instead of brushing off what happened to her. There's no way in hell her confidence wouldn't be damaged.

Pretty much my point. Luna shares so much in common with Spike there.


Well, BLAME Hasbro for nerfing the Princesses, or didn't give them Character Development to have some Backbone to NOT lose, and just win some battles for Once!!!!!!

You know, are you going to make a story yourself? Like a Remake to the MLP Series, BUT have Luna, Celestia, and even Spike NOT to be worthless the whole time??!!

Can you do me a favour and probably make the Young Six or the Pillars be more involve and help the Main Six as well?

It's just I like the Three Era Teams ( Past: Starswirl and the Pillars. Present/Modern: Main/Mane Six. "Next" Generation/Future: Young/Student Six) to work together more often. And Luna and Celestia can be more involved to be Competent Rulers/Mentors.

What do you think?

And it gets annoying when it keeps happening in fics too since Luna already has to deal with so many failures in the show.

I am more of a idea-giver/reader than a story writer though...

The idea you brought up is pretty good though.


Thanks. I'm also the same thing like you. But, I will probably be a MLP Fic Writer one of these days. 🙂

danny phantom and how I was not okay with how it ended


You mean "Phantom Planet"? I thought that was the finale?! I didn't know that Danny Phantom was really cancelled until now? But, at least they gave us a ending ( that I actually liked) instead of a cliffhanger.

I like this story very much. Hopefully they do stay true to their word. Also, lovely exposition dump at the end. :twilightsmile:
If you're planning a sequel, I hope you could complete it. The last Dark Spike story I've read and loved was abandoned and the author has been inactive for so long :ajsleepy:.

That’s possible?

Based on Danny Phantom: the Ultimate Enemy

Does this mean Discord is Clockwork?

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Don't you hate when your comments don't get a response?

Yeah, just a wild guess.

Spike: (scared) Wh- Who Are Yo- You? Dark Spike:(evil smile) I am you, BUT STRONGER!!!

Dark: No they won't. They don't have the nerve do that to the Mane Six.

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