• Published 17th Dec 2020
  • 3,025 Views, 150 Comments

The Cloudsdale Chronicles - Boltstrike58

The adventures of the human-turned-pony Swift Wing in his new home in Cloudsdale.

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Session #4

Swift Wing continued to wear his pants whenever he went out. Sure, he didn't have to hide a blank flank anymore, but that didn't mean he was comfortable with his new Cutie Mark. It was a problem he should've considered before getting it. A Cutie Mark was basically a statement, a proclamation of "I can do this thing," broadcast to any creature with eyes. Swift briefly wondered if there were other ponies that got self-conscious about their own Cutie Marks. His guess would've been in the affirmative, but it wasn't like he was going to go around asking.

What Swift feared the most was what he'd brought up during his talk with the Mane Six. If ponies thought he was good at bringing them together or something, what if they started to come to him for help resolving their disputes? Honestly, he would've preferred some kind of weather Cutie Mark to this. There would've been far less pressure placed on his shoulders.

He still hadn't shown his new mark to anyone working at the weather factory. He knew they wouldn't kick him out of his job or anything based on it, since that made no logistical sense on top of being illegal (Swift had looked it up). However, that didn't mean they wouldn't react to it at all. They might start giving him more responsibilities, or expect him to be some sort of leader. All Swift really wanted was to be an average pegasus, one who didn't stick out like Pinkie Pie at a family reunion. The more he thought about it, the more the Cutie Mark seemed more like a curse than anything. It was making it hard to sleep at night.

After his team finished whipping up storm clouds for the day, Swift made his way to Dr. Feather's clinic as fast as he could. She was the only pony he could think of to turn to.

"Glad to see you made it on time again, Swift," said Dr. Feather, as she leaned back in her chair. Then her expression changed, presumably as she took in the tired look on Swift's face. "Are you alright? You don't look too good."

"I don't feel too good," Swift admitted. "Something's happened, something that I thought would be fantastic, but right now, it's just stressing me out."

Dr. Feather raised her eyebrows at that statement, but only for a second.

"Alright, what happened?" she asked.

"This." Swift removed the pants he wore, showing her the Cutie Mark that now adorned his flank. "I got this right after that little display I put on at the colosseum, before we all went to save Princess Twilight and her friends."

"Ah, so you unintentionally got your Cutie Mark," said Dr. Feather. "What's the problem? Is it that your mark isn't for something you want?"

"Sort of...it's hard to explain." Swift sat down on the couch. "When I got up in front of everypony, and gave that speech, I had no confidence I would accomplish anything. I didn't think anypony would listen to me, especially after they didn't listen to Hyper Sonic. The only reason I did it is because I thought it needed to be done, especially since nopony else seemed to be doing anything. I couldn't just let every pegasus in Equestria abandon all the unicorns and earth ponies. But I didn't want to be forever branded as somepony who can bring ponies-and maybe other creatures, if we're being generous-together."

"Well, you did a very brave and noble thing, Swift," Dr. Feather replied. "I was impressed when I recognized you. However, I think I still don't fully understand. Why don't you want this Cutie Mark?"

"Like I was saying, I don't want to be seen as somepony with this big, important, Equestria-changing talent, or whatever," Swift continued. "I just wanted to lead an average life, being a face in the crowd of ponies. That was all I was going for when I came here."

"'When you came here?' What do you mean? When you came to Cloudsdale?"

Swift almost bit his tongue in surprise. He hadn't meant to let that slip. He knew he could easily lie, and cover it up, but he was afraid she'd see right through it. Not to mention, ever since the battle for Equestria, he'd been wondering whether he should confess everything to Dr. Feather, including what he really was. Now, that option was seeming more and more unavoidable. With a swallow, Swift steeled his resolve.

"I...haven't been entirely honest with you," he began. "What I'm about to say...I need you to promise me it won't leave this room. Besides, Princess Twilight already knows about it, so there's no point in telling the authorities."

Dr. Feather looked concerned. "Swift, are you in trouble with the law?"

"No, nothing like that. Can you give me your word you'll keep this under your hat?"

Dr. Feather still looked unsure of herself, but she gave a small nod, anyway.

Swift took a deep breath. "You see, I'm not from Equestria. I wasn't even originally a pony. I come from a planet called Earth, where I was a creature called a human. I made a deal with some sort of supernatural creature (don't ask) to be sent to Equestria and become a pony. I wasn't even sure if it was possible for me to get a Cutie Mark, but apparently, that point is moot."

He looked up at Dr. Feather, fully prepared for the worst. However, she didn't seem to be freaking out, or at least she wasn't showing it. She was scribbling on her notepad, occasionally looking back at Swift.

"Why did you leave your home world?" she asked, after a few minutes.

"I'll be blunt: my life sucked," Swift continued. "I've already told you about my sister, and how badly that screwed with my self-esteem. I was stuck working a dead-end job, no friends, and humans don't get Cutie Marks, so I had no idea what I was supposed to do with my life. In my world, Equestria is fictional, so the idea of it just sounded so much more appealing than anything in my life. I tried to make a life in Ponyville, but Princess Twilight and her friends found out about me, and tried to convince me to go back. Even after they gave up on that, I wasn't willing to stay around them. We're on better terms now, but I still don't talk to them much."

"Knowing that...actually explains a lot of the problems you have," Dr. Feather replied. "I promise, I don't mean for that to sound rude."

"It's okay," said Swift. "I've had a lot of time to think about my life situation. I think it makes sense when you think about it."

"You've been through a lot, Swift," she continued. "I'm sorry."

Swift swallowed.

"To be honest, your case with your Cutie Mark isn't the first I've seen," she said. "By that, I mean I've seen other ponies who get Cutie Marks in things they weren't expecting, and they become terrified by the prospect of having to live with that talent. It's called Cutie Mark Imposter Syndrome."

Swift blinked a couple of times. "I'm sorry to change the subject," he began, "but you're taking this whole me being an alien thing pretty well."

Dr. Feather shrugged. "I took an oath when I started this job. I promised I'd do my best to help any creature that came to my office, and I'm not gonna make an exception just because you're from somewhere I didn't know about. Plus, based on your actions during the crisis, I think we can agree you're not a spy or something. Heck, thanks to Princess Twilight and her friends, Equestria's been so much more welcoming to other creatures. May I continue with what I was saying before?"

Swift nodded.

"Thank you. Now Cutie Mark Imposter syndrome is pretty common among ponies in your situation. By that, I mean ponies who got their marks later in life than average. My personal theory is that ponies who get their marks later are the ones with the most uncertainty about what they want, so when they're provided with the thing they sought, they're not sure how to accept it."

"I guess that also makes some sense," Swift said with a shrug. "I've read a lot about Cutie Marks since I got to Equestria, and some researchers think they're an expression of part of a pony's soul or something along those lines. That's why most ponies find satisfaction with their marks even if it takes a while. I think my biggest problem is not knowing what to do now that I've got this mark." He looked down as his flank. "I like the job I have now, I don't want to have to give it up just because I have this now."

"That's nothing to be ashamed of," insisted Dr. Feather. "Lots of ponies all over Equestria do jobs that have nothing to do with their Cutie Mark. Heck, look at the princesses. Sure, Celestia and Luna raise the sun and moon, but they also function as Equestria's head of state, at least for a little while longer."

"Good point," admitted Swift. "Honestly, my biggest, or rather my most logical fear, is that with this mark, they'll expect me to take on more leadership or something like that. I never wanted to become some giant deal. When I came to Equestria, I didn't think I'd become part of Princess Twilight's adventures, but that happened. All I really wanted was a quiet life here."

"There's nothing stopping you from having that, Swift. Besides, you'll be glad to know nopony can force you to do anything because of your Cutie Mark. That's enormously illegal. See, the thing about getting a Cutie Mark is that most ponies don't know exactly what they're going to do with it once they get it. It's something that takes time to figure out."

Swift pondered that, recalling the episode (he couldn't remember the name) where the Cutie Mark Crusaders helped out Trouble Shoes. His problem was that he'd been misinterpreting his Cutie Mark's meaning. Part of Swift wondered if making a quick trip down to Ponyville to meet the Crusaders himself was a good idea.

"I think, right now, you should focus on trying to figure out what you want to do with your Cutie Mark, seeing what options are available to you. If you want to keep your job, that's fine. If you find something else that you like better, that's fine, too. The most important thing is that you live the life you want to live."

"Thanks for that," said Swift. "I guess I do need to do some more research. After Princess Twilight's coronation is over, of course. I don't want to miss out on that."

Dr. Feather blinked. "You actually got invited to that? That's kind of impressive on your part."

"Yeah. I've been trying not to advertise it. I don't want to brag or anything, like 'Ooh, look at me, Princess Twilight is my acquaintance.'"

"Good thing you haven't let it go to your head," replied Dr. Feather. "I hope you enjoy the coronation."

This time, fortunately, there was no big disaster to force everypony to put off Twilight's coronation yet again. Swift took the day off work, though he didn't tell anyone why, and made his way down to Canterlot for the celebration. As he set himself down into his seat, he took a look at the crowd, discovering that pretty much every creature who was anybody was in attendance.

Twilight's parents were there, of course (Swift wished they'd been given a bit more exposure in the show), along with Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart, who thankfully didn't look like she'd get up and fly around. Tempest Shadow sat at the table next to him, and she seemed to have gained more control over her broken horn, as it didn't randomly spark anymore. Directly across from Swift sat Discord, who conjured up a sweaty collar to tug at. No doubt he was still feeling guilty over the whole Grogar thing.

Pretty much every major leader of the tribes attended, including Queen Novo, Dragon Lord Ember, King Thorax, and Prince Rutherford. The Student Six were split across two tables, along with the Pillars (though Swift didn't see Stygian. Perhaps he'd decided this wasn't his scene.) Even Autumn Blaze was there, and once again, Swift forced himself not to squee at the sight of her.

It was nearly sundown before the ceremony itself finally began, with Celestia giving a short speech about how Equestria would be left in capable hooves and all that stuff. Swift had a bit of a sad smile on his face at the thought that he probably wouldn't be seeing the two sisters again in his lifetime. Still, it was their choice. After everything they'd been through, they probably deserved a break.

As Celestia finished, Twilight stepped out, wearing a gown no doubt created by Rarity. Then she tripped and somersaulted, and Swift almost had to stuff a hoof into his mouth to keep from laughing. He knew it was kind of rude, but he couldn't help himself.

Then, Celestia and Luna removed their crowns, fusing them into a brand new golden one. Fluttershy's trained geese flew down to lower it onto her head, though they looked rather annoyed for some reason.

That was when things started to go wrong.

The Wonderbolts flew in for the traditional flyover, only to be caught up in the fireworks that someone had prematurely set off. Fluttershy's hummingbirds and butterflies were freaking out because of something Swift couldn't see on Twilight's back. The geese dropped the crown, and Twilight lunged forward, managing to barely catch the crown with her horn, though it fell onto her head upside down. Then she plummeted off the balcony, to the shock of every creature present, though her wings managed to save her.

Applejack attempted to save the moment by prompting a toast, but nobody's glass had been filled yet. Once the waiters came around, they began filling the glasses with applesauce. The farm pony shot an annoyed glare at Big Mac, who covered up his head. Twilight herself looked absolutely mortified. Swift looked around at the chaos unfolding, before shrugging and starting to drink his applesauce.

"To Princess Twilight Sparkle," he said, though he didn't think anyone heard him.

The party died down quickly, and soon enough, Swift was preparing to leave with the rest of the guests. The coronation had been a disaster, but it was over, and there wasn't any reason left for him to stay. But just as he prepared to fly back to Cloudsdale, he was approached by a royal guard.

"Swift Wing," she said, "Princess Sparkle has requested your presence."

Swift raised his eyebrows, but said nothing. Instead, he simply followed the guard back to the tables, discovering that Twilight was enclosed in a group hug with Celestia, Luna, Spike, Starlight, and the rest of the Mane Six. He made another sad smile at the sight, which felt like the end of an era. Once they parted, he cleared his throat to get their attention.

"You wanted to see me, Your Majesty?" he asked, giving a small bow.

Twilight used her magic to push him back up. "Swift, there's no need to bow in this setting. Besides, you shouldn't have to bow to friends."

Swift gave a nod, but internally, felt very awkward. Sure, he liked Twilight and the others, but he still wasn't sure if he was comfortable enough to consider them friends. He chalked that up to his still unresolved mental issues.

"Anyway," Twilight continued, "I just wanted to thank you for coming. I know our friendship hasn't been the best, but I appreciate it. You're a good pony, and I'm happy to count you among my friends."

Ah, Swift thought to himself. She was trying to make him feel like he belonged in Equestria. To make up for the whole debacle in Ponyville. He was grateful for it, even if it sounded...he didn't know what word he would use. Condescending was too harsh, considering what Twilight was doing.

"You're welcome," he replied simply, holding up one hoof. Twilight pressed her own against it. "I'm guessing this is the last time we'll see each other for a while, huh?"

"Most likely, yes," replied Twilight. "Being the ruler of Equestria won't allow me to get out whenever I'd like." She noticed his visible Cutie Mark for the first time. "I see you're not wearing your pants."

"I didn't see the need today," said Swift. "I don't know how much I'll keep them on from now on. I told my counselor everything about what I really am." He chuckled at Twilight's shocked face. "Yeah. I was terrified to go through with it, but ever since then, it's like some of the weight's been lifted off my shoulders."

"That's great! I'm glad you're feeling a little better." Twilight stepped forward and hugged Swift with one leg. Swift stiffened, surprised at her sudden affection, but he eventually managed to return the gesture.

"Thanks." He looked around at the rest of the Mane Six. "So are you girls gonna be okay? I know you've lived in the same town for so long, so this has gotta be a tough adjustment."

"It's alright, dear," said Rarity. "Besides, Twilight decreed that we, as the Council of Friendship, will meet every moon, so we'll still see each other."

"That's good. I'm glad you're staying friends." Swift turned to face Celestia and Luna, who'd been quiet for the whole conversation. "What are you two going to do? I imagine you'll have a lot more free time now that you're not running the country."

"We're moving off to Silver Shoals," replied Luna. "For now, I'll continue my dream patrol, though efforts to find a replacement are in the works."

"We'd like to extend our offer to Twilight to you as well, Swift," said Celestia. "If you need our help, we want you to feel free to seek us out."

"Thanks, but I probably won't," replied the red pegasus. "I'm just looking for a quiet life in Cloudsdale from now on. Hopefully, I won't get dragged into any more adventures."

Everyone shared a small laugh at that, before Swift spread his wings. "I'd better get back. I only took one day off. Thanks for inviting me, though."

With that, he launched himself off the ground, before making a u-turn and flying back towards Cloudsdale. While it may have been the end for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Swift knew his own story wasn't even close to being finished.