• Published 31st Dec 2020
  • 1,794 Views, 68 Comments

Episode 222 (S9 E26): A Difficult Decision - StormLuna

After the defeat of The Legion of Doom, the Royal Pony Sisters have decided Twilight's time to rule alone has come. Twilight however, is having second thoughts about it for multiple reasons.

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Twilight's Decision

As Twilight departed her parents' house and headed towards the palace, she was still nervous. She wasn't as nervous as she was before talking to her parents but she still had her concerns over how Celestia and Luna would react to her not wanting to become the sole ruler of Equestria. She knew that she couldn't let it get to her though, she knew it was either tell them how she feels or wind up being thrust into a role she didn't want.

When she arrived at the palace, she was allowed entry by the guards with no question. When she arrived in the throne room she was greeted warmly by Celestia, "Twilight, it is so good to see you!"

"It is good to see you too Princess but I was wondering if we could talk about something."

Celestia gave her a smile, "I take it is about your upcoming coronation and you taking over for my sister and I?"

Twilight didn't want to just come out and say it. While that is what she would normally do, she wanted to bring some things up first so that maybe Celestia would understand where she is coming from and she had plenty to bring up.

"Well sort of but just let me talk." Celestia nodded and Twilight began, "Princess Celestia, I remember how I was before you sent me down to Ponyville. I wanted nothing to do with friendship. I thought that if I studied hard enough, that I could achieve what my real goal was. I thought that I could become as talented and as well learned as Starswirl. I will admit, I was not happy when you sent me to Ponyville."

Celestia had a curious look on her face, "Twilight, what are you trying to tell me?"

Twilight continued, "But then after my friends and I reunited you with our sister, we began to grow close and became friends, very good friends. We did so many things together including stopping Discord, Chrysalis, King Sombra and most importantly, we simply had fun and were there for each other. I will admit, I was concerned that things would change when I earned my wings."

Celestia nodded as Twilight continued, "And as we found our keys, went on to defeat Tirek and I got my castle, I truly believed that only death would ever keep us away from one another. I always believed that we'd always have time in our schedules for one another, I always believed we could just meet up any time, well maybe except during zapapple season, and have fun."

Celestia asked, "Twilight, are you saying...."

Twilight interrupted, "And when I opened my school, I remember what a wonderful moment that was. I remember how wonderful it was for my friends and I to be able to run a school devoted to teaching friendship. That was like a dream come true to me, being able to teach creatures about friendship." Twilight's voice began to break as she continued, "but, but...."

Celestia began to realize what it was that Twilight was telling her, "Twilight, are you saying...."

"But now I feel like everything is being taken away from me! Everything! My friends, my school, my castle, the life I love! I feel like everything is being taken away from me." Her cry turned into an ear splitting screech, "I don't want to take over for you! I don't want to leave my friends! I don't want to leave my school and I don't want to put up with everything you do!"

After hearing everything Twilight had said, Celestia was in a state of shock. She had been grooming Twilight to take over for her ever since before she ascended her. She also couldn't help but wonder why Twilight would wait until now to bring this up instead of telling her that being the sole ruler wasn't something she wanted back when she and Luna first announced they were retiring.

"Twilight," Celestia asked "why didn't you bring this up when my sister and I first announced we were retiring? Luna and I have been looking forward to retirement for quite some time and with this coming up, we will have to at least delay it."

Twilight became a bit nervous when Celestia brought up that they had been looking forward to retirement. Unlike it would have been in the past when she feared disappointing Celestia in the slightest, Twilight wasn't about to simply cave in, "I'm sorry Princess Celestia but I don't want to give up everything I love, I don't want to have to rule over the whole country."

Celestia was in a state of shock that Twilight would just flat out say it the way she did. One part of her wondered if this wasn't a matter of Twilight simply not feeling ready or if it truly was a no go on her end. "Twilight, is this a matter of you not thinking your ready, not wanting this role yet or not wanting it at all?"

Twilight replied, "Princess Celestia, I'm honored that you think I'm ready to be the ruler of Equestria but to be honest, it isn't something I really want. To be honest, I'm happy living the life I am right now and as far as ruling all of Equestria, I don't think that will ever really appeal to me."

Celestia let out a sigh of frustration, "Twilight, I groomed you for this position. I knew early on that this would be perfect for you but you really don't want to rule Equestria?"

Twilight let out her own frustrated sigh, "Like I said, I love the life I have right now. I love everything I do with my friends, I love running my friendship school and I love it down in Ponyville. I just don't want to be parted from my friends or my school."

Celestia could tell by the look in Twilight's eyes that she wasn't joking, none of this was an act nor was she simply being overly dramatic. She could tell that Twilight really didn't want to take over. Celestia was admittedly disappointed and a bit irked over this but she could tell that Twilight would not be happy being Equestria's sole ruler. At that moment she made a decision,

"Twilight, while I know you're ready to take over for me if you need to, I'm not going to force this on you. If you truly do wish, you can return to Ponyville and keep doing what you're doing."

Twilight asked, "Really? So you're not going to retire after all?"

Celestia replied, "No, I am not. Equestria has done well the way it is and besides, I have a feeling I'd go stir crazy if I went into retirement."

Twilight embraced Celestia and exclaimed, "Oh thank you Princess, I was so worried you'd be mad at me and still force me to take over."

Celestia replied, "Twilight, the most I am is a bit disappointed but I'm happy to see that you're happy."

Twilight broke the embrace and said, "I can't wait to tell my friends! I know they'll be so happy we won't be parted!"

Celestia replied, "Alright, you go tell your friends. I'm sure they'll be thrilled."

Twilight thanked her again before leaving the palace and flying back towards Ponyville. What had been stressing her out so much was no more. Deep down she knew that some of her friends would be a bit disappointed but given who had the most to lose by her not taking sole power was the one who encouraged her to tell Celestia about her feelings, she knew that Starlight would definitely be happy for her.