• Published 1st Jan 2021
  • 10,600 Views, 48 Comments

Hugs and Ear Scratches In Pony Prison - Eighth

[WARNING: Contains ear scratching, hugs, and blushing cheeks] Anonymous is sent to jail for his most heinous crimes of first degree meanness, there he finds doing a few favours for those around him will allow him to live a comfortable

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The First and Last Sequel

The large overbearing steel bars are shut behind the prison guard as she leaves your cell, she turns to look back at you and winks. Then she begins to walk away holding herself as upright as possible but if you were to look closely you could notice a slight wobble in her legs. You take a seat back down on your bed that creaks heavily as it clearly wasn't made for you. A relieved sigh escapes your lips as you look out the barred windows to the stars beyond before laying down and going to sleep for the night.

"Rise and shine," shouted one of the guards, "I hope you all had a lovely night. Breakfast will be in an hour."

You shuffle out of bed then stretch before beginning your morning routine. As your back curves mid stretch there is a "pop-pop-crack" all the way down your back as you work out the stiffness you suffered on a long night in a bed that might as well be brick. Your empty stomach churns as you think of the grool you'll be fed. It's perfectly normal for ponies and they even have stuff for the minotaur and griffins that are imprisoned here. Only they still haven't got around to serving anything that's appetising for you, you are but one human after all.

"Are we still on for this morning, Anonymous?" Calls a voice from the open doorway.

You turn and see one of the guards, the one that was visiting you last night to be exact, a particularly clingy one. A cream coat with a green mane, dressed up in a blue prison guard uniform. Mint Splash is her name. You can see her tongue poking out in the corner of her mouth as she attempts to bite down on it, preventing yourself from licking her lips. You nod to her. Then without another word, she leaves.

Just as you're about to get back to shaving, someone else enters the doorway.

"Who was that?" Asks Cookies n' Cream.

She's got a light creamy brown coat, a brown mane with a white streak tied into a ponytail, and wearing the famed blue shirt and hat uniform. On top of that she is also one of the guards you know best here.Recalling that does make your body shiver a little.

"Mint Splash," you reply promptly "just checking up on me."

Cookies n' Cream wanders into your cell, in a poor attempt of trying to look nonchalant. Once she steps behind you there is a sudden sharp inhale.

"Did you just smell me?"

The blush radiating off Cookies n' Cream's face and ears is enough to change the temperature in the room by a degree.

"My nose is blocked. I have a cold. That's all."


There is a long drawn out pause between the two of you, that gets more awkward with every heartbeat. The whole time you continue your morning routine while Cookies n' Cream just stares at you. Your eyes lock with her's in the mirror's reflection. She then pulls her gaze away then begins to step away.

"Um," Cookies n' Cream mumbles before staring back only to then leave without saying anything further.

You shake your head then continue about your morning.

While standing in the line cafeteria, between two mean looking Griffins that you know are only in here for shoving, your mind runs on autopilot. You shuffle to your right in time as soon as the line moves, your plastic tray sliding across with you on the rails. Ladles and scoops of slop are slapped onto your tray as you move along. None of it sounds appealing and looks even worse.

"Psst, Anonymous."

You look around before your eyes fall onto one of the cafeteria mares hiding around the corner. You walk over to her and throw your tray into the bin along the way.

"Here look I got that stuff you asked for," she says eagerly while proffering out a few packets of various snacks.

You reach out to grab one but she snatches them back, clutching them firmly to the chest.

"Hey, we had a deal!"

"You're right, you're right. Here."

You reach out with your hand cupping the side of her face gently. You begin to stroke it, running your fingers through a soft fur. The cafeteria mare's eyes flutter closed and a very pleased noise escapes those soft lips. Then your fingers drift upwards behind her ear to begin to scratch in gentle circles at first then you run a rhythm, each finger scratching in turn like a wave, while your thumb rubs the cartilage of her ear.

One of her hind legs begins to shake. That is until you begin to pick up the pressure when it begins to kick, showing that you found the right spot. You can hear a low soft moan rumbling in the bottom of the throat, is it deep and bass-y, but then it is killed off the moment you stop.

"W-Why did... You stop," she pants in between heavy breaths, "We were just getting to the good part."

"We can't stay too long otherwise we might get caught. But as an apology, won't you keep some of those and I'll give you more for the rest another time?"

The mare collects itself then shoves all the packets into your arms.

"I don't want you to think me ungrateful," she replies before hastily returning to her post.

You're a little surprised at first but I'm about to turn her down. You rise to your feet, open a packet of sweet bread, and then find a seat where you can chow down.

A few of the other inmates curiously gaze at you though you pay them no mind knowing you’re fully safe and aware that none of them will say anything to you. You're here on a sentence of one year after getting into a fight, one of the harshest crimes in Equestria, so it gives you an air of danger. There isn't another single inmate with a sentence time more than half of yours. It acts as a sort of reputation of big man on campus. They're afraid of you. While it's lonely at times and definitely not what you expected, you find other ways to keep yourself busy. And you've even found a way to trade a few "favours" for favours around here. So you're actually able to live a pretty cushiony life despite the, you know, incarceration.

Looking around the room you can see many of your fellow inmates whispering about you to one another. But every time you look one group's way all their eyes are immediately averted. You take another bite of your snack and nod head to yourself.

"There's no way you can eat all these," says what sounds like Cookies n' Cream.

All you notice is a creamy brown-coloured hoof whiz pass and grab a packet, and by the time you've turned around they're already passing the corner. But you're almost certain that was her. You can't give anybody else in this entire compound so brazen.

"Hey, it's just that I'm not... Sure about doing this, you know?"

The uneasy mare shuffles awkwardly on the spot before you. She has a dark purple coat and a dark blue mane with clips to keep the bangs out of her eyes. You're not aware of her name properly. This is the first time you've met her and there's something about another person knowing who you are without you knowing them that makes you really uncomfortable.

"I don't want you to feel pressured," you reply soothingly as possible, "You don't have to if you don't want to."

But then again you're a unique species, in a relatively small community, and you've got the biggest sentence of anyone here. In a strange way you kind of a celebrity, everyone knows you.

"Oh, n-no, it's not that I don't want to."

Your reputation gets ahead of you, it seems like everyone you talk to knows what you're about and what you do. You've been in small towns before where gossip travels fast so it's not as if this was a surprise.

"Then is there anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable?"

And it serves its purpose in a way. But there are definitely negatives that come with such forward reaching notoriety.

"Well, it's a little embarrassing to... Even ask." The mare smiles and shyly looks away as a blush begins to develop on her cheeks.

After a bit more pondering you let this train of thought fade away, it serves barely any purpose at all other than making you feel a little glum.

"As long as you're okay with the idea of me potentially saying no, you're more than welcome to ask."

Your warm glow of a smile radiates soothing. Or, at least, you hope it does. It's probably possible you could stand one more night on the concrete slab they call a mattress however any more than that, in your back may not make it.

"Okay well... If you're okay with it that is," murmurs the mare continues to shuffle which seems almost trademark at this point. Then she takes a breath and opens her mouth to speak only to fall silent, she inhales once more and asks, "could you say my name, during. It's, um, Tote Bag."

A huff of air comes out your nose as an unused remark. "So she knows," is a thought that bubbles to the surface. You nod and she smiles, quite happily. So much so that you can't help a smile in return.

"Okay Tote Bag," you answer with arms outstretched.

At first she is hesitant. She gingerly steps toward you but once you can feel her warmth pressing against you, she falls deeper into you. A soft coat tickles your skin and you can feel her tense body slowly unstiffen as she accepts your embrace more and more with each passing second. It was like some gravity-like force was pushing her as she fell, as her acceptance turned to want and then in turn to need faster and faster.

You hear a soft whisper in your ear, "please!"

Not wanting to pressure her into pleading any further you tighten your grip around her, pulling her closer to your body, and she gives a little squeak.

"Tote Bag."

Muffled noises of pleasure can be heard in the crook between your shoulder and chest where Tote Bag has her face buried. Then with your nails you run them up her back, the fur on her coat parting as you leave light scratches on the skin underneath. She shudders against your body before biting down on your shirt to muffle any more noise.

"Tote Bag," you whisper once more as you then wrap her around with one arm and then with the other run it through the back of her mane, your fingers rhythmically scratching.

There is now a distinct wet patch on your shirt thanks to Tote Bag that you don't mind, too much. It is a little cold. You continue the current embrace for a few minutes more before letting her go letting her claps into the puddle on the floor that she is. On her face is one of the broadest and most satisfied smiles you have seen in awhile. It's kind of nice to say.

"So you'll sort out my mattress?"

A hummed, "MMMmm," is the only response you receive. It might've been agreement, just acknowledgement, or pleasurable noises as the afterglow takes her away from reality. Either way you let it go and head back to your cell.

You twist and adjust for a more comfortable position to no avail. Instead you lie there looking up at the ceiling and ponder about... Nothing really. Thoughts about your life, where you are and where you were, drift about with no real rhyme or reason to any of them. There's not much to be gained thinking about that sort of stuff right now but you have little else to do. You want if there someone you could convince to bring you some books or maybe go so far as to do another favour.



You promptly cut yourself off as you sit up when you lock eyes with Cookies n' Cream, who is standing there on the other side of your cell door.

"Hey," you call out.



Then Cookies n' Cream rifles through her pocket for the key. Once she has it she gingerly places it into the lock and slowly turns it. There is an audible click once it's unlocked but not loud enough for others to hear.

"So, what brings you here?"

"I need to ask you something."

It's gotten quite dark but even with the moon and stars you can see enough of her face to see that it is contorted into a stressed expression. You straighten up and try to back away on your bed. Which only really has you press your back firmly against the wall.

"Ask away," you say tentatively.

Cookies n' Cream begins to pace up and down your cell, the gaze looking towards the floor with furrowed brow. She does this for a few seconds then stops, turns towards you, and takes an authoritative step.

"I've been speaking to the other girls."


"And they tell me that you... Have been... I don't even know how to describe it. But you know what I'm talking about, right?"

You nod and give a half-hearted little shrug.

"It's just a favour for a favour."

Cookies n' Cream looks you up and down carefully and then she lets out a sigh, a quick but exasperated one.

"You shouldn't cheapen yourself like that," states Cookies n' Cream.

There's something in her voice however. And as you can't place what it is, you're not totally sure if you should be uncomfortable about it or not. Thinking about what she said now, you do feel like the strangest prostitute of all time. Though also weirdly enough, you feel okay with that.

"These hands, Anonymous, there is nothing cheap," her voice lowers into something more smooth and breathy, "about what they can do."

She takes a finger into her mouth, deep. Then she pulls back her head, she opens her mouth while running her tongue along it. Strings of saliva keep your finger and her mouth connected even after she pulls away. Then Cookies n' Cream presses her head into your arms, grabs your shirt with her teeth and guides you into laying back down on your bed.

"I'm not sure which I need first," you hear from down low as she expertly undoes the lowest button on your shirt with her teeth and lips.

"Your hands around my face," as one more button is undone.

"How about my back and hips," you feel her hot breath running up your stomach before another is gone.

"Or maybe," then her tongue runs along the skin to the next button, "my belly."

She picks the next button up with her tongue and with barely any effort undoes it and moves onto the next, final button. Her breathing is very heavy and you find even yours is too. You still keep your hands at your side so you don't touch her and somehow interrupt what she's doing.

"I. Need. Your," and with that the final button is undone.

Her mouth is now right beside your neck. The air is hot, your hands twitch with eagerness to touch, and you feel sweat pooling at your brow.

"Body," she utters singularly. You can hear desire as if it came from deep below, the sound of it almost dripping with want.

You are in for a long night.


Comments ( 48 )

Not a sequel I expected, but one that I welcome all the same.

Is the pony in the picture meant to look like Littlepip?

As far as I'm aware no, she was designed by the Anons in the Pony Prison threads on /mlp/


Awesome! I'd hoped to read more of these two!

Anon is such a cuddle slut and all the mares love it.

first degree meanness

First degree implies that the act of "meanness" was planned and premeditated.
I can almost imagine Anon sitting in a dank apartment drafting out plans to be a dick to some random pony cashier who didn't give him the right change or something.

At the rate he goes, if all the guards are looking for favors, and all the other guards know the others are doing it, most likely it would make its way up to the warden, and then they'd probably want some, too, mare or not. At that point, he probably should just be a paid, live-in stress-relief counselor for the staff.

Personally, you might want to mark this as T considering the sensuality of it... :rainbowlaugh:

A good way to start off 2021 man

Pluie #9 · Jan 1st, 2021 · · ·

Nice, never thought there'd be a sequel. Always great to have more pone prison.

She takes a finger into your mouth, deep.

into her mouth?

This was adorable all the way.

By the power of Hands, he has the cuddles!!! :pinkiecrazy:

gruel not grool, unless it's supposed to be a brand name like 'Krusty Brand Imitation Gruel' (9 out of 10 orphans can't taste the difference).

I really, Really want to see where this goes... Now I just wanna know more

If belly rubs and whatnot are this lewd in this universe, then I can't really comprehend how these ponies would breed :) saying the word "sex" might make everyone faint.

Or, plot twist: sex is a completely casual and normal thing to discuss. It's just the ear scratches that make everyone stammer and blush.

Good, very good.

Anon might be the strangest prison man whore I've ever read about but I cannot argue with the results. Man could own the world by opening up a massage parlor or something similar. Cheap rates because they'll always have the craving.

He claims mare's souls and makes them his slaves.


Shoot, at this rate, before the sentence is up, Anon will get transferred to the Canterlot Castle Prison so both Princesses can keep a very personal eye on him. With the daily visits and more "favors for favors" in his fully furnished cell. It's heartwarming how attentive they can be... although why they walk funny after being with Anon for an hour is rather peculiar.

Anon, prison slut.

Stocks for head pats, belly rubs, and good-pony compliments has never been higher

Interesting, I liked it. Well done!

A year can't come fast enough!
Man is going to have a big cuddle harem when he gets out!

Sequel! Best things come in three!:moustache:

Now this is super adorable and surprisingly saucy as well! Gotta say, everything in this fic is simply super enjoyable and a marvelous experience to have! I hope ya didn't mind, but I just had to make a reading of this jailbreaking story! I also apologize for how late my comment and stuff was!

Audio Linky!: https://youtu.be/nngdxopd5nk

(I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment in any way!)

went from rated E to rated T so the next one better be rated M

Thanks for that, I look forward to the reading.

The only thing I don't like about the story is the chapter title "The First and Last Sequel" :rainbowwild: Seriously it needs a continuation, I love stories that originate in this kind of cartoon absurd and then grow on it.

So lewd! Almost as lewd as handholding. But not that lewd of course. It’s only rated T.

Comment posted by Crazy_Balloons deleted Jan 6th, 2021

I think at this point everything I do is based on a whim, after all the originals only chapter is called first and last too. Give me 4 or something years.

Anon, The Bringer of Happiness :-)

I'd say the end was suggestive, but we all know it's anything BUT sexual.

The end reminds me of a Chris Brown song but I can't remember which one

I... How did a story about affectionate petting make me uncomfortable?

Now this story in Russian: at Ficbook multifandom site and at Ponyfiction!

OH, COME ON!! .mp3

how is such a story possible? you turned an act of affection into adult content, incredible but I'm confused

... dafuq did I just read? :D

Well these were two cute little stories

You ruined this story by making it sexual

And then.... They cuddled!

What is a Pony? (throws his prison pillow to the floor) A miserable little pile of cuddles. But enough talk... Hugs at you!

If there is a story like that it would be more of a comedy since so much chaos can be done by just walking down the street saying the word to make ponies faint :rainbowlaugh:

Needs some help from an editor, otherwise the story is fine.

Let's be real here, the story was already sexual. Still, a pretty unique premise

This story needs a sequel where it gets close for Anon to get out of prison. Will Cookies 'n Cream let him finish out his sentence and get out of prison, or will she try to screw him over and get his sentence extended?

That was a good story.

Very comfy, though I worry that a hospitalization is due for the excessive cuddling of one pony guard.

Likely resulting in more prison time for our ten fingered felon.

I like thing.

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