• Published 4th Jan 2021
  • 1,213 Views, 10 Comments

Friendship Beyond - TheClownPrinceofCrime

The Storm King seeks to take over Gotham City. It is up to Terry/Batman to stop the villain before it’s too late.

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The Storm King’s Arrival


A group of teenage clowns ran together on a sidewalk while it was late at night. They fearfully panted before they made a swift turn through an alleyway. “Hopefully, that bat freak will never find us here!”

“Yeah! Then we can finally enjoy these cash cards here!” one of the Jokerz grinned, holding a bag of them.

“Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure if I were you,” said a dark new figure. The Jokerz looked up and saw a masked being with red bat wings with a red bat insignia on his chest and white eyes glaring at them. The former cowered before his presence.

“IT’S THE BATMAN!!” they cried.

Then Batman descended on them and drop kicked two of them with his raised feet. One of the Jokerz brandished his bat and swung it at him, but the hero grabbed hold of the weapon, ribbed it from his grasp, and punched him in the face. He flipped over two more of them and knocked both of their heads together. They fell down unconscious.

He grabbed the bag of cash cards back while some of the thugs groaned in pain. However, one remaining thug held a crowbar in his hand, prepared to knock out their opponent. Still, Batman punched him without looking.

Soon, a squad of police officers arrived at the scene and arrested the group of Jokerz. “Looks like these punks will be spending the night at prison. They just don’t know when to give up, do they?” the commissioner said.

“Apparently not,” replied Batman. “Ever since The Joker’s final defeat, they still won’t even bother quitting their life-draining hobby.”

“Well, they’re very persistent and resilient, so I’ll give them that. I just hope they will all soon cease their destructive behavior,” said Barbara.

“One can only hope, Commissioner,” said Batman. Then he took off to the sky and flew off to his own destination.


Batman arrived at the bat cave and took off his mask. As he wiped off the sweat from his forehead, he noticed a particular elderly man sitting on his chair before a large monitor with his pet dog next to him. “I trust that your night went well?” he asked.

“Ehh, nothing new... except for the usual,” replied Terry. “Those Jokerz are really desperate at this point.”

“I can tell. Joker’s defeat managed to put them at unease; ever since then, they tried every possible way to gain back their feared reputation,” Bruce said.

“Obviously, their wacky methods aren’t working. Sooner or later, they’ll have to surrender,” Terry smirked.

“I doubt it. Considering how long they’ve been spreading chaos across Gotham, it will take many more years until the city finally experiences peace and serenity for the first time in ages.” Bruce grimly countered.

“Not unless something drastic happens to them,” Terry said.

“Such as?” Bruce asked, arching an eyebrow.

“You know... a mandate to ban all clowns, perhaps even an electric chair as capital punishment?” Terry suggested.

Bruce then silently glared at him.

“Okay, that might be too harsh, but you know what I’m getting at,” Terry rectified.

“Get some sleep, Terry. You need it,” Bruce ordered, walking back to his chair.

“Fine. See you tomorrow,” Terry nodded. He took off his suit and packed it in his book bag. Then he walked upstairs and left the manor.

Bruce sat back in his chair; as soon as he resumed his work on the bat computer, it started to flicker on and off. The lights upstairs likewise flickered on and off, putting him and Ace on alert. After a few seconds, the electricity resumed back to normal operation.

“That was strange. I’ll have to investigate this later,” said Bruce.

Outside the city, a blue portal was shining brightly in the night sky. Then it slowly became much wider and bigger as a large warship flew out thereof. Once it exited the portal, the latter fully closed. The ship remained hovering in the air while they kept their sights on the city of Gotham.

“The city is within sight, my lord. Shall we take them on while they are vulnerable?” Tempest asked.

“No... we shall wait until dawn to lay siege on the city. Besides, broad daylight is more preferable for me since people will be awake and running about. I want them to see my glory... my power... BEFORE THEY SCREAM LIKE LITTLE GIRLS!!” The Storm King shouted, hysterically laughing.

“I see...” Tempest replied, annoyed.

“Anyway, this world looks so dashing! Man, I am dying to see their precious treasure they hide! I can already feel it!” Storm King evilly grinned.

Then he faced his army behind him. “Rest up, all of you. In the morning, we shall get this party started... of course, before we get the storm started. Ya know what I mean?”

His beastly minions grunted and muttered unintelligible words in response. “Good. Anyway, night night! Don’t let the bed bugs bite!” he happily grinned before he glared fiercely at them. “But most importantly... don’t ever let me bite you...”

Terrified of his threat, they all rushed out of his presence. Seeing their immediate and fearful obedience, he smirked. “That’s the spirit.”

Tempest then stared at the whole landmass and saw the moon shining brightly above the city despite the dark clouds surrounding it. “All of this... will be ours for the taking,” she menacingly muttered.

But just when the Storm King was getting ready to settle down, he stopped himself for a moment. “Wait a minute... something isn’t right. If it’s nightfall in this universe... then I can make it DAY! (Chuckles) Silly me! Why didn’t I think about that earlier?! I have to cut to the chase, eh?” He pointed his staff at the moon and held it through telekinesis. He instantly raised the sun after that, expelling the darkness.

“Ha! Boom, baby!” he triumphed.

As Terry was walking home, he saw the moon speedily move down and the sun instantly rise up. “Huh? Wh-what just happened? How did that happen?”

Several drivers on the road saw the unnatural incident happen before they accidentally crash against each other. Multiple other people at home were likewise caught off guard at the sight and ran outside to take a look. “What gives?! How can it be day time already?!”

“It’s not even 6:00am yet! What’s going on with the moon?!” a man yelled.

“Come on, man, I’ve only gotten three hours of sleep so far! I’m too tired to go to work now!” another guy complained.

Suddenly, the ship hovered above the city and generated black smoke alongside it. A long streak of blue lightning struck the streets, creating massive cracks on the concrete. The people panicked at the sight and ran for their lives. The Storm King also blasted a couple of buildings, igniting them on fire.

Terry gasped in shock at what he witnessed. He brought his phone out and dialed a number. “Bruce, something’s happening to the city!”

“It’s a giant ship, isn’t it?”

“How do you know?”

“I’m seeing it myself, Terry. Suit up and investigate. I’ll keep in touch,” instructed Bruce, staring at the warship outside. Ace hid behind Bruce’s legs while growling at the sight.

“Don’t worry, boy... we’ll figure out what that thing is,” he confidently said.