• Published 31st Jan 2021
  • 484 Views, 0 Comments

Different Facets Of A Gem - TheSuperTransformerFan

The rangers and ponies are skeptical when Steel says he’s found clues that proves that an old enemy may have returned.

  • ...

Part 4: Generosity

Steel...the silver Power Ranger, and Rarity...the Element of Generosity both arrived in time to save their friends from Drilltron 2.0's clutches, and they apologized for not believing them sooner about the Storm King's return. However, a Drilldrone 2.0 had arrived and was already out to steal the Morph-X underground, and they still had the Robotron to face.

Luckily, Steel, Zoey, Starlight, and Rarity would face Drilltron 2.0 on foot, while Devon, Ravi, Nate and Spike would get the zords and take on Drilldrone 2.0. So far, the heroines and bot had started their part. Now, the boys and dragon had to do theirs.

"I think I have an idea." Devon said. "Nate, is it possible for the wrecker zord's crane to lower my zord into the hole?"

"Yes...theoretically," Nate answered. He got out his morpher, and contacted the commander. "Commander, we got a crazy plan!"

Meanwhile, the girls and one Silver Ranger were taking on Drilltron with Steel and Zoey kicking the robot in the gut, which made him stagger back a little bit.

"Take that!" Starlight shouted as she and Rarity fired zome magic beams to him, and Steel and Zoey both grabbed him by the arms and flung him to the ground.

The Wrecker Zord, Wheeler Zord, and Racer Zord had already arrived at the hole where the gigadrone landed. The time to execute the plan was now. "Okay, Ravi! You stand guard while I do this!" Devon told him.

"Roger that!" Ravi said.

"Here we go!" Nate said, as he and Spike got the Zord ready. "Extending Wrecker crane arm!"

"Ready to do this, Cruise?" Devon asked his beast bot.

"Sure am!" Cruise complied, as the Racer zord grabbed the Wrecker zord's hook.

"Activating Winch!" Spike said, as he activated the winch, which lowered the Racer zord down into the hole.

The racer zord was going down underground with Nate and Spike's help. So far, so good. "All systems are still functional." Devon said.

"Any sign of the gigadrone, Devon?" Spike asked.

"Nothing yet." Devon replied. "Uh, but hang on!"

"Devon, I'm detecting two unidentified objects coming from below!" Cruise said urgently.

The two UFOs came right up and whizzed past the zord.

"WHOA!" He said in alert. "Something's heading for the surface! Heads up!" The UFOs hit the wrecker zord's crane, and transformed and landed on the ground, revealing to be...

"They're gigatronics!" Smash said in shock.

"We've got to stop them!" Ravi said. The gigatronics were already heading for the Wrecker zord.

"We can't defend ourselves!" Spike said in shock. "Not with Devon still on the zord's hook! Ravi?"

"Yep! We're on it!" Ravi answered as he got the wheeler zord to try to block the gigatronics. The Wheeler zord threw a punch at one, and held one tightly in its grasp. One gigatronic aimed its blaster at it. "Not on my watch!" The Wheeler zord fired beams from its wheel ears at the first one and gave the other an uppercut.

"Keep it up, Ravi!" Nate said. "Devon! What's your status?"

"We're nearing the bottom of this thing." Devon told him. "Ready for landing!" The Racer zord landed at the bottom of the cave and Devon could see the glowing green Morph-X inside. "Wow!" He said. "That's a lot of Morph-X."

"It's everywhere!" Crusie said. "We can't let the gigadrone get it!"

"But, where is he?" Devon wondered. He got his answer when the Drilldron drilled up from under the rock, and slammed into the zord. "I think we just found it!" He said as the gigadrone was giving it a few uppercuts, and made things even harder by summoning two more gigatronics!

"More gigatronics?!" Devon asked in shock.

"Devon, can we handle it right down here?" Crusie asked in worry.

"I don't know, buddy!" Devon told him. "But, we're about to find out!" And, they were!

Meanwhile, the girls and bot were giving Drilltron 2.0 a few slashes, blasts, and zaps. However, his drill hands were hard to crack. "BEAST SLASH!" Steel said, as he and Zoey slashed the robotron.

Rarity and Starlight blasted it with some magic blasts as well, hitting him hard like a gattling gun. However, he was a formidable opponent, but they wouldn't give up that easily!

"This Drilltron is tough!" Starlight said, panting.

"But, we're tougher, I think!" Rarity responded by kicking the Drilltron in the gut, knocking him down.

"I must say, we haven't fought robotrons with you for some time. I may not be the ruler of Equestria, but it is nice to hear how I've inspired ponies with my meager talent for fashion." She told her ranger friends.

"Oh, come on, Rarity." Steel told her. "Of course you have a knack for design, but you're a lot more than that."

"I AM!" Rarity said as she gave her a combo between a blast and a kick at the same time, sending the robotron down to the ground.

He got up to retreat, but the heroes wouldn't let him. "We're not finished with you!" Starlight said as they went after him.

Meanwhile, the gigatronics were blasting the Wheeler zord, and one knocked said zord out of the way.

"I can't let them get to Nate and Spike!" he said as he pushed one out of the way. His zord made its way over to a gigatronic and started to lift it up, but the other one tried to knock it out of the way!

Ravi was losing grip on them. "I can hold them back!" He said, trying to hang on.

"Great!" Nate said. "Devon?"

Devon was struggling to take on Drilldrone AND the gigatronics at the same time, as the robots were bashing the zord from all sides. "Might be a while, guys!" He said.

Meanwhile, the ground team was still going at it with Drilltron. They tried to go for him, but he whapped them with his drill hands.

Steel was getting back up as he approached him. "Say Goodbye!" He said, ready to finish him off!

"No thanks!" Steel said as he evaded the robotron, who just slashed a tree! Zoey and Rarity jumped up to take him on, but they got whapped back to the ground.

"GUYS!" Steel said in shock, as he rushed over to them! He was ready for another go with Drilltron. "You've had it!" He said as he Starlight both charged at him again.

Meanwhile, the Racer Zord was still underground taking down the three robots, who were still giving the zord an extreme beating. Devon checked the power supply, which was getting low.

"Oh no! Our Morph-X levels are dropping!" Cruise said in alarm.

"Don't worry. I've got a plan!" Devon said bravely. "Nate, lower your hook again!"

Nate did so, while the Racer zord beat Drilldrone back, making the gigatronics go to him. The hook arrived, and the zord grabbed it! "Got it!" Devon said.

"What are we doing?!" Cruise wanted to know.

"You'll see!" The racer zord swung the Wrecker zord's hook around, whalloping the two gigatronics and hooked the gigadrone.

"You hooked him!" Cruise said excitedly.

"Nate, reel it up!" Devon said.

"Nice! Going up!" Nate revved up the hook, and the gigadrone was reeled out of the hole, leaving only its lackeys!

"And, then there were two!" Devon said, confidently.

"See you later, Drilldrone!" Crusie said as well.

Meanwhile, the ground team was struggling to finish off Drilltron 2.0 as he wallopped them down to the ground. They all got up and regrouped. "How are we supposed to defeat him?!" Steel asked in shock.

"I don't know." Starlight said. "He was tough last time too."

"Too bad!" Drilltron 2.0 said, as he marched up to them. "You're about to meet your end!" He readied his hands to finish them off.

"What am I thinking?! I got us all in this mess! I don't know HOW we can beat him!" Steel said worried.

Rarity gasped, and realized what was most important. "Don't say that, Steel!" Rarity told him. "We're gonna solve this together!"

"That's right." Starlight added. "You and Us!"

"I don't think we can do it!" He said nervously.

"Steel, listen to us Of course we can!" Rarity said to him. "You remember when you were first built? It all started when Nate was forced by Evox to create a robot body. But luckily he had a trick up his sleeve."

"Yes! Nate intervened and became a ranger in the process!" Starlight agreed. "But, he never expected the robot he created...which was you...to morph into a ranger as well!"

Zoey and Rarity both blasted the robotron back a few feet to buy some more time. "And, you and him became pretty much inseparable like brothers!" Starlight said to him, smiling. "Heck, Twilight's like a sister to me as well and even we're pretty much inseparable too!"

"That does make sense..." Steel said, starting to think about it. "But, how would that help us with this problem?"

"What I'm saying is, Steel is that you've been there for your friends countless times!" Starlight continued. "You even agreed to put your life on the line, by sacrificing yourself to save them so that Evox could use your body."

"And, Evox would've won...if it wasn't for the fact that you were powered with not only scarab beetle DNA, but also human DNA as well. That corrupted Evox's systems!"

"And, also you even helped Nate with solving big problems that he couldn't do alone!" Rarity said as she blasted the robotron even further back, and came back to him. "Remember when that Clonetron tried to impersonate you, and he damaged the zord system?"

Steel realized that his friends were onto something as he thought about it. "Oh yeah." He said slowly. "That's right."

"You two worked together and you fixed it!" Rarity continued to tell him. "Just like we're going to do now!"

"You're right!" Steel said in realization. "Of course! I can do anything!" He got back in the game and readied his morpher. "STRIKER BEAST BLAST!" He shouted as he blasted the robotron repeatedly, with Zoey, Rarity and Starlight helping him as well.

"And remember when you and Nate were fighting off Sombra and saved me and Spike?" Starlight asked him.

"Of course!" Steel said, as he slashed the robotron with his Striker Saber. "That was when we first met and I still haven't forgotten how it happened!"

Steel rushed over to Nate, but the brainwashed Starlight and Spike were coming right at him as well! "Do you have any ideas?" Nate asked.

Steel took a look at the eyes and thought of a way to neutralize the effect. It had to work! "These eyes must be it!" Steel aimed at Starlight's eyes and blasted them! His aim was spot-on, making the pink unicorn groan in pain.

"STEEL!" Nate yelled. "You could've killed her!" He was horrified.

"But the thing in her eyes..." He tried to tell Nate. "I'm sure it faded." Just then Starlight Glimmer was coming to, and when she finally recovered, she saw the gold and silver rangers right toward her. She was scared.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed "MONSTER!" and tried to back away.

"No!" Steel warned her. "STOP!"

"We're here to help!" Nate advised her. "Those other ponies are under Sombra's control!"

"Nate, look!" He looked to see Spike coming right at him!

Nate used his striker Morpher and aimed it at the drake. "I hope this works." He said to himself. He fired right in Spike's eyes spot-on! Spike was sent to the ground in pain! When he came to, rubbing his eyes, he was shocked at who was right before him!

"Whoa!" The dragon said. "Who are you?!"

"I'm Nate!" Nate started.

"And I'm Mr. Super-Fantastic Stong As Steel! But please call me Steel!" Steel finished.

Spike was shocked and surprised. Starlight too, as they looked at each other with astonishment, and back to the two heroes. "You guys are the Power Rangers?!"

"You even helped Devon restore his memories, when Blaze and Roxy brainwashed the other rangers, except you, by shutting down the machine Vargoyle set up, while Devon was facing him." Rarity said to him. "That took guts!"

"It sure did!" Steel said. "...and it almost cost me my life trying to save Devon!"

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"And remember when you and Ivan helped save Twilight from Chrysalis and Tirek?" Starlight asked as well. "That took more guts as well! You would definitely go out of your way to help save her as well!"

“Because when you have to protect yourself, you don't have time for anypony else.” Tirek said to her as he started to smash her, only to be blasted by Nate’s striker blaster!

“Too bad you never taught that in school.” Roxy said as she started to aim at Twilight. She fired at her.

“NO!” Ivan shouted. He ran up to the crowd and lifted up a slab of the castle floor to block the blast!

Twilight was surprised that he was saving her from almost an untimely death. “Thank you.” She said.

“Don’t thank us yet!” Steel said as he joined Ivan to help hold the slab to the blasts! Zoey and the other power rangers, as well as the rest of the Mane 6, Celestia and Luna helped block the blast as well! The legion of doom was already overwhelming the combined might of the teams, but they weren’t about to give up yet!

"Of course!" Steel realized how it happened. "Good thing the legendary Dino Rangers came to help us that time!" He realized another memory. "And, I also remember the time I helped Luster...Twilight's own student from the future! I helped her prove that friendships are very powerful and that you need them to overcome tough obstacles!"

The racer Zord advanced toward Tooldrone 2.0 and used its sword to slash it, but however, the Gigadrone had other ideas. It fired lasers from its hands at the racer zord, making it stagger back in pain. “Aaah!” Luster said in shock. “It’s zapping the Zord!” The Zord tried to retaliate by using the sword, but the gigadrone swatted the sword away, which made the Zord stagger back some more.

“Luster!” Steel said as he advanced in his Jet Zord and fired at the gigadrone, making it stagger back.

“Thanks, Steel!” Luster said as Steel’s Zord backed the fight up.

“You can’t do this on your own!” Steel said. “You need friends to help you! That’s the important thing about friendship!”

In an instant, something in Luster’s mind clicked as she now knew how important friendship was now. She thought it was a waste of time and Twilight’s friends didn’t care about the coronation going wrong, but she was wrong! She realized that friendships can be hard, and it takes work to maintain them. But without friends, things can be a lot harder. Friendship connects everyone, and undoing one group of friends makes its magic less powerful. “That’s it!” She said in realization. “I know how important friendship can be! Just like Twilight told me!”

“That’s the spirit, Luster!” Steel said, clapping his hands in excitement. “You ready to work together to take him down?”

Luster smiled back. “Absolutely, friend!” She said.

Steel got out his striker morpher and aimed it at the gigadrone inside the cockpit. “BEAST RACER MEGAZORD...HYPER BLAST!” Steel and Luster shouted as the Megazord fired a massive blast with its gun, hitting the gigadrone spot on and severely weakening it.

Zoey used her Beast-X Cannon to blast the robotron back, along with Starlight and Rarity using their magic zaps. "So, you see, Steel..." Rarity said to her. "You are not only a great brother with Nate, but also a great friend to all of us!" She hugged him tightly and sweetly. "It's just lovely to hear when a friend thinks highly of you. And, we all think highly of you...I think highly of you."

"I know that." Steel said as he hugged her. "I'm stunning!"

They embraced in the hug, when suddenly, Rarity noticed something was shining...more brightly than the sun itself. She saw what was shining and gasped in excitement. "Steel, your Morph-X key is glowing!"

"Huh?" Steel took a good look at his key, and he saw that it was glowing. "It IS glowing!" He realized. The key transformed and changed color from silver to white. When it finished, it looked identical to the key, only it was like the Element of Generosity!

"WHOA!" Steel said in shock. "The white Element-X Key! I remember when we first used these against Sombra!"

"With it, we can bring this fight to a whole new level!" Starlight added.

Steel instantly knew what needed to be done. "Alright! Let's do this!" he said as he ran up to the robotron and slashed him with his Striker Saber!

"You're gonna pay for that!" Drilltron 2.0 said furiously.

"No! You will!" Steel said pointing at him furiously. "This is more than just power! They're my friends, and they're about to help me destroy you!" He whipped out his morpher. " “STRIKER MORPHER...READY!” He got the key ready and inserted it in. “ACTIVATE SUPER BEAST POWERS!”

Within seconds, he instantly transformed into his super form. The transformation was the same, except the element of Generosity was shown in place of a scarab beetle. Once the transformation finished, his suit had materialized! This was his ranger suit! Only, it was white with a purple visor, and shoulder and leg pads!

"Element-X Generosity form...READY!" Steel shouted, introducing his form.

Drilltron was shocked at what he was seeing. "This can't be!" He said in shock. "I have never seen anything like this before!"

Steel was ready to give his new form a try. "Let's give this new form a test drive!" He said as he charged at the robotron. He fired a punch to Drilltron's gut, making him stagger back in pain.

Drilltron was ready to take him on. "I'll teach you what happens when you add gems to drills!" He bellowed as he tried to cut him with his drill hands. Luckily, Steel blocked them by conjuring up diamond-projected shields.

"Wrong! Diamonds are much stronger!" Steel said as he used a diamond shield to knock him down. Finally, he jumped up on the shield and used it like an airboard. "STRIKER JEWEL SLASH!" He shouted as slid past him, slashing him down to the ground.

"Alright, Steel!" Starlight said as they regrouped with him.

"Now, let's finish this!" Rarity added, as they all landed to do the final count.

"TRANSPORT...BEAST-X BLASTER!" Zoey said, summoning her weapons and they used their blasters, and horns to zap the robotron, making him fall to ground again. Steel swung his saber in a circular motion to him as a chain of diamonds wrapped around him tightly, holding him in place.

Zoey formed the Beast-X cannon, while Steel, Starlight and Rarity aimed theirs at him. "Cannon ready! Blaster charged!" They said.

"Uh oh!" Drilltron said in horror.

"BEAST-X CANNON BLAST!" Zoey, Starlight and Rarity all shouted as they blasted him spot on!

"STRIKER GEM BLAST!" Steel said, as he fired a jewel-encrusted laser blast. All the blast made the robotron down and out for the count, as he exploded.

"Beautifully done, Steel!" Zoey said as they regrouped. "Now, we better go help the others!"

"They need air support!" Steel agreed. "Time to take to the sky!" He contacted Commander Shaw. "Commander! Deploy Jey and Chopper zords!"

"Perfect!" Starlight said. "Let's fly!" And the ground team raced to their zords.

Meanwhile, the gigatronics were blasting the Wheeler zord, making it stagger back, as they jumped over said zord.

Ravi took notice! "Oh, no!" he said in shock, as they were trying to get to the Wrecker zord. "They got past me!"

"We're still hooked onto the gigadrone!" Nate told him.

The gigatronics aimed their blasters. "Nate! Spike!" Ravi shouted. Luckily, the drones were blasted by the Beast Chopper zord, as it flew right by them. "Thanks, Zoey!"

"Phenomenal timing!" Nate said in relief.

"Thought we'd make an entrance! You ready, Jax?" She asked her beast bot.

"Finally! A little action! Let's do this!" Jax said.

"Got it! Jackrabbit mode!" Zoey said, as the zord transformed into its rabbit mode. The Chopper zord jumped on both gigatronics, with the Wheeler zord, knocking them down.

"BEAST KICK!" The Chopper zord kicked one gigatronic.

"TAKE THIS!" The Wheeler zord delivered a ferocious uppercut to the other one! "ROCKET STORM!" Ravi shouted, as the zord blasted them with its wheel beams, making both of them explode. Blue and Yellow cheered in triumph!

Devon was still going at it with the other two underground as the Racer zord used its sword to slash them down. "TRANSPORT...CHEETAH BEAST BLASTER!" he said, summoning his weapon for the big finish. "RACER ZORD...CHEETAH STRIKE!" The zord brutally slashed both gigatronics as they were no more! "That's two more down!" Devon said triumphantly.

Outside the underground hole, Drilldrone 2.0 was lifted to the surface by the Wrecker zord. "Whoa! Looks like we caught a big one!" Spike said in surprise!

"We'll help you!" Steel said as the Beast Jet zord transformed to scarab beetle mode. The zord caught Drilldrone and took him to the sky.

"We're right behind you!" Nate said as he and Spike revved up the Wrecker zord.

The Jet zord approached the city. Steel had an idea. "If that Element-X Key worked on that morpher..."

"Let's see if it came with zord enhancement options!" Rarity agreed.

"Let's do it!" Steel said as he plugged in the white Element-X key into the zord panel.

"BEAST JET ZORD...GEM CRUSH!" Steel, Rarity and Starlight shouted as the Jet zord's scarab claws became gem-encrusted, and gave the gigadrone a tight squeeze, before dropping him down to the ground.

The Wrecker zord arrived just in time, as Nate activated its transformation into battle mode. "Let's put you back in the ground!" Nate said, as the zord threw a few punches to the gigadrone, making it stagger back!

"Watch this!" Nate said as the zord's swords attached to its arms in blaster mode. The zord got a good lock on Drilldrone. "Target locked!"

"WRECKER ZORD...BAZOOKA BLAST!" Nate and Spike shouted as the Wrecker zord fired blasts from the blasters at Drilldrone, knocking it down, as it exploded.

"Virus eliminated!" Nate said with relief!

"We did it!" Spike said excitedly. "Whoo hoo!"

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered with excitment.

"Great job, Everybody!" Steel said to his teammates as Drilldrone was defeated, the zords went back to their hangers, and the rangers and their Equestrian allies went to Grid Battleforce for a job well done. Mission accomplished!

Author's Note:

That's all for this chapter! The rangers and their allies have defeated Drilltron and Drilldrone 2.0, and Steel got a brand new Element-X powered form! Incredible! How will they celebrate? Find out in the epilogue coming up!

Flashback(s) used in this chapter:
Rarity Investigates
Honest Apple
The Cybergate Opens
Silver Sacrifice
Real Steel
Unleash The Beast (Fanfic)
Rewriting History
Denouement Of Power: Forever A Ranger (Fanfic)
Lustering Steel (Fanfic)