• Published 1st Feb 2021
  • 1,716 Views, 18 Comments

Episode 223 (S9 E27): Matters of the Heart - StormLuna

After Princess Twilight declined becoming the sole ruler of Equestria, her life returned to normal for the most part. It is while she is thinking about who gave her the advice to decline the role that her feelings come to the surface.

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Matters of the Heart

Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship and head-mare of the school of friendship, hummed a happy tune as she sat at her desk. A new day had begun and she was exactly where she wanted to be doing exactly what she wanted to do. Thoughts of recent events ran through her mind, events that caused her to realize how close she came to losing everything she loved.

She said to herself, "If it hadn't been for Starlight, I never would have had the courage to tell Celestia how I really feel. If it weren't for Starlight, I'd probably be miserable."

She began to think more about the day that Starlight told her to go with her heart and decline the role of ruling Equestria alone, despite the risk of upsetting Princess Celestia. She felt a surge of warmth flow through her and her wings spread wide thinking about the mare that gave her the advice.

She then said to herself, "That was so sweet of her. She could have become head mare but put me ahead of that, she put me ahead of it! So selfless!"

Twilight then smiled at all the pictures she had placed on her desk, pictures of her and Starlight together, some with them hugging. She sighed, "Oh those were wonderful times, why didn't I tell her how I felt when we embraced? Why didn't I tell her this sooner?"

Suddenly Twilight's mind was distracted and all thoughts of making any kind of curriculum had vanished from her mind, as did grading the big stack of papers that were piled on her desk. It was still a while before the students would arrive at the school and since her and Starlight always walk to the school together, she knew that she was likely in her office.

She then said to herself, "Come on Twilight, if you don't do this it will consume you!"

Twilight got out of her chair and headed towards the office of the object of her affection. Once she got right outside of Starlight's office, she began to tense up, suddenly fearing rejection. While she was very nervous, her desire to let Starlight know was much stronger, she knew that it had to be done!

She knocked on the door and immediately heard the voice she found so sweet, "Oh hi Twilight!"

"Hi Starlight." Twilight said, blushing.

Twilight looked into her office and noticed something familiar. While Starlight did have her beloved Phyllis on her desk, she also had pictures sitting on it now, in a pattern that was much like her own. Starlight noticed her staring at her desk and asked, "Twilight, is everything ok?"

Twilight had a hard time looking at the guidance counselor face to face but knew that she had to. She knew that if she didn't, Starlight would suspect something and maybe even think she had done something wrong."

"Starlight," Twilight asked "I really need some advice right now and I'm wondering if you could help me."

Starlight gave her a smile, "Of course you can Twilight! You know I'm always here when you need it."

Twilight gave her a smile and began, "Well this is a matter of the heart for me. You see, there is this one pony that is very close to me and well, I've developed feelings for her."

For her. Starlight noticed immediately that it was a mare that she had developed feelings for. She began to have a full list of ponies that she may have developed feelings for, a list that included her. "I'm listening."

"You see," Twilight continued "she has helped me out so much over the past few years. She has been there as a friend to simply talk to, she saved me one time, she helped guide me in the right direction and on multiple occasions when I had my doubts about something, she led me in the right direction."

"It sounds like this pony means a lot to you and it sounds like she has been a part of your life for quite a while." Starlight commented."

Not a very long time," Twilight continued "but she has played a huge role in helping me learn to stand up for myself and go with my heart. I really wish I knew how to not only thank this mare for everything she has done but to also tell her that she means so much to me, that she is so much more than a friend to me."

Starlight was beginning to wonder who she was talking about. She had sat down at her desk at this point and briefly looked at all her pictures of her and Twilight together. She was really beginning to wonder and hope but then snapped back to reality, "No way she is talking about me, I'm nothing special!" she thought.

She then gave Twilight a smile and while she tried her hardest to hide her blush, she just couldn't. She asked, "Twilight, do you know what this pony likes?

Twilight had also sat down by this point. She broke into a smile and a deep blush, "I do. I feel like I probably know her more than anypony else." Twilight's blush deepened further and she began to lose her train of thought, "Starlight, I-I....."

It then hit Starlight, she knew that given that they live together that Twilight did know a ton about her, pretty much everything there was to know about her. She realized that she was the one Twilight was crushing on and felt that this was fate's way of telling her that it would be ok for her to bring up her crush.

She reached her hooves out on her table, causing Twilight to blush and reach her hooves out and hold those of the mare she had grown to love. Starlight began, "You know Twilight, it is obvious that you and I are sharing similar problems. I too have a mare I am crushing on, a mare I feel like I know more than anypony else, a mare who knows me more than anypony else."

Twilight's eyes lit up when she heard this. While she knew that Starlight and Trixie were close friends, she knew that Starlight likely knew more about her and was certain that she knew more about her than Trixie ever could given they live together. Her eyes began to tear up, "Starlight, are you?"

Starlight got up and Twilight did the same. Starlight approached her and put her hoof around her. She began, "Yes Twilight, I am."

The two didn't have to say anything further. Both mares knew that they were crushing on one another. As they looked into one another's eyes, they could feel the love radiating from the other. The two stood there in silence as they began to move closer together. Soon the two did something that neither one had done before, they got up on their hind legs and embraced one another.

Their faces were close together and Twilight had to say it. She exclaimed, "Starlight, it is you! It is you! I love you so much! I have always found you to be beautiful but when you told me to tell Celestia how I really feel, I fell for you. It was at that moment I knew you truly cared about me, that you had my interest at heart when you could have been head mare!"

"I love you too Twilight. I'm going to admit, I've always found you incredibly beautiful but here lately, I've wished so much we could be together. It got to the point where you occupied my thoughts more and more, I couldn't stop thinking about you! You mean the world to me Twilight Sparkle!"

The two then knew the time had come to ask the question that both have wanted to so badly. In unison they asked, "Would you be my marefriend?"

The two smiled and exclaimed, "Yes! Yes I'll be your marefriend!"

The two began to kiss. While it was not a wet sloppy kiss, it was a deep kiss. As the two were kissing, both mares felt a sense of bliss as finally, the two had the special somepony that they loved so much. The two continued their kiss until they heard a high pitched voice,

"Guidance Counselor Starli......NO WAY!"

The two broke their kiss and noticed that it was Silverstream who had caught them kissing. The two broke their embrace and both had sheepish grins on their faces. Silverstream had a smile on her face as she continued, "Are you two?"

Twilight knew that this could wind up being a disaster if Silverstream was to tell anyone about it. "Silverstream, we are but please don't tell anycreature!"

Starlight added, "Please Silverstream. If anyone else found out about this, it could cause Celestia to want Twilight to close the school and you'd have to go home."

Silverstream became a bit disappointed, "Alright," she then became a bit more curious, "What caused you two to fall in love anyway? I didn't know mares and mares fell in love."

Starlight replied, "Silverstream, love knows no bounds and as far as how we fell in love, uh....."

Twilight added, "It is something that we want to keep to ourselves and please don't tell anyone! Don't tell the other students, don't tell the professors, don't tell your mom, don't tell Queen Novo, no one!"

Silverstream understood why the two wouldn't want anyone else knowing but did give some advice, "I'm sure your friends will find out but I do have some advice. You might not want to do this at the school or at least lock the door!"

The two blushed deeply before Twilight suggested, "Well you probably have a class to get to so I think you should get going."

"Alright head mare Twilight." She went to close the door but added one final thing, "Congratulations on finding your love!"

Silverstream closed the door and Twilight then cast a lock spell on the door. Twilight had a nervous look on her face, "Sweet Celestia I hope she keeps quiet about this. It would not look good if everycreature knew we are marefriends now."

Starlight tried to calm her down, "Don't worry Twilight. I'm sure Silverstream will keep it quiet." She then realized that they had likely better get busy with their duties, "Well Starlight, think we better get to work? I don't want the students suspecting anything."

Twilight then moved a filing cabinet in front of the door and giggled, "Oh they'll be fine Starlight and besides, we need to spend more time together, this is our first day of being marefriends after all!"

Starlight nodded in agreement before the two resumed the kiss that Silverstream had interrupted. While both knew that engaging in such an activity in the school was something they shouldn't be doing, the two couldn't help it. Their feelings for one another were too strong to simply get back to work. They figured that work wouldn't go anywhere so why not stay together in Starlight's office. "What could it hurt?" the two thought.

Comments ( 18 )

Heh :3 Good to see Silvy appear in this story as well. X3

A bit rushed but it's adorable.Sorry Sunburst you were too late, don't worry I think Trixie is available.

Edit: Did I say something offensive? I didn't mean to, and I'm sorry if I did.

I have some advice for you, write a special version of this, a special M rated one where Silverstream catches them doing something that would require an M rating!...something like horn sex or maybe 69 right on Starlight's desk!


I figured that Silverstream would be the funnest one to include in this. Gallus would not be impressed, Yona would think (head mare and guidance counselor ponies are nasty), Smolder would probably laugh about it, Ocellus would probably be like WTF and Sandbar?....he would likely be fascinated by it.

Thanks, I might do an M rated special, one that would include sexy times on Starlight's desk.....and still have Silverstream catch them.....and her reaction will be priceless!


You know, I might just do that.

Silverstream understood why the two wouldn't want anyone else knowing but did give some advice, "I'm sure your friends will find out but I do have some advice. You might not want to do this at the school or at least lock the door!"

Sound advice, Sliverstream. She even had the awareness to not suggest for Twilight and Starlight to go home. If they did, they would have risked Spike walking in on them.


Yep, Silverstream was thinking about that too. If I do the M version, I'll have her comment, "You two need to get a room."

The Last Problem was episode 26 and this is episode 27. I'm so happy that this is a continuing story.

In my alternate universe episode 26 was actually "A Difficult Decision" where Twilight declined becoming the ruler of Equestria....she took Starlight's advice to go with her heart.

I'm thinking of starting a season 10 that starts out in this universe, one in which Starlight and Twilight are marefriends and are co-Head Mares, running the school together. Because of their dynamic, I am thinking of having Sunburst come in to be "Vice Head-Stallion" (or maybe Discord to make it fun) and Trixie being the guidance counselor because face it, Starlight and Twilight will have days where they will be "busy." And part of my plan is for Starlight and Twilight to share the same office given they will be working so close together.

Upvoted for the ship.


Well it is one of my favorites. StarXie is my fave but this is a close second and with their powerful magic, it has so many more possibilities.


That is just the image I used for this, I thought it would be perfect.

And so g5 never happened.


I wouldn't necessarily say that....some things are beyond the control of anypony.

It was Twilight that caused it. If she never ruled, she couldn't have caused it.


Is that canon or just a fan theory?

Canon. Well, the cataclysm happened after Twilight created the crystals and putting the world's magic inside. There was peace in between so we don't know what directly caused the fall.

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