• Member Since 29th Apr, 2020
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Dewdrops on the Grass

A lady in her 30s who likes to write. Like my works? Feel free to donate to my Ko-Fi account. :twilightsmile:


Rainbow Dash had a very long day at work. Luckily there's someone who she can rely on to cope.

A bit of fun standalone Flutterdash fluff.

This story is canon to Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake, and takes place a few years prior. Reading that story is not necessary or required to understand this one. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

As sweet and lovely as this is, you do realize it makes the fate that eventually befalls them all the more tragic, right?:fluttercry:

While I'm not a Flutterdash shipper by any means (as I've probably said before), this was still very cute.

That's the idea. :trollestia:

But seriously, yes, I do. That was on my mind the whole time I wrote it. :fluttershyouch:

...if I read this and then the story it spawned from...I'm gonna wanna virtually punch you, aren't I.

You might. I'd prefer not to be punched, but, you might.

Perhaps it'd be better for both of us if I only read this then.

Well I wouldn't want to discourage you from reading a mystery story if you're interested in mysteries, but I'm also not going to tell you what to do, so *le shrug.*

Suffice to say, I'm a person with morbid curiosity and am also a glutton for punishment so...can you guess what I did while you wrote your reply? :twilightsmile:

You started reading DR: IHW? :pinkiehappy: If so, I hope you enjoy! I'm very proud of it.

More like I skimmed to know what happened...may consider reading it though. No, I won't punch you; real or virtual.

Aw. This was really nice. Love reading new flutterdash stories!

This. This is great!

This is canon to DR: IHW? :raritycry:

I’m torn. On the one hand, this was a sweet little flutterdash story. On the other, given that this is canon to D:IHW, it breaks my heart, knowing what’s going to happen.

That being said, any plans to write about others couples, or friendship bonding moments prior to D:IHW?

There are plans, yes. Now, I may not always set out to tie the story to IHW at first, and simply connect it afterwards--meaning it could be taken separately as unrelated or connected--but there are many plans, yes.

Awesome. I’m looking forward to every one of them. :pinkiehappy:

I could see Rainbow Dash looking for a second job just so she can quit. Her dad can probably approve.

Howdy, hi!

I liked this. It was just super nice fluff and a good jaunt through their relationship. I like the companionable romance they have, the kind you have when your partner is your best friend. I also like how Fluttershy is just extremely empathetic, she never talks down at Rainbow or makes her feel lesser for not sucking it up at work. Rainbow Dash was also rad with her cutesy totally "awesome" meekness around Fluttershy. I just also like the flip in the obvious dynamic between the two. You would presume it would be Rainbow Dash being more of the lead in the relationship but it definitely seems to be more Fluttershy who is an unquestionable supporter of Dash.

Super cute story and I enjoyed it. Thank you for the read!

This was some really cute fluff, and I think I can count myself lucky I haven't gotten to the main section of Danganropa yet, because I feel like if I did, In Harmony's Wake would break me with this story.

I really appreciated the interactions of the two and the blatant gay. Really nice work, Dews, I enjoyed the story. Honestly, I always liked the Fluttershy/Rainbow Dash dynamic. The shy one with the one who protects her - that's always been a win in my book.

A leathery presence pushed slowly against the palm of her hand, bringing a smile to her face. “Hey Tank,” she said, running a hand along the tortoise’s head and scratching under his chin. “How ya doin’ buddy?”

yay, Tank!

Rainbow popped the cap off her bottle with a handy bottle opener, then scooped up the cap and tossed it into a nearby jar full. “Yeah, I did,” she said as she knocked back a slug like it was hard liquor.

a nice little detail, with the jar, getting the trope across while sticking to the TV rating!

“And the managers are total jerks. They won’t let you stop for even a second if you’re not on break. It’s just go go go all the time. Not even the worst coach I’ve ever had did that to me!”

this depiction of Rainbow Dash facing down the mundane horror of an unfulfilling job feels very much informed by real-life experiences. in an ideal world we would not have to live like this,

“Gghg,” Rainbow replied as Fluttershy’s hands moved over her shoulders and down into her trapezius muscles. “I dunno, spas are kinda girly and lame…”

Fluttershy instantly took her hands away and glared down at her friend. “Rainbow…”

“Oops!” Rainbow blanched, looking up at Fluttershy with apologetic eyes. “Sorry, Shy, I… I forgot you asked me to stop saying that. I’m sorry.”

Fluttershy frowned at the athlete for a moment, then broke into a smile. “I know you’re working on it. It’s fine.” She resumed rubbing Rainbow’s back.

aww, it's nice to see human Rainbow learning this lesson a lot earlier than her horse self, who was hiding her spa trips even in the later seasons!

“Yes it is, Rainbow,” Fluttershy insisted, still shaking with mirth. She gave Rainbow a half hug with one arm. “I’m sorry. You’re just too cute.”

Fearing she’d set the kitchen ablaze from how hot her face burned, Rainbow turned away and groaned to herself, “I’m not cute, darn it. I’m awesome.”

“Yes, you’re awesome,” Fluttershy agreed. Her eyes twinkled with mischief. “But you’re also cute.”

“Grrr....” Rainbow shook her head like a dog working a bone. Then, defeated, she hunched over and sighed. “Okay. Fine. I guess I’m cute. But only if you call me that! I won’t let anyone else do it.”

Fluttershy gave her a sage nod. “Of course. Definitely not.” Then, as if only just realizing how overly assertive she was being, she took a couple of steps back and gripped one arm with the other, hiding her face in her hair. “S-sorry.”

this was a great role reversal. definitely identify hard with Rainbow here, though i would have melted instead of saying what she did begrudgingly.

As they settled down together on the sofa to watch, Rainbow felt a warmth fill her chest, a pleasant, happy warmth. Like all of her stresses had melted away, leaving behind only herself, happy, relaxed, and safe. “Hey, Shy?”

Fluttershy looked over at her, swallowing the mouthful of pizza she had. “Mmhmm?”

“I love you too.”

ah, this was really great! i'm interpreting this as the first time they exchanged "i love you"s in their relationship, and it's very nice that it happened in this slice of life setting. it's as it should be, not based on a singular moment but rather the strength of their connection and how good they are for each other in ordinary life, both of which you've made an excellent case for in this depiction.

D'awww this was adorable!

Oh my god this was the CUTEST I can't stop smiling

Aw, this was indeed a nice bit of FlutterDash fluff. I love their little game of assertiveness, and of course some classic Rainbow being hopeless at romance.

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