• Published 6th Mar 2021
  • 1,411 Views, 15 Comments

Starlight's Crazy Dream - StormLuna

Starlight Glimmer winds up having the craziest dream one night, a dream involving an argument over who Starlight's biggest fan loves the most among multiple ponies.

  • ...

A Dream of Arguments

Author's Note:

Reading or at least knowledge of some of my other works will be helpful in understanding why some characters are saying what they do in this chapter.

Starlight was having trouble sleeping as she kept on hearing things and thinking she was hearing voices. At first she thought that perhaps Twilight's castle was haunted but then she said to herself, "Come on Starlight, this castle was grown by the Tree of Harmony! There is no possible way it could be haunted!"

Starlight then tried to tune the voices out of her head but would become more worried when she heard hoofsteps in her room. She sat up and asked, "Who's there?"

At first she heard nothing until she looked at the foot of her bed to see two mares standing there, mares that she had never seen before. She gave the two a glare and asked, "Who are you two and why are you in my bedroom?"

The unicorn stated, "My name is Izzy Moonbow."

The earth pony added, "My name is Sunny Starscout."

Starlight asked, "Ok, I know who you are but how did you get in here and more importantly, why are you here?"

Sunny let out a laugh, "Oh we're here to tell you that you're no longer number one. We're here to tell you that we have replaced you!"

Izzy giggled, "Yeah, BOTH of us have replaced you!"

Starlight was not thrilled that two random strangers somehow got into the castle, into her bedroom and were saying things that made absolutely no sense. She had a bit of irritation in her next question, "Replaced me? What the hay do you mean?"

Sunny flipped her braid and laughed, "Oh didn't you hear sweetheart, you're not number one in StormLuna's heart anymore, we are!"

Izzy added, "Yeah, he loves us more than you now!"

Starlight flared her horn up in anger and yelled, "That is a lie! StormLuna loves me more than anypony else. Hey, he even wrote a fan fic about me going to the human world, seducing him, turning him into a pony and me taking him home with me."

Izzy approached her and replied, "That was before he saw us! The moment he saw us, he went from dreading our generation to looking forward to it!"

Sunny sat down on the bed and put her hoof around Starlight. She giggled, "Oh don't feel too bad! All the bronies love us now, especially him! Just you wait, he'll write a story about us seducing him, together!"

Starlight yelled, "Never! He would never do that because he loves me more than just about anything. I honestly think he only loves his family and his cat more than he does me!"

The three then heard hoofsteps before seeing a lavender Alicorn step into the room. She glared at the two strangers and asked, "What are you two doing here and why are you harassing my friend?"

Izzy giggled, "Oh we came to tell Starlight that StormLuna loves us more than her now."

Sunny added, "Yeah and she doesn't seem to be taking it very well."

Twilight flared her horn up in anger and let out an angry yell, "You two are liars because I know for a fact that StormLuna loves her a lot more than you two." She then got a grin on her face and added, "But he loves me even more! He didn't write that story about me being a succubus who stole him away" she looked at Starlight before continuing "from you for nothing!"

Starlight snapped, "He wrote that because he loves me more, he wanted to portray you in the worst way possible."

The four then heard more hoofsteps and into the bedroom came Colgate, wearing saddlebags. She let out a sadistic laugh, "Oh you all think you're so loved but please, StormLuna wrote three separate series about me!" She turned to Twilight and laughed, "And I KILLED you in two of them so if you think he loves you, think again!"

Starlight let out a deep sigh, "Yeah but he portrays you as a bloodthirsty loon a lot of the time! He made you a villain in a lot...."

"You mean war hero, Supreme Commander, caring sister and the best dentist ever."

Izzy pointed her hoof towards her and giggled, "Just so you know, no one loves a character that they write as a mass murderer."

Colgate pulled multiple items out of her saddlebags and laughed, "You want to see what StormLuna let me do to so many ponies, including little miss Twilight here?"

Starlight commented, "But not me, he never hurts me and that is because he loves me the most!"

Twilight commented, "Perhaps not physically but emotionally he does! Remember, I STOLE him from you and I'll probably do it again!"

Another pony entered Starlight's bedroom and quietly commented, "Um, I don't mean to upset any of you but he loved me first! He has even said that I would be the perfect wife."

Izzy and Sunny both knew some about the situation and did not like having others controlling the discussion. Izzy giggled, "Only because you're a submissive little doormat."

Sunny added, "From what I understand, most of the bronies love you because if they could create a perfect woman, she'd be just like you."

Fluttershy took it all in stride though. "And that is why he loves me the most, because he sees me as wife material." She turned to Starlight and continued, "No offense Starlight but you know he loved me before you came on the scene." She let out a giggle and added, "Remember when he made you so submissive to me in the bedroom?" She turned to Twilight and added, "Remember when he made you my slave?"

Colgate scoffed, "He may have let you do that but remember how my friends and I put you in your place for your crimes? Remember getting your body broke, remember getting your tail ripped out, remember being drilled full of holes?"

Starlight was quickly tiring of this, "Would all of you just stop fighting?" she yelled, "If any of you would bother looking at his user page you would know that he loves me more than the rest of you combined." She then turned to Izzy and Sunny and added, "And as far as you two go, he simply likes your designs, nothing more. Once you two go on screen and he sees how you two behave, you can forget about him ever loving you!"

Sunny let out a yawn, "Izzy, think we should just finish this off? Think we should take care of them all, go to Twilight's room, go through that mirror....."

Izzy added, "And go abduct StormLuna, seduce him, turn him into one of us and take him back to our Equestria?"

Twilight grabbed the two in her aura and yelled, "Don't you dare go into my bedroom. That is my private space and that mirror is off limits to you two!"

Izzy easily broke out of Twilight's hold and laughed, "Oh come on now dear, we're the new girls and the new girls always get what they want!" She turned to Starlight and giggled, "Isn't that right Starlight!"

Starlight knew what they were talking about given it was her who became StormLuna's favorite immediately after she showed up. She nervously replied, "Well uh...."

Sunny laughed, "I'll take that as a yes! After all, when you were the new girl you got him but now we're the new girls and he will love us, not you!

Izzy then began firing energy at them. She first hit Fluttershy and immediately she was gone. "Bullseye!" Izzy giggled.

Twilight turned to where Fluttershy was and cried out, "Fluttershy, come back!"

Sunny laughed, "Sorry Twilight but she's not coming back." She nudged Izzy and suggested, "Take her out next."

Izzy flared up her horn and struck Twilight with energy, making her disappear. Starlight cried out, "Twilight no!"

Remaining with the two in the room were Colgate and Starlight. Colgate gave the two a look of disgust and sneered, "Well you may have taken them out but you're not taking me out. You can't wipe out a powerful commander and the pony with more blood on her hooves than anypony else on FimFiction."

The two looked at one another and laughed. Izzy flared up her horn and giggled, "Oh sweetie, every serial killer, even planet killers, ultimately meets her demise!" Colgate began to storm towards her, bound and determined to do to her what she had done to so many others but would be stopped when Izzy struck her with energy and caused her to vanish.

Sunny laughed, "Well I guess she won't be doing anymore killing!"

Once again it was Starlight alone with the two new mares. Both sat on her bed next to her and Izzy lit up her horn and placed it on Starlight's. In an almost motherly voice she said, "Shhh....it's ok. Your friends are fine and you'll be fine." She then began to drain the very life force out of Starlight, causing her to start disappearing at the hooves.

Starlight tried her hardest but she suddenly couldn't get her magic to work. She yelled, "What's happening to me? Why am I disappearing?"

Sunny gave her a smile and replied, "This is you vanishing from StormLuna's heart. Soon it will be just us and instead of it being Sunburst he kills off in his stories, it will be Hitch Trailblazer!"

Starlight had no idea who she was talking about but she had much bigger issues at the moment. She began screaming for help hoping that somepony would hear her. Finally when all that was left of her was her horn a blinding light blue flash appeared with a voice, "STOP!"

Suddenly the two mares were gone, Starlight had been restored and she found herself in the company of another mare, a mare who had aided her in the past. "Princess Luna!" Starlight exclaimed.

Luna replied, "Starlight, I am glad I got here when I did. Had I not got here in time, you would have been gone."

It then hit Starlight that this was a dream, "This was just a dream? It seemed so real." She started to tear up and began, "Everypony was fighting and claiming that StormLuna loves them more but those two strangers were the scariest, they tried to wipe me from his heart."

Luna sighed, "Nightmares often play on our biggest fears and if that thought consumes us in the waking world, they will destroy us in the dream world."

"How do I stop worrying about this? What if they really do claim his heart?"

"Starlight, at one time I was his favorite until he saw more Fluttershy." She then gave her a slight smile, "But I am still his favorite princess."

Starlight began to become nervous, "So you're saying that he'll always have a spot for me in his heart but those two could claim most of it?"

Luna gave her a smile, "Actually, no. The love he has for you is too strong to be taken by anypony else. Nopony in the new generation will ever come close to the rest of us who showed up in your nightmare."

Starlight let out a sigh of relief, "Oh thank goodness! I'm so glad to know that."

Luna suggested, "You get some more peaceful slumber because I must go. Those mares have been tormenting many tonight."

Luna disappeared and Starlight woke up. Dawn was still a couple hours away and while Luna had helped calm her down significantly, every little pop she heard still made her nervous. She lit her horn up ready to strike in the event the "new girls" from her nightmare were actually real instead of just manifestations of her nightmare.

Comments ( 15 )

So odd and yet I love it.


This was inspired by another story where Izzy and Sunny show up in Twilight's dream and wreak havoc, starting to take everypony out but I wanted this one to be more comical than dramatic. I chose the four mares I did since they show up most prominently in my works.

I think I'll do something similar.


Sounds like a plan. I'm working on another story with those two but it won't be them causing problems in a dream, it will be them in what I know about the G5 world in a situation I have written plenty of, anthro lesbians.

who Starlight's biggest fan loves the most among multiple ponies.

I am sorry, but that line confuses me. What did you mean by that?


Starlight's biggest fan is me and they are arguing about who I love the most. I just thought of something hilarious, a multiple way crossover, MLP: FiM, G5 and Pony Life! Potion Nova could come up with some freaky potion that would turn Izzy and Sunny into G4 ponies!

I shall give this a read.

I hope you like it.

SLZ #9 · Mar 6th, 2021 · · ·

A story where Luna conquers the storm.

bit early for this kinda fic isn't it, we dont even know what the new G5 cast be like really yet, other then one teaser and some creepy bedsheets, who to know if we love or hate em, the sentiment nice at least :rainbowwild:


Well this is kind of Luna's thing.

I'm not the only one with stories involving these two.

Oh man, did some juicy mayhem happen here!

Starlight flared her horn up in anger and yelled, "That is a lie! StormLuna loves me more than anypony else. Hey, he even wrote a fan fic about me going to the human world, seducing him, turning him into a pony and me taking him home with me."

I think you just out-fanned me for good when it comes to being the bigger Starlight fan. You win:rainbowlaugh:

The closest I come to that was when I was considering pairing my human OC with Starlight in my own series of HiE stories. Writing Starlight in a big sister role that she has to him was just too fun to change, so I shelved the idea.


Well I am a huge fan when it comes to Starlight and that did actually happen in a story. Yeah many probably think I'm weird as hell for actually having that happen but hey, I did.

Starlight snapped, "He wrote that because he loves me more, he wanted to portray you in the worst way possible."

Knowing you are the author I guess this is true.


Yeah pretty much.

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