• Published 8th Mar 2021
  • 1,067 Views, 1 Comments

Starlight's Reformed Villains Group - Starlight Fan

Starlight has a group for reformed villains, it can only end so well.

  • ...

The Session Has Begun

Starlight was getting ready for her newest member to show up, she was alerted by Twilight a surprise guest was showing up.

Until then the current members walked in, Sunset and Luna showed up first.

"Hey Starlight." Sunset greeted happily waving at the purple haired unicorn.

"Greetings Starlight I do hope we have a good session." Luna proclaimed happily walking up to Starlight.

"Hi Sunset and Luna, please sit over there." Starlight greeted with a smile.

Tempest showed up and sat down quietly.

Discord showed up next with an annoyed frown

"Must I be here this isn't the best group in the world plus I hate Tirek." Discord complained.

"You're taking this class as punishment for what you did." Starlight argued annoyed at the draconequus.

"Fine." Discord said sitting down in his seat.

Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis walked in next making Discord glare at the centaur who blew him a raspberry in return.

"Ah welcome guys please sit down." Starlight greeted with happiness.

Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow sat down without complaint.

"Okay guys today we're getting a surprise guest so I want you all on your best behavior for welcoming him/her." Starlight announced to the group.

"Ugh alright, I don't know about Tirek though." Discord said smirking.

"I will be on my best behavior how dare you." Tirek argued annoyed at a smirking Discord.

"Just ignore him Tirek." Tempest advised annoyed "It's easier that way."

"Right of course." Tirek sat down grimacing.

A figure then walked through the door and who they saw was a shock it was Spike.

"Spike what are you doing here?!"Starlight asked shocked that Spike appeared.

"I'm the new member, I made some bad choices." Spike admits in shame.

"Well that's a bit shocking but whatever you did could not have been too bad in fact let's all share our sins, we all know what I did I manipulated a bunch of ponies into giving up their cutie marks and time traveled to get back at Twilight." Starlight comforted softly.

"Indeed Spike for I turned into Nightmare Moon, tried to overthrow Celestia and almost made it eternal night so you could not have been that bad." Luna said backing up Starlight.

"I made eternal chaos and actually that's it." Discord admitted trying to help his best friend.

"I tried to mind control a bunch of teenagers and overthrow Celestia and I also was a major bully." Sunset said in shame.

"I almost drained the magic from Equestria." Cozy Glow admitted sheepishly playing with her curls.

"I almost absorbed the magic of Equestria." Tirek admitted with some reluctance.

"I invaded Canterlot to help the Storm King all for my horn I am so ashamed."Tempest said bowing her head down in shame.

Chrysalis took out a list "I posed as Cadence, mind controlled Shining Armor, forced Cadence down a cave, turned Twilight and her friends against each other causing trust issues, and tried to drain the love and feed of it."

Everyone stared wide eyed at Chrysalis making her exasperated.

"Oh come on we all know what happened." Chrysalis groaned annoyed at the others for their weird looks.

“So whatever you did it can’t be that bad.” Starlight comforted.

“I’m not too comfortable with talking about it yet.” Spike admitted sheepishly.

“Okay well tell us when you’re ready in the mean time let’s get to know each other and explain why we did our villainous deeds. I did my deeds because I lost my only friend.” Starlight said nervously.

“Petty alert.” Discord said amused with a siren on his head.

“Shut up Discord.” Starlight commanded angrily.

“Why are you so offended, it’s only Discord.” Tempest asked smirking at the draconequus who glared back at her.

“Because it was a tough time for me. I was bullied for my differences and I had no friends so that’s why I’m so mad.” Starlight angrily pointed out.

Starlight then took a deep breath and calmed down “Okay now that I’m calm who’s next?”

“Ah of course Starlight Glimmer, I became Nightmare Moon because I was jealous of my sister.” Luna said ashamed of herself.

“Petty.” Discord rolled his eyes earning him a hoof to the face from Luna.

“Thou should think before speaking.” Luna glared while Discord rubbed his face.

“I became evil because I was greedy and power hungry.” Sunset admitted ashamed.

“I became evil because I lost my horn and my so called friends abandoned me.” Tempest said angrily with her horn flaring up.

“Someone calm Tempest down quickly.” Cozy Glow shivered hiding behind Tirek.

“Tempest it’s okay you’re with new friends who care about you isn’t that good.” Spike comforted.

“Tempest then calmed down and softly spoke “Yes I am, I am sorry for my outburst I hate remembering that dark day.”

“You’re forgiven, I was evil because I was power hungry and I lost my brother.” Tirek admitted with sorrow.

“I was evil due to my chaotic nature.” Discord said.

“Is that it?” Cozy Glow asked annoyed.

“Yep that’s it.” Discoed shrugged off not seeing Cozy Glow’s anger.

“ARE YOU KIDDING ME!” Chrysalis seethed “I had to find food for my subjects, Starlight lost her friend, Tempest lost her horn, Luna felt unloved and you’re telling me you’re evil because of CHAOS?”

“Yeah I thought my chaos was meant for evil at the time.” Discord said sheepishly.

“Hmph idiot.” Chrysalis seethed angrily.

“Well I was evil because my parents were bad people who abused me and treated me horribly so I turned bad because I thought the world was cruel.” Cozy Glow said tearfully.

“So what about you Spike, is there a reason your here?” Starlight asked softly.

“Actually there is, I became greedy once and dragons grow due to greed and on that day I became a monster and attacked Ponyville taking everything and worst of all I did it all for greed.” Spike cried out in pain and anguish making everyone feel bad for him.

“Spike thou should not blame himself for something he could not control.”’ Luna advises.

“Really?” Spike said in tears.

“Twilight told me about the greed thing you were not in control of your actions so you should not blame yourself.” Sunset advised patting the dragon on the back.

“Sniff maybe you’re right, thanks guys.” Spike said gratefully.

“You’re welcome Spike.” Sunset said.

“Ahem I don’t mean to be a mood destroyer but where are the snacks?” Discord asked annoyed before Tirek knocks him out with a punch.

“That should keep him from disturbing us.” Tirek said smirking.

Comments ( 1 )

Certainly nice to read and seeing Spike there.

“Petty.” Discord rolled his eyes earning him a hoof to the face from Luna.

Oh he deserves alot of punches to the face.
Luna worked so hard and yet too little ponies appreciated her hard work of the actual night. Like no matter how hard she tries, her work was taken for granted and was always in Celestia's shadow hard. Celestia wasn't there for her either and eventually all that pain and loneliness caused her to snap.
So yeah, Discord sure need to realize it wasn't really petty.

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