• Published 24th Mar 2021
  • 1,144 Views, 11 Comments

My Little Nightmares - A Winters Rose

Six gets thrown into a new world, in a new body, with a chance for a new life. But will she be able to escape her past?

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A New World

A little filly in a yellow raincoat stirred on the cold sheetless bed, only now waking up from her slumber. Even then, the feeling of waking up on something that resembles a bed was unusual, but welcome. She did not remember the last time she had a good night's sleep.

But that wasn't the only thing that was unusual. She felt... strange. Sure enough, she was unable to move any of her limbs correctly, and the limited view of her appendages did not reveal much as they were covered by her yellow raincoat. Instead, she opted to sit up slowly and carefully, managing to push herself to an upright position through the strange feelings of her new arms.

The filly tried to recall what led her to the present. She had just escaped from the strangest place she had ever seen, though barely, leaving him behind as she did. Just before that was hard to remember, but that did not matter. What mattered was that she was safe now. Or, that she was captured.

Only now realizing, well, not realizing where she was, she began to scan the small room she was in. It was a bare, dull light-grey. There was a single door opposite from her, and two large windows bordering the sides of it, though they were too dark to make out anything on the other side. The only object within the room was the bed she resided on.

Not wanting to wait and find out what will happen if she stayed here, the filly began to try for the door.

And then she remembered her limited movement... that will have to come first.

After a few minutes, the filly was able to stand on her hooves and take slow steps forward without falling on her face. It was blatantly obvious that she wasn't human anymore. She could still speak just fine, she found out after whispering quietly to check just that. She was some kind of animal. But she didn't know what, not that she knows many animals. The new legs would take some time to get used to, and the tail would just get in the way.

The TV place must have changed her in some way. But, that wasn't what was important now. Safety always comes first, and she did not think she was safe here.

With a few steps, she was in front of the door. She tried to carefully push on it after seeing it had no handle, but it did not budge. She tried again, and again, grunting with the effort of more force but to no avail.

She looked up to the windows, but quickly discarded the idea of breaking them as they were too high up to reach. Doing so would also serve to alert anyone who might be nearby to her presence, so that wasn't an option.

With nothing more to do, she looked back towards the bed, another plan forming in her head.

"I'm positive, sir. She must have snuck in during the shift change. Not sure how she broke it though, she don't look too strong even for a pony her age."

The hoofsteps of the three ponies echoed loudly in the hall with their increased gait, Director Steel Score leading the way, flanked by two of the site's security.

Said Director growled in annoyance. "I will deal with your incompetence later. I swear, what is the point of hiring you fools if nothing you do actually matters?"

The one who had been talking before simply cleared his throat in response, but otherwise said nothing.

"Nevermind snuck in, how exactly did she get inside."

"The door must have been unlocked somehow, maybe the janitor forgot to lock it?" The other one responded.

Soon enough, the group paused in a smaller hallway extending from the main one they were in. Doors lined the walls without pause until the path would lead to a dead end, each door marking each room with a sign above it, labeling "Holding Cell A, Holding Cell B", etc.

"Which Room?" Steel Score asked nopony in particular.

"Holding Cell A, sir." The talkative one responded.

Steel rolled his eyes at himself. Of course, It's not like we have anypony else in holding.

The group entered the holding hall and with a few more steps, reached the indicated door. Steel activated the device on the wall directly besides the door with his magic, the door itself sliding open directly from the middle soon after, with both halves of the door sliding off into a section of the wall on either side. He stepped inside and took a look around, and noticed quite quickly of the lack of an elephant in the room.

"Nopony. Is. Here."

The filly was laying down stock still, daring not to move. She heard the voices before they came in, and she reasoned there was more than one. She had no reason to trust them, and so she had no reason to show herself rather than being completely hidden and safe. Well, as hidden and safe as one can be while hiding under a bed. To be fair, more than a few of the "people" she had run into so far hadn't been bright enough to check under small places where she could fit.

A few moments had passed, and she could no longer hear any noise as the silence of the room returned. She didn't think they had left yet, but the lack of noise was unusual if they were still looking. Did they leave?

Her thoughts were proven wrong however, as the bed she was laying under suddenly shot up in the air, leaving her exposed to the light and the open air. A loud "Ahah!" was heard in close proximity.

With no time to think, the filly acted on the spot and did what she did best: ran.

"Hey- get her!"

She had little time to judge her surroundings or who had found her, the only thing she knew for certain was the general direction of the door. On instinct alone, the filly dodged to the side when one of them jumped in front of her, sliding with her landing directly under another one that had tried to flank her. She found the door with a quick glance and was relieved to see it open. With her path now clear, she made a run for it.

And then tripped on her own unfamiliar hooves. She groaned soon after she met the ground with her head. Confusion replaced pain as a blue glow surrounded her, and she felt herself lifting from the ground. She struggled and panicked all at once, trying to escape whatever was holding her while also trying to figure out where it was coming from. The answer was soon clear as her vision was replaced by two large, blue, angry eyes.

The filly in the yellow raincoat was sitting down on a stone bench, with the lead "person" - Director Steel as he called himself, on the opposite side, separated by a small table. They were alone in the small room with a single light shinning down above them.

The filly, for her part, was conflicted. For one, she was afraid of what the animal thing wanted from her. Well, she supposed she was an animal thing too, but wasn't sure.

"How did you get in here?" The Director was glaring down at the filly, waiting for a response.

The filly, for her part, didn't know what to say. She felt some comfort in the raincoat she wore as it obscured her face, so she didn't have to look directly into (his?) eyes. Instead, she took a look around the room for what felt like the 6th time, but just as she concluded the other times, there was nowhere to go or hide.

The director sighed and muttered to himself. "Right... ahem. You are not in trouble, miss. I can have it repaired easily. What's your name?" His glare disappeared and he spoke gently.

The filly focused back on him, and a few seconds more passed. She didn't trust him. And she didn't trust herself to speak.

"Do you have any parents?"

The filly continued to stare.

"How old are you?"

A few more minutes passed, with nothing changing. The director left soon after, groaning in annoyance, which she didn't mind. She continued to sit there, taking everything new in.

She was in an unfamiliar place, in an unfamiliar body. The people she had met weren't significantly larger than her and appeared less threatening, even if they had captured her for some unknown purpose.

She hopped off the chair, and laid herself down in a corner of the room to rest, and wait. She had no idea what the future held in store, but she hoped... no. She told herself she would never hope again. To hope is to let your guard down and expect for the worst to not happen.

The worst always happens.

Author's Note:

I notice that I like to use separators a lot, I hope you guys don't mind. I feel they are a great use for time skips and changes in POV, while also encouraging to continue the single chapter instead of going to the next just because I feel like it would be a good idea to end there for a cliffhanger.

Speaking of POV, the main character will always be Six, but I like to show other POV's shortly at times just for a different perspective, and I may do so if Six isn't present to be there for example.

On another note, I am aware that I could make the chapters much longer with more events and details and development - the first two chapters are examples of me simply writing on the spot with zero notes, timelines, etc. I will attempt to plan out future chapters which may help.