• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Friday


No way of knowing, where we'll be going, our adventures never end.


Cozy Glow has a lot of problems.

There's the megalomania, of course. Then there's the lying and manipulation, and we can't forget about all that pent-up rage.

Truly, this is a filly in need of a lot of help. After letting her serve a month's time out as a pigeon roost, Starlight's taken pity on the wretched pegasus and given her a healthy outlet for her anger.

That's her official story, and she's sticking to it. Nope, no ulterior motives here.

Rated 'T' for Tom & Jerry style cartoon violence. Nopony actually gets hurt. Reader discretion is advised.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 47 )

Certainly a rather experimental tratment! One wonders, though, if a certain draconequus might have bitten off more than he could chew...

We could use more stories like this one

This was quite an enjoyable read :twilightsmile:

Why the Hell does no one give these villains to Fluttershy after she convinced a little boy with a magnifying glass on a sunny day to be friends with ants?

:rainbowlaugh: Much as I like Discord, that was therapeutic to read!

Mark my words, I’ll get my revenge on all of you for this!

Does she sound like a certain blue-haired knight on purpose, or is that just a coincidence? :derpytongue2:

I suppose this could help Cozy, especially given how she usually hides her rage when she's trying to manipulate others. That filly could use that outlet.

“You freed Cozy Glow?!? Are you crazy?”

No more crazy then freeing an unstable chaos avatar or letting a crazy unicorn who just almost ruined the timeline out of petty revenge live with you.

“I figure we’ll keep Cozy in this padded room between sessions, with no external stimuli and nothing but the blandest food and water.”

Don't how I feel about that...

But she’ll never reform if we don’t show her kindness.”

Twilight brings up a good point here. Perhaps she could show that kindness by ensuring a way to actually allow Discord to get properly hurt.


Glad you liked it! :pinkiehappy:

Does she sound like a certain blue-haired knight on purpose, or is that just a coincidence?

Sorry to say it's just coincidence. Who's the blue-haired knight?

Funny story.

Different circumstances. Discord had never had a friend before Fluttershy. Cozy Glow had plenty of friends, but she didn't let that stop her from doing what she did.

Eula, from Genshin Impact. She's always going on about vengeance, and also uses the phrase "Mark my words". I just got her the other day, so she's been on my brain a lot.

On the contrary. Cozy Glow never had REAL friends.

Also, notice how weird it was that the CMC barely knew the Student Six, but instantly went along when they were told 'Cozy Glow is evil!'

That was her choice. She chose to forge false friendships with others. And they all thought she was really their friend. They treated her like they would any other friend, but she just didn't care about any of them. Whereas Discord was genuinely touched when Fluttershy said they were friends.

They didn't know Cozy was evil at that point. Sandbar just hoped the CMCs could convince her to talk with Chancellor Neighsay, so he would let the rest of the Young Six go. They realised the truth when they followed her down into the caverns, and saw that she was holding Starlight captive, and was behind the magic drain. They weren't told she was evil, they saw it with their own eyes.


Never heard of it until now, so I just looked it up. I like that the floating city is named Celestia. :raritywink:

He's literally immortal and indestructible. Cozy could hit him with a point-blank thermonuclear fireball and he'd either slather himself gratuitously with sunscreen or walk out of the ceiling to sweep up his own ashes.

She's a filly - her chances of inflicting direct harm were never that high. She still nearly destroyed Equestria.

This was a freaking hilarious read all-around. Cozy trying her best to get her rage out, Discord being Discord, and Starlight just being a sass bucket. As a Cozy fan, you get my stamp of approval! :yay:


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :pinkiehappy:

It was her choice just as it was Discord's choice to cause misery to ponies instead of using his powers to help them in the first place. No one knew that Cozy was evil, therefore no one was actually friends or tried to be friends with her true, unmasked self. She was never given a chance after her reveal while Fluttershy tried her best to be Discord's friend despite knowing who he was, what he did and what he was capable of.

Yes, it is different, but I would argue that Discord's case does not make him any more or less sympathetic then Cozy. There is nothing to suggest that a treatment similar to what he got wouldn't work on Cozy given that she's already revealed and can do very little to succeed in whatever evil plans she conjures up at this point.

She was still treated like a real friend by those she had manipulated, such as the CMCs. As I said, that didn't stop her from continuing with her plan (or tricking the CMCs into getting locked in a closet).

That's why Discord's treatment wouldn't work with her. While he was manipulating Fluttershy at first, hearing her say they were friends genuinely affected him. And the idea of losing that friendship ultimately drove him to undo what he'd done.

And again, the CMC did not know what her plans were and what she was capable of while Fluttershy knew she was specifically working towards reforming Discord. We don't know if the same attempt wouldn't work on Cozy because no one ever tried it when she was finally revealed to be a villain. Plus it says a lot that she seemed to feel guilty enough to confess to lying on the test for the CMC despite having no real reason to do so.

They still called Cozy their friend. But she didn't really care about having their friendship. She just used them to help her get ahead in her classes. Their genuine affection for her didn't mean a thing to Cozy.

True, but again, they didn't know who she was, therefore they weren't actually their friend. Why would it mean anything to her if it wouldn't be the same without her mask? I'll say it again, Fluttershy knew that Discord was a villain but still chose to help him. There's no proof that a similar treatment wouldn't work with Cozy.

Discord had never known friendship before. Cozy went to a school that taught friendship. As I originally said, their circumstances aren't that similar.

And? Cozy completely misinterpreted friendship. If anything, she did not know true friendship as again, everyone tried befriending a mask rather then her true self. Once again, there's still no proof that the method used on Discord wouldn't work on her.

Wrong. Discord changed because Fluttershy treated him like a friend. Pretty much everyone in the School of Friendship treated Cozy like she was their friend, and it didn't change a thing about her.

Discord was wearing a "mask" too. He only pretended to go along with Fluttershy's efforts at first, but her statement of friendship changed all that.

Wrong. Discord changed because Fluttershy didn't give up on him, even when he clearily didn't want to change. And no, Discord wasn't wearing a mask. He was being his normal chaotic self and Fluttershy knew that. She saw firsthand what he did and that he was a villain.

No one knew that Cozy was a villain, as such, no one tried to rehabilitate her because no one knew that she needed it. No one treated Cozy with any sort of kindness after she was revealed. She recieved no chances or help.

It was made pretty clear that Fluttershy calling him her friend was the turning point.

Cozy lied to them all, let them think she was their friend, and used them. That was her choice. Saying "no-one knew the real her" doesn't really change anything. She chose to pretend to be nice to hide her true selfishness and hunger for power. No-one made her do that. It was her call.

Yes, she called him her friend after everything that he did and her knowing it.

Yes, did all those things, but the fact remains that no one tried to reform her. Discord chose to use his chaos for evil puroses when he could very well use them to do nice things for ponies and make friends with them. Not doing so was his call. Cozy was no better or worse in this regard then he was, the only difference is that he got a second chance while she didn't.

I'll say it again, there's no proof that an attempted rehabilitation wouldn't work on her because it was never attempted.

Except for the fact that she had been taught all about friendship and its virtues, and learned nothing from it except that she wanted its "power" for herself.

You can say "What if" all you like. Just don't act like Cozy didn't bring this upon herself with her lies and hunger for power.

A school is not the same as having someone dedicated to reforming you. Misunderstanding a bunch of lessons does not mean giving her a Fluttershy equivalent wouldn't work. I somehow doupt that the same school would have magically changed Discord either just by attendence.

I never said "what if", I marely pointed out how Cozy didn't get a second chance and that there was no proof that a Discord style rehabilitation program wouldn't work with her, something I still stand by.

She didn't "misunderstand" anything. The way she manipulated others showed that she understood the lessons well enough to use them to her advantage. She chose to focus on what she could get out of those lessons.

You have no proof that it would work. Stalemate.

She literally mistook friendship for manipulation and a streight up power boost. You don't need to be good at genuene friendship to know how to manipulate others. Just look at Discord for example!

Yes, I have no proof that it would work, but theres also no proof that it wouldn't. Therefore, based on the fact that Discord and Starlight were allowed such a chance its only fair that Cozy gets one as well because again, no proof that it wouldn't work. There was no proof that it would work on Discord prior to Celestia having him released, after all.

She knew full well what she was doing from the start. If she didn't understand the basic subject matter, she wouldn't have been able to fake it so well.

So did Discord when he plunged Equestria into chaos. And again, manipulation isn't something that can only be done by someone who knows about friendship. Why shouldn't she have been able to fake it so well? Her entire view of the subject was clearily warped and misunderstood. No reason why she can't be helped.

She didn't "misunderstand" anything. She made a conscious decision to warp the lessons being taught for her own benefit. Stop trying to make her look like some tragic villain, because she's not.

She clearily misunderstood the meaning of friendship if she thought it equated to raw power. I'm not trying to paint her as a tragic villain, only one that deserved a second chance and could have changed if given proper help like what Discord got.

How much to beat up discord?


I'd have to check with Starlight, but I'm sure the rates are very, very reasonable. :raritywink: Though I'd certainly advise you to be careful. Keep in mind that money means nothing to Discord, he wields the power of chaos at his command, and can be rather unpredictable. You may pay your bits, and you may get to beat him up to your heart's content, but that's no guarantee that you'll leave entirely unscathed. But hey, chaos is random, so you may end up getting turned into an alicorn... or getting covered in cherry-flavored Jello. You just never know with him!

Oh bits are no problem for me I need to have a chat with him seeing as he owes he owes me his bail fee for his stolen prison first time he broke out and he keeps hiding from me (running character gag I have)

Because she can't marry them all?

... That's B before A. B follows A. Discord fell in love with her gradually.

Sure, but it was still pretty obvious by say Season 8 or 9, if even Spike picked it up. And at that point the risk is getting Fluttershy to try and reform other villains might make Discord jealous and moody, which causes him to act out, and even before the season finale the Princesses knew how bad it is when Discord acts out.

Now that I think about it, that's a great post-season 9 story: Princess Twilight calls in Prince Blueblood (handsome, knows how to treat extremely noble ladies even if he doesn't always want to do it), Limestone Pie (extremely strong, aggressive earth pony who can stand up to anyone) and Rumble (cute pegasus colt) and tells them they have been assigned a very important mission of reformation...

Technically she managed to convivence him to adopt a few ants as strays, and only torment the others on random days or when he's in a mood. It's a lot less impressive once you look at it more critically.

That being said, one would assume she could at least downgrade some of the most destructive villain tendencies. But it is MLP, and expecting logic or critical thinking at this point may be a pretty big ask from this show's collective writing.

The jealousy would definitely cause him to be a problem.

Of course in the long term some competition for Fluttershy's affection would proberbly be a good thing, as Discord desperately needs to learn patience. But you'd still have to get him to realize that he needs it, which would proberbly lead to it's own kind of trials.

good point
ill admit that cozy could still have been reformed in the end

also she was kinda tragic
sadly this will only be explored in stories now
it is possible she shows up in the new series
cause honestly i don't believe the whole they killed off the villains stich
prediction cozy returned and stole the unicorns magic:yay:

Oh my, Cozy, you're on your way to becoming an imposter. That was a whole lot of venting you did.

10840911 did you know i'm going to try and make an anime cozy glow in it and is a main character and is reformed and my anime it take place before mlpfim and after and if you want to know how cozy came to be in the 21th century time travel pss my anime is canon to mlpfim g4 and g5 and infact my anime will explain how g5 fit in g4 i do love the idea that cozy maybe like madara and obito and her mom who dead because of dragons and canon cozy love her mommy and the lose of her mommy hurt her deeply and that way she hates dragon so much (not spike because she see him more as a pony) and i'm going to make it that cozy deep down hates the world because of that pain she feels and deep down wants to be cute and lovable and the lose of her mommy and her first friends and two evil ponies name cheque mace and girtterani manipulation she was led to believe that that world was hell And her goal changed from protection to prevention similar to Obito's and madara and she truly believed that the way to peace was through the eternal dream with her as the head of world were the ones behind all for pain and lass and she wanted to use all magic in the world for eternal dream Realm because she believed that the world was evil and was a hell like she said a world of only peace and love a world of only Victors I will make such a world By collecting all the magic in the world into a single point and putting everyone in a Eternal dream And I'll be able to see my loved ones again even those who have died can be alive again The Impossible can become possible Wake up to Reality - Madara Uchiha's words I just need to get in contact with Hasbro

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