• Published 4th May 2021
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A Secret Admirer 2: How to Cuddle Your Dragon - 1jckuhn

After Spike becomes more than friends with the Mane 6, CMC, Gabby Starlight, and Smolder, his harem and he put a system in place where he gets hang out with each member during the day and to have a snuggle session each night with that same member.

  • ...

Chapter V: Rainbow Dash


The birds sang their song long and loud that morning. Fluttershy let out a yawn and stretched. She looked down to find Spike still asleep and clutching her as tightly as he was last night. She couldn't help but smile warmly at how peaceful he looked. She was pulled away from her thoughts when she heard Spike's bedroom door open and in stepped in the next member for a cuddle session, Rainbow Dash. The wonderbolt took one look at Spike and Fluttershy still in Spike's bed and chuckled.

"I take it Spike's still asleep?" she asked.

Fluttershy nodded, "Yes, he looks so cute, doesn't he?"

"That's an understatment," Rainbow Dash said. "Adorable would be more accurate."

"I can't argue with you there," Fluttershy said.

Both Pegusai looked down at Spike, who was still snoring peacefully. Rainbow Dash got an idea and she whispered it to Fluttershy who found herself completely onboard with this plan.

Carefully, Rainbow Dash pryed Spike's arms off of Fluttershy's back. It took a little bit of effort because she didn't want to accidentally wake up Spike. Once they were done with that, They both used one hoof each to rub one cheek each in a gentle, circular motion. It took no more than 30 seconds for Spike to begin to stir and his emerald green eyes popped wide open, before he stretched and let out a big yawn.

"Good morning, Fluttershy," he said as he rubbed his eyes. "Sleep well?"

"Good morning, Spike," Fluttershy replied. "Yes, I did sleep well."

Spike turned his head to see Rainbow Dash looking down at him.

"Good morning, Rainbow."

"Good morning, handsome."

Spike's moment with Rainbow Dash was gently interupped by a pair of lips pressing lightly against his cheek. He turned to see Fluttershy looking at him with her eyes half-lidded and a grin played her lips.

"Oh," Spike said playfully. "Let me guess. It's time for my "Wake-up-good-morning call"?"

"You read my mind," Fluttershy whispered into his ear.

Spike didn't know what it was, but having someone whisper right into his ear felt so relaxing and soothing to him. He barely had time to process that thought when Fluttershy began to smother his face in half a minute's worth of kisses. Fluttershy pulled away and chuckled at Spike's blushing, sheepish face.

"Enjoy it?" she asked. She already knew the answer, but she just wanted to hear him say it.

"That's an understatement," Spike said.

"Well, I must be off now," Fluttershy said. "I can only imagine how excited Rainbow Dash is to be wih you today."

She then turned to Rainbow Dash, "He's all yours."

"Thanks, Flutters," Rainbow replied. She gave Fluttershy a playful noogie.

Fluttershy walked out the door but not before blowing a kiss toward her little drakefriend.

Once she was out of sight, Rainbow Dash turned her attention to Spike.

"Excited is a vast understatement of how I feel about being with you today, Spike. I want to make every second of today as awesome as possible for you," she said as she picked up Spike from his bed and cradled him in her hooves like a newborn foal. "Come on, sweetie. It's time for breakfast."

She flew out of Spike's bedroom carrying Spike in her hooves as he was a fragile package. Except Spike was of far greater value than any box of contents to the Cyan Pegasus.


True to her word, Raonbow Dash had made today a very good day for Spike. She had fixed him a large stack of pancakes with pieces of his favorite gems in them for not just breakfast, but for lunch and dinner as well, Spike and she talked for hours on end about several things, and she had surprised him by taking him out for a walk, only to take the quickest route to the movie and treat him to the newest Daring Do movie. Spike couldn't have asked for today to be any better.

Now, however, night had finally set upon all of Equestria and the moon had been raised and Rainbow Dash and Spike were longing on the couch together. Rainbow Dash was excited. Although she wasn't exactly the biggest fan of cuddling like Pinkie was, Rainbow was eager to wrap up her little Spike and provide him with the best cuddle experience. She was a little new to this whole love thing. In fact, Spike was the first real boyfriend in her life. She had a few crushes in her teen years here and there, but, despite her overly-confident attitude and her very, very supportive parents, she never had the courage to actually ask them out. Looking back, she was glad she didn't. Sure, they all had their pros that attracted the Rainbow-maned Pegasus, but she realized that none of them were even as one percent as awesome as Spike was. There were several times where she had given him a hard time and yet he proved her wrong in a dramatic fashion and never rubbed it into her face in any way, he was always there for her no matter what type of situation she was in, and he never was mad at her no matter how brash she could be sometimes. Although she felt touched by Spike thanking her for all the things she had done for him today, she felt like she owed him for being the best creature that she had met in her life.

She was pulled away from her thoughts when she heard a yawn cut through the quiet atmosphere. She looked at Spike and knew, the second she saw him, that Twilight's anri-drowsiness spell on him had worn off. She looked up at the clock for confirmation. 9:17 P.M. Rainbow smiled to herself she knew any second, Spike would be asking her to-

"Hey, Rainbow?" Spike asked sleepily.

"Yeah, Spike?" she replied. She already knew what he was going to ask her.

"Can you carry me upstairs to brush my teeth, please?" he pleaded as he stuck both arms out toward her.

"Certainly, sweetie," Rainbow said. She picked up the dozy Dragon, wrapped him in her hooves, and flew gently and slowly upstairs to the bathroom.

She didn't care how long it took for Spike to get ready for bed. As long as she was with him, that was all that mattered. She remembered how Spike had told them how he loved doing things for them just to see them happy. He wanted to spend time with them just to make them smile or laugh. Now, she felt like it was high time to return the favor.

It took no more than three minutes for Spike to brush his teeth. Once he was done, Rainbow gently picked him up and she flew to his bedroom, rocking the little, teenage Dragon back and fourth in her hooves, making him feel even sleepier. She opened his bedroom door and flew inside. The lights were already turned off and, like Pinkie, Rainbow's only source of light was the moon from an open curtain. She was a little reluctant to set Spike down, but rembered that she'd only be away from his grip for no more than 15 seconds. She quickly pulled back the covers and hovered above Spike as she wrapped him in the blankets. Then, she landed and got into Spike's bed herself. Spike and Rainbow both stuck their arms out as they scooted toward each other.

"Come here, Rainbow," Spike whispered.

Right when it seemed like Spike was gonna wrap his arms around Rainbow Dash's body, she suddenly stopped scooting towards him, leaving Spike utterly confused. He watched Rainbow Dash roll onto her back and she sat up. Her beautiful wings suddenly unfolded and they stood staright out on either side of her in all their glory. She then lay back down on her back.

"Spike," she said. "Climb up on top of me. I promise you'll enjoy this."

Spike did as he was told. He crawled from his spot and onto Rainbow Dash. He rested face down on her barrel and belly. The second he was comfy, Rainbow Dash wrapped her hooves around him tightly to keep him cemented to her abdomen. She then pulled her mane and tail over herself and wrapped Spike's back and legs with it. Finally, she wrapped her outstretched wings around him. Now, Spike was fully enveloped by Rainbow Dash's body. Rainbow then proceeded to pull the blankets back on top of them. Spike couldn't help but give Rainbow's chest fur a little nuzzle. She smelled of blueberries, one of Spike's favorite food, aside from gems.

"The others told me you liked being cuddled like this," Rainbow Dash explained. "How'd I do?"

"Perfectly, Dashie," Spike smiled.

Rainbow immediatly blushed hard from Spike's nickname.

"Well," Rainbow Dash said. "I'm glad you like it. How about the rest of today. Did you like it?"

"Yeah," Spike yawned. "I did. Why are you asking? Surely, you saw how happy I was throughout today at least once."

"I did, but," Rainbow Dash paused then sighed. "There's something I gotta tell you."

Spike's fatigue vanished, he pulled his head out of her chest, his ears perked up, and he looked up at her face, "I'm listening. Go ahead."

"Well, Spike," Rainbow sighed. "The truth is you're the first boy who I've been in a relationship in. I have to confess that despite my brash attitude, I've never had any courage to ask out any stallions in my teen years. I just wanted to make sure you were happy with my performance, because I love you, Spike. To be honest, you're really the only boy that I've seen come to me. Looking back, I'm glad I never acted on any of my feelimgs on the other guys, because I got someone much better. You're such a loyal dude, Spike. I know I've given you a hard time more than once, but you've proven me wrong and you've never gloated once about it, you're always there to support me me no matter what type of situation I'm in, and I can never remember a time when you were mad at me no matter how brash I could be sometimes. Lucky is an understatement of how I feel having you as a friend and lover. Always remember that."

She ended her speech with kissing Spike on his forehead. Spike, meanwhile, was feeling touched by his girlfriend's speech

"Thanks Rainbow," Spike said. "You know, you may be right on being a bit brash and you do sometimes pick on me, but did you mention that you make it up to me every time you do it? No, and yes I know I'm loyal to you, but you're just as loyal to me. Remember after our encounter with the Dragons? You checked in on me at least once every hour and you treated me to a Wonderbolt's show and ice cream that same day. Then, after the Sludge incident, you, as well as the others, spent every second of every day for a solid two weeks. It's already known that's when I started noticing most, if not all, of you girls romantically. You may be sometimes a little bit assertive, but beneath that is a sweet and kind Pegasus who only wants to make a friend and feel like she's wanted. That's something I will always love about you."

Rainbow's cheeks turned red. She felt just as touched with Spike's speech as Spike did with hers.

"Well," Spike yawned. "It's time for us to go to sleep."

He nuzzled back into her chest fur and let out a happy sigh. The fatigue that vanished earlier was resurfacing fast. Rainbow Dash gripped the little Dragon tighter and wrapped her wings as far as they could go about him. Rainbow suddenly smirked to herself she had an idea, but she wanted to see if Spike was okay with it first.

"Hey Spike," she cooed into his ear. "How would how like it if I hum you a lullaby?"

"That'd be great, Rainbow," Spike said softly. "Thanks."

With that said, Rainbow began to hum Spike's favorite lullaby as she nuzzled his head crest. Spike smiled as the sound of her voice combined with her heartbeat sang him to sleep. It took no more than two minutes for Spike to be pushed right to the edge. One last nudge would push him into Luna's Dream Relm.

"Goodnoght, Rainbow," Spike said with a yawn. "Always remember that I love you."

"Goodnight, Spike and thank you," whispered Rainbow Dash. "Please always remember that I love you too."

Unlike previous nights, Spike didn't fall asleep before his marefriend. The second she closed her eyes after saying goodnight, Rainbow Dash fell asleep. Right at that same moment, Spike also finally fell asleep too. Their soft snores echoed peacefully throughout Spike's room as the Friendship Castle finally fully settled down.