• Published 4th May 2021
  • 7,605 Views, 166 Comments

A Secret Admirer 3: Spike's Sacrifice (AU) - 1jckuhn

A version of Spike's Sacrifice if the events of "A Secret Admirer" played out.

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Chapter 16: 20 Years Later


It had been 20 years since the events of the Canterlot battle, Twilight was paid a visit by her new student, Luster Dawn, because she had a few questions about what was the true meaning of friendship and what was the point of it all. To help her out, Twilight, who had just mastered the spell that shows her friends and herself to Spike on the heaven portal, had gathered all her friends together, Cozy and Cobalt included, to tell Luster the story of how Spike saved Equestria in exchange of his own life. They believed this story was just the thing to help Luster back on the right path, because they could all use the lessons they learned from Spike's sacrifice and pass it on down to her. They had also gotten a hold of Spike and his parents on the heaven portal, because they felt he knew exactly what to say to fully help her back on the right path.

Physically, Twilight now looked almost exactly like Princess Celestia She wore a golden crown, a golden breastplate, and four golden shoes for her hooves. However, not much had changed about the others physically. Rainbow Dash now wore a Wonderbolt jacket, and her rainbow-colored mane was now sticking up, resembling a mohawk. Rarity's mane and tail now had a grey stripe running down the middle of it and she wore a large, blue fur coat with a white collar. Applejack now wore a bandana on her neck with apples printed on it and her blonde tail was braided. Pinkie Pie's mane was in a giant poof on the back of her head. Fluttershy's mane was in a ponytail. Starlight now wore a dark pink shirt with a white undershirt with a purple skirt. As she was the new Principal of the School of Friendship, she wanted to look her best. Her mane and tail remained the same. The Crusaders were much bigger now as well. Scootaloo was also able get really good at flying in the last few years and her top speed matched Rainbow Dash's. Sweetie Belle wore a pair of diamond earrings and Apple Bloom wore a cowboy hat similar to that of her older sister's. Smolder had grown at least another two feet taller and was now a little taller than Ember. Gabby wore a purple bandana and a sunhat. Cozy now wore a sunhat also and a burgundy vest, but her mane remained the same as it did 20 years ago. Cobalt wore the same baseball hat, just in a bigger size and he had a small goatee. His mane, like Cozy's, remined the same. Garble had grown another half foot and had fully turned himself around. Discord, however seemed unchanged. Only a mustache that hung from both sides of his face was the only thing that was new.

"And that, Luster Dawn, is the story of how Spike saved Equestria," Twilight Sparke finished.

"Wow," Luster Dawn said. "I guess friendship really is magic. Spike was a true hero that day."

"Heh," Spike chuckled on the heaven portal. "Well, it wasn't really that hard for me to choose. My lovers were in trouble, and I wasn't about to leave them hanging. It was so much more than just saving them, however. I had made friends with other rulers of different species. There was Ember, who's walls I successfully melted, and I had helped throne her the new Dragon Lord. Then there was Thorax, who's kind was originally feared due to them sucking love from creatures so their Queen and they could feed off of it in their hive. When I saw, Cozy, Tirek, and Chrysalis powering up that blast and seeing my marefriends' horrified looks thinking that was it for them, the thought of not just them, but also every creature in Equestria, dying or submitting at the hands of those power-hungry fiends hit me like a loaded freight train. It motivated me to throw everything aside just for them. I explicitly remember all my pain suddenly disappearing and everything moved about a mile an hour in my eyes."

"Just goes to show you what type of person Spike is," Rainbow Dash said. "Lightning Dust even told me the kid's got enough guts to become a washout."

"Quite right, Rainbow," Rarity added. "Our Spike does do everything he can to please us."

"That's an understatement," chuckled Smolder.

"But why did you forgive Cozy Glow?" Luster asked. "I understand she was mentally-ill at the time, but certainly I would've never met anyone who would've forgiven someone who tried to kill them. I have the same question about Discord, as well. He set this whole thing up."

Cozy winced slightly. Even though she had been on the right path for over 20 years, reminders of when she was evil still hurt her deeply. The same could be said for Discord as well. He didn't want to think about what he did to cause the death of his close friend either, even if Spike had forgiven him for it.

"Ah, that," Spike said. "I was watching over every single event from up above in the heavens and I overheard Tirek confessing to Twilight of how he met and manipulated Cozy. It filled me with anger and disgust hearing it. Yet, at the same time, I realized that Cozy was not a bad pony, she was an emotionally broken pony who was drug down the wrong path by someone who was determined to bring us to our knees by any means necessary. While I was thinking that, another thought hit me. When we were interrogating Tirek in Tartarus, we should've pressed him further and make him crack about how exactly he had met Cozy. There's no doubt in my mind that if we went with that option, Cozy would've been reformed sooner, the Legion would've been a lot weaker, and we would've had a lot less carnage. When we sent her to Tartarus, I believed that made her straddle the line between insane and normal. Then I was suddenly summoned here by Luna and Celestia because they mastered a spell that was originally thought to have been a myth for thousands of years. They filled me in on what happened and told them not to charge Cozy Glow with anything because I believed that I could reach into her and reveal the good in her. I wanted to talk to her personally. When I did see her, not only did she seem remorseful, but I could, no joke, see her soul in those scarlet eyes and it seemed broken. Cozy had promised me that she'd be a better pony, and true to her word, she did. She passed all her classes with flying colors. Twilight even said it was as if she knew as much about friendship as she did. She didn't go to school alone, however, her best friend, Cobalt Blitz, also went with her, just make sure that she would be okay. By the end of her first day back at school, I knew, without a doubt I had made the right call with forgiving her. There's a lesson to be learned from Cozy, Luster. You may meet someone who's a bully and may try to act tough on the outside, but on the inside, they may act like that because they are broken or, like Cozy, were drug down the wrong path and extorted for someone else's nefarious purposes. As for Discord, I knew he wanted to help us, not hurt us. I did know about his whole plan about how he wanted to give Twilight and the others a confidence boost so that they could be ready to rule over Equestria together, but that wasn't the only reason he did it. I overheard him saying that his plan also revolved around reforming Cozy because he didn't like seeing her get sent to Tartarus. He even offered her an honorable apology at the School of Friendship for what he had put her through. Plus, he also managed to free all of us in one go, just by antagonizing Tirek. I have to say, those two are getting along just fine and I'm proud of both of them for their performance from what I've seen up in heaven. My parents feel the same way."

Cozy felt tears of pride welling up in her eyes. 20 years later and Spike's opinion of her had never soured. She still vividly remembered seeing Spike's soul when she first looked into his eyes at the hospital. Discord also teared up with pride listening to his best friend as well.

"Oh," Tyson said. "We're not just proud of them, we're also proud of you too, son."

"Quite right," Kimba agreed. "Our little boy has grown up so much. He truly is someone to take notes on."

"I saw Spike's soul in his eyes too," Cozy added. "It was literally looking right at me and silently saying, "You're going to be okay, now. I promise"."

Luster was amazed.

"Wow," she said. "I really hope I meet someone just like Spike. He could really guide me through all hard times with ease. Who knows? Maybe I could fall in love with him the way you all fell in love with Spike. Before I met all of you, I never thought about friendship being something to work at, and I don't mind work. I guess if they don't have to fade away, maybe making friends isn't the waste of time I thought. But I've been so focused on my studies, I wouldn't know where to start."

"That's all right, because I know exactly where to send you," Twilight said kindly. "It's a little place called Ponyville. There, I too learned the true meaning of friendship. I have no doubt in my mind that it will do the same for you too."


The Magic of Friendship grows

[ Twilight Sparkle]

When I started out, I was unsure
I thought I knew all that I needed, didn't know what to expect
But when my walls came down, I saw the truth
All along something was missing
And I think you'll see it, too

This is where the magic happens
This is where the magic lives
Our friendships weave together stronger
The bonds grow deeper, lasting longer
And the greatest spell you'll know
Is how the Magic of Friendship grows

[ Pinkie Pie]

And no matter how much time goes by
The party will still be here with some fun new games to try

[ Rainbow Dash]

Big adventure's waiting obviously
Long as we're still here together
We'll be flying happily

[Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash]

This is where the magic happens (where the magic happens)
This is where the magic lives (where the magic lives)
Our friendships weave together stronger
The bonds grow deeper, lasting longer
And the greatest spell there is
What the Magic of Friendship gives

[ Applejack]

And it's somethin' true to pass on down
To generations yet to come

[ Rarity]

And we'll never stop believing in
The generosity of the friendships we've won

[ Fluttershy]

And because the love that I feel
For every single living creature is something that is real
Friendship happens so naturally

[ Twilight Sparkle]

Oh, and how I used to wonder



[ Twilight Sparkle]

What friendship could be!


This is where the magic happens (where the magic happens)
This is where the magic lives (where the magic lives)
Our friendships weave together stronger
The bonds grow deeper, lasting longer
And the greatest spell you'll know (you'll know)
Is how the Magic of Friendship grows

[ Twilight Sparkle]

How the Magic of Friendship grows



Spike, Tyson, and Kimba, Spike's harem, Garble, Discord, Cozy, Cobalt, and Luster were now in Ponyville and were getting ready to send Luster off.

Twilight and Luster parted ways after they gave each other a quick nuzzle. Luster ran off to join her friends, but not before waving goodbye to the 17 creatures and three angel dragons. She seemed to be fitting in just fine already.

"She's learning quick," Spike said.

"Yep," Rainbow Dash said. "Just like Twilight."


Author's Note:

Thank y'all for reading, hope you enjoyed, and have a great day/night!

Comments ( 78 )

What are you talking about? :rainbowhuh:

....... a lot of walls of text. You should reduce that because it will risk the eyes of the readers.


Really?! You DON'T see the huge argument/debate going on about your story's decisions?!

I did know about his whole plan about how he wanted to give Twilight and the others a confidence boost so that they could be ready to rule over Equestria together, but that wasn't the only reason he did it.

Raven: And that is the lie Discord told and why his reason for this plan makes absolutely no sense.

Just ask yourself, what confidence was he trying to boost them in exactly? It can't be to help them rule, making them do the one thing that the mane 6 had been doing since Nightmare Moon (Defend and protect Equestria) haves no effect in ruling a country. Defending it is only part of the job, not the whole package.

Plus Twilight spent months learning how to be a ruler and gain Confidence on ruling Equestria through that and at the last Sun Celebration. She even showed everyone just how confident and ready to rule she was thanks to the time given to her to prepare.

The only thing that makes sense with Discord plan is if he was trying to help Twilight build confidence in defending Equestria with out the help of the of the royal sisters or his help but that makes even less sense, cause the mane 6 had been doing that for years and long since gained confidence in protecting Equestria without their help.

And the one responsible for Twilight's confidence boost in these two categories, was none other than Princess Celestia and Twilight's Confidence was build up before Discord could even initiate his plan and since Twilight had already gained confidence in being a great ruler. It makes Discord plan absolutely meaningless.

Except having Twilight gain a confidence boost was a lie to hide what he was really trying to help her with. So what was Discord really trying to help her with? what was the real purpose for his plan?

Can you figure it out.

Oh, that's what you were talking about. Okay, I understand now.


If you are so invested into this?

Then why DIDN'T you continue your particular story ( The one with Raven Inkwell and her very complicated, but compelling argument. Even though I disagree with some things you said, that I'm not 100% on your side of the argument. And it's not even about Discord. ) ??!!

Oh I am. I'm almost finish with the second chapter and will have it out today.

I know I Said the next chapter would come out today, but I underestimated how long it would be and I ran out of time and need go to work.

But I Pinkie Promise it will be up tomorrow.

So look out for it.

And sorry for the wait.:pinkiesad2:

It's okay, bud. Take as long as you need.


I'm surprised that both of you are on good terms? Despite that massive debate with Discord, Chrysalis, and Tirek.

Ehh, It's all in good fun. :twilightsmile::pinkiecrazy:



Personally, I feel mixed with Discord. It is technically his fault, and should get really punishment for his actions at least. That's ONLY the part that I agree with Mpony1 here.

But, the main reason that I wasn't totally agreeing with Mpony1, is because why the heck are they even defending someone like Chrysalis from a deserving beat down??!! Tirek included!!!!!

And before you say that Fluttershy do that same dumb pacifist trick, like she did to the hatefully justified Smolder, Thorax, Ember, and Starlight.

That WON'T work on me, believe that!

And after what Chrysalis has said to Spike of all people. I'm gonna show her what the Chaos Space Marines: The Night Lords teach me in the Torture department!!!!!!!! :pinkiecrazy:

And Tirek will get it too, for what he did to poor Cozy.


We know the story. It's just do you really have to repeat the same dang thing, everytime Luna gets screwed many times in EVERY single story you and I have read?!

Why can't you just make your own stories one day, and hopefully change Luna's and Spike's fates to your favour?

Managed to fully read this.
Quite more emotional than in the previous version.
Glad that at least Chrysalis and Tirek weren't executed there. At least Discord's plan didn't drag even more beings to their deaths.
Especially Chrysalis's case since she was just broken when "Grogar" plucked her up.

Though bummed we didn't see what happened with Luna and Celestia post-timeskip..

I am pretty sure I already said I can't write stories.
I could have sworn I did I think.?

Just in case, I will say again I am more of a idea-giver/story reader than a story writer.
One day I might write something but I prefer seeing other peoples fics too.
That and I tried to write something long ago but it didn't work out really.
That's why I am more of a idea-giver/reader than a writer.



I am pretty sure I already said I can't write stories.
I could have sworn I did I think.?

I probably didn't remember or forgot, sorry.

Just in case, I will say again I am more of a idea-giver/story reader than a story writer.
One day I might write something but I prefer seeing other peoples fics too.
That and I tried to write something long ago but it didn't work out really.
That's why I am more of a idea-giver/reader than a writer.

A idea-giver/story reader? Irony, I'm the same thing. And I will eventually write stories myself.



I do agree that Celestia and Luna are being left out in the final ending their. But, I still can't accept, or even support on why you ( And Mpony1 ) even defend that heartless b***** like Chrysalis, and that child-manipulating Tirek ( And he did it BEFORE Discord show up!!!!!!! )

They should deserve a fate worse than death!!!! And life imprisonment in tartarus is a bit mediocre at best. Thought that the death sentence and sending those two to hell is a just punishment.

And please, DON'T even think about trying to "change" my mind here. Including you, Mpony1. I already read all of your long arguments, and while I agree with Discord. I would NEVER, ever forgive or give Chrysalis or Tirek a chance. After what they did to poor Spike and Cozy.

Maybe before, but after?! It's too damn late for them!!!!!

And I only give Cozy Glow mercy, is because of what really happened to her in here. And she was truly remorseful after! You DON'T see that with Chrysalis or Tirek here, hmmm????!!!!

First thing:

I'm surprised that both of you are on good terms? Despite that massive debate with Discord, Chrysalis, and Tirek.

Ehh, It's all in good fun.

What he said. I wasn't being cruel or anything to the author. I was just giving my opinions in a fun way. Which why we did the Raven and Smolder interactions.


I like how you point me out in your comments, without actually sending them to me.


But, the main reason that I wasn't totally agreeing with Mpony1, is because why the heck are they even defending someone like Chrysalis from a deserving beat down??!! Tirek included!!!!!

I was not defending them from getting a beat down. I wanted to see that beat down soo badly.

I was only stating how wrong it was to execute them, when the only reason they were able kill Spike in the first place was because of Discord's stupid plan. He's just as reponsible for Spikes death as they are. Its called "involuntary manslaughter" So Discord already had Spikes blood on his hands and since his plan still required him to get rid of his pawns in the end. It makes him look even worse for letting them be killed when he was the one who brought them back in the first place.


And I only give Cozy Glow mercy, is because of what really happened to her in here. And she was truly remorseful after! You DON'T see that with Chrysalis or Tirek here, hmmm????!!!!

For Chrysalis "HELL NO"

But Tirek-

Chrysalis threw back her head and began to laugh at her own callous comment. Cozy and Tirek couldn't help but seem a little shocked at Chrysalis' harsh words. They hated Spike just as much as she did, but they had enough dignity to respect the dead.

"Chrysalis, don't you have any respect for him at all?" Cozy Glow asked.

"Not a chance in hell," Chrysalis responded coldly. "Don't tell me you feel sorry for them."

"Well, we did have a little respect for them being our rivals and all," Cozy Glow admitted.

"We also shouldn't disrespect the dead," added Tirek. "Sure, Cozy and I hated all of them just as much as you did, but we also should know where to draw the line."

Tirek didn't even care about what his punishment was. He had already accepted his fate from the minute he had woken up in his prison cell bed. He already knew he didn't have much life left to begin with and he honestly didn't care about life anymore.

He did what he did to Cozy yes but he did show remorse for Spike.

So Yeah!

Chrysalis was freaking broken when "Grogar" plucked her up.
She could have gotten help and maybe reform, but Discord caused her to end up even worse.
Its like a computer getting screwed up by bad viruses but instead of fixing it, someone has it get exposed to worse code and more malicious viruses.
Chrysalis may be cruel, but she wasn't THIS cruel prior to Discord's plan happening.

I am not saying Chrysalis shouldn't be punished.
I am saying is they have to make the punishment less major since its ultimately Discord's fault she and Tirek ended up even worse.
That's a huge problem in the finale with the trio being turned to stone. Its Discord disposing of his pawns.
The trio deserved punishment but not being turned to stone due to Discord's bs(hell, he shouldn't have the right to suggest what punishment they get), putting them in Tartarus is fine.
Since the trio weren't threats until Discord did something.
That's why so many fans were pissed at what happened to the trio.

Having the two get executed is pretty unjust given the circumstances.
Putting them in Tartarus is fine.
Hell, the very things the trio did is literally what previous villains did(causing destruction, presumable causing deaths to others, attacking royalty) and they didn't get executed, just sealed away again or stopped. Only exception seems to be Sombra and Storm King(and it wasn't a execution by law but rather they got killed by some magical thing that happened in the moment)

Just started to read it.

Raven: I never said anything about forgiving them.

Smolder: Well, you’re trying to convince everyone that Discord’s the main one at fault here, and you’re claiming that we’re “throwing all the blame on his pawns.” So, it sounds to me like you think that those two have good in them. When it’s crystal clear that only Cozy Glow is more than deserving of a second chance.

Raven: He is, you are, they don't (but the way Tirek acted at the end, who knows), She does.

Smolder: Oh, okay. I get what you’re trying to say now. Well, we’ll see of you think Discord is still deserving of a punishment after that bonus chapter is finished in August.


"I know why you're here, Twilight," Discord sighed sadly. "I know what I did, but no matter how much I hope, no matter how much I try, I cannot see you or your friends ever forgiving me. So, please, just turn me into stone again and get it over with. I deserve it."

Raven: Discord himself even said that he deserves it. That alone should be enough.

Smolder: That was before he realized that it wasn’t his fault that Spike died. He, like the rest of us, just felt tore up about Spike’s death and it manifested itself into blame and guilt.

Raven: and expect to see the first chapter of the requested story tomorrow!

Raven: Than what the tartarus was Twilight was to him before he had feelings for her? She did hatch his egg and raised him.

Smolder (sarcastically): Joy.

Me: Sorry about that, Raven. She’s not exactly a big fan of seeing stories about Discord getting punished.

Smolder: His best friend.

Raven: But you are it seems:pinkiecrazy:


Smolder: Raven, Grogar/Discord returned to the hideout to share Sombra’s defeat after it happened. Which leads me to this question. Does that Crystal Ball show you live footage, or is it just for holding memories that were saved on it? I’m leaning more toward the second of those two theories.

Raven: Well Ms. Smolder, I can see what you're getting at but I'm afraid that not only do I disagree with your theory it still wouldn't help Discord's case.

Allow me to explain!

First of all a live footage, seriously!? We both know that can't be the case, for Discord the castle left after the issue with Sombra was settled and then we saw Grogar come back to the hideout to tell the others, which would mean he left the hideout earlier.

And the memory thing has some merits. I get what you're trying to say though the way you said it confused me at first.

Discord using the ball to show the memories of what he saw did stump me, but then I remembered how he corrupted the Mane 6. He was able to alter their personalities and memories without physically touching them (except Fluttershy) or snap his fingers or do anything that physically showed us how he was changing them (except Fluttershy)

My point is he could and no doubt can show the evil 3 memories in the crystal ball as well, thus showing their betrayal.

Or even better. If you want to use only his memories alone, He could of easily spied on the trio no problem without being detected, he is capable of doing this for he has done it before and when they came back saying they didn't get the bell-


He shows his memory of him watching them as they planned their betrayal and their you go crisis easily averted.

Now you have to explain why he didn't spy on them climbing the mountain when you know he can do so very easily and its because of that is why you'll never going find a way to counter that he did know about the betrayal the whole time.

Face it Smolder, you got nothing logical or concrete, just admit defeat.


Raven: And one more thing! Remember no one knew Grogar was really Discord, not even the L.O.D. knew. So i we look at it from the perspective that Grogar is real then your memory theory holds no weight because that would mean Grogar would have to be there to watch Sombra's defeat and if he's capable of spying on others without being detected. (Which he would have to do in some way since he knows all about the Evil trio failures; plus Sombra) then what was stopping him from watching the trio get the bell?


Even if you say he was testing them to try and work together to get the bell, that doesn't mean he's stupid enough to trust them to actually bring it back to him. Which means he easily saw their betrayal coming but they did work together like he wanted which means they are soon ready to take over Equestria and after taking his bell back he can start planning their attack.

Spying on those three to make sure they wouldn't pull a fast one is too easy for both Grogar and Discord from what I seen, those three are untrustworthy and leaving them alone to take an artifact of great power and just expect them to actually give it to Grogar is ABSOLUTELY INSANE!!!

I would be surprised if they did actually delivered it to him and not even try to stab him in the back. You can't expect those three to change who they are so instantly do you?

As Fluttershy once said-

Raven uses her magic to make a screen appear.

Raven: (groan) This is the best I could find. Just skip to (4:00) and watch.

So try your best to explain your way out of this one or are you ready to admit that Discord knew about the betrayal and allowed it to happen.

I'll be waiting your surrender or denial.


Now you have to explain why he didn't spy on them climbing the mountain when you know he can do so very easily and its because of that is why you'll never going find a way to counter that he did know about the betrayal the whole time.

Smolder: He thought Sombra’s defeat would keep them in line, Raven. Before you say, “Discord openly say he didn’t trust them!”, who’s to say they didn’t earn his trust offscreen? In fact, before he sent them off, Discord put them through a series of trials to see if he could trust them (that happened offscreen). They passed and Discord thought that It’d be smooth sailing from here on out, not realizing those three had a trick up their sleeve that only happened because of a book they stole during the Summer Sun Setback. You, on the other hand, act like he wanted Spike killed and/or the Legion to take Equestria over.


So i we look at it from the perspective that Grogar is real then your memory theory holds no weight because that would mean Grogar would have to be there to watch Sombra's defeat and if he's capable of spying on others without being detected.

Which leads to believe he had to be there to watch the Legion get the bell. He wasn’t. So, he had no clue what they were planning.

then what was stopping him from watching the trio get the bell?


Fluttershy: Except for the fact that he was Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy’s leader, not their keeper or their parent. In fact, you want to know something? I can vouch for Discord hanging out with me while the Legion climbed the mountain. Know why? He thought he had them under control. He didn’t want any of the damage that was done to be dealt in the first place. All he wanted was to do a good deed like a true friend would and put three new creatures back into society, under the assumption that they’d have a caring heart somewhere inside them.

Smolder: You know, this may sound crazy, but we, in a way, owe Discord a “thank you”. If his plan had gone accordingly, we would’ve never realized the true colors of Tirek and Chrysalis. If he didn’t do this plan at all, Cozy would’ve never been granted a second chance at life anytime soon. Granted, Spike would’ve still been alive either way, but we can still see him and his parents. Even when we don’t see him, we all know we carry a small part of his spirit inside of us.

Fluttershy: What do you say we hit the road, Smolder? We need to keep ourselves stoked for this upcoming trial.

Smolder: Agreed. Let’s leave Raven to continue to rant and then floor her during the debates.

(Both clawbump/hoofbump and fly away.)


who’s to say they didn’t earn his trust offscreen? In fact, before he sent them off, Discord put them through a series of trials to see if he could trust them.


What trials? All he ever does spend more time away from the trio and all they could do was wait for Grogar to tell them his plan. Which was taking to long and they were growing impatient (mainly Chrysalis)

Before you say, “Discord openly say he didn’t trust them!”,

Raven: Fine I won't but he can!

And as for the impatience.

And another thing. That whole offsceen mess isn't viable proof, evidence is everything in the court of law, so I want proof of this so called trust because unlike my theories YOU CAN'T PROVE THEM.

And here's a piece of evidence that debunks your whole trials/trust offsceen theory. Pay close attention to what Grogar says at the beginning.

And guess what this clip and the first are from the exact same episode "Frenemies" Where he Grogar straight up said

Cozy Glow: [clears throat] I don't want to tattle on my good friend Tirek, but... you might like to know he left food out. Again.
Grogar: I'll deal with it when I'm done.
Lord Tirek: Don't trust anything that nosy little Pegasus says!
Grogar: I don't trust anything any of you say.
Lord Tirek: Hmph!

So how exactly did they passed this trust test again? Oh right, IT NEVER HAPPENED!

Case closed.

Me: Raven, those trust trials also happened offscreen. Maybe include that in your report to spice up the trial a little. Also, I’m just speculating here because I don’t have a dog in this fight, maybe Discord said, “I don’t trust you”, in an attempt to discourage the Legion from getting the bell because maybe he wanted to get the bell himself, but eventually changed his mind because he saw it as an opportunity for the trio to work together, something all friends do, which seems to cement his claim that he wanted those three reformed and to learn about the magic of friendship.



Smolder: I just wanted to swing by to say that your speculation is 100% correct, 1jckuhn. Discord did originally want to get the bell himself, but changed his mind and decided to send them up on that mountain to work as a team as a friendship mission in disguise. Forgive me, Raven. I wasn’t clear about what these trust trials were about. They were simply about if Discord would have to watch them 24/7 if they could be trusted in, or near, the lair alone. They passed the tests and Discord rewarded them with not breathing down their necks all day every day.

Spike's Sacrifice? Is that canon from the show?

No, this was something I made because I believe TEOTE and the finale would’ve turned out a lot better that way.


Discord had zero control of them when they went on their rampage. Mainly because he was setting them up to fail

Raven: Exactly why it's all his fault. If he didn't come up with this crazy plan none of this wouldn't happen. If he just left them alone, Spike would still be alive.

Smolder: What about Cozy? Yes, Spike would still be alive, but Cozy would still be viewed as a criminal in the eyes of so many creatures. Besides, Discord felt like he wanted to do one last good thing for everyone, including Equestria’s foes by reforming them, and it all derailed at the last second by chance. I don’t know how many times I need to say this. Discord’s plan failed and Spike died all because of a stolen book.

Raven:Oh don't you worry:twilightsmile: I haven't forgotten about Cozy Glow:pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy:

Smolder: Oh, my bad. Of course you’re not forgetting about Cozy. You’re just forgetting that she’s still tramatized by what happened to her, as well as what she did to others, and will be for a very, very long time. I’m sure releasing Tirek will help her out a lot. Thanks, Raven! :facehoof::pinkiecrazy:

Raven: I hope you remember those words because the day will come when I make you eat. Every. Last. One!:pinkiecrazy:

Smolder: Ha! Sure. Yeah, alright. You and I both know it’s clear Discord wanted to do something good for all of Equestria. It just fell apart at the last second by accident.

Raven: Well we'll see about that. But more importantly I'm here to tell that Mpony1 is working hard on the next chapter of OBJECTION!!! and should have it out sometime tomorrow.

Though it may not be the later to come trial. Things will start to get real before the real fight even begins. Can't wait to see what your reaction will be. So see you soon in the next chapter.

"The Meeting"


Though it may not be the later to come trial. Things will start to get real before the real fight even begins. Can't wait to see what your reaction will be. So see you soon in the next chapter.

Smolder: I can’t wait to see your reaction either. It’s two to one (Fluttershy and me vs you) and all of Equestria is already on Discord’s side with the museum and the apologies he made, as well as finding out his true intentions of this whole thing.

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