Starlight loses her sight in a near deadly accident. Her life changes significantly.

To Casketbase77, who proofread, Nitro Indigo, who has waited quite a long time for this to finally be finished, Supermarine Spitfire, who I'm relatively certain also wanted to see this when it was done although I am unsure, and Amit, whose stories I heavily based the structure and cover image of this one off of. We miss you, dude. You're quite possibly the best etymologist I've ever met.

God damn, I write too many sad stories. My next one will be funnier, I promise.

A (belatedly informed) entry into the My Little Pony Renaissance Contest. I promise it was! I just forgot to enter it!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

Squints at fic title

Now there’s a lyric I’ve not heard in a long time. A very long time. Bravissimo.

And hey, you included the nurse and Rarity bits I suggested. Happy to have helped.

3 likes in 37 minutes. i see good things in this fics future, i hope

That was amazing! 10/10 perfect heart squeezer :fluttercry::heart:

Now that was heartbreaking. Thank you

Survivor's guilt is a powerful thing.

I've often wondered if it would be possible to develop a magitech equivalent to Geordi's VISOR. Twilight and Starlight would certainly be most qualified to look into that.

This is so beautiful and heartwrenching, truly a gem of fanfic writing, good job!

Is this possibly related to the new video fom Agrol Channel?

this idea has existed for over a year man

apparently your profile picture has laid dormant in the back of my mind for over a year because as soon as i saw it i immediately remembered you implying i once played megalovania over a schools intercom as a kid

Oh, alright then. I thought I'd ask since she technically loses her sight in the video.

Oh thank Sun and Moon, I thought I was the only one who thought that.

"Now is the envy of all the dead"
That sounds familiar...

Comment posted by Str8aura deleted Jun 30th, 2021
Comment posted by Str8aura deleted Jun 30th, 2021
Comment posted by Str8aura deleted Jun 30th, 2021
Comment posted by Str8aura deleted Jun 30th, 2021
Comment posted by Str8aura deleted Jun 30th, 2021

This was... evocative, and I freaking dug it something fierce~ Wow <3

That was a wonderful story. Love this kind of psychological exploration of the self, jumping straight inside a pony's head and seeing what the world looks like to them.

Even if all that sighted language is inappropriate to a story about a blind pony.

define 'sighted'. Starlight has been living with sight for her entire life up to this point, and still sees traces of it in her remaining dreams. It seems natural to me she would still describe it that way.

I'm sorry, that was meant to refer to my own comment:

Love this kind of psychological exploration of the self, jumping straight inside a pony's head and seeing what the world looks like to them.

Which, even as I wrote it, felt ableist and disrespectful to Starlight, who knows the world very well even without seeing and looking. I didn't mean it as a criticism of the story.

Comment posted by Str8aura deleted 6 days ago
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