• Published 1st Aug 2021
  • 2,930 Views, 18 Comments

Redemption chance for Cozy Glow - NoOneKnown

Twilight and her friends visit Cozy Glow in Tartarus to give her a chance to redeem herself

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The only prison is in your head

It was the middle of the night and Cozy Glow was plagued with nightmares for the first time since she was freed from Tartarus. They all had one thing in common - they began very well, like a dream, but then they quickly morphed into true horror.
Her current nightmare wasn't an exception from this.

Cozy found herself standing on the pavement in, what seemed to be, some large park. She noticed many creatures playing with each other, enjoying beautiful weather, and happy spending time with their friends. When she wanted to move forward, some pony stood in front of her, covered by a black cloak. A dark-gray snout, completely white, glowing eyes, and a strand of white mane were the only protruding from the cover, gently smiling at her. Cozy quickly figured out it was a mare.

Cozy stared at the mysterious pony when suddenly the figure tilted her head, then pointed at Cozy with a hoof, and her smile changed into a sly smirk.

"You don't belong here" - she spoke

Quickly after that, the park surrounding them both disappeared and was replaced with barren wasteland. Also, time was replaced with night and everything was dimly lit by moonlight.

"Where are we" - Cozy asked the mare, but she quickly vanished, leaving Cozy alone.

Soon, some pony-shaped shadows appeared and were approaching Cozy. They were getting closer to get with every second. They started shouting.

"You monster!"

"Demon!" - yelled another one



"GER HER!" - ordered another unknown shadow

Now it was clear for Cozy Glow - whoever those shadows were, they had no good intentions. She ran away from the crowd, but she met another crowd of hostile shapes wherever she tried to escape.

"Nowhere to run, criminal!" - exclaimed a shadow standing in front of her. It reached its hooves to tackle her, but Cozy was quick enough to dodge them.

Cozy Glow realized that she can fly away from them. However, when she flew up, pegasi shadows blocked her way. Instantly, one of them pushed her back down. She fell onto the ground with a thud, which made her disoriented. The filly shook her head to recover her bearings and when she was no longer stunned, the crowd was very close to her.

Cozy knew that there was where she meets her end. She covered her eyes with forelegs and awaited the worst, whimpering and trembling. Suddenly, surroundings were again switched, but this time she was floating in a dark-blue void.

"Cozy Glow" - a familiar voice called her. She uncovered her face and looked forward.

"P-princess Luna? Where am I?" - Cozy asked

"It is only a nightmare, Cozy Glow. Be at ease" - she reassured, landing on some invisible ground - "This might be only a dream realm, but your feelings are very real."

"I guess you're right. I still feel bad for everything I've done..." - Cozy replied, landing right in front of Luna

"I know that and that is why I am here. I only saw the crowd of pony-shaped shadows, but I did not see what was earlier. Can you tell me what happened?"

"I was in some park and I saw many creatures being happy with each other - it was like a paradise. But somepony told me I don't belong there and I was surrounded by shadows, who called me a monster, terrorist and other mean stuff. What's the meaning of this?" - Cozy explained

"Hmmm..." - she hummed, thinking about the best answer- "I think you are still afraid society hates you and will reject you no matter what you will do to be accepted once again. Those shadows were reflections of your fear and insecurities"

Cozy was speechless, just like when Twilight told her about the consequences of draining magic

"So...how do I get them off my head?"

"This will take some time before this happens. You committed a heinous crime and you cannot just pretend it never happened. However, if you are willing to change, you may count on me, Twilight, and her friends."

"I really want to change - I just don't know how"

"You must face your past and learn from it. We gave you a chance and accepted your coming back. Now it is your turn to trust us and the rest of society, but what you must do first is trusting yourself that you can change."

"I don't think I can do this. I still can't stop thinking about what I tried to do. Twilight told me everything that could happen. I think I should still be in Tartarus"

"If you don't try, then it will make you feel worse and worse. You must believe in yourself and try your best to be accepted by society. Otherwise, you will never overcome your insecurities. Here..." - she reached her hoof and put it on Cozy's forehead - "...is your real prison. No one will release you from there, except you"

"So you say that my mind is also my prison?" - the filly asked

"It is, but figuratively. This kind of 'prison' is so bad, because technically you are free, but deep inside, you still feel imprisoned and cast out. It destroys pony's psyche day by day and makes them only worse, and eventually, they commit another crime because they can't stand it anymore. Though I believe we can guide you to the right path"

"Thank you, Luna. Thank you for believing in me" - Cozy said smiling.

"Just one more thing. When Twilight sent me a letter where she described your reaction to the potential consequences of draining magic, I was surprised, and I think I owe you an apology for how poorly I treated you. I let my anger cloud what is right and that is why I came that day to gloat and harass you in Tartarus, calling you very awful stuff like "disgrace to society". I hope that one day you will forgive me" - Princess Luna raises her head to look sadly at the sky - "...maybe one day"

Night ruler suddenly felt a gentle pressure on her chest. She moved her eyes and there she saw Cozy hugging her.

"You know what, princess? I think we both realized our mistakes today. And considering my crime against Equestria, I think I somewhat deserved to be treated like that in Tartarus. But for now, we all should move on and be better versions of ourselves. Hating each other won't heal the wounds from the past."

This took Luna off-guard. Did Cozy Glow forgive her right on the spot? Soon she hugged Cozy back.

"Well, Cozy. I am glad that things went like this. Twilight was right that you can be reformed."

"I'm also happy that I'm not in Tartarus. It's an awful place" - Cozy said removing herself from Luna and taking a step back

"I must be off now. Just promise me one thing"

"I'm listening"

"Whenever you feel down or uncertain and need guidance or just talk, let us know about it. We are all here for you after all" - Luna said, then put her hoof under Cozy's chin and lifted it, making filly's scarlet eyes meet Luna's turquoise eyes - "can you do it for me?"

"Yes - I can" - Cozy replied

Princess Luna let Cozy go and created an exit from her dream

"Good night, Cozy" - this was the last thing Luna said, before stepping into the portal and leaving her alone.

Meanwhile, Cozy Glow was processing everything Princess Luna said. She knows that she is right because Luna used to be a villain once as a Nightmare Moon and could relate to the filly, especially when she was also rejected by society after her 1000-year banishment to the Moon and finally accepted during some Nightmare Night when she met young colt named Pipsqueak.

Okay Cozy - calm down. They want you to be good, so you simply show them you can change. They won't harm you. - Cozy thought, before darkness surrounded her and she spent the rest of a night in a dreamless state

Author's Note:

Yeah, Cozy is no longer angry at Princess Luna