• Published 3rd Aug 2021
  • 1,568 Views, 48 Comments

Miraculous Ponies: Origins - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

Marinette and Adrien both get sucked into an portal before into Equestria with one way to escape defeat Nightmare Moon while in Paris they also have to stop Stoneheart an threat which was Akumatized by Hawk Moth

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Chapter 20: Ladybug, Cat Noir and the Mane Six VS Nightmare Moon

Soon the two woke up finding themselves in an dust as they coughed the dust away before noticing Nightmare Moon standing on the throne spot where there was supposed to be a throne with the Elements in her spinning hair making the two gasp

"Put the Elements down this instant!" Ladybug called angrily

"Never! As soon as I break this the world will bow down to me" Nightmare Moon said blasting her magic onto Ladybug who was dodging

"Twilight I need your help" Ladybug said "You distract her while I get the Elements" Ladybug said

"Yes" Twilight said

Then Twilight started making bull sounds

"You're kidding. You're kidding, right?" Nightmare Moon said

Then Ladybug grabbed the Elements

"Get them Nightmare Moon!" Ladybug called

Then Ladybug started running towards Twilight with Nightmare Moon chasing after her while Twilight ran towards Nightmare Moon before Ladybug threw the Elements as Twilight catched it with her magic but as soon as Twilight and Nightmare Moon were closer Twilight teleported herself and the Elements on the throne side with an groan as she scratched the back of her head

"Just one spark." Twilight said lightening her magic "Come on, come on" Twilight said grunting

"This is going to end badly!" Ladybug said struggling to hold Nightmare Moon's mist before thunder struck her making her fall down with a groan as then Nightmare Moon's mist flew towards Twilight before turning back to normal as then the same lightning which struck Ladybug struck Twilight as she flew towards Nightmare Moon "Did you use the lightning spell, Twilight?" Ladybug asked

"I didn't know" Twilight said

Then the focus returned to Nightmare Moon and the Elements as the latter stopped making lightning bolts around them making Ladybug and Twilight gasp

"But... where's the sixth Element?!" Twilight asked worriedly

Then Nightmare Moon laughed evilly before breaking the stones into pieces by stomping on the throne side making Twilight and Ladybug look with sad eyes

"How dare you!" Ladybug called "Lucky Charm!" Ladybug called throwing the yo-yo as then an sixth Element appeared which was red with black spots appeared

"An Element of Harmony" Twilight said "Are you also an Element of Harmony?" Twilight asked

"I don't know but now let me concentrate," Ladybug said before looking around to find clues only to find nothing. "Nothing?" Ladybug said

"This cannot be worse!" Twilight called trying to hold back her anger

"Oh it can! You guys will never see your princess, your sun or Paris! The night will last forever!" Nightmare Moon said

Just then Ladybug heard voices

"Twilight, you hear that?" Ladybug asked

"I sure do" Twilight said

Then the two looked behind themselves as then Ladybug's clue appeared: the six of their friends

"I know how to handle this" Ladybug said before whispering the plan before finishing "Ready?" Ladybug asked

"Yes" Twilight said, stepping forward with Ladybug "You think you can destroy The Elements just like that? Well, you're wrong, because the spirits of The Elements of Harmony are right here." Twilight said as the 8 stood or flew next to the two in front of Nightmare Moon

"What?" Nightmare Moon said

"Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt represents the spirit of... Honesty!" Twilight said as a few shards went towards Applejack "Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of...Kindness!" Twilight said as a few shards went towards Fluttershy "Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of... Laughter!" Twilight said as a few shards went to Pinkie "Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaning full gift represents the spirit of... Generosity! Twilight called as a few shards went to Rarity "Rainbow Dash who could not abandon her friends for her heart's own desire represents the spirit of... Loyalty!" Twilight called as a few shards went towards Rainbow "Cat Noir, who is not scared of anything even Scary Trees represents the spirit of... Courage!" Twilight said as a few shards went to Cat Noir "And Ladybug who cares about each and everyone of her friends even those who got hurt represents the spirit of... Forgiveness!" Twilight said as the Red and Black stone circled around ladybug

"You still don't have the real sixth Element! The spark didn't work!" Nightmare Moon said

"But it did! A different kind of spark. I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all... are my friends!" Twilight said warming the others' hearts "You see, Nightmare Moon, when those Elements are ignited by the... the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth Element: The Element of... Magic!" Twilight said

Then and bright light shone before magic played as everyone got their own necklaces made by their Cutie Marks: Fluttershy and pink butterfly, Rainbow Dash and red lightning bolt, Pinkie Pie and blue balloon, Applejack an orange apple, Rarity and purple gem, Cat Noir and green dog paw which had his paw endings and middle supposedly merged, Ladybug and red circled crown with black spots and Twilight an pink starred crown while everyone had golden endings with only Twilight having three cyan spots on each side of the crown as then and rainbow laser moved towards Nightmare Moon scaring her

"Nooo! Nooo!" Nightmare Moon called not admitting defeat

Then Twilight and Ladybug's eyes opened showing white eyes as an burst of light got on screen

Author's Note:

Well what did you guys expect an Chapter with Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous if you think that you're right also fun fact Ladybug's Element was hard to figure out but then I remembered the end of the episodes or specials where she forgives anyone so that's what I went then I also thought of giving Cat Noir the element of Courage but if you didn't watch Reverser you didn't know so if you didn't watch it now anyway next up is the last Equestria part before we continue with Paris and then get to the Ponyville party where the episode will end

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