• Member Since 4th May, 2013
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On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)


In order to make sure her class knows a little more about the world, Cheerilee has them exchanging letters with children in other nations. This allows her students to learn about truly foreign concepts, like 'snow day'. And the mere concept of having a random storm grant an unexpected holiday has taught the Crusaders something big: that Equestria is the worst place in the whole world, because the weather schedule means that's never gonna happen.

Surely there has to be a way to get a snow day of their very own. Surely...

...so what's the fastest way to summon a windigo?

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Cover art from an image created by LunaticDawn.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 42 )
Georg #1 · Nov 9th, 2021 · · ·

"Maybe jus' a windigo foal, t' take care of one town!"

Heck, for that, all you need is a bag of Nutty OatyOat bars, and Nightmare Night. OOoOOOoooOOoooo.

"She would purchase a couch," the stallion murmured, "if she could put it away when she wasn't using it. If it just... folded up into the wall..."

Canon. Davenport's first name is herefore Murphy.

That was pretty heartwarming

Have Truffle and Fleur make a Griffon Pony meal for the class, Cheerilee! It’s obvious! ;)

Touring colt bands existing in this Equestria raise the question of how many of them got eaten in wild zones. And how many concerts carried on regardless.

Ah yes, the utter betrayal that is your family introducing you to the snow shovel for the first time. Truly a rite of passage as much as any other.

So when we do get wild weather trying to, it's just an expression, Sweetie, horn in

It takes a lot for a lesson to stick with Dash, but when it does, it's never coming unstuck. Though I'm not sure what it'll take for the benefits of preorders to adhere. First, she'd have to appreciate the value of not spending literally every bit she earns...

"Do y'have any padded benches?"

Apple Bloom, the goal is to rile up the town a little, not juggle live grenades.

... and then Sweetie primed a reactor to blow. "Warp core" might be more appropriate. The potential for evil really does run in that family.

:rainbowlaugh: Those three really can't do anything right, can they? It really is amazing what they can do when they put their minds to the exact opposite. After all, even in canon, they only got their marks when they stopped trying. Delightful stuff throughout, especially the lasting positive feedback of it all. Thank you for it.

Scootaloo sighed. Wings flared out to what was now a measurably larger full span, flapped a few times. Hooves parted from soil and, after a number of seconds, came back down.

For reference, Estee's Scootaloo is just a late bloomer. And has demonstrated substantial pegasus magic output while still on the ground (in Monsoon Season).

"That's a championship scarf," Sweetie politely observed. "Their first in fifty years. Does it really count, to wear it when you know your team cheated, and you'd never have the scarf without it?"

I feel like this portion of the story only happened because of the most recent World Series.

"That one drink," she muttered to herself. "The one which discolors saliva, makes it glow..."

Ah, the phlegm and tonic. But where did Berry get the cilantro?

They are always so awful at reaching their goals. Everything they try to achieve fail spectacularly do them trying to be bad end up creating miracles! :rainbowlaugh:

Just think what would happen if they ever tried their hoofs at being evil villains?

I kind of wish this one-shot was canon to the mainverse so all the good stuff that happened stayed.

And wouldn't it had been fun if that kid conspiracy took off, and the collective belief generated would have created the only good weindigo in existence, a foal who only reason to be is to bring snow day miracles. Jack Frost, would be his name.

P.S. I wonder why they didn't try with Rarity. In the verse, she is HORRIBLE with weather spells after all so a snowstorm should be in her cord. :rainbowlaugh:

Well, I was not expecting it to go the way it did. It was a surprisingly sweet story. It was really nice to the the Flower Trio have their eyes open. From the mouths of babes, right? I expected a train wreck and got several quite heartwarming little vignettes. Had a bit of Diamond at the end too and after Confederacy, I like seeing her show up. Enjoyed it a lot.

This story reminds me a bit of Calvin and Hobbes comic:

:applecry: Can we burn these leaves?
:applejackunsure: No, that pollutes.
:applecry: But how can we appease the mighty snow demons if we don't sacrifice any leaves?! We'll have a warm winter!
:applejackconfused: I don't know whether your grasp of theology or meteorology is the more appalling.

Playground gossip claimed the latest drummer had declared no concert could be played unless every grape in the dressing room had seen its skin removed in advance.

If anyone reading does not already know what this refers to, it certainly is worth a look. Rather clever!

I agree with Rainbow Dash, totally worth it. I bet Celestia and Luna would agree as well.

But it was winter. It was cold . Two factors which, when they'd thought about it, cut down on the possibilities for napping locations. And once they'd shouted her awake and away from the restaurant's steam vents...

snrrk! ok, that's clever

-- Davenport looked to his left. Took in the Mare's Collapse Deluxe (With Optional Abacus-Based Fainting Counter). Saw it as if he was perceiving everything for the first time. Recognized its sheer bulk .

I can guess a certain fashionista goes through those quite a bit


Delightful stuff throughout, especially the lasting positive feedback of it all.

If only, FoME. If only. The day the Continuum Flower Trio learn that lesson, and it sticks, is the day Trixie loses her ego.

This was quite enjoyable and entertaining. Thank you for this story.

The problem is that they themselves don't really learn much. It's ponies like them who end up leading to ponies like Sprout.

11043923 Ah, but the CMC do learn things ... they learned that if they do the "right" thing and report being bullied to their teacher and primary adult figures, absolutely nothing will happen.

In Triptych!Cannon they learned that that if they try and acquire a cutie mark so that their bully will leave them alone, then every mistake and accident will be remembered by everyone until they become the town's scapegoats and pariahs among many of the adults

They learned (again, core Triptych) that the town as a general whole (including their teacher and primary adult figures) just wants them to sit down, shut up, and be a good little victim.

They learned that the primary authority figures in their lives do not have their backs unless it is something the "adults" consider "important" (which obviously does not include being bullied and harassed regularly).

I'd say that the CMC learned plenty.

Fjord Sofa

Perhaps it's my tendency to see allusions where they might not be, but if that's not a Hitchhiker's nod, I'll... well, I'll be sad, I guess, and maybe eat my hat.

"and damp, but not longer quite so clear."
"and damp, but no longer quite so clear."?

"Having a plan was at the heart of so much for what they tried"
"Having a plan was at the heart of so much of what they tried"?

"which the old-timers got away would be grounds"
"which the old-timers got away with would be grounds"?

Hah. :D
Thank you for writing. :)

(...I am still wondering what Out is, though, of the Get and Out pair...)

Beautiful Estee, just, beautiful. I hope Celestia and Luna hear about this and decide to try out one "random" snow day a year. Those memories can really be magical.

:applecry: Diplomacy check: Natural 1
:unsuresweetie: Diplomacy check: Natural 1
:scootangel: Diplomacy check: Natural 1

:rainbowderp: Will Save: Natural 1

And they'll learn something else when what happened to Scootaloo's parents comes to light: what 'cramming to get into Heaven' looks like.

Oh my God, that was a freaking delight. And of course, the one time the Crusaders set out to actually cause trouble, they end up helping everypony.

Agreed, this was a pure delight. :twilightsmile:

Ha… this was a charming one. Who doesn’t love a good snow day as a child? I give them credit for being proactive, if not quick on the uptake or very observant (with the exception of maybe Sweetie.)

I loved the various eureka moments (including Davenport’s literal one.). I especially liked Dash’s nefarious plan even if it bore no fruit. I thought Davenport was about to invent the sofa-bed when Apple Bloom pointed out that few rooms had space for one of each…. Is there such a thing as a folding sofa, Murphy-bed style?

"Four days in which the Flower Trio failed to relapse" in or adjacent to the Continuum is a minor miracle in and of itself.


Playground gossip claimed the latest drummer had declared no concert could be played unless every grape in the dressing room had seen its skin removed in advance.

If anyone reading does not already know what this refers to, it certainly is worth a look. Rather clever!

It actually is. :twilightsmile: Many people remember (or have heard of) the infamous "brown M&M clause", but many don't know that there was an actual reason for it beyond "egotistical rock stars making outrageous demands to be outrageous."

For those who don't know: Van Halen was one of the first bands to try bringing a large, lavish "arena rock"-style shows to smaller secondary and tertiary markets, and they were constantly running into problems with the local venues and promoters not taking the "technical rider" portion of the contract seriously, or even reading it at all. The promoters just assumed that the band would make do with whatever was available, and Van Halen's road crew would find themselves trying to set up in a venue which didn't have enough electrical outlets, or where the stage and overhead beams couldn't support the weight of the lighting rigs, and so on. So, while the bowl of M&Ms was specified in the usual "refreshments to be provided backstage" portion of the contract, the infamous "no brown M&Ms" clause was slipped into the middle of the technical rider as a way of seeing whether or not the promoter and venue had even read the contract. If the band and their road crew showed up and found brown M&Ms still in the bowl, that was a red flag to double- and triple-check tne entire production to see what other parts of the technical rider the venue hadn't bothered to pay attention to.

Or if the venue asked about it first. That probably would have been an acceptable response as well.

Estee, if anyone ever accuses your writing of being too dark, I want you to point them to this story. Funny, cute, fluffy, filled with little references and in-jokes for your universe, and an absolute delight to read. On a day when I was feeling a bit bleh, this was exactly what I needed to pick me back up.

Beautiful. Thank you.

ICR which band had a clause that they got all the brown M&Ms from the main band's stash.

oh, i was thinking of a different Calvin and Hobbes comic:
Calvin is standing by the side of the road, waiting for the school bus.
"i wish it would show a foot in the next minute so they'd cancel school.
Cmon, snow! snowsnowsnowsnowsnowsnowsnowsnowsnowsnow!"
it starts to RAIN.
"so close, and yet so far."

This was just pure simple and sweet.

WOW! So good!!!!

I for one, hope this happens late in the continuum so the changes can stick!

And I wonder how many other towns are gonna start up letter exchanges... How much innovation comes from Ponyville, I wonder...



adults), they

"Nah," the adult admitted. "I mean, not when I'm in charge of the team." She automatically posed. "Because that's part of being the coordinator, right? Making sure the schedule comes off on time."

Rainbow Responsibility Dash.

"Like... lines where everypony's waiting for something," Rainbow failed to clarify. "And they've been waiting for a long time. And they get really upset just because somepony who wants to get in the line decided to sleep at home. And not in the line. And she needs to be at the front of the line, because she's got a really important life and she doesn't have time to wait around. Because something could happen to call her out of the line."

Rainbow Irresponsibility Dash.

Estee writes so well but he doesnt do the three Crusaders often. But when he does write them it's pure awesome.

Her charges would retain the names of those band members forever, mostly so they could spend a portion of their later years in hotly blushing while denying ever having liked those idiots and hoping that the last of their old magazine collection had been destroyed. But when it came to the majority of school subjects... too many would decide that they were never going to actually need the information.

Thus succinctly pointing out the obvious problem in modern society that most of us don't really want to admit...we're emphasizing entirely the wrong things as the more important information to retain. :facehoof::derpytongue2:

And at the moment the test quill was put down, something in them would decide they didn't need the information. Who was ever going to travel that far? What were the odds of having anyone from those distant lands reach Ponyville? Equestria existed, and... that was enough.

Though admittedly, this part sounds like an Equestria-specific sort of problem. I am confident it hadn't ever been the show's intention to convey this...but I had thought more than once all throughout G4 that there was something of a worrying "anything not Equestria is not important" trend to the thinking patterns of its citizens.

and at least a third of the resulting adults would be found cowering under their beds, waiting for the twin-horned bipedal monster to go away and, ideally, take the goats with him.

Though to be perfectly fair, Iron Will always did tend to be a bit on the...intense...side. :rainbowlaugh:

International Studies was maps, pictures on a stereoscope projector, and words in old books. It wasn't real.

So Cheerilee had decided to make it a little more personal.

And yet again Cheerilee earns her keep as a good teacher, because only a good teacher would think to try and add that level of immersion to the learning experience. :twilightsmile:

And according to the letters which Cheerilee had received from the participating teachers, those distant youths got to discover that ponies weren't skittish control freaks who went into hysterics every time an unarranged leaf dropped onto their backs.

...well, some of them weren't.

I mean...it's not an unvalid criticism, in all fairness... :trollestia:

"Jus' for starters, she's gettin' ready t' vote. Goin' in for the test in two moons." With a soft groan, "We've gotta wait until we're grown up before we can vote, but all a minotaur has t' do is take a test. Whenever they think they're ready. How is that fair?"

If I may be allowed a moment to diverge into it for a second, I have legit wondered this myself from time to time for the real world, because considering how very silly and frankly immature the voting practices of the adults in this day and age has been, I sometimes can't help but think the voting of the children couldn't possibly be much worse. :rainbowlaugh:

"We still get snow," Sweetie worriedly pointed out. "The schedule always has snow."

"On the weekends," Scootaloo added.

I know it sort of shoots this fic's whole premise in the foot, pointing this out...but despite Equestria putting such heavy emphasis on keeping its weather on a schedule, we've still seen instances of weather-related accidents in both the show and comics alike, which plenty of fans have since extrapolated upon further going off of that same logic, leading to my point--surely even Equestria still has the odd occurrences where a snowstorm was accidentally started at a time where it wasn't scheduled, especially if the weather isn't managed elsewhere in the world, because then logic dictates there'd still be instances of unmanaged weather occasionally slipping into Equestria from time to time.

Point being...surely not even Equestria is truly immune to snow days, nor that they'd be so unknown. They may be rarer, perhaps to the point of it being close to a one-in-a-lifetime occurrence, but they'd surely still happen from time to time, often enough that the concept would be readily and publicly known regardless.

Granted, its possible such snow days just haven't yet taken place within the lifetimes of these three...but I also feel the need to point out that these three live in the same town as Derpy, who I'm quite sure could accidentally mix-up rain clouds for snow clouds on more than one occasion and accidentally cause it to snow in the middle of July or something. :derpytongue2:

"Nah," the adult admitted. "I mean, not when I'm in charge of the team." She automatically posed.

At the risk of inflating Rainbow's ego, I suppose that is a good counter to my earlier point--Rainbow has demonstrated in the past of being something of a miracle worker in this one regard. :rainbowlaugh:

Sweetie shook her head. "A snow day would have been fun for everypony," she wistfully said. "As a surprise. I thought Ms. Dash would see that..."

Pity Pinkie Pie wasn't the one born with the wings then, eh?

"Give it a few minutes," Sweetie proposed. "Maybe they need travel time."

Yeah, I'm sure the commute to Ponyville is just awful for Windigos. :rainbowlaugh:

"Ah guess -- they could take a train?"

*pictures a Windigo casually riding the train somewhere*

*decides to heartily approve of this mental image*

"She would purchase a sofa," the stallion murmured, "if she could put it away when she wasn't using it. If it just... folded up into the wall..."

What, they didn't already have hide-aways in Equestria?

Four days before the Crusaders were told that the only part they'd played in the whole thing had been to give Rainbow the idea.

Only the CMC could go out with the precise goal of deliberately creating strife and turmoil within the pony populace and ultimately end up achieving the exact opposite.

Heck, if this proves to be the trend that happens with every subsequent snow day they attempt to create...would you really ever want them to stop? :raritywink:


considering how very silly and frankly immature the voting practices of the adults in this day and age has been, I sometimes can't help but think the voting of the children couldn't possibly be much worse.

Just the test by itself would exclude most of the adults you're talking about from voting. The original context of "grandfather clause" was a hamfisted way of making sure only black people had to suffer from that.

Pity Pinkie Pie wasn't the one born with the wings then, eh?

Obligatory reminder that Pinkie and Fluttershy got their tribes swapped at some point between Faust's original pitch and the show we got (extremely obvious if you've ever seen Surprise).


Obligatory reminder that Pinkie and Fluttershy got their tribes swapped at some point between Faust's original pitch and the show we got (extremely obvious if you've ever seen Surprise).

I was actually thinking of precisely that when I made that comment, but I didn't want to have to explain it out for those who didn't know, so...yeah. :rainbowlaugh:

And did so while her forehooves were casually shifting towards that special hidden shelf, where she kept Get and Out. Get was the slip-on steel shoe with the spikes.

Is that a Gunslinger cycle reference I spy?

Explains why so much in his life has gone wrong.

11044821 Rainbow is a very responsible pony. Just what she is responsible for is a matter for debate. And lawsuits.

Very well done I loved it

So nice and sweet it's a wonder you didn't save it for Christmas. (And yet still with the Estee "flavour".)

Finally got around to this one. It did not disappoint, and warmed the blackened recesses of my soul.

One more hoof stomp and then, because it didn't seem to be enough, a little jump: the four-point landing didn't create any real impact improvement.

This is such a nice illustration of youthful fury; a four-point stomp, when one stomp just doesn't give enough emotional satisfaction.

Well this was a lovely story. Thanks Estee.

But what's with the chapter title? The horror tag is right there!



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