• Published 9th Nov 2021
  • 2,269 Views, 70 Comments

Horizons - Battwell

The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony. But a new player is added to the adventure of a lifetime

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A Deadly Reunion

A portal opened somewhere in the Lost Hex. A certain egg shaped doctor stepped out of it, holding his Cacophonic Conch in his hand. He found himself in an open field, with the air breezing over him.

Eggman then stroked his moustache, "Now if I were six angry Zeti, where would I be?"

"You've made a mistake returning here, you fat fool!" A voice snarled behind him.

Eggman turned around and saw Zavok land down on the ground in front of him. Eggman then saw five more Zeti land behind their leader. Zazz laughed maniacally towards the mad doctor. Zeena filed her nails, not really caring about the situation. Zor stared down towards the ground, questioning life. Zomom ate his giant sandwich. And Master Zik jumped into the air and front flipped onto Zavok's shoulder.

Eggman smiled as the team he was looking for stood before him. The Deadly Six.

"Ah, The Deadly Six. Just the Zeti's I've been looking for." Eggman said, happy to have found those he was looking for.

Zavok growled and stomped forward towards Eggman, "You've got some nerve showing your face here."

Zazz then laughed and stepped forward next to Zavok, "Now that you're here, I won't be as bored now. I'll occupy myself by TEARING YOU APART!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

The Deadly Six then approached the mad doctor slowly. Eggman chuckled and smiled evilly, much to their confusion.

"Why are you smiling? Don't you see that your inevitable death is approaching?" Zor asked depressingly.

Eggman chuckled again, "Did you really think that I'd come here unprepared?"

Eggman then showed them the Cacophonic Conch and they reeled back in fear. Eggman then smiled and blew into the Conch. This caused the Zeti a great deal of pain as they covered their ears and fell to the floor in pain.

Eggman stopped blowing into the Conch and chuckled, "Now that we've established who's in control here, I shall ask. Who's the boss?" Eggman asked as he smiled.

Zavok looked up at the egg shaped doctor and snarled in anger. Eggman noticed this and frowned as he used the Conch on them once again. They all screamed in pain and clutched their ears, squirming on the ground.

Eggman ceased and glared at the Zeti, "I'll ask again. Who's the boss?"

Zavok growled and reluctantly answered, "Y...You are, Master."

Eggman smiled, "Good, now then. On to business."

The Deadly Six stood up as Eggman began explaining to them why he was here.

"You're all going to help me and my allies in our conquest, no questions asked. You'll do everything we tell you with no hesitation or debate. If you so much as even think about betraying us, then I will not hesitate to put all six of you in a holding cell and have the Conch play in your cells twenty-four seven. Consider your punishment of endless torture before you think of betraying me again. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!" Eggman asked.

When none of them responded, Eggman growled and raised the Conch towards his face and threatened to use it again, causing them to whimper slightly.

"I said, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!!!" Eggman repeated.

They all reluctantly nodded and kneeled before him.

"We're at your service, Master." Zavok growled.

"Good." Eggman replied.

Suddenly, a portal opened behind Eggman, which confused the six Zeti while Eggman simply smiled.

"Come with me. I don't have all day." Eggman ordered.

They all growled in anger as they reluctantly followed Eggman through the portal.

"So, let me get this straight. You teamed up with a unicorn and an egg shaped genius from two different universes, so you three could take over every other universe?" Scorpion recapped.

Otto crossed his two human arms over his chest while his four mechanical ones held him in the air by planting themselves on the floor.

"An accurate summarization, Gargan." Otto replied.

The rest of The Sinister Six looked at each other, Otto then cleared his throat and recaptured their attention.

"Do not worry yourselves. You'll each get your debts paid when we're done. The mission may have changed, but I'm still a man of my word." Otto revealed.

Sombra heard this and walked over, "Otto, why are you giving your underlings a choice in the matter? They should feel honoured to be even considered for this mission."

The Sinister Six glared at the unicorn. Electro's hands sparked with electricity as he approached Sombra.

"What did you just call us, you sack of horse-" Otto put one of his mechanical arms in front of Electro to stop him from attacking Sombra.

Octavius then turned to Sombra, "They are not my underlings, Sombra. They are my team, we are equal. Each of them had a price for their assistance, and I shall happily pay them their debts. After all, like I said. I'm a man of my word."

Sombra grumbled, obviously having a different opinion on the matter, but decided against voicing it.

Electro then powered down as Otto removed his mechanical arm.

Otto then addressed his team, "Now then. Each of you will have our entire armory at your disposal. Use whatever you choose wisely and try not to kill each other." He then turned to Mr. Negative, "Martin, I believe it would be beneficial if you gathered up whatever remains of your Demon Gang to aid us in our mission, wouldn't you agree?"

Martin Li nodded in response, "I'll see what I can do. Just know this, Otto. I know we both want Osborn to suffer, but I get him first."

Otto nodded, "Very well, I'll have a portal ready as soon as Ivo returns."

Otto then noticed Scorpion and Rhino glaring at each other. Gargan then turned to Doc Ock, "I ain't working with this overgrown child again!"

Rhino stomped his foot down and got in Scorpions face, "WHAT DID YOU SAY, GARGAN?!"

Otto sighed and separated the two with two of his arms, "Don't worry about that. You won't be working with each other."

The others were confused by this.

"What do you mean? I don't have a problem working with V again. We make an awesome team!" Electro said.

Vulture nodded, "I concur, Octavius. But I am curious, if we are not collaborating with one another, then who are we collaborating with?"

Otto smiled as a portal opened up on the other side of the room. The Sinister Six turned as Otto gestured to the portal with his left hand.

"You'll be working with them." Otto said.

Eggman and The Deadly Six then stepped out of the portal. The portal closed and Eggman walked towards Otto and Sombra while The Deadly Six took notice of their surroundings. It was then, that The Deadly Six and The Sinister Six took notice of each other.

"What are they supposed to be?" Rhino asked.

"They look like bootleg Pokemon." Electro joked.

Eggman then reached Otto and Sombra.

"Is that them?" Sombra asked.

"Yes, it's them. Did you make sure to enchant all of our electronics so that they don't take control of them?" Eggman asked Sombra.

Sombra nodded, causing Eggman to smile.

Otto then walked in between the two teams and introduced them, "My Sinister Six. Meet The Deadly Six."

The two teams then walked towards each other and met in the middle.

Electro then turned to the trio of masterminds, "They don't look like much."

Zavok then chuckled, "I was just about to say the exact same thing about you."

Sombra then cleared his throat and got their attention, "Enough! There will be no fighting amongst ourselves. Understood?!"

They all grumbled in response, but nodded.

Otto then clasped his hand together, "Excellent. Now, shall we begin?"

Eggman smiled, "Yes, but I have one last addition to our little team."

They all looked confused and were about to ask what he meant, but were interrupted by the door sliding open. They all saw a pair of sinister red eyes glaring into the room. Then, the figure walked into the room, revealing a new Metal Sonic model.

"I'd like to introduce you all to my latest creation and the last member of our team. METALLIX!!!" Eggman exclaimed as Metallix's eyes glowed brighter.

(End song)

Author's Note:

Stay tuned for the conclusion of Act 1