• Member Since 13th Dec, 2011
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Whilst refurbishing her lighthouse, Sunny stumbles upon an old and very unique kind of canned food.

One that is guaranteed to be preserved forever in her memories.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 43 )

Same picture, two different stories. Interesting.

Apparently the first reaction when people taste surstromming is that it's very salty. I'm tempted to procure a can of surstromming and test this hypothesis myself :trixieshiftright:

Also I'd like to know your thoughts on durian. Personally I enjoy eating it despite the smell.


Also I'd like to know your thoughts on durian. Personally I enjoy eating it, I don't mind the smell.

I'm not crazy about it, but I do enjoy certain cultivars more than others. It really depends on what's available. Some are firmer and sweeter, whilst others lean really heavily into that gassy, mushy, fermented bitterness (which some people really like, apparently). :derpytongue2:

It's often a matter of learning to distinguish the smell from what you find in a dumpster. Once your brain recognises the subtle differences, it's much easier to appreciate the flavours.

My rule for meat is that I’ll eat it if it breathed air and wasn’t a cat, dog, or human. But not seafood. Never.


(which some people really like, apparently).

I actually liked the bitter "permanent marker" taste of Musang King the best (guess I have expensive tastes), the cheaper variety I had (I think it was D14) just tasted "sweet" without much dimension.

Last time I ate fresh durian was four years ago. I have family in Singapore but I haven't gone back in a while because of the pandemic. I live in the North US so no chances of getting any fresh durian without breaking the bank. Also my mom doesn't like durian so she wouldn't approve me buying it.

It's often a matter of learning to distinguish the smell from what you find in a dumpster.

Honestly, the smell of some cheeses bother me more than the smell of durian.

But I apologize for getting off topic. Good story. :twilightsmile:

11048416 (I still remember Flutterpriest's reaction to durian. Comic gold)

I love the little fishies in a can. About once a year.

Don’t these ponies know basic food safety? If a can has its structural integrity compromised by say rust, botulism can get in. That’s asking for a trip to the hospital.

Great, you’re now classified as a weapon of mass destruction.” Hitch sniggered as he draped one of Sprout’s forelegs over his shoulder. “Sunny with a chance of total pandemonium. I hope you’re happy.”

And that's different from what she was already before now...how, exactly? I mean, consider how much grief her antics had already been causing you Hitch, well-intentioned though they were! :rainbowlaugh:

Isn't a bulging can one of the primary indicators of the presence of botulism toxin?

I knew it would be surströmming without even having to look at the cover art or comments. I'm not sure whether that says more about me or the canned food in question. Imma still read it and laugh.

Normally, yes, but according to my research, the bulging is actually a perfectly normal characteristic for canned surstromming, caused by the fermentation process that gives the food it's potent...everything. :rainbowlaugh:

Not quite, it means that gases were produced in the can after it was sealed. This is almost always caused by bacteria. For most foods that indeed means they're unfit to eat and botulinum toxin may be present.

However, surströmming is meant to ferment in the can and the brine ensures different bacteria are dominant.

Jag är 31 och trots Svensk kommer jag aldrig att stoppa det där i munnen

I'm 31 and despite being swedish i will never put that in my mouth

I say it every time I see this picture... That can is haunted.

If I recall correctly, it was the product of researching a method to preserve fish using less salt, a resource that was expensive at the time.

Wasn't there are similar story where Pip introduced Sunny to her favorite dish as a prank already?:applejackunsure:


But not seafood. Never.

Oh, why's that? Just curious.


But I apologize for getting off topic.

Talking about other weird food on a weird food story will always be relevant. :pinkiehappy:

Hmm, that's a fair point. I forgot about that issue when using the rust as a way to obscure the artwork on the can. :twilightoops:

To be fair, she previously couldn't literally knock out ponies with her breath. This is setting a new standard for what she's capable of. :pinkiecrazy:

Yeah, there was. I hope mine was sufficiently different to warrant its existence. :twilightsheepish:

Headcanon: Argyle died of his love of incredibly stinky food.

Why does Izzy Moonbow remind me of Pinkie Pie a bit? 🤔 Cause some of the stuff Izzy's doing would be things that Pinkie would do as well.

Just a series of negative experiences. I’m not allergic or anything, but just about the only seafood I can stomach is shrimp, and even then only in small portions.

Should have called it Cantamination.

Done that ^^
Personally it's not bad... but not worth the price. A can goes for something like thirty bucks...

Much later:

Sunny: What are you doing?

Looks over at Izzy, who is giving her a close sniff.

Izzy: it’s not rotten sardines, but it is close.

Hitch: Is that how the Earth Ponies smell like fishes thing got started?

Pipp: As someone who regularly posts to social media, I say almost all rumors start as an exaggeration of some true event.

Zipp just nods agreement. Pipp takes out her phone.

Pipp: That’s all for today’s investigation into Earth Pony life but not to worry pippsqueaks, next time we will be exploring unicorn laser beams and how they work.


No, Pipp. 95% of all social media is ex culo. And you just proved it.


Hope you like cricket flour, then. Mercury and microplastic contamination worries aside, fish will become increasingly critical part of global food source in the coming decades.

I used to eat fried fish as a kid, until I ate one that just didn't sit right with me (it didn't make me sick, it just didn't taste good) and now I don't eat fish anymore.

I just looked at the can and knew... don't do it sunny, you'll smell like fish for a month... thats not just any canned fish, thats fermented lightly salted... that stuff is known to be the worst smelling in the world.

Dang, i know i probably comment things like this a lot, but that was a Great story! The characterisation felt awesome, the narration really added to it, and it never felt like it was dragging along or trying to scrape too little story over too many words. It felt like hanging out with the gang, and it was great to see some actual zipp-hitch shipping in the wild (even if it's just their friends shipping them, lol). I'm not a huge hitch fan in some ways, but he just felt really good here, i guess because he felt much more comfortable and part-of-the-group than he ever did in the film.

So yeah. Top notch.

Sunny remembered it starting with a sound.

Also, this line is beautiful, i totally cracked up when i read it.


(I still remember Flutterpriest's reaction to durian. Comic gold)

Tee hee. And that was just with the freeze-dried version. It's too bad there wasn't any fresh durian available.

I'm tempted to say that it might be worth trying again, but you've probably gotten that hundreds of times already. Thanks for sharing!

Why do I get the feeling this thing's gonna become a meme?

This was funny. I enjoyed how they all reacted.

Hitch shrugged. “We were hoping you could tell us. Sunny and Izzy think it’s food and want to open it, but I’m not sold on the idea. This Surströmming sounds like something you could threaten somepony with…”

he is not wrong that stuff is foul.

I have read both stories here, and let me just say that if these were animated I can so totally see Kaidan's story being animated in TYT (2D) format and yours animated in MYM (3D) format. Both just as good, just that the hijinx have a different energy.

Only finished now because I'm a slow-ass writer. :twilightsheepish:

Or........ :rainbowwild:

Word search: "botulism"

Word not found.

(For those playing at home, kids, NEVER open a bulging can of ANYTHING no matter what it originally was. And certainly don't make a sandwich out of the contents...)



I should not...

... I must not....

... but I cannot not...


“Now, that is the face of somepony who has experienced enlightenment!” said Pipp to her phone. She then glanced at Sunny again and shrugged. “Or cosmic horror. Take your pick.”

there might not be a difference between the two

Yeah, I was like "'It's food, it is safe to eat' - you mean WAS safe to eat. Decades ago."

Comment posted by justheretoreadstories deleted Dec 18th, 2023

Well, since no one's done an audio of this one yet, No One decided to do an audio version of your story.

Heya. Cool reading! :pinkiehappy:

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