• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2021
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Ezekiel Namuh

Bad at most things. Writing isn't an exception.


Ty is sick of life on Earth. In a small town where everyone else has friends, hobbies, and a place to belong, he has no clue what he should be doing. Only finding one thing he can do reliably, screw up, most people generally don't like him, earning him some rivals.

When he decided he could be a brony, he gives Friendship Is Magic a shot to help his depression. While he enjoyed it, it didn't seem to work. But when a field trip turned otherworldly transportation brings him to Equestria, the neurotic coward must find a way to survive in a world that works the opposite of how he does.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 119 )

I'm interested in seeing how this plays out. I just know he and Pinkie will have a blast.

It would certainly be... an experience, for him at least.

I wonder how ticked off Celestia will be when she gets the whole story especially since they were supposed have learn how to give others their space when hoping to be friends. Maybe now twilight will lay off tattlng to Celestia any time something doesn't work for her and her friends. Celestia only push for friendship reports because she wanted to encourage twilight to deepen her friendship and leaving would have weaken the bonds between the girls. She definitely doesn't need to everything that happens in town outside important stuff like the time twilight went nuts or how zecora was treated badly for being different.

"No, what in the name of the goddesses are you thinking? You pulled me out here for no good reason, and upon seeing something unique that doesn't immediately attempt to befriend you ya' immediately assume 'Oh, look everypony! It's the major antagonist of season seventeen!' And after everything I go through because of you, you honestly think I want to be friends!?"

I guess I spoke a little too soon and am glad he didn't ignore them kidnapping him and immediately befriend them like many Hie have done. A good sign they won't get away with it either. Even if he does change in the end at least the fic won't portray it as black and white with the girls portrayed as wholly good and the cynical human turned pony as the one purely in the wrong. As long as that conflict doesn't end up easily resolved and forgotten without them learning and getting punished for it, I will be fine.

That was the intention behind the chapters before this. He was always meant to act like this, but your input and the rest of my feedback made me decide it should be a bit more severe.

Glad to hear it. Sorry for jumping to that conclusion, but again after so many bad hie that were like that, seeing it again, just made me want to vent against it. In hindsight I could have guessed that since you did have him be immune to their attempts, even the stare, which I am always happy to see fail, since it's overused and overpowered by the fandom, most of the time and confessed only to lie. That's one thing that made me decide to tough it out and see what happens. No problem and keep up the good work.

That's perfectly fine, as I've felt the need to do that numerous times before. One unfortunate part of people reading as you're still writing is setups. You try to set up for something but don't have the best way to set it up, and people aren't going to know until you muster up the motivation to keep writing, but by then it's often too late.

Boy is she going to be surprised when guess what he not a changeling and is just someone who doesn't want people chasing after him all the time. Although I was hoping to hear twilight and company get chewed out by Celestia for their behavior. How stupid do you have to be not get that you can't just capture and interrogate people not suspected of a crime.

You know, I decided to give this story a shot cause the description (and the first chapter) hit a little close to home for me. So long as it doesn't get uncomfortably close I'm going to keep reading as this is a good start, and a good start is usually a sign of a good story.

Well I was hoping for more a chewing out then you know better. I hoping for more of what you were thinking and why did you think anything you did was okay? Hopefully he can find some calm folks who won't drive him nuts. And whoever started that changeling rumor should be scolded and shamed.

At this point I would start yelling what part of leave me alone don't you understand! You have chase me all over and because I don't want to reveal anything that involves my life you insist on chasing me more and maybe it's past time you learn some manners and learn to listen when someone says they don't want to hang out with you!

Comment posted by SUPERETHAN2 deleted Feb 15th, 2022

Good work sir, It's not often I comend other's for their fics, but I tend to make exceptions for underdogs. Expecially those that try to put themslelves, or at least, a version of themsleves, into a story.

Comment posted by Theresa deleted Feb 15th, 2022
Comment posted by Demonic Lemon deleted Feb 15th, 2022
Comment posted by SUPERETHAN2 deleted Feb 10th, 2022

I have to agree with. However it is also on purpose, or at least it seems so.

Not to mention that what Dash said was just plain stupid, kinda happy Ty got pissed off by it cause I would have as well.

At this point I don't blame him for losing it and personally for the element of honesty she has a big problem with listening. Take a clue and understand that you have ruined any chances of friendship with him. Maybe if you had been patient Maybe you could have been friends but you didn't want bother to to talk with you about anything. You just insisted on doing things your way. And just because your the elements doesn't mean you get to whatever you want. Nobody bothers to hold you accountable beyond a scolding

Comment posted by SUPERETHAN2 deleted Feb 10th, 2022

Finally they are starting to get it through their heads that they behaved badly and they should leave him alone. Somehow I get the feeling he will either be a hero whether he likes it or not or the elements will change their minds about listening to fluttershy about leaving him alone. Twilight being knowledge crazy hates not knowing something and as long as she thinks she thinks she knows the right answer she focus on her mission of friendship.

Comment posted by SUPERETHAN2 deleted Feb 15th, 2022

Hmm note to self remember murby law and check what the map look like

Comment posted by Ezekiel Namuh deleted Feb 15th, 2022
Comment posted by Ezekiel Namuh deleted Feb 15th, 2022
Comment posted by White seal deleted Feb 8th, 2022
Comment posted by Ezekiel Namuh deleted Feb 8th, 2022
Comment posted by SUPERETHAN2 deleted Feb 8th, 2022
Comment posted by White seal deleted Feb 8th, 2022
Comment posted by White seal deleted Feb 8th, 2022

So this is back but no new chapter.

You posted this again with the chapters after this one removed and even deleted my comments and a few others pointing of the main problem of this fic without changing or improving on the main issue of the Mane 6 thinking they have every right to kidnap him and are entitled to answers. Fine as long as Celestia doesn't half assed chewing them out and they actually realized the error of their ways and actually have to try to earn forgiveness without it being too drawn out I will see what you do. Also love how for someone stubborn to crack that not even the stare affected him he suddenly went through a 180 and doesn't even try to refuse. It's like nothing they do works because plot until plot demands he is suddenly a push over and doesn't resist any more randomly because plot. On the plus side his answers seem to be bs. Hope you do better this time.

Comment posted by SUPERETHAN2 deleted Feb 13th, 2023

The sudden shift in POV was a little... jarring.

They kinda deserve getting scared out of their nonexistent pants considering how many times they been told not to go into the everfree alone. The adults in charge of them might want to do a better job of watching them. And accusing someone of something without the slightest bit proof is rude and stupid and mean.

Yeah, I'm sorry. The mane 6's moronic decision will be part of Ty's little conflict of, y'know, being in a cartoon about friendship, but the biggest problems I have are with myself. I am unable to deal with criticism properly because I have the emotional strength of a kindergartener. I was so flimsy and started to see every little thing as another Terrence Fletcher, then I just gave up. That combined with the fact that I'm just not a good writer. I decided to take it down in fear of the inevitable backlash I would get, but eventually put it back.

At this point, I don't know what I'm going to do. With this rate I might not be able to give it a decent conclusion or finish it at all. I've scrapped the Starlight stuff, but I might eventually finish it and release it as bonus chapters. I'm probably going to cut ahead, try and fix my pacing game, introduce someone who I've forgotten a bit. I've kinda lost where I'm going now, and the plot is going to take a ton of time and effort for me to finalize the rest(said plot will similarly be poorly put together, to the point where I won't be surprised if Ty notices. And funnily enough, this might not be the first time he switches mentality in an instant due to whatever crap he gets put through).

Sadly, I'm not completely sure how to write this story(Or if I should, but if I shouldn't you guys are entitled to let me know), but it was a nice surprise to see some readers have some hope for me. The only thing is I don't have hope for myself.

Hey you're not doing bad. In fact before you took it down I liked it. It was different from anything else that I have seen and I was looking forward to the girls learning a lesson about their behavior. The new version to me isn't as good as the old one.

It seems to be exactly the same to me or any differences at all are minor at best, so I don't know what you mean by that. Not like he completely changed the plot or anything which I wished he would have done.

You could have during the time it was down done that and perhaps rewrite it with our criticism in mind. If you want the girls to pull this crap fine but actually have Celestia properly ream into them and them actually realizing the error of their ways and actually get somewhere in the plot instead of multiple chapters of padding this basic plot point that should only take two to three chapters at most to move on from to more exciting events.

That we can agree on. It was taking too long for her to get to scolding for kidnapping and harassment. They were supposed have learn by this point that harassment in the name of friendship isn't a good thing. Plus don't judge others because they are different.

I like how you delete comments who criticize you, nobody will want to read this after they see graveyard in you're comments, also deleting mine comments who weren't even criticizing you, doing damage control hmmm?

Be ready for you're comment being deleted

Ty was going to respond, but then he looked at the narration in the last paragraph and thought, Wait, flew?

Wait, looked at the narration in the last paragraph?

It's a skill only usable by the most self-aware of cartoon characters. Even if he's literally watched the show (You can't get much more self-aware than that), it still takes a lot of effort to see part of the script you're being forced to follow. Makes me wonder why he didn't use it for something more useful... I'm not even sure if he even knows he can do it.

But for his sake, may "The Fourth" be with him.

(Or maybe It was just a stupid sentence I put in for no reason other than because I found it funny.)

Don't forget the... Weird Almighty Living Line A.K.A the Adventure Line™

(Nice Star Wars reference, here's a The Stanley Parable reference)

It's a good thing you guys are here. People that don't put up with any of the complete crap I do and tell me what I'm doing wrong. I'd like to apologize for the crap I did with the comments. The short story on that is, "I'm a massive TWAT who didn't think I was going to start writing again". I'm planning on making it up to you guys by actually figuring out what I'm trying to do with this story, and I do have an idea for the final layout. But before I do that, I'm doing some rewriting. Another apology in advance for when I inevitably screw it up.

This is the best chapter since the rewrite. And Bon bon will hopefully get scolded by her friend for attacking someone who didn't do anything to deserve it.

Thank you, I... I had no idea what this chapter even was by the time I worked up the courage to try a rewrite. I didn't understand what Bon Bon and Ty's scene would even look like.

So this helped my self-esteem a bit. Thanks again.

To be honest I completely forgot about you and your terribly paced fic a while ago and ultimately stopped caring. Go ahead and do whatever. I don't care anymore. You had your chance, but like your story you took forever to get anywhere, though I supposed you are better than the fic since it never went anywhere, assuming you keep your word, but I don't care to stick around to find out. Good luck with whatever, but I won't be here.

I agree that this is a great chapter.

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