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Urban Planner, TV Tropes contributer, and writer on the side.


(Featured December 8-10, 2021)

Three weeks after becoming Princess Twilight's pupil, Starlight discovers her mentor is undergoing a horrible existential crisis.

Princess Twilight learned of the existence of her human self, and how she was so unliked and unpopular at her school, even her principal blackmailed her. Princess Twilight fears the only reason she never had to endure these torments is not that ponies actually like her, but because she was the "beloved" student of a princess, and later princess herself, on top of her other family connections.

Starlight sits her mentor down and tells her the (true) story of her troubled past. In it, Starlight will impart on the Princess of Friendship some harsh truths about reality:

That sometimes, the bad guys can win.

That sometimes, life is unfair and ponies with connections can get ahead of you.

That sometimes, you aren't rewarded for your hard work.

That sometimes, there are ponies who don't become better people even if you show them the magic of friendship.

That sometimes, there aren't any happy endings.

But there is also such a thing as a new beginning.

This is a slight AU story in regards to Starlight's backstory and her friendship with Sunburst.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 46 )

That was so sweet!

The only reason why sunset was kinda mean to the other twilight was she did something stupid and dangerous and people almost got hurt. She should have been yelled at twice. I don't care if everyone in your school says you should do the thing that has just been proven to be dangerous doing it is incredibly stupid I can't imagine a proper word to describe how stupid it is. So cinch might have lost the games everyone would have been fine and pretty much within a year would have moved on to something else. It wouldn't have matter much once they got into the real world.

You managed to write this with only one instance of "privilege" used!
Very well written, i have not found a typo or bad grammar or a jump between tenses.

After reading the note I have to say... You kind of missed your mark.as clearly this is not a story about Twilight. This story's focus is rewriting Starlight's backstory to make her more sympathetic by making her behavior a response to abuse from others and not her own insecurities. And clearly chucks Sunburst under the bus,framing him as knowingly participating in her emotional harm. It feels more likely in cannon Sunburst in fact didn't keep in touch because he was embarrassed due to his failure in the Gifted School.
In truth Twilight is loved but also very lucky at the same time, as she grew up in a supportive environment where ponies got to know her, being in a position others automatically value allowed others to get to know her. There are ponies whom would be sycophants but her friends aren't those kind of ponies.
It's unfortunate that's lot of human Twilight's unhappiness is based on chance, and that is a real factor in one's happiness. Her happy ending came when she was able to change environments to one better suited to her needs and personality.
I understand the intention, you want Starlight to have a more justified motivation. I don't know if you ment to do it, or just ended up doing it because a more sympathetic Starlight can convince a doubtful Twilight ponies like more effectively.

Comment posted by Fecyrineu deleted Dec 9th, 2021

I haven't even read this story, but the title alone is literally my imposter syndrome.

This story makes a lot of good points. Only problem is that sometimes, you use "Starburst" in place of "Sunburst."

Spike paused as he grasped the door. When he turned around, the #1 Assistant of Twilight Sparkle was absent. In his place was Spike the Angry Dragon. "I'm gonna activate my dragon greed," Spike said with a cool menace that shook everypony present. "And when I become big, I'm gonna stomp that stupid Neighsay-"

We all know what this cals for, right? A good, old-fashioned...
Breathes in and out at accelerating speed before yelling

I like this. But it feels like you are doing the MLP script writters jobs for them, and you also threw Sunburst under the bus. Which is odd because to me Sunburst comes of as a stallion on that understand the nefarious force of magick better than everypony else but cannot actively use it due to PHYSICAL constraints on his body. Instead he figures spellcasting COMPLETLY on a theoretical and mathematical level. So he is more or less worthy of his position.

But anyway. I like this. But I'll see if I can figure out a way to convey the "It's not how you got what you got, is how you use it and who you help with it that counts". On a more concrete way, that will probably not be seen kindly because this lesson will be delivered to Twilight by the worse thing in this fandom. An OC. :pinkiegasp:

"Oh, I know what you're trying to do," Twilight said, an edge to her voice. "You're getting me all those fun things because something from me, aren't you?"

Shouldn't that read: because you want something from me, don't you?

"Put me down!" Starlight yelled in a rage. The response she got was being slammed into the wall and mocking laughter. Starlight's hopes rose when she saw Sunburst looking up. "Sunburst, help me." To Starlight's confusion, Sunburst turned away from her and trotted. "Starburst!" She yelled. Either Starburst didn't hear her over the mocking laughter of the entire lunchroom, he was too ashamed, or he just didn't care. "Starburst," she said even more quietly, but the orange colt just trotted out of the room. With that, Starlight broke down in tears, not caring about being tossed around or the fillies jeering at her.

You said 'Starburst' instead of 'Sunburst' a few times


Thank you.


Well, I feel I properly balanced giving Starlight a more "understandable" backstory, and also giving Pony Twilight a bit of a reality check about her good fortune.

If you don't feel that way...that's fine.

Thank you for taking the time to read the story anyways.



Will make the edit.

Thank you.


Will make the edit.

I really like this story and was surprised not to see more praise in the comment section. Would love to see a sequel where Neigh Say gets what’s coming to him.

At least Sci-Twi isn't missing & has friends that gave her a chance

When does this story take place? Nothing seems to be aligning, with Twilight having taken over for the royal sisters yet Pinkie not knowing about Neighsay. Pinkie would have met Neighsay at least once during the Season 8 premiere (and the Season 8 finale), so it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who they are or that Twilight had met them. Is the entire thing supposed to be considered AU? Because if so, then there needs to be some sort of foundation laid out early so that the reader knows to expect changes from canon beyond the changed backstory of Starlight.

"If I wasn't so lucky, would ponies be as mean as to me as those humans were to my human self?" Twilight yelled before collapsing into tears again. Pinkie once again returned to hug her friend, while Spike gave his sister figure a comforting "Would anypony like me if, I don't know, my horn fell off, and I couldn't do magic?! Would Princess Celestia, or anypony, care about me-,"

Once the bell rang, and all the fillies went to class. Inside the trash can

I think something is missing from these sections. There were a few other small errors in grammar and punctuation throughout the story. I would recommend having someone take a look over it before publication. There are many groups on this website that can provide someone to help proof-read.

As for the story itself... I can't say I like it. There were parts that felt far too fast, even for a one-off, and some of the phrasing used rubbed me the wrong way:

Twilight Sparkle looked at her pupil with not just sympathy but with an incredible amount of understanding. "That's why you tried to make everypony equal?" The bookworm asked her pupil. "Because you hated what a bunch of snobs did to you? And because you were angry at Sunburst for abandoning you? You thought if you made everypony equal, nothing like that would ever happen again?"

The first part could have been Shown, rather than Told, as it is supposed to be an impactful revelation. Also, he speaker and speakee remain the same in addition to the tone remaining the same meaning that "The bookworm asked her pupil" line was unnecessary. There are other instances of the former issue throughout the story that kinda ruined it for me.


This is set during the season 5 to season 6 transition, and the period between Friendship Games and Legend of Everfree.

Made those corrections.

What I never liked was the fact that Starlights backstory was far more understandable then pretty much every other villians, yet people pick on her about it. Sunset, Lunas and Discords motivations were far worse.

Also worth mentioning that Equestria Girls in general has timeline issues if you try to integrate it into the show; she has both wings and the Element of Magic, and she lost the latter in the next episode after gaining the former.

I'm not sure I'm following your criticism there. If you view both series as part of the same canon, EG1 effectively is the next episode after Magical Mystery Cure, in terms of both the continuity of the main series and the release date of the movie. Is there some reason you think the first Equestria Girls movie doesn't fit well between seasons three and four?

EQ Girls never made any sense in terms of continuity. Sunset was already a grown up pony when she went to the human world. And considering Twilight never heard of her, at least 10 years had passed since then.

It never made any sense why Sunset was a 'teenager in school in the human world.

Then you get into the can of worms that are human Celestia and Luna, when you consider that the pony versions are at least a 1000 years old.

The Alternate Universe tag is there, so I'd say it's safe to assume so. And as far as I can determine there seems to be only a few things changed:
1. Twilight sees the conditions of her mirror-world self.
2. Pinkie doesn't know Neighsay.
3. The changed backstory of Starlight.

As for the "needing to establish a foundation" part... I disagree. This is such a miniscule change in the grand scheme of things that going that far would be, arguably, unnecessary. But that's just me.

Your punishment will be writing, 'I must not tell lies

Hopefully he didn't make her use a blood quill...

If you do that, you'll get sent to jail or banished from Equestria.

And it'd give him "evidence" that non-ponies are violent brutes who should be forced out for the safety of ponies. It'd give the jackass ammunition.

Huh? As HalflingPony pointed out, the first EqG takes place between Season 3 and Season 4, when she has both wings and the Element of Magic. The second is between seasons 4 and 5 (pre-map), third between 5 and 6 (time loop). Mirror Magic is sometime after the start of season 6 but I doubt any further based on Starlight's voice lines. The final instance of Spring Breakdown is after the movie.

If time works differently in the human world vs the pony world, it would explain why so little time passes for the humans while several years pass for the ponies, although that is mere speculation on my part. Thirty moons for ponies may only be fifteen moons for humans.

I have had a harder time putting together the main series timeline with the inconsistency of the winter-themed episodes. I put season 1 to 3 over the course of two years with 3 going into Year 3, Season 4 and first-half of five in Year 3. The second-half of season 5 makes things messy though... Long story short, Tanks For The Memories is drastically out-of-order and What About Discord? happens the next year (Year 4) along with the episodes following it. The next three seasons we can put over the course of two or three years easily enough.

Ultimately, from the beginning of Equestria Girls to the Movie, at minimum 3 years have passed for ponies. If the time dilation is applied at 50%, then only a year and a half has passed for humans. At the start of Equestria Girls, the Main-7 are in year 4 of high school. In ye olden days IRL, there was a fifth year to high school (giving reason for the remaining year in school). The EqG shorts are inconsistent enough to write some off as non-canon and others as out-of-order, so we won't need to worry about them.

The ages of characters in the two series can also be written-off as extra-dimensional shenanigans we don't know about happening behind the scenes (see also: It's About Time and The Cutie Re-Mark for examples of time travel with the latter actually having the Tree of Harmony acting as the correcting force). It's up to you what you think of this, I'm just explaining it how I see it.

The issue I had with it was because I didn't know when it took place. The author thankfully cleared that up.

Besides the stuff that 11079132 pointed out, Magical Mystery Cure and the Season 4 premiere were originally concepted collectively as a 3-parter. Adding a random trip to the Crystal Empire is somewhat straining even before you account for the fact that the Crystal Mirror was there for some reason and the Empire (probably) did not exist during Sunset's time. (See also the part of that link which points out that the only time we see it in its supposed position in the throne room has so many canonicity problems that it's actually kind of ridiculous.)

See my above comment. See especially the link, which points out that there are so many inconsistencies in Sunset's backstory that you can reasonably place her in Celestia's first century of life while actively resolving some of them by doing so.

Truly excellent character piece. 👌

And Neighsay getting the shit kicked out of him was the cherry on top.

The biggest problem always came from the fact that no matter how you look at it, Twilight would have heard about Sunset long before this, yet she never did. Somepony would have mentioned it, someone, like Cadance. You can't erase something like the fact that Celestia had a student before.

She read about it in her sociology studies and newspaper scandals relating to excesses among the nobility.

How? Who owns newspapers and works in academia?

and she was happy Princess Celestia had slowly devolved her political powers over her millennium of rule.

And handled it to those guys?

You didn't just become Princess because you had magical potential. Princess Celestia made you a Princess because you worked your flank off and were a good pony.

Yeah, it's because she managed to make Celestia to like her enough.

I do have to face more unpleasant ponies than you have to, and I've seen them get away with being mean to me.

Why, BTW? She's stronk and could easily get her revenge.

"Get me some notepads! We're going to build a case against that so-called administrator!"

And the moral is don't be dick to your low class students --- they can become protege of princess later, or something.

"It is because I look like...her?" Twilight asked, describing her pony Princess counterpart, "or because you think I'm a she-demon who needs special favors?"

And the moral is be stronk and dangerous (just be smart about showing it and don't pounce on people) and status and recognition will follow.


You can't erase something like the fact that Celestia had a student before.

But you can apparently erase the fact that Celestia had a sister before. :ajbemused:
And again, having Sunset be from the era where that happened somehow solves more problems than it raises because Hasbro cares that little about having a coherent timeline.

Because a lot of people are indoctrinated to see her as communist.

She is a leveller. She is not accommunist. Neither she is a marxist, marxism is what lies in foundation of modern management theory. It wasn't meant to be applied to politics on scale of a country.

A political movement in Britain, most membert of which were summarily executed as traitors but they left a legacy. Including the foundation for American Revolution.

Or existence of Crystal Empire?

Tbh back then I assumed that Sunset was somehow trapped along with it (the location of mirror is another problem of consistency) and was from _that _ time.

I imagine Sunburst has ALWAYS felt guilty about what happened.

"-want to teach you some Love and Tolerance." The voice was kind, but the pink mare's blue eyes were icy and merciless.

Never thought Pinkie dancing around the sadist line could be so hilarious.
And satisfying! Neighsay had it COMIN'


marxism is what lies in foundation of modern management theory. It wasn't meant to be applied to politics on scale of a country.

What? :rainbowhuh:

She is a communist. The episode was pretty much an allegory to communism. It even captured the hypocrisy of marxism. It's Marxism bro.

And as you've probably guessed, I wasn't a fan of Starlight's motivation for turning evil. A friend moving away is upsetting, but I think it wouldn't drive a pony to push for equality and spitefully destroy the life of another pony with time travel.

I agree with this.

A very good story, When is the next chapter of Vanishing Act coming out?

Starlight opened her dinner. "And for dinner, some insurance statements so complicated and tedious, you'll have to work on them all night long." Starlight's smile widened. "Doesn't that sound like fun!"

There's a huge gap following this.

Twilight was taken aback by what Micro Chips was saying and frowned in uncertainty. Micro Chips put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I know what you're afraid of. I've been," Micro Chips paused as some painful memories came back, " unappreciated for my genius. We've all been there at least once in our lives. But if we didn't appreciate you," he said with a reassuring smile, we wouldn't have bothered to get you a cake."

"we wouldn't have bothered*

With that, Twilight felt herself breaking down and crying. Sunset pulled her into a hug, with the rest of the science club joining in. Twilight was upset about what she missed out on as a teenager. Upset about all the time she wasted at Crystal Prep. But she was also happy. For the first time since her parents died, she felt like she belonged somewhere.

Wait, she lost her parents!?!? :pinkiesad2:

Twilight was so lost in thought, didn't notice someone running into her, and she fell to the ground on her back. Not enough to leave a bruise, but she did feel some pain


Twilight put aside her self-pity and excuses, realizing she never tried to get to know her neighbors. Well, no more hiding in her house. Twilight Virgo Sparkle was going to put herself out there. Sunset and her friends had faith in her, so now it was time to have confidence in herself.

Since when did she have a middle name? :applejackconfused:

"A small house down there," Starlight said. Again, the beret-wearing girl frowned in a bit of self-loathing. "Sorry again, I didn't mean to,"


The rather nonsensical beatdown was fun.

The main part of the story is pretty good to.
Twilight indeed did have a fairly good hand dealt to her in life.Financial security, good schooling, remarkable connections, add then all of the stuff from the show like her "harmony castle" and I've probably seen an easy dozen of other fics where the villain points out this fact.

And yes sadly there would be pones that would only be polite/kind to Twi because they saw her as a stepping stone to Big C herself. I imagine that maybe in her early years the Princess actively shielded her from some of the nastier aspects of the nobility which in turn led her to becoming the studybug she was at show start.

As to Glimglam, I think she made a great villain, whereas most of the other big two-part seasonal baddies fit into some rather cliche nook (i.e.Tirek Brute, Sombra World Dom, etc.) Glimmy CHOSE to be bad, even if deep down she knew it. The disconnect then to her starting that all because of a childhood friend/sweetheart moving was just...lacking, or at best, mishandled. For the record I don't hate Glimmy even after her reformation but not all baddies can be fixed with a hug and a song.

There was an artist on DA that took a look at her mind and giving Equestria as a whole a darker edge made her a clinical psychopath with narcissist traits who was so utterly convinced that she deserved a happy ending that she pushed away any potential friends or loves because something would always crop up and in the end she nearly killed over it.

To be fair, Twilight also forgot about her Canterlot friends like Moondancer, Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Twinkleshine until season 5 when Spike brought them up so the idea Twilight flat out didn't know who Sunset was isn't far fetched. Especially if Celestia deliberately avoided mentioning Sunset to anyone until the first EQG film.

Pretty solid story and modification on Starlight's backstory.

Got some questions though:

So, how do you explain the scene of Starlight clearly showing Twilight and Spike her past when time traveling in this story's context? Was that a fake illusion she showed them?

Are there any MLP redeemed villains who you think did have a good backstory (knowing you definitely aren't a fan of Starlight, Juniper, Wallflower, and Vignette's backstories)? Looking at a lot of the redemptions, Sunset never really had much backstory on why she became mean in the first place (even The Fall of Sunset Shimmer comic that is only ambiguous canon at best doesn't explain much since she's already mean even before she sees the mirror), Discord definitely didn't have a backstory (until season 7 brought up "if he isn't chaotic, he'll die" thing), Trixie, Garble, Ahuizotl, Dr. Caballeron, and Chancellor Neighsay had no backstory either, and dunno how Luna, Diamond Tiara, Gilda, Babs Seed, Changelings, Stygian, Gloriosa, and Post-Crush's backstories for their antagonistic actions fared for you.

"And Sunset bullied everypony at the human school and tried to destroy me because Celestia didn't think she was ready to be a princess," Twilight added. "Yeah, becoming evil for dumb reasons happens a lot."

Thank you. My defenses for Starlight’s backstory not being so stellar but not being the case for just her only continue.

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